Avenging Christa: A Billionaire Romance (Irresistibly Mine Book 2)

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Avenging Christa: A Billionaire Romance (Irresistibly Mine Book 2) Page 9

by Tracie Delaney

  “You little sneak. How long have you been planning this?” I asked, narrowing my gaze.

  I expected him to laugh at my teasing. Instead, his mouth turned down at the edges. “I’d planned to take you and Max abroad this summer. To Europe, actually.” He shrugged, disappointment obvious in the hunch of his shoulders. “Still, there’s always next summer.”

  Providing the judge has decreed I can take Max out of the country by then.

  I released my seat belt and rose from my chair. I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up at him.

  “You don’t have to take me to fancy places. I just want to be with you.”

  He captured a lock of my hair, feeding it through his fingers. “I know. It’s one of the things I love about you. You’re not interested in my money.”

  “No.” I trailed my hand over his chest, his abdomen, then reached between his legs and cupped his junk. “But I am interested in your cock.”

  He threw back his head and laughed, growing hard in my hand. “I knew there had to be a reason you’d stuck around.”

  I grinned, glad to have erased the sadness. I didn’t like it when Dayton was unhappy, and I’d seen too much of it lately. “You’re lucky it’s big and you know what to do with it, otherwise…” I hitched a shoulder. “It’d be sayonara.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

  “Yup,” I said.

  He curved his hands underneath my ass, then hoisted my legs around his waist. He tilted his hips, rubbing his erection right where he knew it’d make me gasp. I moved in for a kiss, but the plane door opening interrupted my plans. Embarrassed to have been caught in such a compromising position, I wriggled until Dayton had no choice but to put me down. Heat rushed into my cheeks as an official-looking man averted his gaze.

  “Mr. Somers,” he said, clearing his throat. “We’ve been expecting you. May I see your passports?”

  Dayton turned his head, displeasure at the untimely interruption drawing his brows into a deep frown. “Wait outside,” he snapped.

  The guy turned beet-red, muttered an apology, and disappeared through the doorway.

  “Dayton,” I admonished, giving him my best glare. Honestly, sometimes it was like he showed one side of himself to me and a completely different side to everyone else.

  He lifted me back into position, ignoring my reprimand. “Now,” he murmured. “Where were we?”

  His tongue slid between my lips, parting them. He took control of the kiss, devouring me, making me forget that I was apart from my son, if only for a few seconds. He drew back, a wicked expression on his face. “On the return journey, get ready to join the mile-high club, Ms. Adams.”

  I grinned as he put me down. “Sir, yes, sir.” I mock saluted him.

  He nipped at my lower lip. “You can call me that later, when I’m buried inside you.”

  I snorted. “In your dreams.”

  He bent his head low, his mouth inches from mine. “I like a challenge.”

  “There’s an achievable goal, and then there’s an impossible goal.”

  He laughed and took my hand. “Shall we go?”

  He didn’t wait for an answer before heading down the metal staircase. The airport official was waiting at the bottom, head bent, like a child who had been sent to wait outside the principle’s office. Without a word, Dayton handed over our passports. The guy did his official bit, handed them back, muttered, “Welcome to Canada,” and trotted off in the direction of a low-lying white building.

  “I think you might be off his Christmas card list,” I said to Dayton who responded with a roll of his eyes.

  “Come on, the car’s waiting.”

  We got into a black limo and, as soon as we were buckled into our seats, the car pulled smoothly away.

  “Any word on Max?” I asked.

  Dayton had been in touch with Draven regularly since Sutton had picked him up last night around six, and so far, the news coming back was that Max was fine, settled, and happy. I knew Draven’s intel came from illegal sources, but I didn’t care. The only thing on my mind was Max’s welfare. Screw the law. It sure had screwed me.

  Dayton took out his phone and stared at it, occasionally tapping his finger against the screen. “Max is fine. Atwood has hired a nanny to help. Draven’s checked her out, and she’s legit.”

