Benedict's Commands

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Benedict's Commands Page 23

by Golden Angel

  Sending a grateful smile to his brother as the group began to disperse, Benedict leaned down to whisper in Christina’s ear. “Would you like to find Daphne so she may join us?”

  She shook her head. “No, I will be fine without her. But I appreciate the thought.”

  The way she looked up at him, with unfettered warmth and what he hoped was love in her eyes, made him feel like a king. Earlier, when she’d repeated his declaration of fidelity and love back to him, although without saying the specific words, he’d dared to hope he was finally breaching the last of her walls. Now, that hope surged again, flickering through him madly and making him feel quite impatient.

  “Come love,” he said, lifting her fingertips to his lips. “Let us make our goodbyes then.”

  Not that he begrudged the others Christina’s story to assuage their curiosity, certainly not after they’d come together for her so markedly, but the sooner they had their explanation, the sooner Benedict could have his wife all to himself.


  Telling all her new friends and family members about George and the Baroness was easier than Christina had thought it would be.

  Perhaps because she knew some of their secrets as well. Or perhaps just because she was finally learning to trust again. Daphne had begun the process, but trusting someone she’d known prior to her marriage had been much less difficult than allowing new people into her citadel. It was Benedict who had truly broken through and made her start learning to trust again, who showed her it might be worth it.

  Therefore she trusted those he trusted; and they were already showing themselves to be stalwart defenders.

  Cynthia had thrown punch on a woman’s dress without even knowing the full story of why.

  Once Christina had told them all about her past with the Baroness and how George had died, everyone had expressed their shock and sorrow - except for Cynthia who mostly seemed aggrieved she’d allowed the Baroness to flee too easily.

  “Ooooo, I just hope she approaches you again!” Cynthia had said, ire written clearly across her face.

  “Now, baggage, as much as I love watching you terrorize the harpies of London, you know I can’t allow you to step too far out of line,” her husband had reminded her.

  A glint in Cynthia’s eyes said she hadn’t cared. Christina thought she could learn a thing or two from the young woman. She doubted the Baroness would ever care to cross paths with Cynthia again; perhaps Christina would start taking a page from her book. A few more glasses of punch and the Baroness might learn to leave her alone entirely. Although, such a tactic would not guarantee the Baroness would avoid Benedict if she could catch him alone; but Christina did not worry anymore. Her husband’s complete disinterest, even revulsion, despite the woman’s beauty had been palpable.

  Besides, even if he had found the woman beautiful, Christina realized she’d finally come around to feeling secure in his love for her, his commitment to their marriage vows.

  The Baroness no longer had any power over her, and she had Benedict to thank for it.

  Still, she might have continued to worry the Baroness would reveal the truth of Christina’s first marriage to the ton at large, if it hadn’t been for Lydia’s parting words.

  “Do not let her vex you,” Lydia said, holding both of Christina’s hands with hers, her grey eyes shining nearly silver with determined protectiveness. “After all, you have a Duke and Duchess on your side. Any gossip she tries to spread will be stymied by your connections, not to mention it would be folly for anyone to think you cannot fix a man’s attention. Not after the manner which Benedict so publicly and determinedly courted you and has obviously reformed his rakish ways for you. Society loves a reformed rake and his wife, they are much less tolerant of those seeking to stir malice.”

  Unlike when George had passed away, with her family abroad and only Daphne a close enough friend to trust with such a secret, Christina now had a multitude of allies. It made the Baroness and her pettiness seem very small indeed.

  By the time she and Benedict returned home, Christina felt as though she was floating lighter than air, free of the burdens and secrets which had been holding her down for far too long. They’d made the carriage ride in comfortable silence, with Christina resting her head on Benedict’s shoulder, but as soon as they were alone in their bedroom, she could not hold back the words any longer.

  “I love you,” she said, practically flying into his arms the moment he shut the door, pressing kisses to his lips between her declarations. “I love you. I love you. I love you.”

