Clan McKinloch: Stars, Stripes & Xmas Bells

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Clan McKinloch: Stars, Stripes & Xmas Bells Page 9

by Kaitlin Maitland

  “Oh you know, the usual. She said that she thinks of me like family, and how she and Gavin just know Trip must’ve somehow convinced me to screw him against my better judgment this past summer.” Ash stared pouring the grenadine into each glass to form the first layer of the triple-layered shots.

  Ossian swore a string of curses worthy of any ex-marine.

  “At least that’s what I’m going to take away from her conversation.” Ash’s hand began to shake as she screwed the top back on the bottle. “The alternative is to believe that your mother just accused Trip of some sort of date rape.”

  “Stop.” Oz grabbed the crème de menthe before she could begin pouring. “You’re going to make a mess.”

  His own mother had just accused his brother of something horrible, and Oz was picking now to bitch about her bartending skills? Did he actually agree with Ella’s ridiculous assumption? How could Oz believe something like that about Trip? She lifted her gaze and prepared to rip him a new one. She was so angry she didn’t care if he deserved it or not.

  He held up his hand to stop her litany. “I’m not agreeing with my mother, and I’m not suggesting you don’t have good reason to be pissed. I’m just asking that we don’t sacrifice sixteen shots on the altar of your temper. I’ll layer these. You take this tray of cocktails to the head table out there.”

  Oz’s admission calmed her just a little. He did have a point. Layering shots without mixing up the liquor took a steady hand. She didn’t like the burning sensation in her eyes. It felt too much like the sting of tears, and she did not want to cry about this.

  “Go on.” Oz gently nudged her toward the cocktail tray. “We can talk about this later. Much later if it takes that long for you to calm down. The way these damn parties are going, we’ve got all night.”

  The crack brought a smile to her face. He was right. They’d already cycled through two parties in the bar area alone, and there were two additional gatherings going on in other parts of the restaurant. It was the most wonderful time of the year, after all.

  She picked up the tray and walked out from behind the bar. This area of McKinloch’s was the oldest section of the pub. It sat several feet lower than the other portions. A big stone fireplace took up most of the wall to the right side of the room. The front windows, icy with the leavings of their winter storm, sat opposite the long bar.

  The tables had been moved around for the office party going on. Ash couldn’t remember what firm had rented out the room for their two-and-a-half-hour slot of time, but it had something to do with financial planning. Their office party organizer had arranged the tables into a narrow U shape in an effort to make conversation between everyone possible. The result created a gauntlet for the harried waitstaff.

  Carefully balancing the tray on her shoulder, Ashton navigated the middle of the U where half the customers had their backs to her and the other half were lounging in their chairs as if trying to make it impossible for her to reach the other end.

  “I’ve got some Christmas cookie cocktails here,” Ash said with forced brightness. “Anyone thirsty?”

  The guy to her right swung around. His exaggerated movement suggested he’d already had too many Christmas cocktails to begin with. She stepped hastily backward to avoid dumping the tray in his lap and banged her left hip into another customer.

  “What the fuck?” The man she’d bumped had a loud voice that carried over the party’s din. “Watch where you’re moving that double-wide ass.” He stood up so quickly that his chair hit the guy beside him.

  “Damn, Charlie. What’s your problem?”

  Charlie was tall and angular. She supposed he might be considered attractive if you liked preppy assholes. She didn’t. “I’m sorry about that. These chairs are really close together.”

  “Are they really? Or are they just set up for regular-sized people instead of supersized fat chicks?” Charlie sneered.

  His buddy laughed. “We should keep them set like this and get Jason over here. He’s a chubby chaser. He’d appreciate a fat chick trap.”

  Ash forcefully swallowed back the urge to fling the contents of her tray into their faces. “Could I please just deliver these drinks and leave? I didn’t mean to interrupt your party.”

  Charlie’s blue gaze raked her full figure from head to toe. “Fine, but next time make that beeping noise when you’re backing that thing up.”