  I breathed out a sigh of relief, the same breath I’d exhaled every time Draven had been in contact. I was counting the hours until Max was back in my care, but as I caught Dayton’s concerned expression, the slight downward turn to his mouth, the frown lines between his brows, I forced myself to perk up. Dayton was worried enough, about me, about Max, I didn’t want to ruin this short trip for him, or for me. I needed the break as much as he did, and I knew, deep down, Max was perfectly safe. Sutton was a lot of things, but he wasn’t stupid enough to bring any harm to Max. Still, the round the clock security did offer an additional sense of reassurance.

  “So, what’re your plans, Somers?”

  He captured my hand and brought it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to my knuckles. “Have you ever seen Niagara Falls up close?”

  My mouth popped open. “You know I haven’t.” I broke into a smile. “That’s what we’re doing?” I gripped his arm and gave it an excited shake. “That’s what we’re doing!” I repeated.

  He laughed. “Yes.”

  I clapped my hands to my cheeks. “Oh my God.” And then a thought occurred to me, one that took the edge off my excitement. “Have you been before?”

  “Not like this,” he said. “I’ve flown over in a plane, but that’s it. We’re going to see them from the water, from behind the falls, and from the air in a helicopter.”

  I blinked rapidly as my eyes misted over. “This is just what I needed.” My voice broke, and I cleared my throat.

  He caressed my arm. “I know,” he said softly.

  And right there, in those two quiet words, was the reason why I loved this man so deeply. I didn’t have to explain myself for Dayton to understand my needs, to know what would bring me comfort. He got me… instinctively and completely.

  We arrived at the hotel where we’d spend that night, dropped off our things, and immediately headed out. Dayton explained we’d be doing the boat ride first, which would take us to the very edge of the Horseshoe Falls. I buzzed with excitement as he helped me aboard. We were handed a poncho each. The second Dayton slipped his over his head, I burst out laughing.

  “If your employees could see you now,” I teased, pretending to reach for my phone to snap a picture.

  He grabbed my wrist and waggled his finger in front of my face. “Don’t even think about it.”

  As the boat headed out, we received word from Draven that Sutton, Rochelle, and the nanny were at Brooklyn Bridge Park with Max. Draven had sent some pictures that I pored over. Max looked happy, his cheeks rosy, his eyes bright, his smile broad. On the one hand, seeing Max enjoying himself warmed my heart; I wanted my son to remain unaware of the intense battle being fought over him. On the other hand, I was pissed because that park had been on my list of places to take him this summer. Still, at least Sutton had taken Max somewhere, rather than keep him cooped up in a hotel room all weekend. It was far too nice to stay indoors.

  “You okay?” Dayton curved an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close.

  I nodded and painted on a bright smile. “He seems to be having a great time.”

  His mouth creased in thought. “I wish he was here with us.”

  I stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Me, too.”

  Our despondency over Max eased a little as we closed in on the magnificent waterfall. I’d seen Niagara Falls on the TV, of course, but up close was a different experience entirely. The sound of the cascading water almost deafened me, and spray soaked me in seconds. But, God, I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

  I tried to shout to Dayton, but there was no chance of being heard, so I simply snuggled against him, wrapped his arms around my
middle, and fixed my attention on the amazing, natural wonder.

  I’d thought nothing could beat the view of millions of gallons of water crashing down from over one hundred and seventy feet above me. Turned out I was wrong. The ‘Journey behind the Falls’ allowed us to explore the scenic tunnels and get a different view of the gushing waterfall, and the helicopter ride where we not only flew over Horseshoe Falls, but also Bridal Veil Falls literally sucked the breath from my lungs. How small humans were when compared with the magnificence of nature.

  We returned to the hotel later that day, tired but exhilarated. I could hardly believe we’d only flown into Canada that morning. It felt so long ago since we were on Dayton’s plane, but as great as the day had been, I was also looking forward to flying home again tomorrow—because I’d be returning to Max. Sutton was due to bring him back by six, and I couldn’t wait.

  “I’m going to take a bath before dinner,” I said, stretching my back out. “I ache all over.”

  Dayton caught my hips and pulled me closer. “Room for two?” he asked.

