F*ck You: Knox Academy - Term One

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F*ck You: Knox Academy - Term One Page 8

by Jaye Cox

  “I’ll fill you in tonight,” Dad cuts into my thoughts. “I need you to come for dinner.”

  “Just me? I thought we had plans as a family?” I ask. It’s not unusual for Dad to have me over for tea on my own. We talk business a lot and there’s no need for the younger boys to be there.

  “No. Family meal,” Dad surprises me by saying. “And I need a favour from you.”


  “I need you to get your brothers to come.”


  “Please, son,” he begs, and I’m done for: I can't say no.

  “Sure thing. Leave it with me. I’m guessing it has something to do with the daughter?”

  “Just be there.”

  “Dad, I know what happened,” I tell him.

  “Just make sure everyone’s there. And that your brothers play nice.”

  He hangs up.

  The conversation leaves me reeling. Obviously, my brothers were shocked and had a lot to say about the surprise announcement. Kalen is already messing about declaring he has a sister to anyone who will listen. The twins are refusing to even speak her name. And then there’s me: I have to make a concentrated effort to mentally refer to the girlfriend as Dad’s partner, not his mistress. So, she has a kid? That’s fine by me. So long as they’re not having a kid together. I think that would break my mum. I don’t much care about the kid. But I can’t think of her as a step-sister. The only curiosity I have is why she’s here at Knox Academy.


  I arrive late to dinner, having had to spend most of the afternoon talking the boys into coming to the meal. It meant that my free period where I should have been marking, was wasted. I graded the assessments after school and lost track of time.

  “Sorry, sorry! I know I’m late!” I call as I race into the house.

  “Don’t worry! We’ll be down in a minute,” Dad replies from upstairs. Ugh, I don’t want to think about why they might both be upstairs.

  I bolt through the dining room without stopping to say hey, passing through to the kitchen to grab myself a beer. “Anyone want one?” I yell.

  “Please!” Kalen shouts back.

  “Yeah!” the twins say.

  I grab three more beers for my brothers, knock the caps off, and carry them all back into the dining room, using my ass to push open the door because my hands are full.

  I spin to face the table and the bottles slip from my grasp. They hit the floor and beer fizzes and spills everywhere.

  “Shit!” I jump back and quickly duck to grab the beer before any more mess gets made. My eyes are wide and my jaw hangs open. What the hell is Amelie doing here?

  “Bro, meet our new sister dearest.” Kalen smirks, throwing his arm around Amelie’s shoulders and pulling her in close.

  “I’m not your sister,” she says through gritted teeth, throwing him off. Kalen just laughs at her and she squirms uncomfortably under my stare. “Hey, I’m Amelie. You must be Sawyer. We didn’t get to meet on Sunday.” Her smile is so innocent I wonder if I’m wrong about the girl sitting in front of me. There has to be some kind of mistake. But...the name...it’s not exactly common, is it? I shake my head and bang the half-empty beers on the dining table.

  “I’ll get more beers. Amelie, is it? Can you help me carry them?”

  I don’t wait for her response, just assume that she’ll follow, and head back into the kitchen. When the door shuts behind her, I quickly flip the lock. I don’t want to be interrupted.

  “What the hell is going on?” I demand, seething.

  “Your dad is fucking my incubator. That’s my mother, to you,” she snarks. Her level of sass throws me. This is not the same cool, fun girl I hung out with on Friday and last night. It can’t be.

  “I know what a fucking incubator is,” I seethe. “What I want to know is, what the hell you’re doing here!”

  “It’s my birthday,” she says, eyes flashing with challenge.

  Dread fills me at her words.

  “How old?”

  “Huh?” she pretends to play dumb. Shit. How did I not see through her acting earlier?

  “How old are you today?” I push through gritted teeth. Fuck. I almost slept with a pupil. Please don’t let her be a fucking minor too. I have Goddamn photos of us together...shit! I sent her a dick pic...I had my tongue inside her.

