Death by Seduction

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Death by Seduction Page 15

by Jaden Skye

  “What are you telling me, Angela? “ Cindy felt increasingly agitated.

  “If you want to find the killer, follow the money trail,” Angela whispered. “Who knows what Pete did with his money? He could have been into weird deals, or for all we know he

  could have given it to one of the prostitutes who had him by the throat.”

  Cindy shuddered.

  “I know it’s horrible and ugly,” said Angela, “but someone has to say it as it is. Someone has to face the truth.”

  “What is Loretta’s father doing about this?” Cindy was suddenly struck by the fact that it was his money that had been lost. “Does he realize the real estate company has no record of the down payment?”

  “Of course he does,” Angela smiled with relief. “He’s a smart man and he’s on it, big time. He’s even gotten the police involved. Henry actually believes that the real estate company stole the money he gave Pete and Loretta and then had Pete killed.”

  “That’s quite an accusation,” Cindy took it all in.

  “Henry even wonders now if Pete was in cahoots with the real estate company? It doesn’t make sense that Pete would give them the money and it would just disappear. Were they both in a scam to steal from him? The cops are putting heat on the real estate company as we speak, checking into the books.”

  “Oh my goodness,” said Cindy. “Taylor’s also checking.”

  “Taylor, who? Pete’s brother?” asked Angela alarmed.

  “Yes, what’s wrong with that?” Cindy was shaken.

  “Taylor’s a woman hater and a madman, “Angela breathed. “You can’t trust him. He hates Loretta like poison, too, always has.”

  “That’s doesn’t make him a madman,” Cindy responded.

  “No, I guess not,” Angela stopped walking as they stood under the towering gaze of another Patron Saint. “But why is Taylor involved in the investigation at all? I’m sure Loretta never asked him to help her.”

  “Taylor’s brother was killed,” said Cindy slowly. “It makes perfect sense that he’d do all he could to find the murderer.”

  “Yes, I guess it does,” Angela relented.

  “It’s good to have pressure put on the real estate company,” Cindy commented. “I don’t know how they thought one hundred thousand could go missing and no one would want to find out where it was?”

  “Me neither,” said Angela. “Loretta’s father planned to tell her he was checking into what happened to the deposit, but then decided not to. Loretta’s been drinking a lot more than she should again now. Even though it’s understandable, she promised her father she wouldn’t,” Angela’s voice dropped to a confidential whisper. “Loretta drinking makes Henry nuts.”

  “Loretta’s had a drinking problem in the past?” Cindy wanted to be definite about it.

  “She’s been in rehab a couple of times,” Angela spoke so softly, Cindy could barely hear her. “Her father’s walked her through every step of the way and blamed Pete for it, completely,” Angela went on.

  “Sounds like he blamed Pete for everything that went wrong in Loretta’s life,” Cindy exclaimed.

  “You can say that again,” said Angela. “Every single thing.”

  “Should I talk to Henry again?” Cindy stopped and confronted Angela directly.

  “For what reason?” Angela became uneasy. “I’m telling you everything you need to know. Why upset him more?”

  “Is there anything he may know that I’m not aware of?” Cindy zoned in intensely.

  “Absolutely nothing, I promise you,” said Angela. “I’ve become like a daughter to Henry myself. He knows I love and look after Loretta and there’s nothing he hides from me, nothing at all. I promise you.”

  When Cindy and Angela parted they promised each other they’d stay in close touch. Cindy thanked Angela profusely for her invaluable help.

  “You’re a terrific woman, Angela,” Cindy exclaimed.

  “So are you,” said Angela. “Please hurry and get this case tied up. I want to take Loretta back home so she can stop drinking and start to settle down.”


  Cindy was grateful to be back in her hotel room alone. She stepped out onto the patio and let the wet winds blow on her relentlessly, cooling and soothing her. There was nothing like the smell of the ocean to clear her mind and make her feel settled. She lay down on a lounge chair and tried to unwind.