  “Not a chance,” I said. “A bath is something to be enjoyed alone.”

  “And here I was thinking you loved me.” He released me to reach inside his jacket pocket and remove his phone as a text came in. He glanced at the screen, frowned, then turned his attention back to me. “I need to make a quick call.”

  “Is it about Max?” I asked, my breath hitching.

  He shook his head. “It’s work, that’s all. Why don’t you go take your bath and I’ll be in to scrub your back shortly.”

  I grinned. “Okay, but remember all work and no play makes Dayton a very dull boy indeed.”

  He took a swipe at my ass, but I skipped out of his way and headed into the bathroom, laughing. I hope that call is a quick one.



  I answered my phone. “Hold on a second.” I waited for the bathroom door to click shut and the sound of running water to reach me. “This had better not be a social call.”

  Draven’s low chuckle came at me down the line. “It is, actually. I thought you might wanna go for a beer rather than bang your woman.”

  I laughed. Draven already seemed to know the right thing to say to take the edge off when I was irritated. “Fuck off. What’s the real reason?”

  “I need you to come to Seattle.”

  I rolled my neck from side to side, easing out the kinks. “Why?”

  “I may have something.”

  “Define something.” Interest spiked my heartrate, and I began to pace.

  “Suffice to say it’s got the potential to be explosive. You asked for dirt. I think I’ve found a fucking mud pit. There’s someone you need to meet.”

  My heart didn’t just beat faster with that news. It galloped, thumping against my ribcage. “I can be there Monday. Can it wait until then?” I had no idea how I’d explain to Christa if Draven needed me there immediately, but I’d think of something.

  “It’ll wait.”

  “Good. I’ll text you when I know what time I’ll be there.”

  I cut the call and tossed my phone onto the bed. I fucking knew it. I might not know what Draven had yet, but there was no way he’d drag me all the way across the country for scraps. No, whatever he’d found could be the answer I’d been hoping for.

  The sound of running water coming from the bathroom stopped. I crossed the room and opened the door. Christa was already in the bath, a towel behind her head, bubbles up to her neck.

  “Everything okay?” she asked, eyes closed.

  I reached over her and picked up a sponge. Perching on the edge of the bath, I dipped it in the hot water then squeezed it over her chest. The bubbles parted, giving me a perfect glimpse of her breasts.

  “It’s fine,” I said, repeating the action. My cock stirred to life. “But I do have to fly to the west coast first thing Monday.” I purposely avoided mentioning the city. I didn’t want her to make any connection to Atwood.

  “Make sure you bring me back some Ghirardelli chocolate,” she said, misinterpreting my destination as San Francisco, as I’d hoped.

  “Would I dare return without it?” I asked, making a mental note to pick some up before my return journey.

  “No.” She giggled. “You know me so well.”

  I palmed her breast, brushing my thumb over her nipple. It pebbled under my touch. She gave a soft sigh and thrust her chest forward. I knelt beside the bath and leaned over, pulling her erect nipple into my mouth. I sucked hard, then released her. “Still only room for one?” I asked.

  “Get in here,” she growled.

  I chuckled. Stripping off my clothes, I tossed them to one side. She shuffled forward, making room for me to get in behind her. I slid my legs either side of her. My now fully erect cock settled between her ass cheeks. I brushed her damp hair over her shoulder and traced the tip of my tongue over the nape of her neck.

  Squeezing a dollop of bodywash into my palm, I rubbed my hands together. “Do you know how sexy you are, all wet and soapy,” I said, because it wasn’t a question. It was a statement of fact.

  She murmured but didn’t respond. I hadn’t expected her to.

  I rubbed the suds over her shoulder blades, then moved down to her breasts. She placed her hands over the top of mine as I bathed her, tracing my movements. I inched beneath the water line, my palm flat against her abdomen. I continued farther down, cupping her mound. She raised her knees and parted her thighs, and I slipped my hand between them, then slid a finger between her folds. She let out a breath of air.

  “That feels so good. More like that, please.”

