Simulated bliss. That is what my life has become.
Chapter 5: Charley
One week since Madison left. One week since the kiss. One week of going through life feeling like I was turning my back on something incredible. I started working and picking up extra shifts when I could. My environment was crashing around me. My parents hardly spoke to me. I could tell there was anger and hurt which hadn’t faded. If they would have just yelled at me, told me I was shit, and threw me out of the house, I would have understood. The disappointment was worse and living beneath it made me want to crawl under my bed and hide every time one of them passed my room. No matter how much I tried, I just couldn’t forget the kiss. I couldn’t forget the way it made me feel. Madison was all I really had in the world that made sense and if I lost her, I wasn’t sure I could go on. Having sex with her father would be betrayal. If she found out, she would never speak to me again. If I somehow damaged her relationship with her father—I couldn’t live with that thought.
The gorgeous man of my dreams will just have to stay in my dreams.
I finished work on Friday afternoon and found out my parents had decided to go out on a date. They didn’t tell me, of course, but they left a note in the kitchen on top of a pack of ramen noodles. They never went out—at all. I couldn’t remember the last time they went out to dinner or even watched a movie that wasn’t on Netflix or HBO. I wondered if they decided to just go out because of me. I wondered if I was so terrible that they couldn’t even stomach the thought of sharing a meal with me. I made my ramen in the microwave and walked down the hallway to my room. I ate dinner hunched over my laptop, flipping through social media. Madison was happy, getting settled into school for the new semester, and posting every detail online. All of the people I went to high school were either in college or married with children—some even had more than one child. I was the one stuck in the past, working the same job I had in high school, with no marriage proposal on the table, or education in my future.
I guess I’ll just read.
I picked up my Kindle and started looking through the Amazon store, trying to find something that would pique my interest. None of my favorite authors had released anything recently, so I started digging in the romance section where I normally found something to entertain me for a few hours. Every book I scrolled past somehow reminded me of Mr. Vance. Books about single fathers, men next door, and even some of the naughtier books made me think of him. I settled for a billionaire romance since he definitely wasn’t rich, but by the third page, I was already picturing Mr. Vance’s face on the main character. There was simply no way I could get him out of my head. I turned the pages, reading it pretty quickly, even though I couldn’t picture anyone except Madison’s father as the muscle-bound hunk that worked tirelessly to seduce the young woman he was interested in. My pussy tingled and I found my fingers moving down into my shorts.
“Oh God…” I muttered as my fingers moved closer to my clitoris.
It had been a while since I pleasured myself. The last two times had been after a night of drinking and I wasn’t even sure I climaxed—if I did, I didn’t remember it the next morning. When my fingers got to my pussy, I found it wet and practically gushing with desire for the man I couldn’t get out of my head. I rubbed along the inside of my labia a few times and then started pushing my shorts down. If my parents were out for the night, then there was no reason to masturbate silently under the covers with my panties on. I slid my shorts and panties to my ankles and kicked them off, spreading my legs wide as I moved my fingers back to my wetness. I hardly cared about the story anymore. All I could think about was the kiss and how close I came to losing my virginity to Mr. Vance. If Madison hadn’t sent her text message, I would no longer be a virgin. My pussy would have been his. My fingers played out the fantasy, moving down to the opening of my pussy and entering my tightness.
“You can be the first man to fuck me, Mr. Vance.” I whispered in a hushed tone, followed by a moan.
Call me, Erik. Words he never said played out in my head.
“Oh Erik…” I pushed my fingers against my hymen and started sliding my finger into the tight area between the entrance of my pussy and webbing of my virginity.
I imagined his cock going inside of me instead of my finger, but without shattering my hymen, I couldn’t get very much satisfaction. It felt good, but it was nowhere near as sensitive as my clitoris. I worked my fingers back up to the hard bundle of nerves that had started to swell with anticipation. I pushed the hood away and rubbed the finger that had been inside of me on the pleasure point. It instantly ignited a fire inside of me that started to build up even more as I rubbed my finger in a circle around the outside of my clit. I imagined the fury of Erik’s kiss and ran my tongue lightly on my lips. I imagined the way he squeezed my breast, and used my hand that wasn’t rubbing my clitoris to squeeze the same breast he touched. I fondled my breast through my shirt and then pulled the fabric up so I could rub the nipple that got hard when I touched it. I was deep inside the fantasy. My whole body started to writhe and move as I imagined his naked body moving against my flesh as he started to pound my pussy with his cock.
“Don’t stop…” I begged through clenched teeth. “It feels so good.”
I’m not going to stop. I’m going to fuck you until you cum. The voice in my head created the words I wanted to hear.
I felt the pressure building up. I was so close to an orgasm I could feel the heat practically burning through my abdomen. My body continued to writhe as I moaned, grinding my pelvis into my finger as I rubbed my clitoris. I could taste his kiss again. I could feel the intensity of the lust we both shared on his couch. I rubbed faster and faster until I felt the explosion begin inside of me. My pussy began to spasm and my muscles tightened up as my orgasm surged through my body. It was like feeling it for the first time, with so much intensity I thought it wasn’t going to stop. I rubbed harder, feeling the passion of our bodies colliding together in my imagination. I moaned so much I was almost panting, feeling a light sweat forming across my body. I rubbed until there was nothing left and my body was weak. I stared at the ceiling, feeling every nerve in my body slowly returning to normal. My eyes were heavy as I lay in a pool of my own lust, pretending it was created by our lovemaking. The orgasm seemed to sap all of my strength as I lay in the afterglow.
