The Beginning

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The Beginning Page 11

by Lenox Hills

  I see them together at charity events, parties, fundraisers, and other high profile Silicon Valley events. Visiting the Google campus for a summer concert series, over at Apple for a new iPhone launch, they seem to be everywhere together. I decide that is enough torment for me, and switch over to the web results. The only thing I know about my visit is that I do not want to show up at his office and definitely not his home, but where can I see him. How do I find him out and about? I click on the news tab and read about a symposium this Tuesday at Stanford University regarding the future of international e-commerce, and he is on the panel. Bingo! I book my flight and rental car. I decide against booking a hotel just in case I want to turn right around and come home. I have spoken to Samson and he is going to feed the kitty for me. It turns out he lives right around the corner and a block up.

  Finding that I am too nervous and exited to sit still, I decided to go to work to pass the time, and tell my boss I am going out of town. Thankfully, the night goes by fast and surprisingly he says a vacation would be good for me.


  To keep the momentum of being busy going, I work the noon to seven shift today; it also puts me in good with the managers. After a long, slow but surprisingly lucrative shift I am home with nothing to do but wait for my flight. I have already decided to pack light, with just a carry on with one extra outfit and basic toiletries. Deep in my gut, I have no idea what to expect or what will happen tomorrow, so I want to keep things light and easy to move on. I pour a large coffee mug full of wine, set my phone alarm for 4am, grab the cat, and hop into bed with a good old black and white movie. I run different scenarios over and over in my head, what he might say, might do. I try to think of what I will say first or do; like an algebra problem in my head with too many variables. I fall asleep trying think of my opening line.


  In the early morning darkness, I catch a cab, and get to the airport in plenty of time for my early flight. I booked it last minute, and I have to go to the gate to get a seat assignment. When I approach my gate, I see half the passengers are business attired and professional looking people, and the other half, over a hundred high school kids. Screaming and taking selfies, I wish I had loaded something into my phone for the flight, instead of the book I brought. When I get to the counter, I decide to ask the gate attendant about not sitting near the group.

  “Can I see your ID please?” She asks me, and I hand it over. “Oh good, you are Lenox we have been waiting for you.” She smiles but keeps looking down typing into her computer.

  “Waiting for me? Why? Is there a problem?” I am nervous enough about my trip; I hope nothing is going to delay it.

  She continues, “Are you traveling alone?” and finally looks at me.


  A flood of relief washes over her face, “We had a sudden, um, situation, with the track team here at the gate and it turns out that they need more seats than they booked, and have a meet this afternoon. We could really use your seat in coach for the last spot. In return, we are going to bump you up to first class. If that’s ok with you?” and she smiles sweetly as she is aware that nobody is going to refuse a first class upgrade.

  “Sure,” I readily agree.

  “Great, here is your ticket and you may board.”

  I took my papers from her and walked on board, at the end of the gangplank I saw two bright, beautiful flight attendants ready to greet me. One blonde and one brunette, the blonde reached for my carry on and took my ticket, “Welcome aboard, follow me and I’ll get you settled.” She led me to large comfortable seat, gave me a nice blanket, pillow and headphones. “Can I get you something to drink?” she offered, “Yes I’d love a large coffee with cream please.” I answered.

  In a moment she brought be a beautiful cappuccino sized mug of delicious French roast, a small decanter of cream, as well as a plate with a croissant, butter, french jam and some fruit.

  I was thrilled, “Oh you’re my savior!” I do not see a nametag.

  “Renee,” she smiled.

  “Thank you Renee, so much.”

  “My pleasure. Enjoy your flight, just let me know if you need anything.”

  I smiled and thanked her again.

  Thankfully, I woke up just as we are landing, I had no idea I was so exhausted, but glad I wasn’t stuck thinking about Jonathan for three thousand miles. San Jose Airport is large, modern, and easy to navigate over to the car rentals. At the counter, they offer me an upgrade to a SUV and I take it. I ask for a black one if they have it and they do. The young girl behind the counter was kind enough to give me easy directions and a map to my destination in Palo Alto. The symposium starts at one, and is scheduled for two hours; I don’t want to watch the whole thing, just sneak in at the end. I head out in my black SUV up the 101 freeway and practice what to say in my head.

