Colorado Cowboy

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Colorado Cowboy Page 35

by Sara Richardson

  He kissed my forehead and disappeared as quickly as he appeared. I swore under my breath and rubbed the heels of my palms into my eyes. It was so much to take in, and I had no clue what my next move should be.

  “Qu’est-ce que je vais faire?”

  Chapter 12


  Sitting in the wreckage of my sister’s bar, it was everything I could do not to leap across the space separating me from a smirking Dante Vargas.

  The huge mirror that ran behind the bar was smashed into a million pieces. Several of the tables were broken, and it was obvious a chair had been used to bust out almost all of the windows in the building. There were burn marks on the floor, and the entire room smelled like spilled booze and old blood. There were bullet holes in the ceiling and a couple in the front door. My sister wasn’t joking around about keeping a shotgun under the bar and knowing how to use it. Kody had definitely downplayed how extensive the damage was.

  My hands were curled into fists on top of my bouncing thighs as I glared at the man who had become the bane of my existence. I didn’t spare Vargas’s muscle a single look. All my focus was on the Vegas gangster who had pulled my strings for far too long.

  “Are you positive you can convince your brother to let my men out of jail? He does not strike me as a forgiving man.” I hated that Vargas looked so smug. He’d had the upper hand for too long. It was past time I took him down a notch.

  I narrowed my eyes and ordered myself to relax. I had one shot to get this right, and if I screwed it up, there was no walking away from Vargas, no getting my life back. It was also more than just my neck on the line this time, and I refused to drag anyone else into this muck and mire with me.

  “I told you, as long as someone posts their bond…in cash…” I lifted my eyebrows and gave him a knowing look. “Case will let them go, and their paperwork will magically disappear. After you fucked with Kody, all he wants is to get your guys out of town.”

  Vargas chuckled and lifted a dark eyebrow. “So your older brother is taking a page out of your father’s very dirty playbook, is he?”

  I held in a curse and tapped my fingers against my knee. “Case is cleaning up my mess for a price. He’s sick of doing it for free. Look, Vargas.” I leaned forward. “I gave you your money, with the inflated interest. I’ll make sure you get your guys back. We’re square. You need to walk away.”

  The other man laughed and clapped his hands together. “Oh, cowboy, I think it is adorable that you think you get to decide when we’re done, or when you have paid enough.” An ugly glint flashed in his beady gaze, and his tone took on a sinister quality I’d never heard him use before. Even when he was ordering his brute to beat the crap out of me. A prickle of fear poked at my skin and I took a deep breath, trying to keep my face blank and my temper in check. “You are a particularly handsome man, Crew Lawton. A rodeo star, and now a full-fledged supermodel. I made a lot of money off you when you were getting dropped off those horses of yours, but I will make so much more selling that pretty face of yours to the highest bidder. Doesn’t that sound like fun?”

  I stood up so fast my chair toppled over, making a huge racket. The monster guarding the mobster took a step forward but I was so pissed I kept moving until I felt his massive paws hit me dead center in my chest. Vargas had insisted on inspecting me for a wire before uttering a word. Being paranoid kept him out of jail and alive.

  “You’re out of your mind. I’m not going to whore myself out for you, Vargas. We’re even. I don’t owe you anything else.” I shoved the giant’s hands away and pointed at the other man, who was still smirking at me like he knew something I didn’t. “You’re out of your damn mind.”

  “I’m a brilliant businessman, cowboy. You’ve proved you are willing to do just about anything to keep me away from your family. And you’ve proven to be remarkably resourceful when it comes to coming up with ways to pay off your debts. We both know you won’t be able to stay away, so it’s just a matter of time before you owe me more than you can repay. I can always make plans to take your sister and sell her in your place. My guys told me she’s feisty, likes to put up a fight. Some people like that. They enjoy breaking that kind of wild spirit.” Vargas winked, and I let out a howl of outrage that could probably be heard all the way in Vegas. I lunged at him and ended up getting clotheslined by his bodyguard before I could get close enough to touch.