  I blanch, barely holding in the bile that rises up my throat.

  “Eighteen, why?” She folds her arms across her chest and glares at me.

  I breathe out a massive sigh of relief. Thank fuck. I can’t even begin to think about how over my life would be if she was any younger.

  “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” I feel like my safety walls are crumbling down around me. I knew it was a bad idea to get involved with anyone.

  “What? That it’s my birthday today?” Her sarcasm drives me crazy, but her fire turns me on. Fuck. That’s so fucking wrong.

  “Quit playing games. You obviously knew who I was. What are you playing at?”

  She shrugs her shoulders and her indifference makes the red mist come down. I try hard to breathe through the rage, but my hands curl into fists involuntarily.

  “I did you a favour,” she startles me out of my anger by saying defiantly.

  “How?” I reluctantly demand.

  “I overheard that teacher in the toilets. She was bragging about how she planned to seduce you. She’s only interested in your money. I saved you.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “I lifted her phone, changed the location to the pub. Borrowed her car to meet you. Made sure she couldn’t show,” she says with absolutely no remorse whatsoever. I don’t know if I should report her, punish her myself, or be grateful. As it stands, I’m pretty impressed. Shit, shit, shit.

  “What the hell is going on?” I ask quietly. “You knew who I was. You did more than just save me from Miss Hart.” My voice is low, alluding to last night.

  “I...wanted information on Friday. I hadn’t met any of you yet, and I was nervous. I wanted a heads up before I came to tea on Sunday.”

  Suddenly she looks so vulnerable and sorry that I want to scoop her up into my arms and reassure her. I don’t though. I can’t. I’m in enough trouble as it is.

  “And last night? Are you trying to get me fired?”

  “No!” she insists, eyes wide. “There was a real connection. I didn’t expect that when I came on Friday. I wanted to see you, I wanted to do what we did—”

  “Look, Amelie…” I hastily interrupt. “It goes without saying that you can’t text me anymore. You have to delete my number,” I tell her calmly even though my heart is racing, and I can barely stand.


  “No? What do you mean no?” I frown. Did she misunderstand me?

  “I’m not deleting your number. And it was you who started texting me,” she tells me with a defiant tilt of her chin. “It was you who wanted to get a room.” I feel sick when she reminds me.

  “Amelie, look—” I begin, trying to reason with her.

  “Trying to have sex with a minor is not good for you. And I have all your sexy little messages – and pictures – on my phone. So you’re going to be doing exactly what I say from now on.”

  “Yeah well, luckily for me, I think you’ll find the age of consent over here is sixteen, not eighteen,” I tell her firmly. No way am I about to be blackmailed over an innocent mistake.

  I pull out my phone, bring up her details, and holding the phone right up to her face so she can see, I hit delete. As I turn to leave, she stops me in my tracks.

  “And sleeping with a student? Is that allowed in this country? Cause it’s kinda frowned upon where I come from.”

  My heart stops.

  “I didn’t sleep with you,” I force out slowly from between my gritted teeth. I can feel my temper rising, my control slipping.

  “I would beg to differ after last night. I do have the picture of us in bed together,” she challenges. She approaches m
e slowly, a real swing to her hips and if I wasn’t so mad, and so scared of the power she has over me, I’d be turned on.

  She has me backed against the door, chest touching mine, breathing hard. It’s a role reversal of Friday night. The memories flash into my mind, unwelcome, and Christ help me, my dick stirs to life. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

  When she reaches up on tip toes and presses against me, I’m certain that she’s going to kiss me. But she doesn’t. She whispers “but you wanted to” in a low sultry voice that makes my dick rock hard. It takes me a moment to realise that she’s talking about me wanting to sleep with her, as in, go all the way. I’m fairly certain we would have had sex, multiple times, if it wasn’t for the SOS call from Kalen.

  When the haze of lust clears, I’m angry. Enraged. I’ve worked too hard to throw it all away on jailbait. I grab Amelie by the hips and swing her round so that our positions are reversed. I’m so angry I can’t see straight. I’m not thinking. It’s auto-pilot when my hand shoots out and fastens itself around her neck.