  The strands of the case began intertwining in her mind. Right now all focus was on the real estate company and the money trail. That made sense of course, but Cindy couldn’t shrug off the feeling that there was more to this, another layer she wasn’t yet in touch with. Pete was certainly not the husband Loretta had presented, and the intensity of Loretta’s drinking problem was most likely due to that. But that was not unusual, many abused women presented a strong front to the world and to themselves.

  But Loretta and Pete had come down to the Dominical Republic to reconcile, buy a place together, grow closer. At least according to Loretta. But from what Cindy knew about Pete, he lived on the sly, was probably been seeing prostitutes all the while. Clearly, Loretta knew nothing about Pete’s addiction. Who else down here would have been bothered enough by his behavior to kill him? Aside from the money trail, was it possible that Pete had upset one of the prostitutes he saw enough for them to take revenge? Had he stepped out of line somewhere? If anyone had an answer to that, it would be Pete’s brother Taylor.

  Cindy was just about to lean over, pick up the phone to call Taylor, when it rang.

  “I’m here at the airport,” a male voice started, “just landed.”

  Cindy shivered from head to toe. It was Mattheus. “What are you talking about? What do you mean?” she breathed.

  “You don’t sound especially glad to hear it,” Mattheus responded.

  “I’m shocked,” Cindy replied. “You didn’t say anything about coming here.”

  “Of course I did, you just didn’t pay attention,” said Mattheus. “I asked you if you wanted me to come down and help?”

  “And I recall saying that it’s was fine. I didn’t need it,” Cindy suddenly recalled.

  “No, you didn’t say you didn’t need it,” Mattheus replied, “you did say you were fine. I didn’t believe you. I told you I was worried.”

  “Yes, you did say that,” Cindy relented.

  “ I also said I was thinking of going to live with my daughter and couldn’t bring myself to do it,” Mattheus continued quickly.

  Cindy remembered all of it now as the knot in her chest grew tighter.

  “I can’t stand thinking of you in possible danger,” Mattheus’s voice grew stronger. “I can’t live like that.”

  “Mattheus,” Cindy wanted to interrupt, but he wouldn’t let her.

  “I love you Cindy and I always will, whether or not you want me,” he exclaimed.

  Suddenly, hot tears filled Cindy’s eyes.

  “I’ve taken a room at your hotel on another floor. I’m not pushing myself on you. You don’t have to see me,” Mattheus went on. “I’ve been in touch with the police down there for a while though, and now I’m jumping in.”

  Cindy was breathless, unsure of whether she was outraged or thrilled. Probably both, she decided.

  “We can be in touch about information by phone,” Mattheus continued, and then waited a long moment to see how Cindy would respond.

  I love you too, Mattheus, Cindy wanted to say, but the words would not come out.

  “Thank you for caring so much,” Cindy said instead, completely flummoxed.

  “Okay, then, I get it,” said Mattheus. “You’re not suggesting I come and see you right away so I’ll keep in touch with you about progress via the phone.”

  Then he quickly hung up, leaving Cindy’s heart beating wildly as she gazed at the heavy clouds covering the sky.

  Chapter 19

  Cindy could not settle down. The idea that Mattheus was here on the island, working with the police shook her from head to toe. She hadn’
t given him permission to join in the case, he’d just taken it upon himself. On the one hand Cindy felt he was way out of line. On the other, he’d agreed to keep his distance, do what he could to help and let her know via phone. It was unquestionably true that Mattheus had inroads with the police that Cindy did not. It was also true that every hand on board to help was a good hand. A fresh and trained eye could be invaluable at this point.

  Cindy decided to keep the personal aspect out of things, and focus upon solving the case. She actually wanted it to be over with badly, to see Loretta go home and leave herself as well. Cindy had no idea where she would go once things were settled, but it would become clear then.

  It was almost time for dinner and Cindy decided to dine alone in her room and take the evening to herself to rest and get ready for what was to come. Her plans were short lived though, as a text suddenly arrived from Eric.

  Let’s meet at La Costa Nova for dinner. There’s progress on the case. I’ll go over it with you there.

