Part 2: Torn Desires (Chosen by the Vampire Kings: BBW Romance)

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Part 2: Torn Desires (Chosen by the Vampire Kings: BBW Romance) Page 5

by Charlene Hartnady

  His face turned serious. “Maybe worse than I thought. Once I have some blood though, I’ll be fine.”

  “How do we do this?” She positioned herself on all fours crouching forward until her neck was at his mouth.

  Chapter 11

  Her soft skin was so tantalizingly close. Zane had to work hard to keep from lunging at her. He had more restraint than that though. The scent of berries had his nostrils flaring and his fangs extending further. Zane had to suppress a groan when he caught the perfect view of her deep cleavage. Her hard nipples were like two pointed barbs under the thin dress. It seemed to him that they were fighting to cut their way to freedom. His dick hardened up a whole lot more at the thought of their lush weight. He’d never imagined that overly full breasts would entice him so. Round, plump, soft. He couldn’t wait to be inside her, to watch them bounce as he took her. Couldn’t wait to hear her screams as she came. He suspected that a female as filled with passion as Tanya was, would let herself go in the moment. Zane couldn’t wait to make her lose it. He would have her soon. Very soon.

  His lips touched her skin and she jerked away. “No touching. Fangs only.”

  “Hold still then.” He bracketed her hips with his hands.

  “Hey.” She waggled her hips.

  “Need to keep you still. We don’t have much time so I’m going to drink hard and fast.” He couldn’t help himself as a chuckle escaped. Tanya would be sorry she ever made the no touching rule. “You might want to hold on female.”

  Zane didn’t wait for her reply. He sank his fangs into her, loving the way she gasped as he entered her body. He closed his mouth on her soft skin and sucked, hard. Tanya groaned. The sound interlaced with both pleasure and frustration. She closed a hand on his bicep as he drew deeply a second time, her nails biting into his skin.

  Her essence filled him. Her taste so divine that his cock grew even thicker. Surely his skin would burst if he expanded any more. She was panting and mewling, sounding more frustrated than pleasured. Zane wished she would stop being so damned stubborn. He longed to pleasure this woman, wanted it more than he’d wanted anything in his whole life.

  Another heavy draw and her pants turned to ecstasy filled groans. Moans of…pure unadulterated pleasure. His eyes flew open as she jerked in his arms. He had to clamp his hands more firmly at her waist to keep her in place. The little minx. Her fingers were firmly between her legs with her dress bunched in a V where her hand and stomach met. Her fingers worked frantically pumping in and out of her pussy. Her thumb circled her clit. He growled and drew in another mouth full of decadent blood.

  Two could play at this little game. Leaving one hand on her waist, he used the other to fist his cock. Zane sucked slower, delaying the process. He had to be careful not to take too much. Palming his shaft harder, he pictured how tight her sheath would be. She was a small human after all. He could just imagine taking her slow and easy or fast and frantic. It didn’t matter, he just knew he’d find utter rapture between her luscious thighs.

  The taste of her blood on his lips, the sound of her moans, his imagination did the rest. Zane tugged faster. One more hard suck at her neck and she cried out as a second orgasm took her. He watched her hand thrusting into her glistening pussy. It was enough to bring him over the edge. Hot semen jetted from him marking her stomach and chest. A feeling of possessiveness grabbed hold of him. This female was his. He would fight dirty to ensure that he got her.

  It was with extreme reluctance that he retracted his fangs. He licked at the wound on her neck. Tanya groaned, as did he. She sat upright, running a hand down her dress as she was in the habit of doing every so often. Her face crumpled as her hand came away sticky. “You pig.”

  “Did you expect me not to watch? Not to like what I saw?”

  Crimson darkened her cheeks, she straightened her shoulders and pushed out her chin. “Not watching would’ve been the gentlemanly thing to do.”

  “I’m glad I’m not a gentleman then. Watching you please yourself is one of the most erotic things I have ever seen. I have burned the moment to memory and will replay it often in your absence.”

