Chaos Mortalitus

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Chaos Mortalitus Page 3

by Mark LaMaster

  "Late last night Mr. Morgan somehow manages to break into the pyramid site undetected and unlock the cylinder using the mysterious combination for the twelve rings. We believe Tyler retrieved an unknown object we have codenamed The Payload. He then steals a military speedboat and makes it back to the mainland of San Diego. He is gone for five hours until he is apprehended returning in the stolen boat. After a thorough search nothing of interest is found, so at this point we know he took something from inside the cylinder object."

  "He then dropped the object codenamed The Payload, off somewhere not far from the shoreline and was then apprehended and is now sitting one hundred feet down the hall. Would you say that about sums everything up gentlemen?" The aged man's presence is daunting as the soldiers take in the current events.

  "We also know he made a transmission to someone from the ship just before acquiring the boat to the mainland. Mr. Morgan has encrypted the transmission so at most it will take us twelve to sixteen hours to get the information." One of the soldiers adds.

  The aged man stares at the soldiers for a moment shaking his head. "You can't write shit this good, for God's sake, we are the United States government. FUCKING FIX THIS NOW!" The mysterious man's tone escalates as he throws his drink into the fire.

  I hear the car come to a stop at Super Burger, a place Angela and I have loved for years now. A small building, family operated, not quite a sit down diner, definitely not fast food, where the staff knows your name by face, sharing your experiences in life, a friendship even. I sit in the parking lot realizing I'm a bit ahead of schedule. Angela should be here shortly, so I decide to give my partner a call to make sure the gallery show is on schedule. "Omega, open a video transmission to Kalden Skamar."

  "Yes Mr. Mortal." Omega responds.

  The seats in my car face inward in the front and rear, the center console a counterpart linked to the Omega System in my home. I sit rear middle usually, something about going forward and facing backward that doesn't agree with me. A holographic touch screen window appears centered in front of me. Kalden picks up the call and I get a direct video feed to him. "Hello my friend, how are you?" Kalden says, greeting me with a bow.

  "I'm good, just waiting on Angela. We're grabbin' some lunch at Super Burger before we head to the gallery."

  "I don't see what your interest is in that place, every time we eat there I end up in the bathroom for an hour." Kalden says humorously.

  Four years ago I met Kalden Skamar, an amazing fine artist with works nothing short of inspirational. Using multiple mediums and original techniques that imply artistic genius. Kalden is thirty-three and enjoying the single life, absolutely devoted to our art studio and the name it represents, Skamar & Mortal Art Company. A Tibetan Buddhist, Kalden grew up in Dharslama India with the Tibetans in exile until the age of fifteen, when he was sent to a prestigious art institute in London for display of his superior artistic talent.

  He remained at the institute until he was twenty-four years old, when he moved to California and built his own private studio. Kalden's art styles are very 20th century, still using a very traditional approach, captivating the viewer through use of color and texture. It was late in the summer of 2021 A.D. that Kalden first came to me having seen my work through a mutual acquaintance. With ideas and concepts I'd never heard of, he brought a new sense of art into my life, with his views on Buddhism helping corral a widely arrogant point of view I had generated over time.

  Such amazing man giving as much as possible from his success to the Tibetan men, women and children still living in exile. "Well everything looks like it's going well Ash, I expect a large turn out tonight. Oh, I got that lighting issue taken care of in your exhibit." Kalden says with a smile.

  "You know, I think this might be the first project where we aren't runnin' around like crazy people at the last minute." I reply with a laugh. "Fine job Kalden, fine job."

  This is our first gallery show together, but the crazy thing about it is the fact that every piece available has already sold, before opening day. Our golden tickets have already been paid in full, pushing our excitement over the edge. "What time do you think you and Angela will make it here?"

  "Well I know you already did your interview with the gallery promotions, but I lagged a bit on mine, so I guess were doin' it at three thirty. What's the interview thing about anyway?"

  "I think they are doing a promotional thing with the projectors above the gallery. Something about playing our interviews simultaneously to enlighten new comers on who we are and what we stand for." Kalden replies.

  "Oh, got it. Well we're just gonna grab some grub and head out, I should be able to meet you around five or so if that works."

  "Five is perfect for me, until then my friend, go in peace."

  "You too, see you soon Kalden." I say as the video transmission ends.

  Collecting my thoughts briefly, I open the door to my car and step out as a slight breeze brushes against me so I turn back to my car and remove a black hooded sweatshirt. Putting it on I begin to zip it up as I walk toward the restaurant, with large panel windows revealing a place I can feel at home, at least during dinner. Standing a ways from the door, I pull a smoke from my pack and lean my head toward the flame to light it. Pressing my back against the smooth wall of the building, I slide down resting my arms on my knees.

  Staring aimlessly for a moment, storm clouds begin to roll in overhead like an engaging foreign enemy, surely a preemptive strike. Raindrops begin to fall from the sky as I snicker very irritated. "Ah shit! Every time I wash this damn car it rains the next day, hell if not the same day! It's just not in the stars for this vehicle and me!" I say with an annoyed tone as I exhale the smoke. As I sit taken in by the mysterious afternoon gloom I think to myself. "So much for Omega's damn weather report huh."