  I find the directions very simple, but once I arrive on the Stanford campus, it is a lot harder to navigate around. Finally, I ask a student on a bike at a stop sign, and he offers to let me follow him over to the auditorium. As he passes it, he points to the building and waves and I yell out a thank you. The parking lot is full of very expensive and rare cars. Mercedes and Lexus’ are nothing here; it is bursting with BMW Hybrids, Teslas, Lamborghinis, Ferraris, classic Porsches, and Maybachs. I ease into a stall, and get out. I changed at the airport into clean clothes; I am wearing short khaki shorts, a pink old navy t-shirt, white converse, and my hair is in a ponytail. I also have on no makeup. I want Jonathan to see me bare, as I really am. Besides, he is married so I don’t need to try to attract him anymore. I never realized until I was driving here why I really came. I need to confront him, I need to know why he chose me to use, what made me expendable to him, and if he knew he was married and couldn’t really commit to me, why did he offer, tell me he wanted to see me. Was he intending me to be the east coast mistress, and what did I say that made him think I would be interested in that, and ok with his adultery. That is why I flew all this way, for the answers to my questions.

  People are starting to mill around outside as they come out through the doors. I head in opposite direction of the foot traffic, and once inside I see a girl at a desk.

  “Do I need a ticket to go inside?” I ask her.

  “Nope, it’s over, go ahead.” She offers with a smile.

  A quick look inside and I see Jonathan; he is standing in front of the stage in middle of a small crowd all vying for his attention. Seeing him knocks the breath out of me, I am drawn to him by a hypnotic pull that stems from my groin, stomach, and heart. He is wearing a soft black V-neck sweater with a dark grey t-shirt poking out. The black in the sweater only accentuates his smoky mussed hair, soft velvet scruff, and those dark oceanic cerulean eyes. He is animated when he talks, and uses his hands a lot; he also is smiling with the right side of his mouth upturned in a friendly grin. I move my eyes down and see dark jeans right on his hips and black leather loafers, probably with no socks, on his feet. I walk down the elevated carpet a little, past the seats, just lean against the wall, and watch him. Jonathan stays and talks to everyone, and one by one, as they get their time with him, they leave, all with a handshake and a smile from him.

  Soon only three people are left waiting to speak to him, and as the one on his right leaves, he turns to the next guy on his left, and when he looks over to him, he sees me. Our eyes connect and everything goes quiet and fuzzy in my head. He does not smile; in fact, his face doesn’t give him away at all. I stand still, frozen with our eyes locked, not knowing what to do. Jonathan keeps talking to the gentleman next to him, maintaining the full conversation. I decide to wait him out and see if he comes over to me when everyone is gone. I am nervous, scared, and anxious. Maybe this was a bad idea.

  As soon as the guy on his left has gotten his time with him, and walks away, Jonathan holds a finger up to the last two men waiting indicating that he needs a minute. Pulling out his phone from his pocket I see him answer a call, speak for a second or two, then start
to take a note in his phone. He is not looking at me, and has not turned back in my direction since he saw me. I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket, pulling it out; there is a text from him. It is a hyperlink with an address and it only says, “Speak to Seth.” Fully engrossed in the new conversation with those last two men, I turn and walk out of the auditorium. Once in the SUV I click on the link he sent me and agree to turn-by-turn directions.

  Ten minutes later, I pull to the Four Seasons East Palo Alto, the stone road leads me straight to the front of the hotel, and a valet runs around to my door and opens it.

  “Welcome to the Four Seasons, Checking in?” He asks.

  “I don’t know,” I answer, “I have to speak to a Seth?” I tell him.

  “Oh sure, I’ll just pull your car up over to the side and you can let me know what you want to do.” I hand him a twenty and go inside.