“Hold me…” I pulled the pillow from the other side of my bed over and wrapped myself around it, pretending it was him that I was snuggled against.
How am I ever going to get him out of my head?
Chapter 6: Erik
One kiss shouldn’t change the world. The sight of a beautiful naked woman shouldn’t stomp a hole in your reality. Forgetting Charley was the only option I had and in order to do that, I had to find something more distracting than liquor. I needed to get laid. I didn’t just need to fuck someone, I needed the filthy stuff. I needed a girl that would let me pull her hair, smack her ass, and fuck every hole until my cock couldn’t take another thrust. Someone like that would leave me tired, sore, and I wouldn’t give a shit about anyone when I was done. I could coast from pussy to pussy until I had my fill and Charley was a distant memory. Drinking hadn’t worked. Jacking off barely rubbed the edge of my lust. It was time to take things up a notch and try to figure out exactly what kind of dirty things I had to do in order to forget that I was a terrible pervert with my desires resting with someone young enough to be my daughter.
Okay, let’s do this.
It had been a long time since I had even gone to a bar. Occasionally, I would feel obligated to have a drink with coworkers, but that usually just led to an early bedtime. Madison’s mother was pregnant before I was old enough to legally drink, so I didn’t exactly have the life of most men in their early twenties—especially men that didn’t have a wife or girlfriend at home. I loved being Madison’s father and I had no regrets about spending my youth raising her, but with her out of the house and away at college, it was long past time for me
to stop spending the evenings alone. The interaction with Charley was a wake-up call, if nothing else. I drove downtown to a fairly sleazy bar that wasn’t known for much more than cheap drinks and cheaper women—a few guys I knew from work used to talk it up when I was climbing the power poles. I pushed open the door and walked inside, surveying the scene from corner to corner in hopes of finding someone to catch my eye. Nobody really did, so I sat down at the bar.
“Can I get a beer?” I pulled a few dollars out of my pocket and placed them on the bar.
“Draft or bottled?” The bartender was a plump older man with almost hollow eyes set beneath white curls that hung past his eyebrows.
“Draft is fine.” I pointed towards the line of taps. “Bud Light.”
“Coming right up.” He knocked on the bar and grabbed my money before walking over to the taps.
The drinks appeared to be the only thing still wet in the bar. It seemed like the stories from my past had dried up, along with the patrons. When I was able to get a good look at the entire scene, I didn’t see a single person in the whole bar that appeared to be anywhere near my age. One beer was definitely going to be my limit. If I wanted to salvage the night, I was going to have to find somewhere else to find companionship. I turned back towards the bartender and watched as he poured a tall glass of Bud Light. I usually preferred something stronger, but I wanted to find a good prospect to keep my bed warm before I started throwing them back. The only woman who even seemed to be alone was at the end of the bar, and she definitely wasn’t attractive. On top of that, she appeared to be talking to herself or her glass of beer—neither of which were exactly good signs. The bartender finally brought over my beer and put it down.
“Thank you.” I nodded and picked it up.
“So are you running from a woman or looking for one?” The bartender grinned, splitting his pudgy lips with a smile.
“I guess you could say it is a little of both.” I shrugged and sipped the beer.
“You’re in the right place to hide, but we don’t get many single women around here anymore. It’s mostly just regulars.” He picked up a glass that was tucked under the bar and gulped down what appeared to be whiskey.
“I thought this place was a little more lively.” I looked around the bar again and then back at him.
“Yeah, we used to be, but we’re not hip or hop or whatever the kids think is cool now.” He chuckled and took another drink. “Works for me. These guys drink enough to keep the place going and I drink for free. I like the tranquility.”
“I was looking for something different…” I stared at my glass and then raised it to my lips again.
“You sure about that?” He took my beer and refilled it the second I sat it down, even though I had barely finished a quarter of it. “I see your type from time to time. What is it? Did you have a big fight with the missus and you just went looking for the first neon sign?”
“Not quite…” I sighed and took a bigger sip from my refilled beer. “I’m not married or anything, I just got interested in the wrong woman.”
“A married woman? I been there.” He chuckled again and started refilling his drink.
“Not married, just not really someone I can get involved with.” I decided it was time to finish my beer and get going, so I started drinking it a little faster, holding onto it so he couldn’t try to whisk it away for a refill.
“Those are the only women that are fun.” He leaned against the bar and narrowed his eyes at me.
“Maybe…” I let out a sigh and kept drinking.
“If you want to torture yourself, be my guest, but I wouldn’t trade a single woman I shouldn’t have gotten involved with for a million cheap fucks—I always liked living on the edge.” He reached for my glass.
“I think this is the last sip for me.” I finished the beer and pushed the empty glass towards him.