  I grinned, adding a second finger. I circled her clit with my thumb and nibbled her shoulder. “Want to join in?” I asked, a slight hesitation to my tone. I wasn’t sure how she’d take my request but, hell, the idea of her fingers and mine inside her made me so fucking hard.

  For a few seconds she froze. And then, tentatively, she slid her middle finger inside herself.

  “That feels weird,” she said.

  “I’m not forcing you to do anything you don’t want to.”

  “Oh no. I didn’t mean bad weird. I meant good weird.”

  I cupped her chin with my free hand and eased her head around so I could kiss her. As our tongues entwined, I upped the pace of my fingers inside her. She matched my movements, her breathing escalating the faster I went. She moaned into my mouth, and fuck, the sound tightened my balls. At this rate, I was gonna come without any direct stimulation.

  I circled my hips, and my dick got the contact it craved, sliding between the crease of her ass. She wriggled against me. Water sloshed over the top of the bath, soaking the floor. I strummed her clit, and she came, her muscles pulsing around my fingers, and hers.

  Gasping, she tore her mouth from mine. “Fuck, Dayton.”

  A rare curse spilling from her lips was enough to send me over the edge. I orgasmed, groaning, my cum mingling with the water and the bubbles, and the soft skin of her ass. I squeezed my eyes closed, my lips parting, and let out a shuddering breath.

  Gulping air into my lungs, I waited for my heartbeat to slow. I tightened my arms around her and kissed her damp hair.

  “Well, that was new,” she said, reaching behind to caress my cheek.

  “Good new?”

  She twisted her head and captured my lips once more. “Amazing new.”

  We stayed in the bath until the water cooled. I got out first, threw a towel on the floor to mop up the excess water, then helped her out.

  “Can we check on Max?”

  I’d known I wouldn’t be able to distract her for long, but my chest swelled with pride because I’d managed to give her a few minutes of peace, of pleasure. “Of course, angel. Let’s dry you off first.”

  I wrapped her in a white fluffy towel. After tying one around my waist, I picked up a third and dried her arms, her legs, her feet.

  “I feel so cherished,” she said, using my arm to maintain her balance.r />
  I curved a hand around her neck and kissed the top of her head. “That’s because you are.”

  I left her drying her hair and went to fetch her nightwear. I slipped it over her head, pulled on a pair of boxers, and turned down the bed. We got in and I picked up my phone. I opened the secure app that Draven and I were communicating through, entered the password, then read out the reports he’d been sending every hour.

  When I finished, Christa sighed and snuggled into my side. “At least he’s okay, and he’ll be home tomorrow.”

  “He will,” I said, turning out the light.

  And if Draven’s news is as explosive as he suggested, maybe this’ll be the first and last time Max has to spend a weekend with that fucking lunatic.

  Max returned home full of excitement about his weekend away. I listened to his enthusiastic chatter as Atwood gave me his smug I’ve won expression. If the stakes weren’t so high, I’d release my pent-up anger and give the fucker a beating he wouldn’t forget in a hurry.

  “I’ll see you Wednesday, Max,” Atwood said with about as much sincerity as a politician trying to persuade the voting public that they gave a shit. “And I’ll see you, of course, Christa.”

  “Actually, you won’t see Christa this week,” I said, squeezing her hand in warning. I’d made the decision on the fly. I knew she hated facing Atwood, and he reveled in the fact. He loved to needle her, and she deserved a break from having to face him. “But don’t worry. I’ll be here.” I gave him my best cold stare.

  Atwood turned to Christa with a vindictive glare. “I deal with you, not him.”

  I crouched to Max’s level. “Go with Mommy, Max. I’ll be in shortly.”

  Christa shot me a grateful look and swept Max up into her arms. He rested his head on her shoulder and played with her hair. “Come on, little man. Let’s get you something to eat, then bed.”

  I waited until I heard the click of the door behind me, and then I took a menacing step in Atwood’s direction. He stood his ground, arms hanging loose by his sides as though ready for a fight. I’d give anything, anything, to goad him into taking a swing. I’d have an excuse, then, to kick the living shit out of him.


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