In The End (The Butterfly Series Book 1)

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In The End (The Butterfly Series Book 1) Page 21

by Isabella Redwood

  ‘I missed you, are you better?’ His brow furrowed, and I kissed his forehead tenderly.

  ‘I’m much better, thanks; tell me what you learnt today?’ We were back in the car, Gardner driving, Nicholi in the front with Jake, Max and I sat in the back, giggling and laughing without a care. It was so innocent, so joyous, this was why I had wanted to come back to the job despite being shot, I belonged here, and little did I know why at the time, but now it was clear. They were my family and always had been.

  I felt well enough to make dinner and despite Nicholi’s vocal reservations I succeeded and was just aimlessly chopping vegetables while Max played with cars and Jake drew. Nicholi helped as best he could, having Earl had significantly dampened his culinary abilities, but he was trying. I looked at Nicholi, seeking confirmation, receiving his knowingly look and acceptance before beginning.

  ‘Jake, there is something I need to tell you.’ Taking a deep breath, I watched him lift his head, smile and wait for me to continue. God, he looks so much like Lexi, like me, why didn’t I see it?

  ‘Jake, your mommy was my sister, I am your aunt.’ I confirmed, smiling and hoping with all my heart this was not too much for him; he faltered a little.

  ‘So you are not going to be my mom?’ He looked visibly deflated and my heart ached.

  ‘I have asked Sophia to marry me, Jake, and we are all going to live together forever,’ Nicholi affirmed and Jake’s glow returned; my heart beat once more. Giving Nicholi a thank you smile, I continued.

  ‘There is something else; we are going to have a baby.’ I again froze, waiting in anticipation, but I needn’t have worried, Jake ran into my arms and hugged me so tightly I never wanted him to let go.

  ‘I love you, Sophia,’ he whispered. ‘Mommy.’ The tears fell once more, this time full of joy and elation.

  ‘I love you too, JC.’ A surprised, curious look crept across his face, I would have some explaining to do, but for right now we were having a family dinner and I had never felt so blessed.


  As I sat in the court, waiting to give evidence my heart was pounding, my pulse throbbing mercilessly in my ears. I had seen Larissa enter and the haunting expression she had given me reverberated throughout the elegant courthouse. I had been called to give evidence in Max’s custody hearing and after inheriting everything from the man she viewed as her father, hoping to take her grandson away, returning him to his mother, I was her worst nightmare as much as she was mine.

  Morning sickness after the fifth week of pregnancy had kicked in full force and my stomach lunged at the smell of the coffee the person sitting down next to me had brought with them. Knowing the inevitable, I ran to the nearest bathroom to say hello once more to my breakfast, sitting with my head in my hands and willing this to be over. I reluctantly dragged myself back to the waiting area and flicked through a magazine, aimlessly, anything to take my mind off what was coming. My phone rang, and I stood to answer, walking over to the window and peered outside.

  The courthouse was set in beautiful grounds all considering, with a large pond the centrepiece, now frozen over with the bad weather we had been inundated with. The wintry flowers circling in were desperately trying to drink in a little of the passing sunshine, buried underneath an inch of snow. I shuddered; it was the lawyer again.

  ‘Look. I do not know how many ways I can say the same thing. I don’t want the money, none of it; do whatever you like with it I don’t care.’ He had been calling me every day for the past two weeks. Apparently it was unheard of for a person to refuse an inheritance and he was grating on my nerves every time he called. I was saved from arguing with him further by the sheriff, it was my turn to testify.

  After swearing on the bible and sitting down. I peeked across at Nicholi, who smiled reassuringly, his eyes nervous and foreboding. Feeling confident or foolish I glanced at Larissa, such an attractive woman with a heart as cold as ice, I wondered what my father had seen in her and vowed that despite everything that had happened I would confront him. He had succeeded again in thwarting the exhumation of the grave and my subconscious was telling me that was because he knew something, did he know Jacob was alive the whole time? I shook my head, the pain too much to bear, and focused on the present.

  ‘Miss Nichols, in your time as carer for Maximus Veneto would you say he had a positive relationship with his mother?’ Morgan’s lawyer was a friendly, compassionate woman and from the brief time I had spoken with her, outlining the questions I would be asked, made me feel completely at ease.

