Part 2: Torn Desires (Chosen by the Vampire Kings: BBW Romance)

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Part 2: Torn Desires (Chosen by the Vampire Kings: BBW Romance) Page 1

by Charlene Hartnady

  Torn Desires

  Chosen by the Vampire Kings

  Part 2


  Charlene Hartnady

  Copyright and Disclaimer

  Copyright ©September2014, Charlene Hartnady

  Cover Art by Melody Simmons

  Copy Edited by Kimberly Reichmann

  Produced in South Africa

  Published by Charlene Hartnady

  PO BOX 456, Melrose Arch,

  Johannesburg, South Africa, 2176

  [email protected]

  Torn Desires is a work of fiction and characters, events and dialogue found within are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews no part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying, file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without prior consent in writing from the author


  To my dearest mommy. I will always be grateful that heaven didn’t need another angel that day. I hope your eyeballs don’t pop out when you read this serial. This one is for you…

  Part 2

  Chapter 7

  The female wasn’t much to look at but her scent still intrigued him, as it had from the first time he had seen her. It was carried to him on the early morning breeze. Ripe berries mingled with the fresh scents of nature that surrounded her. Pine needles, sunshine and succulent female. Surely he had never scented anything as good.

  Zane recalled how much she had affected him on the day of the choosing. How her hands had become little fists. How angry she had looked when she had tried to save his chosen female. How with her high emotion, her scent had blossomed into something much more intoxicating. His cock had twitched then just as it did now.

  She sat on a bench on his front porch, the one that overlooked the lake. A small overnight bag at her side. The female wore jeans and a sweater. Why she had chosen to cover herself from neck to ankle was beyond him. They didn’t have much time before he was expected to deliver her back to Brant.

  Zane sighed. He wasn’t sure how to proceed, had never had to court a female before. They had always just been there, willing. Most pursued him. Somehow he doubted she would be like any vampire female he had ever encountered.

  It was long overdue to find out though. Zane moved from the cover of the trees and strode towards his cabin. The female’s eyes widened as soon as she spotted him. She stood, her hands closing around herself as a form of…protection. Her scent changed. The bitter smell of fear permeated.

  She was right to fear him. Many had died at his hands. He proceeded, hoping she was stronger than what she looked.

  He stopped in the space directly in front of her. Her large, hazel eyes widened even further reminding him of a timid deer. Her chest heaved. The bitter scent becoming so intense that he could taste it on his tongue, and he had to fight not to grimace.

  He wanted to tell her that she was safe but knew the words would be a lie, so he clenched his jaw instead. A tiny whimper left her throat which brought his attention to the area. Two tiny red holes had blood rushing to his ears.

  Brant had drunk from her. Possessiveness like nothing he had ever felt before took a hold of him. Now that he was up close, he could also smell the other vampire’s scent on her. They had rutted recently. The feeling of possessiveness increased. It was an unusual feeling. Not one he had felt before. He didn’t like it. The need to mark her with his own scent almost overpowered him. He leaned in to sniff at her throat so that he could hone in on her own unique scent. He needed a second to ground himself.

  The female whimpered, “Please don’t hurt me.”

  Zane ignored her plea and instead he shoved his leg between her thighs, pushing himself against her. Her breasts were generous, soft mounds that flattened against him. He put a hand under her top, flattening his fingers against her belly. She had warm, satiny skin.

  “Please.” The scent of fear went up another notch. Her chest no longer heaved which meant she was holding her breath.

  “Be still. I don’t plan on harming you. I only wish to explore what is mine.”

  A shuddering breath. “I thought I could choose. I’m not yours.”

  “For the next twenty four hours you are under my roof. I can do with you as I please and touching you pleases me.”

  Her eyes hardened. “Brant was a complete gentleman. He allowed things to progress at a pace that I was comfortable with.”

  “Then Brant was a fool.” Zane slid his hand up her smooth stomach wrapping his fingers around her breast.

  She made a sound of protest, which he ignored. Zane squeezed lightly watching as her pupils dilated before him. He growled in approval at the soft flesh beneath his palm. Her nipple hardened beneath his caress. The heady aroma of her arousal had his dick hardening between them.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  She gasped and shook her head.

  “You might say no, but your body says yes.” He used his free hand to clasp her jean covered mound. “If I were to dip my finger inside you, I would find you wet and ready.”

  “Please, I don’t want to die.”

  Zane had to work to keep his hold on her relaxed. “What kind of bullshit have they been feeding you?”

  “Did you kill that girl?”

  “I am a ruthless killer and in answer to your question, yes I did but not in the way you think.”

  Her eyes threw daggers at him. Zane found that he didn’t like how readily she believed the worst of him. Especially when he shouldn’t give a shit either way. He reminded himself that he needed her. Make that, his coven needed her. “Come inside I’ll show you around.”

  Her shoulders slumped in relief as he moved away from her. Females had always clambered for his attention. Had been honored when chosen to warm his bed. They had always enjoyed his touch. This was all new. In short, he didn’t like it. Not one bit.

  It was important that they test their compatibility before continuing on this path. To rut with her in various positions. To test their fit. The urge to take her hit him hard. Somehow, he found the strength to ignore it.

