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Anna Maria Island

Page 3

by O'Donnell, Jennifer

  "No, baby. That's why I married you. You're my monster. The thin one looks perfect. C'mon, order them and let's eat." I left the study, laughing, but secretly I was pleased. I had been thinking along these lines. It was easier that he order them than maybe find out that I had.

  After sunset, we packed some wine and glasses and walked over to the beach. The sky was dark blue turning to purple. It was pleasant; a slight breeze felt warm. The sea was fairly calm. I had a blanket and we spread it out. We sipped the wine watching the sky slip into darkness. We collected some driftwood, and he made a small fire. Soon a full moon rose from the sea. It was maybe 9:30.

  We made love right there on the beach. I had worn a short jean skirt and a fleece top. He unzipped the top and pressed me back on the blanket. My skirt was hiked up, and he unfastened his jeans and rested over me. He entered me and gently stroked. I lay back, rocking against his strokes. It was soft, gentle. He paused, letting me feel his pulses. I squeezed back. We were in no rush. The moon lit the sea, and the waves flashed white as they broke. The fire burned down. It felt like we were in a private chamber with the moon casting a pale light beam across the water. He pressed on me. We kissed, and I whispered in his ear, “Close your eyes. Now tell me....mouth or pussy"? I clenched my abdominal muscles and squeezed his cock.

  "I feel that," he said. “Are you doing that on purpose?"

  "Yeah, I've been doing Kegel exercises to learn how to do it."

  "Mmm," he moaned as he started to thrust. "Pussy, with a good grip!"

  I laughed as he smiled down on me. "Fuck your wife," I requested.

  He did. Our pace quickened and he came. I did, too, not as intense as the night before, but hot spasms flowed from between my legs. He slipped out and we lay there. He found more wood for the fire. We just sat there quietly, my top still unzipped. I moved and felt the wet spot on the blanket. "I need to rinse off," I said.

  "Go for a swim."

  "Will you?"

  "If you do."

  I thought of it for just a minute and decided. I rose and wiggled off the skirt and tossed off the fleece top. I ran to the water and in. It was not as cold as I feared. The air was cool, but the water felt okay. I swam out, ran my hand over my pussy, and flushed out some of his seed. He was on the shore, testing the water, but did not come in. I waited just a bit and swam to shore. Near the fire, I felt okay but was chilled otherwise. So we dressed and returned to the house. After a warm shower we were both tired and went to bed after watching the late news.

  The next day, Sunday, we went to the beach after breakfast. The weather was turning, and streaks of clouds were moving in. By early afternoon it had become cloudy and cool. So we went back to the house, and he left for home around four in the afternoon.

  Chapter 3

  That night a storm hit. I woke after midnight hearing the wind and driving rain. The next day was cool and rainy, the rain lasting all day. I spent the day reading and finished the novel. I did my usual exercising, and after dinner I went out. The skies were foggy. I shopped a bit and went to a bookstore. In the “human sexuality” area, I browsed through titles. Most looked like they were about couples counseling, and I didn't see what I was after. There were a few “how-to” manuals. Then I found a book of erotic short stories. Flipping through it revealed a wide selection of themes: “solo,” “loving wives,” “groups,” “public,” and more. I bought it.

  That night I began to read it. I curled on the couch, nude, and snuggled in a quilt. The stories fueled my imagination. I was surprised to see it was 2:00. I went to bed. A whirlwind of erotic thoughts spun through my head. I lay awake for sometime and finally drifted off. I don’t remember if I dreamed.

  Tuesday dawned gray and windless, cool and humid. I lay around the house reading my new book again.. One story gripped my interest. A young couple takes a vacation and the wife goes topless on the beach. She finds herself increasingly aroused. As their vacation goes on she becomes more uninhibited and discovers her passion for erotic experiences. I made myself come as I reread that story. I bet I dreamt I was her that night.

  Wednesday was clear and hot. I lay on the deck tanning for most of the afternoon. Several times I showered in the redwood shower stall off the deck. That evening, when it cooled, I went out to the hardware store and got more paint. Again, the store clerk was very helpful. I think he liked my tan. I wore a white top and saw him noticing my “pokies.” I smiled privately at the little thrill I gave him.