  All the technology from the greatest minds on the planet and they still can't seem to get the weather right. Angela's car pulls into the right entrance of the parking lot just then and hopefully she didn't see me smoking as I rush to destroy the evidence. She knows I smoke, but is under the impression that I'm quitting as I see my wife round the corner of her car, heading across the parking lot toward me. She wears a smile on her face unlike any I've seen before, glowing in a way different from most days. Not far away now she makes a quick dash and jumps onto me, throwing her arms around my neck. "Whoa! Watch it gorgeous." I say as I wrap my arms around her waist.

  "I missed you so much baby you have no idea, it was horrible."

  My good mood instantly shifts to concern. "Did everything go ok? Nothings wrong right?"

  "No, don't be silly, I'm fine. I meant it was horrible without you." She says sarcastically. "I'm starving though, can we go inside already?"

  "What ever you say my queen." I say opening the door for Angela. As she walks through she kisses me randomly, smiles for a second then continues on.

  "You sure you're ok weirdo?"

  Inside we stand in line to order, while Angela scans the same menu Super Burger has always had as if she hasn't seen it a thousand times before. She always does that, my personal favorite as far as pet peeves go because I know she'll just end up getting her usual meal, it's like clockwork. "I think I'll just get the usual babe." She says.

  "Didn't see that one coming." I mumble as she turns and sticks her tongue out at me.

  We wait for the couple in front of us to finish with their order and then approach the cashier. His name is Ronny; he works with his brother Ryan, in this family operated restaurant. Ronny is the youngest, same age as me, twenty-eight although Angela says sometimes I'm going on seventeen. "Mr. Ash, hey there buddy! How are you and Angela on the beautiful now overcast afternoon?" Ronny asks.

  "Doing good, not thrilled about the weather though, I just washed my car."

  "Get over it Ash. It's just a car." Angela says laughing, always making fun of me with every available opportunity.

  "So what can I get you guys?" Ronny asks.

  "Angela will go with
a BLT, no crust, well done fries. I'll have a double bacon cheeseburger, extra bacon."

  "Must be nice eating whatever you want with no worries, huh big fatty." Angela says poking at my stomach laughing.

  "Anything to drink with that guys?"

  "Two medium drinks, one diet please. Thanks Ronny." I reply.

  "Ok looks like the damage is twelve thirty seven, eating here or to go?" Ronny asks finishing our order.

  I press my thumb to a scan pad next to his register. "Dining in today."

  The scan pad reads amount tendered. "Thanks Ash, we'll have that right out for you guys." Ronny says as he turns to get the order processed.

  Angela and I turn to find a table as she already heads for her favorite spot next to the window to the right of the door. We stare at each other for a moment after we sit down as she then proceeds to stick her tongue out at me again. "Real mature! You're crazy you know that, just crazy. What are you, like twelve?" I say with a chuckle.

  "Guess it's true what they say, there's a kid in all of us." She responds sarcastically.

  "So tell me what happened at the doctor's office babe."

  "Just checkin' things out making sure everything under the hood is working correctly. I passed with flying colors, aren't you proud of me?" She smiles blowing a kiss to me.

  "Sure thing, I was just a bit worried that's all. I think it's what's been freaking me out all day." I say continuing to express my concern.

  "Don't worry so much, nothing's going to happen to me." She reassures me. "We will be together forever babe, you're stuck with me."

  "No matter what?"

  Angela leans in over the table and takes my hand. "Come hell or high water, I love you Ashton Mortal. Nothing will ever change that, besides I have to keep you around now, I'm gonna' need your help."

  Just then Ronny strolls up holding a silver tray with our order and sits it down on the table. A large party enters the restaurant and heads for the register as Ronny quickly scrambles back to his workstation to take their order. I reach for my straw and begin to jab one end against the table to open it from its packaging. "So you're gonna' need my help huh? I knew you needed me!"

  Angela stares back at me with loving eyes, lost in a daydream it seems. I push the straw through the drink lid and begin to sip from it. Reaching her hand across the table to hold mine again she softly whispers, "I'm pregnant Ash."



  "Tell us where the Payload is damn you, this is a matter of national security!!!" The soldier screams as he batters Tyler repeatedly.

  Facing ongoing punishment, Tyler gives the mysterious soldiers no information as blank threats do little to sway him. Again and again the soldier pounds away at him, striking his face splitting his eyebrow and lip. Spitting blood on the floor it's almost as if his intentions are to provoke the crazed soldier. "You think this is a fuckin' game!" You have no idea what you're getting yourself into! They will execute you if you don't start playing ball buddy!"

  "I have nothing to say." Calm and collected, Tyler replies.

  Just then the door to the interrogation room opens and in walks the mysterious man that sipped his scotch, the man with the details. The aged man stands in the center of the two soldiers peering back at Tyler as he once more spits blood to the floor. Battered and beaten, Tyler returns the dangerous stare trying to tempt the predator. "Jason, Greg, will you excuse Mr. Morgan and myself for a moment." The mysterious man politely asks.