  Cindy was startled. What kind of progress?

  Great, she texted back.

  Although she didn’t feel like going out, Cindy showered quickly and then decided to put on a lively tropical summer print dress and touch it up with a pair of gold hoop earrings. It felt good dressing up, gave her a shot of energy and shook the cobwebs from her mind.


  “You look incredibly gorgeous,” was the first thing Eric said as soon as he laid eyes upon her.

  Taken by surprise, Cindy laughed.

  “Did you dress up for me?” Eric seemed transfixed.

  “I dressed up for myself, to feel good,” Cindy bantered.

  “Well, I’m proud to be with you for the evening,” Eric’s voice grew lower.

  You’re not with me for the evening, we’re just having a business dinner, Cindy wanted to say and set things straight. But she couldn’t, there was no point in alienating him. Eric had important news for her and Cindy was here to find out all she could.

  When they were seated at their table, sipping Marguerites, Eric leaned back in his chair.

  “I don’t know why I feel so good with you, Cindy,” he began.

  This wasn’t what Cindy had come here for. “What’s the progress on the case?” she

  refocused, sipping the drink slowly.

  “Are you rejecting me before you even know me?” Eric continued, determined to stay on his own track. “Is it because of my involvement with Charma?”

  Cindy put her glass down. “I’m not rejecting you, Eric,”” she smiled. “I’m staying focused on what we’re doing here. You told me you had news about the case.”

  “Well, at least I’m delighted you’re not rejecting me,“ he went on. “Does that mean you can accept my past with Charma?”

  Cindy bristled. “I can accept everything, Eric,” she spoke softly. “But I’m not here to have a relationship. I came down to the Dominican Republic to do a job.”

  “We don’t really know why we go somewhere, do we?” Eric seemed glad to be talking about it. “Things happen out of the blue that we could never expect. Could you ever see us, together, Cindy?”

  To Cindy’s horror, she could. There was undoubtedly some kind of connection between them.I’m with someone, Cindy wanted to say to him then, but immediately thought better of it. She wasn’t truly with Mattheus anymore. Her whole life was in flux.

  Eric leaned closer. “I‘ve been in touch with the police,” he went on, “and I heard that your ex-partner is on the way down. He’s been actually working with some of the cops on the case, long distance.” Eric looked at Cindy boldly.

  Cindy felt her body clench. “Yes, I know that,” she said quietly.

  “You know that?” Eric seemed surprised. “I thought you two weren’t in touch.”

  “We are in touch,” Cindy remarked.

  Eric looked dismayed. “You told me he was your ex-partner,” he proclaimed.

  “That doesn’t mean we’re not still in touch,” Cindy responded. “There’s lots of details that have to be worked out.”

  “I didn’t realize you were still in touch,” Eric grew more solemn.

  “There’s always details to work out when a partnership ends,” Cindy started to feel as though she had to defend herself.

  “I guess there are,” Eric looked away. “Seems like you’re still quite involved with him, then?”

  Cindy lifted her hand then to wave away a small fly that kept buzzing around.

  “Why is this even relevant, Eric?” she suddenly had enough.

  “Because I have feelings for you, that’s why,” Eric replied, “and I’ve been making that clear, over and over. I thought it was possible that we could have a new lease on life together.”

  “I’m very sorry,” Cindy closed her eyes, “I thought I was trying to keep it all business. I hadn’t been aware of the extent of your feelings.”

  “No, you haven’t,” said Eric.

  “I thought I made my intentions clear,” Cindy insisted, opening her eyes again.

  “You made them clear alright,” Eric agreed, “but you didn’t let me know that you were still involved with someone else.”

  Cindy looked at him sadly. “I’m sorry, Eric, I really am,” she said. “Mattheus and I just broke up. Neither of us have discussed it fully. These things are complicated, they take time.”

  “How well I know that,” Eric mumbled.

  “And you still seem quite involved with Charma, anyway,” Cindy flashed on the time she’d seen them together. “And certainly, Charma’s still involved with you.”