  “I’m afraid it’s not the mansion you’ve grown accustomed to, and unlike Brant I don’t have a servant at every turn waiting to wipe my ass.”

  “Hey,” her eyes narrowed as she spoke. “It’s not very nice to talk badly about someone when they’re not even here to defend themselves.”

  He fought a smile as he walked ahead of her, holding the door open so that she could enter first. He tried to view the cabin as she would. It was spacious with large windows and a high ceiling. The views of the lake and surrounding forest were spectacular. Otherwise there was nothing opulent about it. Sparsely furnished with a large rug in front of the fireplace. One sofa, a small table and chairs. The upstairs loft housed his king-sized bed. The only modern touches were in his kitchen. He liked it just fine. He came here as often as his vast responsibilities would allow. Sometimes he wished he could run away from it all. Being a king had its major privileges, but they always came at a price. Lately he was beginning to think that the price might be a little too steep.

  “Which is my room?”

  This time, he couldn’t stop a smile from forming. The little human wouldn’t like his answer one bit. Zane bound up the steep stairs to the loft, dropping her bag on his bed. “Two choices. On the left or”—he let his hands slide down his chest—“right h
ere on top of me.”

  Her mouth gaped for a half a second before she snapped it shut. “Is that the bed where you killed the girl?” Her eyes welled with tears.

  Zane couldn’t help it when his hands curled into fists and white hot rage filled him. He leapt from the top of the stairs, landing in a crouch in front of her.


  Tanya watched as the impossibly big man leapt from the loft landing in a predatory stance just a few feet in front of her. His muscled body was coiled as if to strike. A feral gleam in his eyes.

  Her aunty had always told her that her sassy mouth would get her in trouble one day. By the look of Zane, she found herself wondering if that day had come.

  The vampire pulled himself to his full height. Tanya craned her neck to maintain eye contact. If she was to die, she would maintain dignity doing it.

  “I made a mistake with that female,” he growled.

  Anger burned holes in her gut. “A mistake.” So mad she couldn’t think straight anymore. “Is that what you call it? What? You mistakenly tore her throat out? Or maybe you mistakenly snapped her fragile body like a twig? Mistake? Really?” She closed the small distance between them. It was over for her anyway so she may as well let him have a piece of her mind before he killed her. “Are you at least sorry you did it?”

  Tanya must have completely lost what was left of her anger riddled brain because before she knew it she was beating her fists against his chest. The action probably hurt her more than it did him, but she couldn’t seem to stop.

  Zane took hold of her wrists so she kicked him in the shin. Pain vibrated up her leg.

  “Stop.” His voice was low, evenly delivered, for some strange reason it calmed her. “You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  Tanya sniffed and realized that she was crying. His eyes had softened. Zane released her wrist and used the pad of his thumb to wipe away a hot tear as it tracked down her cheek.

  “The only mistake I made was to give her space…time to come to terms with her situation. I left her with the females—”

  Zane shoved her hard and she crashed into the wooden floor. Her shoulder took most of the impact. Tanya kept her eyes firmly locked on Zane as she fell, fully expecting him to come at her. An arrow lodged into his shoulder.

  She blinked hard. Sure enough, an arrow complete with feathered end jutted from his flesh. Zane dropped down next to her. There was a cracking sound and a grunt as Zane broke off the end of the arrow.

  “Stay down.”

  She knew from experience that vampires could be fast, but the way Zane moved was insane. A smudge of lightening flew across the room and out the door. Almost too quick for her mind to register. Tanya crawled behind the safety of the sofa. Once there, she was too afraid to breathe let alone move.

  From outside she made out a man’s scream, a grunt and a meaty thud. Zane was out there fighting for his life. Make that for both their lives. It was clear that whoever had shot that arrow had meant to kill her, so it wasn’t Brant. She sure as nuts didn’t want to be here with Zane, but whoever was out there didn’t harbor any good intentions towards her. That was clear. So she could only pray that Zane managed to fight them off. She scrunched her eyes shut for a few seconds trying to ward off the panic. Why the hell would someone want her dead? Another scream punctured the cabin. She couldn’t tell if it had been Zane or another man making the god awful noise. Tanya clasped a hand over her mouth to smother a scream. If they managed to kill Zane then she was next, of that she was certain.

  “What have we here?”

  She yelped in surprise as she snapped her head in the direction of the voice. The man that stood in front of her was freaking huge, almost as big as the vampires. He wore a pastel blue robe complete with silk sash and pixie boots.

  Who the hell in their right mind wears pixie boots?

  Maybe he was wearing a costume. He smiled revealing a single row of sharp teeth. Not human. Okay so maybe he wasn’t wearing a costume after all.

  “It’s a little rabbit.” His thin eyebrows arched, his golden hair fell in a sheet across half his broad back.

  He advanced.

  Tanya knew she should be petrified but there was no time for such luxuries. She whimpered and made a show of pulling herself into a tight ball. Pixie boy was so arrogant that he kept advancing. He strode up to her and bent to pick her up. Using her position to her advantage, she kicked out nailing him with both her boots straight in the face. There was a crunching sound and he was knocked back. The bastard managed to stay on his feet though. She leapt up while he righted himself.