  “What the hell am I supposed to wear now?” She huffed, pouting her lips as she placed her hands on her hips.

  Zane picked up the phone next to his bed and speed dialed Charlotte. “My female needs something to wear.” He paused as Charlotte explained the various options. She knew what he liked and how he liked it.

  Tanya mouthed the words underwear several times. Zane tried to suppress a smile and failed. Did she ever give up?

  He shook his head at her. “That will do nicely.” Zane spoke into the mouthpiece before putting the phone in the cradle. Warmth rushed through his veins, he could actually feel his energy levels rise as her blood in his system countered the poison. Looking down, he noticed that the wound was less severe. His healing flesh no longer looked swollen and inflamed.

  “I have my jeans, I don’t need anything else.”

  “No jeans.”

  “You’re insufferable.” She stomped her foot.

  Zane stood allowing the sheet to fall away. Her cheeks flushed further, this time with arousal. He noticed how her eyes tracked the length of his body. How her lashes fused as her eyes grew hooded. She was attracted to him. That much was clear. It didn’t take long for her eyes to flash with anger though. She didn’t want to want him. Well too bad. He would have her before she went back to Brant.

  A knock sounded. Zane pulled on a pair of leathers and buttoned them up. Normally his nakedness in front of the female vampire wouldn’t bother him, but he got the feeling his human wouldn’t approve. “Enter.”

  Charlotte walked in holding a number of garments. “They’re mine so I hope one of them fits. I will have a wardrobe ready next time you are here.”

  Tanya had pulled the sheet against her soiled dress, she nodded once at the vampire, her demeanour stiff.

  “Thank you. You may leave,” he addressed Charlotte.

  The female had angered his Tanya. He got the definite impression his female wouldn’t want Charlotte to hang around. The female inclined her head at him and then Tanya before leaving.


  Two of the dresses were little more than sheaths, similar to the one Alexandra had worn at the club the night previously. Her body fat would need to be in the minus in order to pull off such a dress. She huffed, if she got any angrier smoke would start to come out of her nostrils. One was a very pretty floral number with triangles so small she’d have no hope in hell of fitting her breasts in it. The last was a stunning shade of green that she knew would complement her coloring. The top was a boob tube and it had a flared skirt that would cover her to about mid-calf. Hopefully, the elastic would fit around her boobage. Maybe, just maybe though, it would work.

  “Is there somewhere for me to change?”

  “You are my female. What part of that don’t you understand?”

  Zane infuriated her. “I am not yours damn it. You are never going to see me naked, get that into your thick skull.” She knew she wasn’t being fair but she felt so embarrassed at what had happened that she had decided to blame him for whole thing.

  “Your bra was see-through in the shower and I had a great view of your pussy not five minutes ago. Your hand was a little in the way, but…” That did it. She flew at him fists, nails and all. Zane let her slap him and pretend claw at him for a few beats before grabbing her wrists and shoving her up against the wall.

  Trapped between hard brick and hard unforgiving male, her breathing hitched. Only because she was afraid. It had nothing to do with his scent or the hard nudge at her stomach. “I will humor you female because for some reason your feelings are important to me, but do not push me too far.”

  She swallowed hard and nodded, not trusting her voice. Zane leaned in, so close his breath mingled with hers. So close that his nose brushed hers as he leaned in a fraction more. Their gazes locked. His eyes burned. He was going to kiss her and she couldn’t wait.

His eyes dropped to her lips, which she licked in anticipation.

  Just as she was sure he would do the deed, he pulled back. “Get dressed. We need to go.”

  Damn but she hated the disappointment, hated her desire for him even more. He was such a jerk. Firstly, because he made her want to kiss him. Secondly, because he didn’t damn well kiss her.

  When she turned to him, he was fully dressed in leathers just as Lance had been. He looked every bit the warrior and acted every bit the king. “You have one minute and then I’m coming to get you. Understood?” He didn’t wait for a reply. Instead, he strode from the room shutting the door behind him.