  TRIP HAD ONLY felt this cold sense of purpose snaking down his spine when he was in the cockpit of his jet. It allowed him to be decisive when everything around him went to hell.

  This situation absolutely qualified as one of those times. He’d kicked the snow off his shoes and walked through the kitchen just in time to enter the bar and hear the skinny financial planners mocking Ashton’s curvy figure. Never in his life had Trip heard someone insult a woman so blatantly and without apology. The fact that it was Ashton being abused made the slight that much more reprehensible.

  “Trip, what are you up to?” Ossian asked.

  Trip nodded in the direction of the jerks keeping Ashton from doing her job. “You didn’t hear that?”

  Oz wiped his hands on a towel. “Hear what?”

  “Hey, you.” Trip walked right into the middle of the action. “Charlie, is it?”

  The guy turned and gave Trip an arrogant once-over. “What’s it to you?”

  Trip didn’t miss the grateful gleam in Ashton’s eyes. He smiled in what he hoped was a reassuring way. “Darlin’, just put the drinks on the table. If they want to behave like this, they can sort it out.”

  Her tight nod told him she was close to losing it. When she turned away to unload the cocktails, Charlie’s buddy pointed to her backside and elbowed him. They snickered. Trip sensed his brother before Ossian walked up behind him.

  “Now that’s just not appropriate behavior, boys.” Ossian’s voice had slid into the warning tone he reserved for drunken customers.

  “It’s a free country,” Charlie argued. “I can say what I want.”

  Ossian tensed. After spending more than ten years in the air force and the last six flying in and out of combat zones, Trip understood his brother’s instant anger. Ossian had been a marine for six years. He’d been through horrific combat. The two of them had risked their lives to preserve freedom and democracy. So what? So this asshole could insult Ashton?

  Trip sighed. Yes. That’s exactly what they’d fought for. Which was why Ash was so vitally important to him. She was proof positive that he and his brother hadn’t put themselves in danger for nothing.

  “You’re right,” Ossian said. “You do have the freedom to make tasteless, ignorant comments like that one. Just remember that free speech comes with consequences.”

  Trip snagged Ashton’s arm and tucked her in close to his body. “Are you all right?” He brushed his fingertips over her cheek.

  Charlie whistled. “I think someone already utilized the fat chick trap. We’ll have to tell Jason he’s out of luck.”

  Ashton’s green eyes filled with tears, and she bolted from the room. Trip had never been so angry with another person in his life. Trip stepped forward, he got right in the guy’s face. He gave Charlie something the other guys in his command called his “captain stare.”

  “Back off.” Charlie lashed out, but Trip batted the blow away as if he were dealing with a small child.

  “What is your problem, you spineless moron?” Trip pitched his voice to drown out every other party sound in the room. “Are you afraid of her? Look at you. You’re so scrawny I could break you in two with my bare hands. Emasculated pansy-assed prick who sits behind a computer all day and uses his bankcard instead of his man card. You’re not worth my time any more than you’re worth her time. Someday you’re going to wonder why you’ve got nothing but your Viagra prescription for company, and you’ll remember this moment.”

  Ossian lunged halfheartedly at Charlie, and the smaller man yelped like a puppy. “Until then? Both of you get the fuck out of here and don’t com
e back!” Oz yelled the words at Charlie’s retreating back.

  “You good?” Trip asked his brother.

  The expression on Ossian’s face could have peeled paint. “Yeah. Go find her.”

  Chapter Ten

  December 24—10:45 p.m.

  How apropos. She was going to freeze to death on Christmas Eve, outside, all alone, drowning in self-pity. Was there anything more pathetic?

  Ashton sniffed and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her Henley. Her thick jeans and layered shirts weren’t doing that much to keep the damp winter air from freezing her solid. Pretty soon she’d have no choice but to go inside and get back to work.

  Why hadn’t she listened to her own arguments against being with Trip? Just last night, hadn’t she told him that people would always look at them and wonder why someone like him was with her? It must have been humiliating to have reality thrust so forcefully in his face. Surely he’d get it now. He’d politely tell her guys like that were nothing but assholes, and then he’d make some excuse about not wanting to put her in an awkward position or something equally ridiculous, and then he’d walk away.