  ‘Absolutely, his mother would speak with him over the telephone, skype and visit every weekend. They have a strong bond despite the separation.’ Larissa’s lawyer objected.

  ‘Your Honour, it is preposterous to think that in such a short space of time Miss Nichols, a nanny, could make that assessment.’ A portly middle-aged man who looked like a dodgy claims lawyer rather than a family law professional voiced his disbelief, his tone dripping with contempt.

  ‘Your Honour, Miss Nichols has a master’s degree in child development and psychology; she is more than adequately qualified to make that assessment.’ The process continued with every question, Larissa’s lawyer nit picking every little thing I was saying and it was starting to wear me down. The room was warm, too warm, and the nausea was gripping back. I took a sip of water and stole a glance at Nicholi, he was looking visibly concerned and my delay in answering a question while I was trying not to gag caught the judge’s attention.

  ‘Miss Nichols, do you need a moment?’ Feeling like I was going to decorate the witness box, I nodded, and we were in recess. I smiled at Nicholi, trying to reassure him, I was all right, but he did not buy it and looking in the mirror I would not have either. Splashing water on my face, I took a deep breath, just a few more minutes and it will be over with.

  I was called back into court fifteen minutes later and this time Larissa’s lawyer took no prisoners, bringing up my relationship with Nicholi, anything and everything he could think of. She was clearly desperate and if it had not been for the fact that I knew she was doing this out of spite rather than truly putting Max first, I would have felt sorry for her.

  The judge came to his decision quickly, not surprising considering the case for removal was so far-fetched anyone could see it was a set-up, placing Max back into his mother’s custody with Cross having full visitation rights. Larissa was not given any rights to see Max, and the euphoria spread throughout the court.

  ‘This is not over,’ she growled; as vindictive as she was, no, it probably was not.

  ‘Go, Mother, you are not welcome here, I don’t ever want you near my son again.’ Standing in a defensive position, Cross was glaring at his mother. She initially looked taken aback before that cruel sadistic smile spread across her face and she sauntered off, glowering at Mia towards the back of the courthouse.

  Saying goodbye to Max was bittersweet, they would be moving to Germany where Morgan’s husband was based and the thought of not seeing him running to me every morning, his curls bouncing, made my heart ache. Nicholi squeezed my hand, empathising, he would miss him too, and we said our goodbyes or as Mia preferred, see you later, heading to our ultrasound appointment, collecting Jacob from school en route.

  I was exhausted and just wanted to curl up in bed, but the anticipation of seeing our baby for the first time was fuelling me forward. The OBGYN Doctor Leigh had recommended made me feel at ease immediately, no small feat, and after completing some basic checks we were ready for the scan. I had been there with Lexi at her ultrasound though she was much further advanced in her pregnancy than I was and the doctor had warned us there would not be much to see. Nicholi’s hand was in mine when she started, attempting an abdominal scan first. We all watched her face as she moved the probe across my belly, concentrated and unreadable; finally, she turned the screen so we all could see.

  Jacob was perched on the side of the bed filling me with such joy seeing how excited he was, and I too turned to the scree
n. I think I was the first to notice, Nicholi was doing the, I can see it is there stare, completely unable to work out which was what and the doctor gave me her knowing smile before announcing.

  ‘Meet your babies, they are right here.’ Pointing at the tiny blots in the corner.

  ‘Ah, wait, what, babies?’ Nicholi’s voice marvelling at first until the comprehension set in.

  ‘Congratulations, you are having twins.’ I turned to Nicholi, his eyes wide, shock then realisation flowing through him at full speed.

  ‘You okay?’ I asked, squeezing his hand, willing this not to be too much for him. Finding out you’re becoming a father is one thing, finding out it’s twins, well that’s challenging, I know.

  ‘Oh, baby, it’s amazing, look at them.’ I turned back to the screen, our babies, growing, developing and yes, making me puke every day, but they were so worth it.

