Twelve Nights (Serendipity Book 3)

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Twelve Nights (Serendipity Book 3) Page 4

by Robin Edwards

  This wasn’t going to be enough for me because I wanted more. A lot more. I wanted hard, rough, deep, fast and everything in between. I wanted everything he was willing to give me at that moment. He nibbled my bottom lip before prying my lips open with his tongue. I moaned again and leaned against him, threading my hands into his hair pulling him close as if a small part of me was afraid that all of this would end far too quickly.

  His hand drifted from my back to my hips, pressing himself against me, “Let’s move to the bedroom.” He suggested in a husky voice.

  I heard Sam shove his jacket off before it hit the floor and I opened my eyes long enough to notice before I focused back on the kiss - on the desire that burned in me. Sam carried me into the bedroom and lowered me onto the bed. He flung the covers back and my arms around him, pulling him with me. He complied willingly, waiting for me to settle into the mattress before lowering himself in between my legs.

  The anticipation was overwhelming, and I practically ripped his shirt open, buttons flying everywhere before I shoved it off him. Sam was just as anxious as his hands lifted my sweater over my head before he fiddled with the clasp of my bra. With a quick motion, he pulled my slacks and panties off before settling back in between my legs and holding himself up with his forearms.

  His hand navigated up and in between my thighs, stroking and entering in and out until I was writhing in anticipation, “Oh God, Sam. Oh my God.” I arched and tugged on his hair.

  He manipulated me with his fingers until I convulsed. My body contracted around his fingers with my orgasm. He continued to thrust his fingers into me, letting the shudders and moans subside.

  Sam moved up towards my breasts, taking turns sucking on each nipple while my legs wrapped around his lower back, “Fucking hell.” I murmured, lost in the moment.

  “What?” he chuckled against my breasts.

  “Shit, I can’t take this anymore.” I moaned. “Hurry!”

  Sam complied and hooked his arms underneath my shoulders to tighten the feeling as he drove into me. Sam paused for a moment as if he was savoring the feeling, but I doubt he could stop even if he tried. He pounded into me, and all I thought of was that this felt right. I clutched his back, moaning, muttering things even I didn’t even comprehend later on.

  He groaned and grunted expletives about not wanting to be anywhere else right then, except in that moment inside of me, “Fuck!” I shuddered in release, and a moment later, he joined me erratic in his thrusts as his climax consumed him. At that moment, everything went hazy and time stood still and our breathing ragged.

  “Holy fuck,” I shouted.

  “Something wrong?” Sam laughed again as he rolled onto his back.

  “No. Absolutely not.”

  “Then what was with the swearing.” he grinned at me.

  “I don’t know. That was the first thing I thought of.” I tried to catch my breath.

  He laughed again as he ran his fingers along my stomach. I wished we didn’t have work the next day so we could spend the entire day in bed watching old movies, telling each other stories and laughing to our heart's content. Sam kissed my cheek before slowly drifting off to sleep. He was more exhausted than he let on, poor guy.

  I was so lucky to have found someone who not only was an overall good person, but he was caring, charismatic and funny. He was responsible, ambitious, very kind and by some miracle, he loved only me. He could have had anyone else in the world, but he picked me.

  I still wasn’t tired, the thought of having to deal with Callum again kept me awake at night. This was the 3rd night in a row where I couldn’t fall asleep right away. I leaned over and opened the top drawer of one of his end tables for the remotes whereabouts and in the top drawer was a navy blue, velvet box. It definitely wasn’t a Tiffany's box, but I knew it had to be some type of jewelry. Quietly, I pulled out the mysterious box and slowly opened it.

  Holy shit it’s a ring. Was the ring for me?

  I quickly put the box back in the drawer and pulled out the remote before shutting it. I didn’t know what to think, but the ring had to be for me.

  Was he planning on proposing? Was it going to happen soon?

  The idea scared me shitless. I have wanted to settle down with Sam for a long time but now that the possibility of the idea being here, was a whole ‘another thing.

  Chapter Five


  TALKING ABOUT MY FRUSTRATIONS WITH SAM HELPED CALM ME DOWN, and the idea of getting proposed to was a great distraction. I was nervous that I didn’t know when he was planning on doing it and if it (as silly as the idea was) was for me. In the meantime, it didn’t take long for Callum to irritate me again. I’ve met a lot of people in my lifetime, and no one has irked me as much as he did. Heck, I’d rather be alone with Amy than spend another minute with him. He just had a smug and cocky personality, and he walked around like he was the coolest person ever to walk to the planet and I don’t like it when people think they are better than everyone else and use that knowledge to put everyone else down.

  I held my frustrations in because I didn’t want to run to Sam every time Callum pissed me off. I tried to turn to my bandmates about what was going on, but I felt guilty reaching out to them because most of them had families of their own except John, but he was always hard to get a hold of. My last resort was Lisa who already knew the details of my history with Callum.

  I spent the entire morning texting with Lisa about everything he was doing and has been doing since I had brunch with her. She suggested we meet for lunch to talk about this in more detail in person and come up with a plan that could be a permanent solution whether it was to get him to stop being a dick or change my perception of him.