  “You’re going to freeze out here, darlin’.” He slipped her coat over her shoulders before she even knew he was there.

  She took a deep breath and prepared to tell him that everything was fine. “Thanks, but you don’t have to coddle me.”

  “This doesn’t make you right about that—what did you call it—the attractiveness quotient?”

  She faced him. Had any guy on the planet been blessed with such a perfect combination of features? His dark eyes were so warm and inviting. The change from his uniform to his blue button-down and black slacks was mouthwatering. His pants were just snug enough to show off the hard planes of his gorgeous butt, and she could see the hint of a bulge in his crotch. His shoulders looked strong and broad beneath his black leather jacket, and the color of his shirt made his tanned complexion glow with vitality.

  “I’ve always been the bad one, you know,” Trip said suddenly. “Ossian is a great guy, and I love my brother, but he’s a hard act to follow.”

  “Why did he only spend six years in the Marines? Why not go career?” The question popped out, even though Ash would have rather just gotten on with their inevitable breakup.

  Trip shrugged. “You’d have to ask Oz. He never said.”

  “But it made your family happy.” She wondered how much harder that made it for Trip. Ella would never understand why Trip stayed in when Ossian had made the choice to get out.

  “I’m not like my brothers. I never have been, and I never will be. It drives my parents nuts. They see me like some perpetual teenager, running all over the world and refusing to settle down. They don’t see it as a service. They don’t see it as a job I’m good at. They just see it as a McKinloch shirking his duty to home and family.” Trip pulled her into his arms. She let him. It was cold, and he felt so warm and secure. She wished he was hers so she could stay there forever. “I’ve never felt comfortable in my own skin until I met you, Ashton.”

  She blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Its just hormones.”

  “Why do you keep refusing to see this for what it is?”

  He looked hurt. She hated to think she was responsible for that after everything he’d done for her. “Trip, in a few days you’ll be gone. It won’t matter anyway.”

  “Then come with me.”

  A lurch in her midsection made her weak-kneed. Clutching his arms, she tried to make the world stop spinning. She was so confused! Stuff like this did not happen to people like her.

  “I love you, Ashton. I do.” The way he was staring down at her, it was hard not to believe him. “I know this has all happened so fast, but I think I knew that first night.” He chuckled. “Hell, I knew the first time I kissed you that I would never be the same again.”

  Charlie and his friend’s taunts rang in her ears. “But…”

  “I love every inch of this.” Trip slid his hands down to cup her ass. He pulled her firmly against him until the unmistakable bulge in his groin was cradled against the apex of her thighs. She could feel his heat through his slacks and her jeans. “And don’t tell me you can’t feel how much I love your body. My cock is about to bust through my fly trying to get closer to you.”

  Reality flooded her with doubts. “I can’t go to Germany with you. I—how—I can’t just get on a plane and go.” Oh but she wanted to! Visions of Europe danced in her head.

  “Yes, you can.” He reached into the inside pocket of his coat and withdrew a long envelope. “I was going to wait until Christmas, but I think I can give this to you a few hours early.”

  The thick envelope was cool in her hands. She knew she should just hand it back, but she couldn’t. She wanted to know if it held what she thought—even hoped—it did. Her heart began to pound as she pulled out the contents. The slick folder was stamped with the Lufthansa Airlines logo.

  “I didn’t want you to travel alone.” His tone was apologetic. He’d just handed her a trip to Germany, and he was apologizing? “I have to be back for briefing in three days, which doesn’t give you much time, but—”

  She threw her arms around his neck and held tight. He was crazy, but he was her kind of crazy. “This is idiotic, and I should be committed for going along with it, but I can’t believe you’d do something like this for me.”

  “I love you. I don’t know what part of that you don’t understand.”

  His heart was thumping against her, beating just as wildly as her own. He had already said the words. Now it was her turn. She swallowed back her fear. “I love you too. I really do. And I don’t even understand how that’s possible.”