  The second room would be painted a nice orange – something called 'mango'. I prepped the bedroom for painting. This time I washed the trim and only lightly wiped the walls. It would dry quicker.

  Thursday was a repeat of Wednesday. Maybe it was hotter. The mail came and with it was a plain wrapped box. I brought it to the kitchen and slit the wrapping. Inside was a slender silver vibe. I felt it - a smooth and slender shaft with a rounded but pointed tip. It felt hard in my hand and not exactly life-like. The base was a switch cap that opened for the batteries. There were two bottles of lube – “sex oil.” One was flavored vanilla, the other cherry. I was a bit surprised to find a third item. Three “luv beads” were connected by a cord. They looked like oblong eggs and were a little wider than the vibe. The cord ended with a little ring. I discarded the package wrapping and brought the box to my bedroom.

  That night my husband called, and we had phone sex. I told him my toys had arrived. He wanted to know all about them. As we talked, I used the vibe and came twice. Afterwards, I hid the toys in my dresser. Tucked under the bras and panties that I no longer wore, they were safe from prying eyes.

  The coming weekend was July 4th, and we had arranged for two couples to visit us at the beach house. One couple was a work friend of my husband and his wife. The other was a girlfriend of mine from work and her husband.

  When they arrived, although the weekend was fun and I liked the company, their presence changed the tone. Sex was no longer the center of the weekend. We went to the beach. I grilled dinner on the deck. We watched the fireworks and the usual other holiday events.

  When the women and I went to get some fresh seafood and the guys shopped for things to drink, the girls talked about my staying alone at the house. They were intrigued and saw that I was relaxed, rested and tanned. I think they could tell I was enjoying it. I hinted that the weekends were pretty wild, and the separation during the week heightened our passion. I sensed a bit of jealousy.

  My husband brought a digital camera, and we took the usual holiday social pictures. When I see them now, the signs that I was changing were there. I looked happy, alive, and somehow more sensual.

  My husband and I fucked the night before everybody left, taking some care to be quiet, since the other couples were in adjacent bedrooms. When I came, I muffled a cry. I whispered something about being a being a “quiet courtesan.” I promised that when alone, we could be wild again.

  In the morning, I made breakfast. We were all a bit groggy. It was a lazy morning and we just relaxed. They all left early to beat the traffic. I was lonesome to see them go and a bit frustrated that sex with my husband was not as wild as it would have been if we had been alone.

  That night I tried the beads. I lubed them and slipped one in. It felt thick and filled me. Once in, the next slipped in easier, then the next. The cord held them in position. The little ring protruded and nestled between my swollen labia. I pulled them out slowly. Each stretched me as it popped free. I pressed them back in. I tried squeezing them and felt them move as I contracted my pelvic muscles. I lay back feeling them inside. I rolled over and arched my back. I curled on the bed and explored how they felt as I moved. Walking, I could feel them churn inside. I decided I liked them... a lot. With the vibe humming happily against my swollen pussy clit, I came hard. I slipped the beads out and slept soundly. I'd wash them in the morning.

  After the July 4th holiday, the crowds swelled in town and at the beach. On Wednesday, I was on the deck, nude and reading the short stories with the beads i
nserted. I'd sampled the book and found myself drawn to the “loving wives” and “exhibitionist” stories. Somehow these interested me most. As I read, I was turned on by the explicit stories. Rolling on my stomach, to tan my back, I felt the “luv beads” shift in my vagina. I squeezed my pelvic muscles and felt them resist my squeezes.

  The day drifted by. I put the camera on a table, set the timer, and took a few pics of me on the lounge chair. That small act was a turn on since I was nude. I wanted to see what I looked like, and I thought I'd email one to my husband.

  I decided to have a margarita and a second. Around 4:00, I heard a vehicle enter the driveway. The familiar sounds of a mower being unloaded indicated the landscapers were back. The time was unusual. They usually came in late morning. I rose from the deck and went indoors, since sometimes they entered the garden to tend the shrubs. In the house, I peered from the window and saw that only Tom, the college guy, had come. I watched him mow the lawn. I was nude and standing at the corner of a window. It seemed he could not see me. I was tempted to move into his view. He was deeply tanned and wore only faded khaki shorts and work shoes. He worked quickly, and the lawns soon looked perfectly manicured. He then raked and picked up the cut grass and leaves. I went to my bedroom and slipped on a thin yellow sundress.