  Lisa was due to pick me up at any moment when Callum walked over to my desk like he always did every single day.

  If he gives me a last-minute task, I am going to shove this pencil up his asshole.

  My phone lets out a low beep indicating I had another incoming text. It was from Lisa.




  “Ey, Jamie. I need the analytics from the Festival newsletters.” Callum tapped a finger on my desk before heading back to his office.

  Ugh not again. I can’t take this. I have to say something.

  “Sarah has those number.”

  “Pardon?” Callum asked as he walked back to my desk.

  “I said Sarah manages the email marketing account. She would be the one to pull those numbers for you.”

  “I know, but I asked you.”

  “And you also know that I don’t have access to the account. She does.”

  “You can ask her for the numbers can’t you?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “There you go.” Callum walked away a second time before adding over his shoulder, “Jamie, I suggest you try harder if you want to stay in product development or marketing.”

  UGH! I could just smack him!

  The bell connected to the building entrance chimed as Lisa tentatively walked into the lobby before tiptoeing to my desk assuming if she did so, no one would notice her.

  “Hey Jamie, sorry for being late. I had to get gas, but you wouldn’t believe the amount of traffic it took just to get here.” Lisa apologized animated in her storytelling.

  “Do my eyes deceive me?” Callum stared at Lisa in wonder.

  Oh, God. Is he going to hit on her? Surely she has better taste than him.

  “It’s you,” Lisa said in response.

  “It’s you too.” Callum returned, his lips curled up slightly. “What do I owe this pleasure? Tracked me down have you?”

  “You wish. I stopped by to have lunch with my friend, Jamie. What are you doing here?” Lisa inquired.

  “I work here.”

  “Jamie, he works with you? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I don’t know what I should be telling.” I shrugged. I was more confused than ever. “Lisa, this is Callum King. Mr. ‘You Know Who’.”

  “Mr. what?” Callum asked.

  “Him? He’s the guy you’ve been griping about?” Lisa questioned.

  “You’ve been griping about me?”

  “Well…” I shrugged again.

  “So, your name is Callum King?”

  “Yes and I don’t recall ever getting yours,” Callum answered seductively.

  “It’s Lisa.”

  “Lisa what.”

  “Lisa and that’s all you need to know.’”

  “Wait, wait, wait. How do you two know each other?” I asked.

  “She’s was my bedmate.” Callum teased.

  “You’re what?”

  “He was my one night stand,” Lisa explained.

  I nearly choked. “He was your fling?”


  “There are several million men in the local area, and he was the guy you just had to sleep with?”

  “He was cute.” She shrugged at me. As if that changed anything.

  “Cute huh?” he winked

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” She rolled her eyes at him.

  “I don’t suppose you’d have lunch with me would you.”

  “For your information, I came here to have lunch with Jamie.”

  I just had a brilliant thought. Oh my god, it was genius. If Lisa could be a distraction to Callum, maybe he’d leave me alone. Better yet, perhaps she could help me get even. Yes! That’s the key. Lisa will help me get even and make him fall in love with her and then she will dump him and when she does, I’ll be there to gloat. That’ll drive him all the way back to London.

  “No, you’re not,” I answered.

  “Jamie, what are you talking about? We just texted about it this morning. You were whining about Callum, and I suggested us having lunch to discuss it and come up with a solution.”

  “You talk about me a lot, don’t you?”

  “Did she talk about our shagging and how great I was? I made her scream you know.”

  I covered my ears. “Okay. The conversation is over. I’m walking away now. You two lovebirds should go out to lunch. He wants a lunch companion, and you want to talk about Callum, why not solve both problems and just have lunch together. Get to know each other again.”

  “What about you? The whole point was for you to vent.”

  “I think I’ll be okay with him being gone for a whole hour.”

  “See love, she doesn’t mind. Ready to go?” he put his hand on her lower back urging her out the door.

  “Don’t call me that. I’m not your anything.” Lisa corrected Callum.

  “Well, you were something the other night.” He winked again.

  “This is going to be a long lunch.” Lisa sighed.

  Chapter Six


  OF ALL OF THE PLACES HE COULD HAVE BEEN in the entire world, he had to be in the same place as me. Not only that but he worked for the same company as Jamie. What did it mean? Was it fate? Were we expecting to see each other again?

  It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way. Not that he’s a bad guy, not that I knew, but I only went out that night because I was looking for a one night stand. I have a child to think about, and the worst thing I could have done right now was introduce a man to her that I didn’t even really know. I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend, I just wanted one night. One night to go crazy, be free and with no expectations and that’s what we had. Yet, here we were, having lunch together.

  “So Lisa, may I ask what you do for a living?”

  “Me? Oh, I’m a receptionist for a consulting firm.”

  “Do you enjoy receptioning?”

  “That’s not even a real word.” I laughed. “Enough of the small talk. Why did you ask me to lunch?”

  “Can’t I ask you out for a harmless lunch?”

  “No. Now answer the question.”

  “Curiosity then.”