  That quieted Eric. “It’s true,” he replied.

  “So you’re not available, either!” Cindy exclaimed.

  “I could be though, Cindy,” Eric said softly.

  “Could, would, it doesn’t mean anything,” Cindy felt like flying off the handle.

  “No, you’re wrong, it means a great deal,” Eric flared up as well. “The difference between us is this – I’m not in love with Charma, but you still seem to be in love with Mattheus.”

  Cindy had no idea what lead him to say that. “I’m not sure,” she replied, honestly, “in love is one thing anyway, living a life together is something else.”


  The waiter brought dinner and Cindy and Eric ate quietly. Cindy was truly distressed by the course events had taken and felt it was best to say nothing more. Was this the reason Eric had invited her to dinner? Was this his idea of progress on the case?

  “Val will be joining us soon,” Eric said finally, almost as they were about to have desert.

  “Val? From the real estate company?” asked Cindy.

  “Right,” said Eric. “Loretta’s father has been putting tremendous pressure on the company, including involving the police. He wants his deposit back, naturally. Taylor’s also been digging deeper into Pete’s finances and Val’s getting hell from everyone. The guy’s nervous.”

  “Sounds like complicated dealings, all around,” Cindy mumbled.

  “These real estate offerings aren’t always what they’re cracked up to be, “Eric agreed. “People leave deposits that get lost, property is never handed over, places that are supposed to be ready to live in can take years to get complete.”

  “Scams?” Cindy murmured. “Is that why Val’s meeting us here and not at the office?”

  “Something like that,” Eric said. “There can also be mortgage companies that are false fronts, all kinds of things.”

  “Is it looking more and more like that’s what happened to Pete,” Cindy asked, “that he got caught in a scam and made a fuss about it? Maybe the person who had to shut him up also threw the rock through Loretta’s window warning her to back off, too.”

  “I’m not sure,” Eric replied, as Val suddenly approached their table.

  Eric stood up to greet Val, but Cindy did not.

  “Good to see you, Val, here take a seat,” said Eric cordially.

  Val looked over his shoulder quickly before he sat down
. “We got to get this over fast,” he said directly to Eric.

  “For sure” said Eric, “sounds like things are really heating up.”

  “You can say that again,” Val, finally threw a cursory glance at Cindy. “I heard your partner’s here and is in tight with the cops,” he remarked off handedly.

  “Mattheus is in tight with the police all over the Caribbean,” Cindy responded, “he’s tremendously respected.”

  “Good for him,” mumbled Val. “Is that why you called him down?”

  Cindy saw Eric watching her closely when Val asked that. She had no intention of letting them know that in fact, she hadn’t asked Mattheus down, that he’d taken this on by himself. It was none of their business.

  “All the help we can get is good help,” Cindy replied.

  “Okay, so what’s up, Val?” Eric took over.

  “Listen,” Val gathered himself together quickly, “I didn’t lose the down payment from Pete. There’s a reason I couldn’t find any record of it. Pete never gave me a down payment for the damn condo. This was supposed to be hush hush, but it was Loretta who dished over the cash.”

  “Loretta?” Cindy was stunned.

  “Yeah, she gave the cash to another guy at the company, Leo Gran.”

  “You’re positive about this?” Eric was amazed.

  “Yes, I am,” Val’s voice got lower. “Loretta’s stupid father has been putting so much pressure on the police that they’ve started to lean in big time on us. There’s no way we can keep this hidden longer and you’re the first one I wanted to let know.”

  “Why me?” asked Eric, startled.

  “You’re a neutral party, you want what’s right,” Val slid closer to him, nodding. “We know you’ll help us out with this.”

  Obviously Val was trying to get Eric on his side.

  “How do you want me to help you out?” Eric stayed non-committal, handling Val expertly.

  “Look it’s not our fault that Loretta made that deal with Lou Gran,” Val started sweating as he continued to talk. “That was between the two of them.”

  “What deal did she make, Val?” asked Eric.


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