  I went out the drive and said hello. We chatted, and he explained that with the crowds, more people wanted their services. They now worked alone to get more jobs done. He looked hot; sweat streaked his chest and grass clippings clung to him. I offered him a cold drink. He accepted, and we went through the gate to the garden.

  He stood on the deck, and I got two iced teas from the kitchen. He surveyed the garden and thought it looked great – well watered and healthy. The hot weather had parched some gardens, but mine was fine. We chatted, and I told him of my progress with decorating the house. I asked if he would help me move some furniture. "Now?" he asked.

  "Yeah, if that's okay. I know you're busy."

  "You're my last stop today. We started at 6:30 this morning."

  "Oh, you must be exhausted."

  "No, it's not that. But I'm a mess with clippings and stuff all over me."

  He looked like he had worked hard all day, and his body and shorts were gritty and stained. I thought he looked sexy. Maybe he saw that in my gaze.

  "There is an outdoor shower right there." I gestured towards the redwood stall by the garden shed. "You can rinse off."

  "Okay. You don't mind?"

  "No problem. Help yourself. I'll get you a fresh towel."

  He finished his tea and went to the shower. I went to the laundry and got a beach towel. I went out to the stall and said I was hanging it on the hook just outside the door. Through the cracks between the boards I caught just a slight glimpse of his tanned body. I could see the pale skin of where his shorts had shaded him from the summer sun. I watched, maybe too long, and forced myself to withdraw back to the deck.

  He finished, cracked the door, and got the towel. Soon he appeared wearing his dirty shorts. The shorts were a mess, but he was freshly scrubbed. He walked back to the deck.

  "So, what do you want to move?"

  I led him to the bedroom that I had prepped but not painted.

  "Wow, this is a great house," he said as he followed me through the living room and into the wing of spare bedrooms.

  "Yeah, my aunt is really into art and design. They have great taste. Part of my deal sitting here for the summer is to redecorate the spare bedrooms." He followed me, and I sensed his eyes were also drifting over me. I’ve go to say, I really liked that thought. Did I wiggle and jiggle more than necessary? Of course I did.

  "I need to get the furniture away from the walls so I can paint," I said as we came to the second bedroom. He surveyed the dresser and bed.

  "No problem."

  "Well, I dragged the furniture in another room and scratched the floor. It was a bitch to fix the scratches. The guy at the hardware store gave me these to protect the floors." I showed him the metal cups with a fabric base that I had bought.

  "If you lift a corner of the bed, I'll slip the coasters under the legs. Then we can just slide them away from the walls."

  He lifted a corner of the queen bed, and I placed the coaster. We did the other corners. As I crouched on the floor, I was vividly reminded that the “luv beads” were shifting in my pussy. I squeezed, holding them tight. I was aware of his tanned legs just inches from me as I knelt on the floor. I resisted the temptation to sneak a glimpse upward. What would I see up the leg of his shorts? My pussy churned the beads.

  I didn't realize, at first, that my thin sundress afforded him some intimate views of me. Being nude underneath was totally natural to me. He must have noticed no bra line and, apparently, no panty line. As I knelt at a corner of the bed that he lifted, this was probably confirmed. He could certainly see down the low-cut neck line to my tanned breasts hanging free. For just a glimpse, I think he could see all the way down to my thighs. No panty spoiled that view. I caught a glimpse of his face. He was flushed and seemed starting to get turned on.

  We easily slid the bed to the center of the room. We then did the dresser and the small writing table.

  "Perfect," I said. "Thank you. That really helped a lot."

  "No problem. Anytime."

  We went back through the house to the kitchen. I noticed my skin felt flushed. The beads jostled in my pussy. I squeezed to hold them in. I felt spasms between my legs. I was close to orgasm. I offered him another bottle of tea which he took for the drive back to his shop. He left, and I watched him drive off.