  ‘Sophia, are they a boy or girl?’ Jacob’s lisped voice broke my reverie, he had lost his first tooth this morning and looked unbelievably adorable gummy. I turned to the doctor for answers.

  ‘Well, they are too small to say yet and I can’t confirm with certainty at this stage, but I think they will either be two girls or two boys.’

  ‘Identical?’ Nicholi and I spoke in unison, our voices pitched with the same intensity.

  ‘Best guess yes, but we will confirm at your twelve week appointment,’ smiling as she presented us with our ultrasound pictures and walked us out.

  We travelled back to the house in silence, Jake playing his computer game; I lost in my thoughts, identical twins, just like Lexi and me, the thought comforting yet raw at the same time.

  Nicholi’s expression was not giving anything away, and I longed to be alone with him to discuss our news later. I could see in the wing mirror Christian and Gardner following us behind and upfront were the two newest security members whose names I was yet to learn. The stark reality of the danger we were still in was never far from my mind, but I think I was becoming a little too secure, a little too complacent and that is never a good idea, particularly being me. Something that no doubt we would be reminded of sooner rather than later. The clouds were gathering overhead, plotting and scheming without mercy.

  Holding On

  The next month passed without issue, my morning sickness gradually easing and for the first time in weeks I could eat breakfast without fear of welcoming it back again. Nicholi was busy with work; I had finished my designs for his building and paid off all my debts with the commission I had received. Life was calm, bliss, and I had never felt happier. Jacob was having a sleep over tonight, Nicholi was working late at the office, but promised he would make it in time for dinner and I was just pottering around the mansion house, with nothing to do as of course Nicholi had hired the housekeeper.

  I could hear Christian watching the football in the playroom and Gardener was milling around somewhere, probably doing some kind of sweep. I yawned; taking a nap would pass the time for Nicholi returning home.

  It was not long before I had fallen asleep; dreams took hold quickly these days and were more real, vivid and intense than ever before. The pregnancy hormones, so I had read, but they were taking a toll.

  Walking through a meadow, the grass slightly wet with dew, sparkling under the cascading sunlight, penetrating and nourishing all it touched, I smiled seeing Nicholi just up ahead. Jacob was on his shoulders carrying fresh flowers, daisies they had just picked. I could almost touch them before I was ripped away, thrown into darkness; the only light a dim red glow underneath a closed doorway. The pungent smell of Lysol and urine filled the air, catching in my throat and causing dry heaves. I was so thirsty, my mouth unable to lubricate with the smallest amount of salvia, my lips cracked and blistered. The door flew open, Larissa yielding a knife, ran towards me.

  ‘I will take everything you stole from me; it’s your turn now.’

  I jumped up, panting, sweat dripping down salting my lips; trying to focus, take deep breaths, I was safe. Noticing that it had gotten dark, I leant across to turn on the light, stopping just as my finger reached the switch, frozen. There was no noise from downstairs, silence, had the game finished? No, there was something wrong; it was too quiet. My heart rate increasing, I took a deep breath, stay calm, Sophia, the babies, my mantra swirling around my head as I crept towards the door, listening intently for anything, any news that confirmed all was well.

  ‘I told you, she isn’t home.’ Christian’s voice rang out, echoing his pain.

  ‘Liar, you going to die for some bitch, well that can be arranged.’ Silence, then glass shattering, they were in the office. I had fallen asleep in the attic, a place I felt connected me with Nicholi when he was not here and somewhere they, whoever it was downstairs looking for me, had not thought to check. I had not known it existed until Nicholi brought me up here, the entrance hidden at the back of a closet, but close enough to the study that the news had penetrated through. I must keep still. Reaching for my phone, terrified, but trying to focus, Christian needed help, god knows where Gardner was and how long did I have until someone found me? Pushing the thought out of my head, I dialled.

  ‘Hey baby, I’m leaving in five, everything okay?’ Hearing his voice so buoyant and carefree, knowing our world was crashing down around us, my heart sank.

  ‘Someone’s in the house.’ My voice was barely audible, but he caught every word.

  ‘Chris, Gardner?’

  ‘They have Chris; I don’t know where Gardner is.’ My throat was so dry I could barely get the words out.