  Half-laughing, her husband did his best to keep up with her assault, moving them away from the door and towards the bed. “I shan’t complain, love, but may I ask what brought this sudden declaration on?”

  “It wasn’t sudden,” Christina said, pressing her body against his as she pushed his jacket from his shoulders, looking up at him in earnest. “I’ve loved you… well for months. I left you, not just because my emotions were becoming too engaged, but because I had already begun to love you. When I saw you again, when you came for me, I hadn’t stopped… I just wasn’t ready to admit to my feelings.”

  “But now you are?” he asked, dropping a tender kiss to her lips, his hands moving over her body just as determinedly as her were his body, slowly disrobing her between caresses.

  “I realized I was ready in the ballroom, when you said I held your heart, body, and love,” she responded, sliding her fingers through his chest hair before stripping his shirt from his body. “But I wanted more privacy to finally tell you.”

  “I much prefer this,” he murmured over her lips before kissing her thoroughly, a sweet, drugging kiss which nonetheless felt like a claiming on his part. Christina moaned against his lips, her body on fire with need, and yet… she realized there was one more thing she wished to offer him. One more way she wished to be claimed.

  Pressing her fingertips against his bare chest, she pushed him away gently, ending the kiss so she could speak. Heat rose in her cheeks, causing her to blush before she could even state her scandalous desires.

  “I… I would… Tonight…”

  “Yes?” he asked, his brow drawing together in confusion. Taking her hand, he wrapped his fingers around hers, holding their joined hands against his heart. “What is it, love?”

  Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Tonight, I want you to-to-to take my, um, bottom.”

  The immediate heat and lust which flashed in his eyes, the way his fingers tightened around hers, his body pressing closer, made it very clear exactly what he thought of her proposition.

  “Are you sure?” he still asked, making her love him all the more.

  She nodded her head, lips curving up in a tremulous smile. While she was a bit scared and quite a bit nervous, she also wanted him there. Wanted him to have all of her.


  Lowering his lips to his wife’s, Benedict kissed her ravenously, passionately, his desire pounding through him like a gale wind. His cock, which had already been hard, now felt as though he could drive it through steel after her shy, scandalous request. Instinctively, he knew she was trying to show him how much she loved him, trusted him, with the gesture.

  It was not a necessary demonstration, and yet he would certainly not be declining the offer.

  His hands moved over the fabric of her chemise, down the supple muscles of her back to the rounded curves of her bottom, and he groaned as he squeezed the soft flesh, holding her buttocks tightly as he ground his cock against her front. Little whimpering noises, aroused and yet anxious, escaped from Christina’s throat as he kissed her, his hands massaging her plump cheeks. The fine fabric of her chemise was barely a barrier, but he wanted it off of her anyway.

  Pulling away, he spun her around and tugged it off over her head.

  “Onto the bed,” he ordered, his voice coming out more harshly than he intended in his lust, but Christina didn’t hesitate or seem upset. Completely naked, she stepped forward immediately and climbed onto t
he mattress. As Benedict finished undressing, she sat and watched, eyes wide but aroused.

  Coming forward, ignoring his bobbing erection for the moment, Benedict arranged the pillows for her to place herself over, and Christina immediately draped her body over them. The position left her bottom high up in the air, her hips supported by the pillows, with her pert breasts hanging below. With her legs slightly parted, the pink shell of her cunt glistened in the candlelight, vulnerable and enticing.

  A wry grin on his face, Benedict reached under the bed for their wedding present from the Earl of Spencer.

  “What is that?” Christina asked curiously, peeking over her shoulder as Benedict set it on the bed.

  “Something to help,” he said, picking up the bottle of oil and the second smallest of the little rubber dilators. As her virgin hole had been previously stretched by the bullets, as well as his fingers, ginger, and her hairbrush, he didn’t feel the need to start at the very beginning. He also doubted he’d make it all the way through to the largest.