  Using the back of his hand, he rubbed away the blood that dripped from both nostrils. He looked at his bloodied hand with a shocked expression. “I’m to take you in dead or alive. Which is it to be little rabbit?”

  “Screw you.”

  He chuckled and regardless of the satin robe and cute pixie shoes, shivers ran up her spine. He lunged at her. Somehow she managed to twist away just in time. Tanya sprinted for the kitchen, more precisely, she made for the big butcher’s block where she’d spied a set of steak knives when she’d first come in.

  Pixie boy grabbed hold of her waist as she reached the block, he yanked her back. Tanya kicked down hard on his foot and elbowed him using every ounce of strength she had. Air was forced out of his lungs and he released his hold enough for her to pull away. Ignoring the butcher knives, she grabbed one of the smaller blades instead and turned to face him.

  His eyes were stern. His mouth a thin white line.

  “I will use this.” Tanya waved the knife praying that she would have enough guts to do as she threatened.

  “I’m losing patience. Surrender or die.”

  His hard eyes told her that he meant every word. She widened her stance and gripped the knife with both hands.

  Big arms banded pixie-boy’s neck, followed by a sickening crunch. He dropped, eyes open, mouth gaping. Tanya was certain by the vacant look in his eyes that he was dead. She shuddered. Tanya had never seen a dead person before.

  Zane’s chest heaved, he was covered in blood and gore. He rocked for a second or two before falling to one knee. “I think you had him, Ysnaar.”

  Tanya gasped. “Best you keep that in mind,” she paused. “Aside from the arrow wound, are you hurt anywhere else?”

  “Why? Would you kiss it better for me?”

  She choked out a laugh trying to sound braver than she actually was. “This is no time for silly jokes.”

  “Do I look like I’m joking?” Using all his strength, he rose to his feet with a grunt. His face a mask of pain. Zane had a washed out pale coloring that scared her. Dark circles were forming under his eyes.

  “Help me to the sofa.” He leaned on her, sinking himself into the soft cushion. His jaw was locked and his brow furrowed. Drips of sweat beaded on his forehead. “You need to get it out.”

  “Don’t joke.”

  “Still not joking, sweetness.” His head rolled back. His breathing coming in short pants. “The arrow tip is poisoned. I’ll die if you don’t remove it soon.”

  “Fuck. Tell me what to do.” Panic seized her.

  “There is a shed outback. In it you’ll find”—he paused and grimaced for a few beats—“tools. Bring pliers, a hammer….that knife you had a second ago…I need you to push the arrow out.”

  “As in…” She shook her head instead of finishing.

  “You can do it, Ysnaar. The arrow tip is already at the other side.” He reached up and ripped his shirt at the shoulder, groaning as he tore it from his enormous body. She leaned forward examining the wound.

  “God that must hurt like a bitch.”

  He started to chuckle and moaned between gritted teeth instead. “Not so bad, I’ve had worse. It’s the poison. You need to get it out.”

  Tanya jumped to her feet and made for the back door. She ran for the wooden shed and worked the bolt. The door sprang open as the bolt slid free. There was a whole array of tools. She grabbed two sets of pliers,
a sturdy looking hammer and some screw drivers for good measure before running back the way she came.

  Zane lay perfectly still on the sofa. If not for the rise and fall of his chest, she may’ve thought him dead. She sat next to him. His eyes opened slowly. “Hit the arrow out enough to be able to use the pliers to pull it free from the other side. Do it now.”

  Tanya picked up the hammer. An eye for an eye, Zane had rescued her so like it or not she felt it was only right if she helped him. She straddled the big man keeping her eye on the wound which was crusted in blood. His hands found her hips and he squeezed lightly. “Do it.”

  She took the hammer in both hands and hit the arrow straight on.

  “Harder,” he spoke through clenched teeth.

  She pulled back and swung again hitting as hard as she dared. It would be too easy to miss or break the stem.

  “Again,” he growled. She did as he instructed.

  Zane dug his fingers into her hips. “One more time should do it.” Another hard hit and he groaned leaning forward. He rested his head on her chest for a few seconds.

  “I think that did it.” He was breathing hard. Sweat beads had formed on his brow.

  Blood oozed from the wound. Tanya moved back to the side staying on her knees. Zane remained forward so that she would have easy access to his back. She tried not to react. Half of the arrow head protruded from a mean looking gash.

  She picked up a pair of pliers, moving towards the arrow head. The thought of pulling the thing out made her feel queasy.

  “Do it.”

  She clamped the pliers on to the piece of metal and took a deep breath. Tanya pulled and he made a pained noise through clenched teeth.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about me, just get it out.”

  “Scoot forward. I need to get in behind you.”

  He did as she said and Tanya slid in. She kept her knees bent at her chest using them as leverage against his back. Tanya used both her hands to clasp the pliers and pulled as if her life depended on it. She tried not to think too much about what she was doing, just focussed on the mechanics. She pulled and then she pulled some more. Just when she felt almost ready to give up, the arrow head tore free.


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