  ‘Where are you?’ He was moving quickly, running, I could hear the wind echoing through the microphone.

  ‘Attic, should I hit the panic button on the alarm panel?’ Not wanting to give away my position or that I was actually in the house had stopped me from doing so earlier.

  ‘No, baby, you need to get to the panic room.’ I extracted the memory of that night, my introduction to the panic room. We had just made love, and I was lying in Nicholi’s arms, my head resting on his chest, legs entwined, at total peace, eyes slowly closing filled with sweet delicious memories.

  ‘Baby, I need to show you something.’ I shuffled and groaned.

  ‘I’m sleepy.’ Chasing with a yawn, sleep was beckoning.

  ‘This is important, Sophia, please.’ Nicholi scrambled out from underneath me pulling me upright into his arms and led me by the hand to the alcove in the corner of the room.

  ‘That’s a really odd place to put a mirror,’ I gestured, sighing and trying to pull him back towards the bed, to no avail, he was made of rock and I was a mere leaf blowing in the breeze. A glint appeared in his eyes, he was apprehensive, but also excited, I could read his eyes so well now, mirroring them, I caved.

  ‘What is it?’ I asked, curiosity building now as he took my watch off and waving it in front of the mirror, pushing one of the side buttons on the watch, the mirror opened outward.

  ‘Holy crap, what is this?’ Astonishment littered my tone and Nicholi took my hand once more, leading me into the closet sized room.

  ‘This is a panic room, It’s filled with life resources, food, water, a first aid kit as well as state of the art security surveillance equipment, phone, internet access, all run from a separate system to the house.’ I was speechless. My eyes scanned the room, a monitor at the back wall had illuminated when we entered the room displaying the external, entrance hall and stairways from hidden camera surveillance, I had not seen any for sure. The phone and laptop computer were opposite with storage boxes at the side, no doubt containing the supplies he had mentioned with a small seating area in the middle.

  ‘Wow, have you always had this?’ I was still astounded at my newest discovery.

  ‘No, I had it installed just before you moved in, no one knows about the room, not even Cross, aside from the contractor who installed it. I do not want you to worry, the chances of us ever having to use this room are so slim, the house alarm system is state of the art, but you know I like my sec
urity so it is just for peace of mind.’ Nicholi led me out of the room and the mirrored door, now that I know it was one, closed discreetly behind us. ‘Your watch opens it with an infra-red scan, same as a television remote really, just press this button on the left.’

  ‘Got it, can we go back to bed now, my mind is too befuddled to think about panic rooms and secret mirrors that are really doors.’ Yawning, Nicholi pulled me into his arms.

  ‘I just want to keep you safe, baby,’ he affirmed, snuggling next to me in bed, wrapping me in his arms, eternally safe.

  The panic room was located in my bedroom and to reach it I would have to cross the main hall. The fear gripped me like a vice; I was trapped.

  ‘I need you to listen very carefully, Sophia, we will do this together, just breathe.’ I had been holding my breath without knowing and taking a gulp of air, tried to focus.

  ‘You see the closet behind you? Open it.’ I scooted over to the closet on tiptoes, my dancing skills once again proving useful beyond their purpose, giving me the ability to move lithe and stealth-like with as little noise as possible.

  ‘I’m here, what next?’ I asked, desperately trying to feign confidence, but failing miserably, he knew me too well.

  ‘I’m here, I’m not going anywhere I promise, we will do this together.’ His mantra pounding through my head, my circulation working overtime trying to pump the necessary elements, adrenaline kicking in and coursing through my veins. ‘Now in the corner you should see a service hatch, it leads to a crawl space between the floorboards, got it?’

  ‘Yes.’ Trying to open it was useless. ‘It’s stuck.’ Using all my strength still wasn’t budging it. I heard Nicholi take a gulp of air, I was longing to be in his arms. ‘Nic, I’m scared.’ Fear was slowly enveloping me; this was not going to work.

  ‘Oh, baby, I’m coming, just hang on, and stay with me. The drawer next to the file cabinet, open it, you want the blue can, spray it on the bolt.’ Turning around I once again crept across the floor, pausing only when I heard a third voice suddenly.


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