  Christina’s pupils dilated, and her face flushed as she saw what he was holding, obviously recognizing it. When he climbed onto the bed behind her, her head snapped back around away from him as he straddled her lower legs, trapping them between his. Her creamy bottom practically begged for color, but all his focus was currently the little star winking between her cheeks.

  Dripping some of the oil onto his finger, he pressed his digit to her narrow aperture and pressed in.

  “Oh!” Her muscles clenched around his finger as he quickly delved deeper, knowing he wouldn’t hurt her as she’d taken his fingers more than once. Mostly he wanted to spread the oil around inside of her a little, although he also enjoyed the heat of her interior and the way she squirmed as he pumped his finger.

  But he didn’t allow himself to enjoy it for too long before he removed his finger and pressed its replacement to her opening.

  “Oh!” She gave a little cry this time as he pushed the thick rubber in about halfway before halting its forward momentum. “It feels too big”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle. “There’s going to be much larger things in there soon.”

  Christina moaned at his blunt statement, her buttocks quivering, and he was sure she’d just clenched again. Working the dilator back and forth, he admired the sight of the dark rubber disappearing into her virgin hole, stretching the tight ring for his entry. Of course, he could do this with his fingers, but he had to admit he rather like the contrast of the black rubber plugging her milky white bottom.

  Besides, with the dilator, he could leave it in her to do its work while he turned her cheeks a brighter hue.

  “Time for the next one,” he said, breathing a little hard as he pulled the first from her body. Christina let out a little whimper, but didn’t protest. The whining noises she made as he pressed the thicker, longer dilator into her rear entry were conflicted, as if she didn’t know whether she was more uncomfortable or more aroused. It was the largest thing he’d ever pushed into her virgin hole, but it wasn’t as large as his cock. Watching it slide into her, stretching the entryway further, had his cock practically pulsing with the need to replace it. “What a naughty girl you are, letting me play with your ass like this.”

  She moaned again, a tremor shaking her body, and Benedict pressed the dilator securely into her tight hole. Her panting breaths were coming faster, and the cream of her pussy was beginning to coat the tops of her thighs from her arousal.

  “Such a naughty girl,” he repeated. “I should give you a spanking.”


  Crying out, Christina arched her back, thrusting her bottom up as he began swatting her creamy buttocks with the palm of his hand, hard enough to sting but not truly hurt.

  “Oh! Oh, Benedict!” Her hips were moving up and down now, as if her swollen pussy was seeking some kind of stimulation, the spanking only increasing her needy arousal.


  “That’s right, love, I’m going to turn this little bottom pink and then I’m going to claim it,” he said, almost fiercely, spanking her even harder as her cheeks turned a blushing pink under his hand. The base of the dilator seemed to move with her bottom as she squirmed and writhed, pressing her thighs together and rubbing to give her clit the pressure and stimulation she craved. “And you’re going to love it.”


  She was… she truly was…

  Christina already loved what he was doing to her; she felt both wild and submissive simultaneously. Something about the perverseness of having that tight hole stretched, the shameful intimacy of feeling so full there – more so than ever before – made her feel completely owned in a manner she’d never experienced. She was giving herself over wholly to Benedict’s dominance, allowing him to master her completely.

  The spanking didn’t hurt as much as it excited, the slaps of pain an erotic counterpart to the throbbing in her pussy. She wriggled, practically sobbing with the need growing inside of her as she tried to rub her thighs together, to hump herself against the pillow, and satisfy the clawing craving of her body.

  “Oh please,” she begged, sure she couldn’t take another moment of waiting, needing to feel him inside of her. “Please, please, please Benedict! Please, take me, I love you, please!”

  She was babbling but she couldn’t stop, not until she felt him sliding the cool, hard length of the dilator from her ass. Then she froze, panting, waiting.