  I walked back to my bedroom.. I almost tore off the dress and lay on the bed. I slowly pulled the “luv beads” from my soaked pussy. I took the vibe from my nightstand. I didn't need lube. I pressed the vibrating shaft between my swollen lips. I felt a tinge of regret that I had not done him. It would have been so easy.

  After we moved the furniture, I could have sat on the bed. I could have said, "I was surprised to see you today. Did you see me watching you from the window? I thought you noticed me when you were mowing."

  "Yeah, I saw you at the side of the window," he'd reply. His face would flush. A wicked look would flash in his eyes as he recalled the image of me he had seen - my nude form in the shadows. He must have noticed the all over tan. Most of all he would have noticed two gorgeous tits jutting from behind the curtain. He would see my hand was at the apex of my tanned legs.

  Her voice would bring him back to the moment. "That's why I put on this dress. I had been tanning on the deck when you arrived." I'd tug at the hem and lean forward. Gravity would do the rest. The loose neckline would drape away from my breasts. I see myself leaning forward and caressing my tanned thigh. Would he know I was teasing him...flirting....inviting him to see my tanned breasts? Was he just an innocent college kid?

  In my fantasy, he now stands by the bed watching me. I smile and slip one shoulder strap off, then the other. I stand, touching his tanned arm, and, as I reach, the strap falls lower, and the thin cups fall away exposing my nipples. I lean forward, kiss him and his arms wrap around me. I feel his strong tanned back. We kiss.

  I pull away. He no longer looks innocent. He is uncertain but a sly grin flashes across his eyes. I sit on the bed and pull my dress down, exposing both heaving breasts.

  "You like my tan?" I jiggle them by tossing my shoulders. "You like my tits?" I reach to him and draw him close. I unfasten his shorts and tug at them. He helps, and they fall to the floor. He is nude under. His dark tanned chest and legs contrast with the white band around his middle. His cock is standing tall, almost pressing upward to his abs. He's thick, thicker than my vibe, than my beads; his balls hang low. I press his hot cock between my tits. I look down and engulf it, devouring the tip...his shaft, his sack. I taste them in


  I fall back to the bed, my dress now bunched up like a broad belt around my waist.

  He stands there, watching, almost in shock. I lie back and slowly pul
l the beads from my vagina. He can't believe what he is seeing. He moves onto the bed over me.

  "My cunt is so ready," I moan. "Fuck it, fuck it like you wanted to when you first saw me."

  He enters me and thrusts deep and hard. I squeeze my cunt. He fucks me furiously, fucks my brains out. I tell him to treat me like the hot married cunt that he dreams about. He bangs harder. I explode, and an orgasm wracks my body. I push him off and spring between his legs gorging on his cock - taking him deep, almost gagging. Taking him deeper, trying to deep throat. Taking him deeper than any other cock I've sucked. I crave to feel his come, first in my mouth, then in my cunt. I want to drip with his cream....

  Mmmm... I drifted back to reality. The vibe slipped from my vagina. My strong muscles squeezed it out. The hot waves of my orgasm radiated from my cunt. "My cunt," I said aloud, hearing myself actually say it for the first time. It sounded nasty, dirty, something said in sleazy hotels or alleys behind bars. It felt oddly provocative to think I wanted to be considered a cunt. I tasted the vibe. It was creamy. I slipped it back in my cunt, then again to my mouth wondering how deep it could go. Not far enough. The tip made me gag as it neared the back of my throat. I'd need to practice.

  I lay on the bed lost in my thoughts. My cravings for the college guy surprised me by their intensity. My little fantasy was so real. Reading the erotica had spurred my imagination. The idea of seducing the college kid was crazy. I knew that, but the fantasy was so erotic. The temptation was so strong. Something was building in me, and I was letting it happen. A little guilt tugged me back, but the guilt was fading.

  I brought the vibe and beads to the bathroom and washed them. I went back to the deck and cleaned up. I got his towel, the glasses, and the camera and brought them inside. I checked the pics that I had taken on the deck on the camera's view screen. I looked sexy in a fairly wholesome way - a nude tanned woman lying in the sun with a faint look of mischief. I'd need to transfer them to the computer to view full screen. I knew as soon as I saw them that I'd explore more explicit photos.


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