  I pushed at the massive hands holding me in place and swore up a storm. “Fuck you, Vargas. I’ll kill you before you get anywhere near Kody again.” I took a right hook to the side of my face, and immediately tasted blood and heard bells as my head practically spun around. I spit out a mouthful of blood, a sense of déjà vu settling over me as this scene between us played out once again. I wiped the back of my hand across my mouth and looked at the mob boss from under lowered lashes. “I’m done. Done playing fast and loose with right and wrong, done doing stupid shit that puts the people I care about at risk. I don’t care if I have to check myself into rehab if I have to drag my ass to group meetings, or even if I have to join a goddamn monastery, I will never be in a position where you, or anyone else like you, has any power over me again.”

  I scrambled back as Vargas suddenly stepped around the hired muscle and reached for me. His hands, adorned with more jewelry than most women wore, tightened on the front of my shirt. He used his grip to jerk me toward him, dragging me closer until we were almost nose to nose. I’d never really been scared of Vargas, even knowing he was ruthless when it came to his business. But right now I felt fear. It slithered down my spine and settled like lead in my gut.

  It wasn’t that I was scared of what he had planned for Kody. I knew Case wasn’t going to let Vargas anywhere near my sister. I was terrified that whatever he had planned for me was going to make it so much harder for me to get Della back if I convinced her to accept my apology. The last thing I wanted was to end up six feet under before making things right with the beautiful blonde. That was a wrong I was determined to right no matter the cost.

  “You are done when I say you’re done, Lawton. You’ve been a pain in the ass since the beginning. Acting like you deserve special treatment. Acting like you’re better than the rest of the bums who come to my house and lose everything. You are nothing but a pawn, and I own you.” The other man gave me a little shake. “The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be on you.” Vargas gave me another one of those malicious grins that made him look devilish. “We can talk about the pretty executive you left behind in New York if you want. Something tells me she won’t put up as much of a fight as your sister did. I play to win, cowboy. Do not challenge me.”

  I saw red…

  Everything moved in a swirl of furious, desperate color and all I could think about was getting my hands around Vargas’s neck so he would shut up, so he would never be able to even hint at hurting Della.

  He was stupid and got close enough for me to grab, and I was pissed enough I barely felt the behemoth on my back pounding and kicking as he tried to dislodge me from his boss.

  I wasn’t letting go.

  If it was Della or Vargas, there was no choice which one was going to be left breathing at the end of the day. Distantly, I wondered if Case would actually be able to throw his younger brother in the slammer for murder as Vargas rapidly started to turn a startling shade of blue. I clutched my hands tighter, even as blows landed on the back of my head and across my shoulders. I yelped as the chair I’d kicked over was shattered across my back, but I still kept my fingers clamped down around Vargas’s windpipe.

  The man’s jeweled fingers clawed frantically and painfully at mine, and his dark eyes bulged as he struggled for any kind of air. I wanted to gloat. I wanted to let out a victory shout, one declaring I’d finally managed to protect everyone I loved. But the relief was short-lived when a starburst of pain, so bright and all-consuming, bloomed over my lower back. I gasped as the metallic scent of fresh blood filled the air. I rolled off of Vargas, hands numb and my vis
ion going blurry. I reached for my left side where the pain was radiating from, and groaned when my fingers encountered the cool blade of a knife sticking out of my body right above my jeans. I’d been kicked in the same spot enough times to know the blade had to be right by my kidney if it wasn’t embedded in one. This wasn’t good. Not good at all.

  I flopped on the floor like a beached fish and belatedly whispered, “Case, I need you.” I wasn’t sure if I actually got the words out because everything got hazy. I could hear my breath whooshing in and out. My heartbeat sounded extraordinarily loud, and it felt like I could feel each and every beat.