  Her eyes widen, but I don’t think it’s in terror. My fingers flex, tighten, apply a little pressure.

  “You’re not blackmailing me, Amelie,” I growl.

  She gasps softly and I use everything I have in me to hold on to my anger. I can’t kiss her. I can’t do this. She’s my dad’s girlfriend’s…fuck it. She’s my step-sister. She’s my student. I can’t.

  I shouldn’t even want to.

  But I do.

  I drag my eyes down her face and I stumble when I see she’s biting her lip. She gives a tiny little moan and trembles under my touch. Oh God. Is she turned on by this? Did she just…?

  She can’t have. No way. I did not just make my step-sister, pupil, fucking come by choking her in my father’s kitchen. No. No way.

  I drop her faster than it takes me to blink and race to the other side of the kitchen, breathing hard. I need space, air and distance from this temptress.

  For a second, Amelie doesn’t move. She’s leaning against the door, panting as hard as I am. I can see her erect nipples pushing through her school shirt. Why the fuck is she wearing her uniform to her birthday dinner? And when did school skirts get so short?

  “Thanks for the orgasm.” She smiles lazily. “I think it was your best one yet. Bye for now, big brother.” She winks, blowing me a kiss when she recovers.

  I watch her – I can’t tear my eyes from her – as she unlocks the door and sashays back into the dining room. Her ridiculously short skirt swings with every step she takes, and I realise that she’s wearing stockings and suspenders. My dick is like steel.

  I am so fucking fucked.

  Chapter Ten

  I can’t even begin to process how turned on I am by what Sawyer just did. I knew he’d be here tonight, I actually expected to see him on Sunday, so I wore my uniform deliberately. I knew it would have more of an impact and highlight the age difference between us even more. Looks like it worked.

  The twins seem suspicious, waiting for me to rat them out for what they did to me with the video...but little do they know that where I come from, snitches literally get stitches, or they would be so lucky.

  During dinner with the new, unwanted family for my eighteenth birthday, I manage to get seated next to Kalen and unluckily, my incubator. The twins are directly across from us and Sawyer is to the right of them across from his father.

  The serving staff bring out the main course. What the fuck? They have staff? Then I look at the faces of the guys around me and realise that they’re as shocked as me. Mother dearest must be trying to put on a show. Does she really think fancy rabbit food and servants is going to impress me? When will she realise that I’m not desperate to leave my life behind and trade up like she did?

  It’s all very awkward and no one has really spoken a word. I need to change that and know how to start pushing buttons.

  “Onyx, what’s with the black eye?” Asking sticks it to Monty, who thinks his sons are perfect, and Sawyer too, because I was there when he got the call.

  “None of your fucking business,” he snaps.

  “Excuse me!” My mother gasps, as if she really cares, which makes me scoff.

  “Son, mind your manners,” Monty quickly intervenes. “Amelie, Onyx does MMA, and at training he had an elbow to the eye. How about we talk about something else?”

  “Sure,” I say. “So Sawyer, what’s your deal? Who do you do in your spare time?” he coughs. “Sorry I mean what do you do?”

  “Not a lot, especially now my father has informed me that you need an elective and he volunteered me to teach you self-defence classes.”

  I turn on my charm. “I can’t thank you enough for agreeing to that, otherwise I would have been stuck doing sports and I’m really not a team player. I get that from my father...right, Mum, do you remember how bad Dad and Aadi are at anything team related? Recently we had to ban game nights, they say I cheat, I say they’re sore losers.”

  Monty interjects; he’s a smart man, he can see I'm in a room full of bears and I’m trying to poke them all.

  “Amelie, we wanted to get you a gift for your birthday, but we were not sure what you would want or need. I feel like you would appreciate these,” he says, holding out a set of keys. “One is for the house, so you can come and go as you please, and the other is for a new car. It’s in the garage, we can show you it after tea. We will also put in place some guidelines for you to be able to leave school on weekends with your friend.” I know he means Elsie, but I can’t help myself.