  Tanya pulled off the sticky dress. The audacity of the man to come all over her. What the hell was his problem? There was a small, teeny, tiny part of her deep down inside that was secretly thrilled Zane had been so turned on by her. Then again, she huffed, he was a man and anything with boobs and a pussy was normally enough. She pulled the green dress up over her body. A bit of a tight fit around the girls, but it seemed to fit alright. Next she grabbed her toiletry bag and headed for the restroom. She readjusted her boobs and gave herself the once over. Not too shabby. The green really worked against her complexion and the shape of the dress accentuated her curves in a good way. Her hair was a mess. Tanya unzipped the bag and quickly tried to tame it. Next, she put paste on the toothbrush and had just started on her teeth when Zane walked in. His big body took up the entire door frame as he leaned against the jamb. Despite his warnings, he folded his arms across his chest and waited for her to finish.

  He followed her back into the bedroom where she decided to push her luck by applying some mascara. With her lips puckered, she prepared to apply a coat of lip-gloss.

  “You don’t need all that crap.”

  “Us humans enjoy it.

  “I’m not human,” he growled.

  “Well I am.” She ran the lip-gloss over her mouth. Applying a second coat for good measure. “It’s not like you kiss me or anything anyway, so why would you care?” Oops, she hadn’t meant to say that. His brush off earlier must have affected her more than she had thought.

  Zane frowned, he opened his big leather trench coat and stuck his hands in the pockets. “I don’t kiss females.”

  “As in you don’t like it or…”

  “I’ve never had the inclination.” He moved his weight from one leg to the other even though both feet stayed on the ground.

  Her mouth dropped open. After a few seconds of fly catching she snapped it closed. “You’ve never kissed anyone before?”

  Zane shook his head.

  “You’re missing out you know?”

  His mouth pulled into a thin white line. “I doubt it. Let’s go.”

  Chapter 12

  After driving about a half hour, which took them deeper into the country, they arrived at the area in question. Male vampires were everywhere. More piled out of vehicles both in front of and behind them. The big vampire, Ross, approached them as they pulled up. Zane grabbed her hand as she slid from the vehicle. “Stay close.”

  “I take it the area is secured,” Zane spoke softly.

  Ross seemed surprised to see Tanya but quickly composed himself. The big vampire cleared his throat. “Yeah. I sent scout parties out over a two mile radius. All is clear.”

  “I take it they chose this spot because it’s furthest from the castle.”

  “That would be my guess. They were good to keep the prints to their side of the fence. It was pure luck that one of the guards spotted the area at all. If you’ll follow me.” Ross walked in the direction of the fence, crouching at a specific area. He gestured to the barrier. “If you take a really good look, you’ll notice how the wire has been welded back together.”

  Tanya gasped, sure enough, there was a definite thickening where the wire had been re-joined. The line was half a meter in a line perpendicular to the ground. It wasn’t something you would see unless you were specifically looking for it.

  “Take a look around. He pointed at the dirt on either side of them.” Red dust with patches of grass. Nothing unusual.

  Zane let out a pent up breath as he rose taking her up with him, their hands were still clasped. “Damn. The bastards were here.” His eyes followed the dirt to the grass beyond.

  “I don’t see anything.” She knew she should keep quiet.

  “That’s the problem. This ground was swept. It’s too smooth.” He walked her a few feet up the side of the fence. The ground had a very different look. Nowhere near as smooth.

  “Oh, wow.”

  “That’s not the worst of it,” Ross’s expression was grave as he spoke.

  “I was afraid of that.” Zane angled her back to where they had been standing, he used a hand on her lower back.

  Ross clasped the fence, his eyes solidly on the ground on the other side. “What do you make of that?”

  Zane dropped her hand and mimicked Ross. Tanya did the same. There were definite prints on the other side. Zane gave a sharp intake of breath. “Not a fuck.” Tanya felt tension radiate from his body. His hands were white knuckled on the wire. Tanya turned back to the churned up earth, not sure of what it was she was supposed to be seeing. Over to the right was a definite indent of a huge paw.

  “An animal?”

  “Not bad, human,” Ross said. “Try shifter. Too big for a regular wolf.”