  Groggily, I tried to lift my head off the ground as the front door of the bar suddenly burst open, and the entire sheriff’s department of Loveless, Texas, flooded the room, led by my brother. Vaguely, I was aware of flashing lights and the sight of guns being pointed at Vargas and his man whose hands were covered in my blood. Knowing Case was there, I let my eyes drift closed and fought back the darkness, which was doing its best to take me under.

  “You weren’t wearing a wire! I checked!” Vargas was screaming, demanding a lawyer and telling Case he was going to be sorry.

  I tried to peel an eye open, so I could watch my brother put cuffs on the man who had threatened Della and roughed up Kody, but my body wasn’t obeying my commands.

  “Your guys were too stupid to disable the security cameras my sister already has in place. We tapped into the feed. We have every threat you made on tape. I’ve got you dead to rights on extortion, Vargas. Not to mention attempted murder. You’re never going to see the light of day again, and if my brother dies, I’ll make sure your time in lockup is as agonizing as possible. I play to win too, asshole.” Case’s growl was oddly reassuring and for once not directed at me.

  I winced when a big hand tapped my cheek. “Everything was going as planned until you jumped him, you crazy bastard. You just had to go and get yourself stabbed, didn’t you? Why can’t you ever do anything the easy way, Crew?” I felt his hands skate over me and heard him swear. “Shit! Guys, I need an ambulance here NOW. Someone call Westwood General and tell them we have a stab wound coming in.”

  I had no clue who Case was talking to, but I was glad he was here and taking charge of everything. I groaned when someone tried to move me and pain shot through my whole body like a fireball. I wanted to scream at them to be careful, but I couldn’t get words out. Instead, I floated away in a haze of agony and regret.

  I whispered “I’m sorry” over and over. I was sure my brother thought the words were for him. I owed him those words and so much more, but I knew they were for Della. All I could do was hope someone passed the message along for me as I succumbed to the void of nothingness closing in around me.

  Chapter 13


  I was waiting for my connecting flight to Austin, the city closest to Loveless with a big airport, when my phone rang with a number I didn’t recognize. My first inclination was to ignore it. My nerves were stretched thin, and I was second-guessing every decision I’d made since booking a flight from JFK yesterday. I wasn’t even certain Crew was back in his hometown, or if he wanted anything to do with me. I’d let my father’s sudden flight of fancy get to me, but with every minute that crawled by I was having a million doubts and scolding myself for being rash and reckless. That was how Crew acted, and look where it landed him.

  Shaking my head at my own foolishness, I answered the call, thinking maybe something was wrong with the campaign. My father had already given all my images and marketing materials the green light, but who was to say the confusing old man hadn’t had a change of heart.

  “Hello.” I shifted my laptop bag on my shoulder and tried not to tap the toe of my Jimmy Choo impatiently. I was working on presenting an outwardly calm and collected appearance, figuring I could fake it until I was face-to-face with the man who’d wrecked me. I gave myself permission to fall apart if Crew sent me on my way without an explanation or apology. I was determined to keep my head held high, regardless of the outcome of this little adventure.

  “Is this Della Deveaux?” The voice on the other end of the call was female and had a distinct southern twang to it.

  “This is she. Who is this?” I couldn’t bring to mind anyone I worked with, or knew casually, who spoke with the slow drawl. Aside from Crew.

  “My name is Kody Lawton. I’m—”

  “Crew’s sister.” I cut in before she could finish. Suddenly the anxiety wrapped around me found a whole new reason to try and choke the life out of me. “He talked about you quite a bit. Is everything all right?”

  She sighed, and I heard her make a hiccuping sound, indicating she was probably fighting back tears. Something cold and dark swirled inside of my chest, and my fingers turned white where they were clutching my phone like a lifeline.

  “Crew was injured while participating in a police sting last night. He needed emergency surgery.” She hiccupped again, and I heard her working to get control of her emotions. “It was touch and go there for a while. He needed a massive blood transfusion, and there were complications from an old injury he had from riding rodeo all these years.”