  “Thank you, Monty, for trying to make this transition easier for me. I can’t wait to tell Baxter that he can finally show me around town.”

  Everyone at the table goes tense, except the incubator. Interesting. So they all have some kind of issue with him, but the female parental figure is clueless.

  “If you have a boyfriend, we will have to have him over for dinner,” the incubator announces. Now this could be fun...I wonder if I could get Baxter to go along with it? I bet he would, for a price.

  “No,” every male at the table declares and she looks awfully confused.

  “Darling, Baxter is not the type of boy you want Amelie mixed up with.” That makes me snort.

  “There’s nothing wrong with him. Dig into my friends back home, and you’ll find that most have literal skeletons in their closets.”

  Monty changes the subject. Him and the mother try to make small talk and include us, but the table is in a stare off as our meal is cleared. Sawyer watches me like he can’t figure out how to dig his way out of this situation, and I’m glad I only brought my sim; I can see he will try to find a way to get hold of my phone. I have to make sure that doesn’t happen.

  The twins want to murder me, that much is obvious, and Kalen is not subtle with the touches...so much so, he places his hand on my leg. High on my leg. He’s close to skimming the top of my stocking and hitting bare skin. I make eye contact with Sawyer and see that the vein is his neck is pulsating. Can he see what Kalen is doing? Is he jealous? He looks torn right now, and I want to push him over the edge. My hand covers Kalen’s and I help slide it higher up my leg, until Kalen’s fingers slip under my skirt and tease the edge of my panties. I look at Kalen; he’s enjoying himself.

  “Is it okay if I go call my family before dessert? I would normally wait, but it being my birthday and all...”

  “Go ahead, the phone is in my office, take all the time you need.”

  I stand, and push Kalen’s hand from my lap. Making my way to Monty’s office, I make fast work of using my earring to pop out the sim holder, placing the sim in and powering on the phone.

  I spend half an hour talking to Dad, and he catches me up on everything going on at home. I know what they’ve all gotten me for my birthday, not some fancy ass car, but a beat up old classic. The plan was for Smalls to fix it up for me. It sucks that I can’t help. I tell Aadi and Smalls I’ll call them later tonight, instead of wasting my time here talking to them, when I can spend it
with my dad.

  By the time I end the call, Sawyer walks in and locks the door behind him.

  “Give me the phone,” he demands.

  “Or what, you’ll hurt me? Pretty sure that won’t work out well for you.”

  “I might have to take my chances,” he says taking a step closer.

  “Have at it,” I say, throwing the phone at him. “You can’t do any worse than what the twins have already tried.”

  “Wait...what? Did they hurt you?” he demands.

  “Like you give a shit,” I scoff. “If you think I keep the copies on there, you’re an idiot.”

  “That just means you have to have another phone.”

  “Now you’re using your brain,” I wink. “But I warn you, it’s too late. Smalls and I are tight, and he has the pictures. If he doesn’t hear from me every day, he will send them to your father, and the school board in case your father tries to cover it up. As well as the British and Australian press. I don’t know how things work here, but where I’m from the papers would have a field day with this story. Damaged teen gets preyed on by sexual predator teacher at reform safe haven.”

  “And what do you get out of this?” he asks.

  “Besides orgasms?” I snark. “I can’t tell you that, but you’re a smart man...if you work it out, then I’ll tell you. Can I have the phone back now? I need to finish calling my family that I’ve been ripped away from without a chance to say goodbye.”

  Sawyer walks over to me and gets close, close enough that my body remembers every caress on my skin from the night before. He’s so close that my body starts to melt into his. He leans in and his lips lightly touch mine.

  “If you ever think I will touch you again, you're the idiot.” With that, he pushes the phone into my chest. I wait until he leaves to compose myself. Taking out the sim, I place the phone back into Monty’s desk.


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