  The hot, blunt head of his cock pressed against the tiny ring and pushed. Christina whimpered. The final dilator had been large and uncomfortable at first, but easily managed after a few moments. Benedict’s cock felt much larger. His hands curled around her hips, his legs pressing against the outside of hers as he groaned and pushed, sliding the first few inches of his cock into her virgin hole.

  She cried out. It felt so odd… her pussy pulsed in envy as her tighter channel burned with discomfort. The heat of his cock was entirely different from his finger or the cool, slick dilators; it did not burn the same way the ginger had, but neither was it entirely pleasurable. Of course, for Christina, the slight hurt spurred her arousal and pleasure to greater heights in counterpoint.

  Slowly, so slowly, he sank into her. It seemed as though his cock went on forever, moving deeper and deeper, until she was sure she couldn’t take anymore, and then deeper still.

  “Oh… oh… Benedict… oh… oh no….” Her hole clenched and squeezed, making him moan and his fingers flex as she unintentionally massaged his cock.

  “There, love,” he rasped finally, his groin coming to rest against her warm bottom, his hands caressing her hips lovingly. “There now, you’ve taken it all. I’m going to give you a moment to get used to it, and then I’m going move.”

  She felt so full. So empty. So conflicted.

  And when he began to move, his cock pulling back through the sensitive channel he’d just stretched open, the sensation was indescribable. Christina whined, her fingers scrabbling at the bed, trying to pull away from the strangeness of being emptied, and then she cried out as he thrust back in. The fingers on her right hip moved, seeking out the swollen nub of her clit, and confusing her further as to whether she wanted him to withdraw immediately or if she wanted him to never stop.

  The slick glide of his fingers over her clit made her squirm as he began to thrust, gently riding her backside with his cock, her tight furrow feeling incredibly, rawly sensitive as he deflowered it. Christina moaned and writhed, gasping for breath as her need to orgasm warred with the shocking sensation of his cock moving inside the wrong hole.

  But her husband knew her body, and he rubbed and circled in just the right way, melding the pain with the pleasure until his cock began to feel good. Incredibly good. Christina moaned and pressed back against his thrusts, easily taking them now despite his movements growing faster and harder. His fingers strummed over her clit as she bucked beneath him, her ecstasy beginning to spiral, her body quivering from th
e overload of sensations.

  When she came she screamed, tears sliding down her cheeks from the force of her orgasm. It felt like her entire being was splintering apart, the pain and pleasure so intermingled it all felt the same, and she was so full, so hot, so rapturous. Behind her, from a great distance away it seemed, she heard Benedict shout and then felt the hot spurt of his cum as he filled her, claiming her complete submission and the whole of her body for his own.

  Chapter 16

  Christina woke to tender kisses covering her brow.

  “What time is it?” she mumbled, wincing slightly as she turned onto her back to look towards the windows. Sunlight was already trickling in, but she still felt completely spent.

  “Nine o’clock, love. I need to run an errand, but I did not wish you to wake up to an empty bed without knowing where I’d gone.”

  “Oh.” Smiling sleepily up at her husband, she was muzzily pleased at how handsome and thoughtful he was. “That is most considerate.”

  Chuckling, Benedict pressed another kiss to her brow. “You’re still sleep befuddled, love. I’ll try not to be too long.”

  Winding her arms around his neck, Christina drew her husband down for a proper kiss before releasing him, snuggling back into the warm bed sheets. It didn’t even occur to her to ask where he was going or why, or even worry about what he might be doing. Later, she would be quite proud of herself for her unthinking, instinctive trust - and she would also be well rewarded for it.


  Despite the earliness of the hour for town, there were already some gentlemen haunting the clubs (although, for a few of the most disreputable it was a very late hour), and it only took about half an hour of asking around to obtain Baron Alvenley’s town address.

  On the outskirts of Mayfair, the rented house was on the fringes of the fashionable neighborhoods but still in a perfectly respectable area. Well maintained but modest, there was nothing especially noteworthy about the house.


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