  “Oh my god.” My computer bag slipped off my shoulder and landed with a thud by my feet. I didn’t notice. It took every ounce of concentration I had to keep breathing and stay focused on Kody’s words. “Is he okay now?”

  The other woman cleared her throat. “They’re going to move him out of ICU later today. He’s on all kinds of painkillers, and antibiotics, and blood thinners, but he was awake for a short period of time this morning. He asked for you repeatedly. My other brother, Case, thought he was delirious from the drugs, but I know Crew. He never asks for help. He does everything the absolutely hardest way possible. If he wants you here, I swear I will sell my soul to get you here for him. I will do anything if you agree to come and see him. You obviously mean something to him if he wants you when he’s flat on his back and completely vulnerable. I stole your number out of his phone.” It was obvious this woman wasn’t used to asking anyone for anything. It must be a family trait.

  “I’m on my way to Loveless right now. I’m in Dallas, waiting for my connection to board. I should be there within the next couple of hours.” My voice shook, and I couldn’t get the image of Crew, injured and helpless in a hospital bed, out of my mind. It made all the insecurity and reservations I’d had about going to him fade away. “Can you tell me the quickest way to get to the hospital from Austin?”

  Another sigh, this one full of relief, met my ears as the woman told me she would text me directions and promised to keep me updated on Crew’s status. I wanted to ask how in the world Crew ended up involved in a police sting, especially one that had the potential to put him in such a dangerous position, but I figured all of that could wait. I still had to keep it together so I didn’t melt down into a hysterical mess. They wouldn’t let me on the plane if I shrieked and pulled at my hair the way I wanted to. Luckily, we boarded shortly after Kody’s call. It was also a short flight to Austin from Dallas. It was going to take an hour or so to make the drive to the small town of Loveless.

  When I finally got to the hospital, it was easy to spot Crew’s family. There was a man who so closely resembled my wayward cowboy there was no question they were related. He was a little bit taller, a little bit wider around the shoulders, and it was obvious he was older by the faint lines fanning from familiar blue eyes, and the touch of silvery-white at his temples. He was also dressed in a tan uniform and held a bone-colored cowboy hat in his hand as he faced off with an older man who was creating some kind of scene. A young woman was standing between the two men. She had a hand on each of their chests and was physically keeping them apart. She was a tiny little thing, with a riot of caramel- and bronze-colored hair, and enough attitude I could feel it all the way across the room. She didn’t look like the older version of Case or my cowboy. But her stance, and curl of her mouth as she ordered the other two men to behave, reminded me so much of Crew
I had no doubt this was his little sister.

  “Knock it off. Both of you. This isn’t about either of you, and if you can’t behave, I’ll throw both your asses out of this hospital. I don’t care if you’re the sheriff or the former sheriff.” She huffed and gave each chest a purposeful push as I tentatively made my way closer, my heels clicking loudly against the linoleum under my feet. The woman looked up and met my gaze, but the men were oblivious.

  “If Case had a clue as to what he was doing, his little brother wouldn’t be in here fighting for his life.” The older man, who I figured was the patriarch of the Lawton clan, sneered at the big guy in the uniform. “Always acted like you were so much better than me, boy. Always up on your high horse. Where were you when your brother needed you? What kind of cop are you?” It was nasty. The old man was clearly unpleasant, and I could see why Crew had so much animosity toward him.

  “I’m an honest cop, which is more than you could ever say, old man. You’re out of your mind if you think Crew wants to see you now. You haven’t been in his life unless it was to guilt him into giving you money for years. I’m going to let Kody throw you out on your ass if you don’t step away from me right this second.” The sheriff even sounded like Crew. He had the same low, raspy southern drawl. Voices started to rise once again despite Kody’s interference, and I found myself impatient with the family drama.

  “Excuse me. Can someone show me where Crew is…please?” I asked. If they didn’t stop bickering, I was going to find him without their help.


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