  “Curiosity? You’re curious about me?”

  “Yes. I’m curious about you. You are a fascinating creature Ms. Lisa….”

  “Just Lisa like I said.” I avoided the question because I didn’t want him to use his riches to do something like hiring a private investigator to find out that I had a daughter. Not that it mattered because it was none of his business, but I wanted to go through extra precautions.

  “Like Cher.”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “So, tell me more. Tell me what were you doing in a bar like that, picking up a gentleman like myself? Do you make it a habit of picking up strange men, shag and then saying goodbye without a care in the world?”

  “No, I don’t make it a habit of picking up strange men. I’m far too busy handling my personal responsibilities. I just ended up with some extra free time and realized it had been a long time since I was in a bar and so I went to have a few drinks.”

  “By yourself?”

  “Yes, what’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing, just found it peculiar that you didn’t have a gals night or something. Which leads me to believe that you were looking to shag someone and if that’s the case, why were you if you don’t do this often as you claim?”

  “What is this, 20 questions? I had free time, I wanted to get out and do something on my own. I met you, we fucked. End of story. There’s no meaning behind anything. I had a good time. You had a good time. That’s it.” I explained.

  “Do you honestly believe anything that just came out of your mouth, because I sure don’t?”

  “You know what, you can go to hell. Take me back to the office.” I stood up from the table, tossing my napkin onto the tabletop.

  “Wait, Lisa. Please sit down. I apologize, I didn’t mean anything by it, really.”


  “I promise I didn’t.”

  “You look like the kind of guy who breaks a lot of promises and hearts too, I might add.”


  “I don’t know. I figure, since we’re making assumptions about each other, I might as well have my turn and do it to you.”

  “Go right ahead, I deserve it. What do you think you know about me?”

  “Well, from what Jamie has said about you and from what I remember about our night together. You look like someone who is incapable of committing to anything, who thinks way too much of himself more than he actually has a reason to, and you’re completely self-obsessed. I’m even willing to bet that you’ve never taken anything seriously enough for anything or anyone to be important to you.”

  “Hmm, quite the observations but that’s where you’re wrong.”



  “HOW AM I WRONG, CALLUM?” she asked.

  She certainly was a feisty one, and I kind of loved that about her. She was headstrong too, but she had something to hide. I’m not sure what it was, but there was something she was holding back that she used the feistiness that she exuded as a defense mechanism. She seemed like the kind of woman who always made sarcastic remarks to distract away from the fact that she was afraid of wanting something or someone only to be let down when she needed them the most.

  These were merely observations, but a small part of me was convinced that I knew what I was talking about. Unfortunately, I couldn’t spend as much time with her as I would have liked because we both had personal responsibilities that were far too important to take the time to identify a date/time to meet up again.

  “I would describe myself with these descriptive words: sexy, handsome, fit, intelligent, creative and suave.”

  “Ha! I figured you would say that. All compliments but no truth.”

  “Do you deny it?”

  “Deny what?”

  “Can you honestly sit there and tell me that I am not handsome, intelligent, and suave? Or how about fit? I can show you how fit I am.” I started to loosen my collar, and I reached the buttons on my shirt and started to
open them one by one.

  Lisa put her hands up swiftly and leaned over the table to stop me, “Okay! Stop! If I agree with you, will you stop trying to take your clothes off?”

  “Yes.” I grinned. She was so easy to fluster and make speechless, and I rather enjoyed doing it to her.

  “Okay, I agree with you.”

  “No, say it.”


  “Say it, or I will unbuckle my pants.”

  “Liar.” She eyed me.

  “Think so?” I questioned, my eyes raised. To prove my point, I stood up and started to unbuckle my belt.

  “Okay! You are incredibly sexy, talented, and smart and you have the body of a Greek God!” Lisa shouted loud enough for other patrons to look questioningly at her.

  I smiled at having the upper hand and sat back down, placing the cloth napkin over my lap. “Now that we’ve established the fact that you are completely attracted to me, how about you allow me to take you out on an actual date.”

  “I am not attracted to you.”

  “So is that a yes or a no?”

  “What’s in it for me?” she questioned and placed her napkin on her lap and took a long sip of her iced tea.

  “The pleasure you’ll receive from the company of a great conversationalist.” I loved my wit.

  “Conversation, huh? Is that all?”

  “Do you want more than just a conversation? Should I add round 2 to the stipulations?”

  “No. Conversation is good. If I agree to a date, will you just go away?”

  “Not only will you have an amazing time but I will also ‘go away’ as you put it.”

  “Alright. Deal. Can we order now, I don’t want to sit here with you any longer than I have to.”

  “Of course, what will you be having?”

  Chapter Seven


  I DON’T KNOW WHY I AGREED TO GO OUT WITH HIM, I could barely stand the sight of him, but it was the only way I could get him off my case without getting into dangerous territory. I mean it couldn’t hurt, could it? All I agreed to was one official date with Callum King where it will only go as far as a conversation over dinner, and that’s it. As long as I made sure the conversation steered clear of any talk about my personal life especially my daughter, then everything would be good.


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