“I hope you find what you’re looking for. If not, we always have cold beer on tap.” He took the glass and dropped it in the sink.
“Thanks.” I dropped a few more dollars on the bar and headed for the exit.
I sat down behind the steering wheel and let out a long sigh as I considered my options. My first attempt at cheap pussy had been an ultimate failure, but there were other bars. I certainly didn’t have to stop looking. I could give it another shot at a seedier bar, or maybe go uptown and try to land a classier woman with a wild side. None of it felt right. Perhaps it was the watered-down beer that didn’t sit right on my stomach or it was just the apathy of realizing I was ultimately going to end up with someone who couldn’t scratch my itch. I cranked up my car and started driving home. I knew I should have taken the right turn that took me home, but I couldn’t help myself. I hit the left blinker and took the turn that carried me right past Charley’s house. I let the car crawl as I rolled down her street. It wasn’t late, but every light was off, but I could see the flashing of a television through the front curtains.. Her car was the only one in the driveway—she was home alone.
Do I dare? She made it pretty clear that she didn’t want to take it any further—is it worth another rejection just to satisfy my curiosity?
“Fuck it,” I muttered as I slammed the gear shift in park and stepped out of my car. “I know what I want.”
Chapter 7: Charley
Wallowing in self-pity and remorse seemed to be the life I lived between shifts at work. I hated myself for even letting Mr. Vance kiss me, yet I still wanted him more than I had wanted anything before. It made no sense. I had known him most of my life, and I had a never-ending crush, but it was a safe crush. Feeling his lips on mine combined with the desire of his touch took everything to a different level. It brought that fantasy out of my head and into the real world with all of the complications that went with it. The people I depended on, my parents, were still ignoring me. They were out again for the second straight weekend. I wasn’t expecting to have a conversation with them about Madison’s father, but it would have been nice to bounce random ideas off them or just have some sort of normal affection. The absence of it all was just killing me. When my shift was done at work, I went home and curled up on the couch. I was ready to just lay there without moving until I had to work again when there was a sudden pounding at my door.
“Charley, are you in there?” It was Mr. Vance’s voice.
He’s here? Why is he here?
“Mr. Vance?” I sat up on the couch and ran to the door, looking through the peephole to see him staring right back through it.
“Open up, we need to talk.” His words were firm, almost commanding.
“I don’t think that is a good idea.” I leaned my forehead against the door and grimaced from being so close to him, yet I knew couldn’t open the door and trust myself to restrain my desires.
“Why?” He tapped the door lightly. “Are you struggling with this as much as I am?”
“We can’t do this.” I looked through the peephole again and saw him with his head pressed to the door, much like mine was moments before.
“I don’t care if it is wrong. I don’t care what kind of complications it creates. I want you.” He kept tapping, picking up the pace. “Let me in.”
“Mr. Vance…” I muttered, feeling my hands tremble against the door.
“Call me Erik.” His words echoed in my head, just like they did in my fantasy. My mental defenses started breaking down. I felt my fingers moving towards the deadbolt.
Don’t do this. Think of Madison. Think of all the reasons it is wrong.
Everything that made any sort of relationship between us wrong started flashing in my head like a kaleidoscope of misery. I knew I shouldn’t open the door. I knew it was the biggest mistake I could ever make, because once it was open, there would be no Madison to text me and say she was on her way. If the previous weekend was any indication, it would be hours before my parents showed up. I didn’t trust my own willpower. My own willpower couldn’t even hold my hand steady. It couldn’t stop me from twisting the deadbo
lt and hearing the click echo in my head. He heard it too. When the deadbolt turned, he took a step back from the door and even though he couldn’t see me through the peephole, it felt like he was staring into my soul. My fingers moved the simple turn lock on the doorknob. One twist and the barrier between us would be gone. My brain hesitated but my fingers did not. They turned the lock and squeezed the doorknob. With a turn that felt like it was being resisted by the weight of the world, the door opened and I was staring directly at him.
“This is going to change everything.” It was my final plea of resistance, a verbal barrier that didn’t even slow him down as he started moving towards me.
“I don’t give a fuck.” He wrapped one hand around my waist and another around the back of my neck, pulling our bodies together.
Our second kiss was just as explosive as the first. The fury of our lips connecting and the way his tongue started to ravage my mouth made me forget all of the reasons it was wrong. It felt right—beyond right. Our lips formed a seal and he squeezed my hair while he continued to kiss me. I sank into his arms as he pulled me so close that there was nothing between us but the fabric of our clothes. His hand broke that barrier as he started moving underneath my shirt and sliding up my back. I didn’t feel very attractive in my pajamas and ponytail after a day working retail, but he didn’t seem to care one bit. His kiss had a faint hint of beer, but he didn’t seem to be drunk. As he kissed my lips and caressed my back with his hand, I moved my fingers up his arms and pushed the suit jacket he was wearing off of his shoulders. My body was burning with desire and could feel the heat resonating from his as well. His cock started to swell against my abdomen with the same lust I felt when we were on his couch the last time we were together.
Mr. B.F.D.: Single Dad & Virgin Romance Page 3