  He made a deep noise of satisfaction, and then he kissed her. She sank into the contact and drew her nails along his nape. Not even the cool air buffeting their bodies could touch the heat between them. He thrust his tongue between her teeth, exploring, testing, tasting, and demanding every ounce of passion she had to give.

  How she loved this man! Everything about him was made to order for her. It didn’t make sense. And maybe it didn’t have to.

  ONE MINUTE, TRIP was kissing the woman he loved. The next they were ripped apart.

  “You filthy bastard.” Gavin spat the words as he shoved Trip away from Ashton.

  Trip hadn’t seen or heard his brother come into the garden, but the kitchen door was hanging half-open behind Gavin’s bulky body. The youngest McKinloch brother was a few inches taller than Trip but carried less muscle on his leaner frame. Regardless of their differences in size, Trip’s training had left him fully capable of incapacitating Gavin. That didn’t mean he wanted to.

  “Let’s talk, Gavin. We don’t need to act like idiots.” Trip realized there was nothing he could say that would make his brother see reason.

  “Idiots?” Gavin snarled. “You’re playing with her. You did it with Kelli and then again with Cynthia. I’m not going to let you do it to Ashton.”

  “I’m not playing with her. I love her.” Trip sidestepped over the icy bricks, trying to lead his brother away from Ashton. He didn’t want her to be inadvertently hurt if he and Gavin ended up brawling like teenagers.

  Donal’s head popped out of the kitchen. “What the hell is going on out here?”

  “Go back to work, Donal,” Gavin said over his shoulder.

  Donal disappeared, but Trip doubted he would just forget what he’d seen. There was very little time to defuse the bomb about to blow up in his face. Just when he was ready to give it another go, Ashton stepped between him and Gavin. Trip’s heart stopped.

  “I love Trip, Gavin,” she told him. “I have since the moment I met him.”

  Trip inhaled sharply when his brother focused hotly on Ashton. Gavin’s outrage was palpable. “How is that possible? You’re just going to hang all your hopes on good sex? I thought you were smarter than that.”

  Trip bristled at the insinuation, a growl ripping from his throat.

shushed him with a look before turning back to Gavin. “It isn’t just sex. And I wouldn’t throw away my life for any kind of sex, thank you. Trip and I get each other. I can’t explain it. We just click. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. I’m sure I’ll get mad and think he’s a bonehead. And I’m bound to piss him off at some point too, but we’ll deal with that.”

  “Great. So I’m just supposed to watch my perfect woman begin a committed relationship with my brother?” Gavin’s voice was laced with bitterness.

  She took a step closer to him, as if she wanted to reach out and make contact but was afraid to take the chance. “I’m not perfect for you. You only thought I was. The girl for you is still out there.”

  Gavin looked from her to Trip. “And you’re going to what? Wait for him to eventually come home from Germany? He’s always going to be hopping around from post to post.” Gavin curled his lip, sneering at his brother. “Just like you hop from bed to bed. Did you tell her the truth about your short attention span? Maybe I’m going about this all wrong. Maybe I should take up with another woman. You’ll drop Ashton like yesterday’s news and go after the new piece of tail, and I’ll be there to pick up the pieces.”

  Trip’s heart ached for all of the pain he’d caused his little brother. “I never meant to hurt you, Gavin.”

  “And yet you continue to do it.” Gavin scoffed, slicing one hand through the air for emphasis. “Screw you both.” He focused on Ashton. “Don’t come crying to me when he never bothers to call between visits. He’ll breeze in and out of your life like the wind.”

  “I’m going with him,” Ashton said.

  Trip closed the distance between him and Ashton, pulling her snug against his body. “I’m taking her to Germany with me.”

  Their mother came through the kitchen door, wrapping a thick shawl around her shoulders. “Aiden, don’t drag this poor girl halfway around the world with you. Let her be!”

  “He’s not dragging me, Ella. He asked and I accepted.” Ashton’s voice was so steady Trip would’ve thought she was utterly confident if she hadn’t been digging her nails into his jacket.


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