  Now that he had highlighted the fact, she realized that he was right. She could most likely fit both her splayed hands inside the print.

  “Mother fuckers were here together,” Lance’s voice boomed from behind them.

  Tanya shrieked, grabbing at her heart. Stupid vampires and their ability to sneak up on a person. All three men looked at her. Zane slid his hand around her waist. The show of…affection…more like possessiveness shouldn’t be endearing, yet, it was. She got the feeling Zane didn’t normally touch women in public, at least not very often. If ever. Silly man had never even kissed before.

  “Are you sure they were here together and not on separate occasions?”

  Lance raised his eyebrows. “You’re seriously asking me that?”

  “I’m being hopeful. Besides, it’s never good to assume.” Zane narrowed his eyes at the other vampire.

  Lance inclined his head slightly. “I had our best tracker take a look and Griffin was one hundred percent sure. Wolves and elves. They seem to have joined forces.”

  Zane shut his eyes while using his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.

  “There are more tracks once you get into the cover of the forest, they go on for a few hundred feet,” Lance paused as Zane turned to look at him.

  “Go on,” Zane growled.

  “I’m not sure of the reason for the breach, but I would suspect they chose this fence because it’s furthest away from the castle. It’s also the part of our perimeter closest to the forest. I suspect that they entered our territory to check if they could get away with it. With the intention to scout our land in order to plan an attack.” Lance lowered his voice, his eyes darting around the clearing. “They would have been watching for us, but they are long gone by now.”

  “I think you may be right, Lance. This changes things. Let’s follow their tracks, I want to know what they were up to.”

  “I assure you there isn’t much to see. They entered, walked for a few hundred feet under cover of the trees, turned and made their way back. Exiting through the same cut in the fence.” Lance gestured to a long belt of thick forest that wound its way as far as the eye could see.

  It wasn’t lost on her that the forest was the very same one that she had looked on earlier from Zane’s tower at the castle. The werewolves and elves would be able to hide in the thick foliage Were they really planning an attack? Tanya shivered not liking the answer that formed in her head. Surely they couldn’t be doing this over little old her. Then again, if what Zane said was true, by taking her out of the picture it would mean the end of the vampire line. It would be a very good reason to remov
e her from the picture. Tanya couldn’t help it, she suddenly felt vulnerable, exposed out in the open like this. She stepped in closer to Zane who instantly put an arm around her, pulling her in to his side. He and Lance were discussing ways to fortify both the castle and the perimeter. Zane put his hand up to Lance midsentence, silencing the tall vampire. He turned his dark, concerned eyes on her. “Are you okay? Cold maybe? You’re shivering.”

  “I’m a little cold. I’m not as thick skinned as a vampire.” The sun was setting, streaks of pink lined the horizon. Even with the sun disappearing, the weather was mild. A warm breeze tickled her skin. She wasn’t cold, rather she was scared shitless of becoming a werewolf snack. Or possibly a new pair of pixie boots.

  Zane removed his coat and slung it over her shoulders. He wore a black t-shirt and had an array of weapons attached to his body. Even in this setting, and in this moment, he was a sight to behold.

  “You stay in the vehicle. Ross and the others will protect you in my absence.”

  The thought of leaving his side sucked. She shook her head. He must have seen or sensed her panic because he added. “My men will protect you with their lives.”

  Tanya looked down. A thin summer dress and sandals, hardly correct attire for traipsing off into the forest. When they got back, she would be having a little chat with him about what she did and didn’t wear. Panty-less with little summer dresses was fine for the castle, but she had to draw the line at outdoor adventure.

  “I won’t be long.” He wrapped both his arms around her and squeezed. Tanya nodded.

  Zane took the time to tuck her back into the vehicle before setting off with Lance and three others. The rest remained with her. Ross sat at the driver’s seat with two men flanking each side of the vehicle. The rest spaced themselves at regular intervals in the clearing.

  “Why are the other species doing this?”

  “Power,” was Ross’s only response.

  “What does wiping out the vampires gain them?”


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