  Once I am inside the lobby, I feel insanely undressed. Even considering the casualness of the other guests dressed in simple California resort wear. I begin to head to the front desk, but I am approached by a well-dressed handsome and polished young man.

  “Lenox? Hi I am Seth.”


  “I am all ready for you if you will follow me. Did you drive here and do you have luggage?”

  “Yes and yes, a small carry on.” I tell him.

  “Ok we’ll take care of those for you. Does the valet already have your keys?” I nod.

  Seth leads me to the elevators, and I find myself in another beautiful five star elevator underdressed, he presses ten and we move up. We go straight up and land on the tenth floor. Exciting the elevator, I see two light wooden double doors ahead of us. I feel a churn in my stomach when I think of the last two-door suite I was in and what happened. I push on, Seth opens the door, and this suite has open floor plan and is lightly decorated. Very neutral and natural tones, it was quite Zen and soothing.

  “We have everything you could need. I have placed some fruit, crudités, sushi, and sweets on the dining room table. Completely stocked bar right over here, and I opened a nice Cabernet to breath for you if you feel like a glass. The bathroom is stocked with all your anticipated needs including a brand new robe and slippers, and I am at your disposal 24/7. Can you think of anything I can send up right now?”

  I want to tell Seth that I have no idea why I am here, what is going to happen, how long I will be here and that I am a little scared. However, I say nothing, and just shake my head.

  “I think I need a shower and I’ll go from there. Thank you for everything Seth.”

  I shake his hand and he leaves. I walk over to the dining table and pour a glass of the wine Seth had opened for me, and take a few bites of sushi. Then I head for the master bath and turn on the beautiful waterfall shower. I have no idea what is going on and what is going to happen, but the shower helps to wash away my fear. When I am done, I wrap myself in a big fluffy white logo robe and walk back out into the sitting area. I grab my wine glass and walk over to the large floor to ceiling windows that panel one wall and look over the freeway. The cars that speed by match the beating of my heart, fast and loud.

  As I am standing and watching the cars whizz by below, I still thinking of what I am going to say first. I hear a card key inserted, the door click, I turn around, and there he is. Jonathan has arrived and the atmosphere of the room changes. I start to buzz electric when I see him, he does not said a word, and neither do I. We both just stand there eyeing at each other, not moving. After a minute, Jonathan reaches behind his neck and pulls off his sweater and t-shirt at the same time. His now bared chest is beautiful and smooth, with little bits of dark hair on his pecks and around his nipples; it starts a small, dark, thin treasure trail down the middle of his abs, onto his pelvis and into his pants. Jonathan kicks off his loafers, unbuttons, and then unzips his pants. As he is pulling them off, I can see his long, lean legs and his rigid cock under his boxer briefs. I am still, just standing across the room, holding my wine glass, and watching him.

  Jonathan starts to walk over to me, silently, but with a resolute and primal look in his eyes. This glare makes me feel like prey, it scares and excites me at the same time. Once he is close enough he takes the wine glass from my hand and places it on the side table, with his other hand he grabs onto mine and leads me into the master bedroom. I follow him obediently, and once next to the bed he stands in facing of me and unties the belt on my robe. Slowly he eases it off my shoulders and lets it drop to the floor. I am now naked in front of him, and as he looks me up and down, drinking in the sight of me; I feel electric currents surging through my body. He has yet to even touch me and I am fully aroused.

  Jonathan points to the bed, I climb on and lay back. I prop myself up on my elbows and observe him at the end of the bed. I can hear him breathing loudly, almost in a huff, and his breath hisses through his teeth. After a few pants, he reaches down to his waistband and pushes his boxer briefs to the floor; I watch his cock burst out of its fabric cage. For the first time I am seeing his hard long penis, and knowing its going inside me, I am crazy with anticipation. Standing there hard, he is holding his cock and it is sticking straight out just for me.

  The feelings that I had felt for him several days ago come back to me, all the sacrifices I was willing to make, the desire to be near him, with him, for him comes rushing back. I don’t want to be a mistress to any man, but maybe I need to change my thinking for him, for this. How can something that feels so right be so wrong?

  Slowly Jonathan moves like a lion ready to pounce over me, he bends down and begins to climb up the bed, to me until we are face to face. My breathing is fast and erratic, and once he lowers himself on top of me, our naked bodies touch for the first time. We melt into each other and begin to breath in sync. Resting on one arm, he takes the other and with his hand, moves the hair away from my face, and traces my features with his fingers. Leisurely running over my forehead, down my eyes, to my nose and cheeks he touches me as if I might break. When he gets to my lips, he puts his finger in his mouth and then pulls it out to rub it over my lips; I lick them and I can taste him. We have not lost eye contact and it feels as if I have not even blinked. Jonathan moves both of his hands to the sides of my face and rubs my cheeks with his thumbs; he then opens his mouth, still looking deeply in my eyes, he whispers, “You’re here.” These are the first words he has said since entering the suite.

  “Here,” I nod a little.

  “Here,” he replies and finally places his mouth on mine.

  Tenderly we begin to kiss, with Jonathan brushing my lips on the outside, and then the corners followed by a little nibble on my bottom lip. I like the sudden feeling of aggressiveness and let out a guttural shriek that tells him I want more. With that approval, he plunges into my mouth and overtakes it. His tongue skims along my teeth and encircles mine as it meets his in our fervor. As we kiss, I scoop up my hands and clutch them into his hair. While still lying on top of me, and his hands holding my face, he moves in to kiss me deeper and harder. If it’s possible his cock is even firmer now and sticking out, straight into my thigh. I wriggle my hips around trying to get him inside me, however he holds tight, and whispers, “not yet kitten” and then goes back to plunging my mouth with his tongue.

  I can feel the slick wetness between my legs, as my body readies for him and all that girth he wants to put in me. It is so hard not to move but Jonathan has now pinned me down on the bed. His arms are bent next to mine boxing them in, and I can only place my palms on his chest. It’s enough but I want more access to him. I want to run my hands all over his back, ass, and pull him into me, holding on for dear life. Jonathan moves from my mouth over to my neck, and I eagerly move my head to the side to give him more access. Licking, nipping and kissing my skin sends a flame through my body that burns my skin hot with need for him. As he begins to suck on my ear lobe I feel him move his left hand down between my legs, oh god if he touches my wetness I will cum immediately. Instead, he grabs his stiff penis
and uses it to rub up and down the outside of the lips of my pussy. I know how slick it is down there and I can feel him slide over me easily. “Oh my god kitten, you are dripping for me aren’t you?” he asks me.

  “Yes,” I moan slowly in a hiss. “Yyyyeeessss.”

  Jonathan pulls one of his knees up a bit on the bed so his hips lift off my pelvis and he can rub his fiery tip over my clit, slowly teasing me all the while he is kissing, sucking, and licking my neck and ear. I can feel his breath hot on me as he rubs me into a frenzy. With one arm now able to be free, I pull it out and over the back of his shoulder to rub the nape of his neck, and finger his hair. It takes no time for me to feel the speedy climb of my climax reaching its peak quickly.

  “Jonathan, oh god, I’m going to cum if you keep doing that.” I warn him.

  “Good, that’s what I want.” He lifts his head, looks at me, and offers a wicked grin.

  “I missed you,” I murmur.

  “You’re here” he replies, and kisses me with lips full of promise.

  “ok ok ok ok” I keep whimpering, I am so close that I am starting to get fuzzy and lightheaded.

  “Yes, Kitten, do you like it when I rub my hard cock on your wet pussy?”

  “I do, oh my god, I do. Please don’t stop.”

  “Never” he tells me.

  And then it happens, my peak is so impatient and strong that I start to move my hips up to meet his hardness, “yes, yes, yes, oh my god please, please, please”

  Jonathan rubs me faster and faster and I know my clit is about to explode,


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