  The two soldiers leave the room as the aged man continues to stand on the opposing side of the stainless steel table, stalking his prey. After a minute or so he pulls the chair at the table back and sits in front of Tyler, never taking his eyes off him. "Tyler Morgan, my name is Jonathan Reynolds, that should do for now. Needless to say, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, my associates tell me you're not interested in helping our investigation." Jonathan says, with a soft tone.

  "You're wasting your time Jonathan!" Tyler fires back.

  "Please, call me John. You know something Tyler, you say I'm wasting my time but I'm not too sure about that." Jonathan replies, smugly. "See all things considered, I'm going to get the information I need regardless of whether or not you help me."

  "You seem pretty sure of yourself, so why are you even here talking to me then?"

  Jonathan just returns a blank stare, studying the reactions of Tyler. "Whatever fate may be, whatever brought you here and made it possible for you to accomplish this mission you're on, whatever that thing may be is dangerous. For the rest of your life, we will be watching you. We own you now son, everything you will ever be, so go on, keep smiling asshole. I promise, when we find the Payload you will regret this, you have no idea what I'm capable of!" Jonathan says, as his voice escalates.

  "Ask yourself this John, did you ever think that some things are more important than your so called intimidation tactics? One day I promise you, this moment will be in the back of your mind and you will respect everything I am, all the things you will never be. Bet your life on it government hero!"

  No words will ever help to describe the feeling in my soul on that fateful afternoon with my wife. My heart racing, my life changed forever as we share a moment unlike any before it. "Are you serious?! No way! I'm gonna' be a father!" I shout, barely able to contain my excitement.

  "One hundred percent confirmed, I'm five weeks pregnant." Angela responds with a huge smile.

  "I'm gonna' be a father! Did you hear that Ronny? I'm gonna' be a dad!"

  "Great news bro, congratulations, hope it's a boy." Ronny says, calling back from the kitchen.

  I turn my focus back to Angela who seems thrilled at my reaction. "Babe, you had me so worried with being sick lately. I can't believe this stared me in the face like that and I missed it all together."

  "The doctor says I'm fine, that everything is text book so far."

  The future seems like anything is possible as I sit across from the woman I love, my beautiful wife. Many ideas of family come to life in this moment and I'm ready for whatever comes next, to raise my child in this world, or at least I thought I was.

  "Have you thought of any names for our son yet?"

  Her smile seems to get wider and wider as her excitement grows. "Our son huh? Completely convinced it's a boy are you?" Angela says, an eye wider to me.

  "Call it a hunch, I do need an heir to my kingdom." I reply.

  "I thought I was the master of the universe babe." Angela says with a laugh.

  "You know I am the one true master of the universe, my kingdom stretches far."

  Within an instant, something comes rushing over me as my vision flashes and then fades. So vivid now, so clear as I follow a figure moving fast, faster than anything I've ever seen. Ahead of me, eluding my approach as a cloak ripples in the distance, like the figure that appears in so many of my paintings. This world is foreign, with two distant stars that paint a constant feeling of surrealism. Such a strange concept, such an alien place and I ask myself with a sudden awareness, dear God is this my painting?

  Following the figure, we scale the colossal mountaintop as he comes to a stop at its edge. Matching his speed, I feel the very fabric of space bend to my command, faster toward this target, faster till I too share the mountains end as the figure keeps its back to me. "We are one, together." The mysterious figure's tone is cryptic. "Are you ready Lord Mortal?"

  "What?!" I ask. "Who are you?!"

  "We are Mortalitus, we are one." The figure says as it turns sharply toward me.

  A black cloak covers this creature, hiding its identity, a face hidden in shadow. Its eyes glow through the darkness surrounding, burning and seething with energy. What is this place, what does all this mean? With that final thought I snap out of it to see my wife's smile turn to concern, for I've been away. "What happened? You ok sweetheart? Angela asks with a look of worry.

  "I…I'm fine, just daydreaming…Mortalitus? What does it mean?"

  "Mortalitus? Where did you hear t

  "Um, I heard it earlier today." I quickly reply reaching for my cell phone and pushing a button to give a command, a world of information at my fingertips. "Define Mortalitus."

  "Mortalitus unknown." The simple answer leads me to another dead end.

  "We are Mortalitus? We are one? Who is Mortalitus?" I question, continuing to search for answers.

  "Hey, that's kinda cool as a name ya' know, I like it." Angela says.

  "Strange days sweetheart. Let's finish up; I have to get to the gallery for the interview."

  Angela begins to collect her purse and belongings as I clear our table. "I'm gonna' head home and change, why don't I just meet you at the gallery? Good luck love."

  We both are ready to leave as I walk to the trash bin to empty our tray. I wrap my arm around my wife as we walk side by side heading for the exit. Pushing the door open for her rewards a beautiful smile as I call to my friend from the restaurant. "Take care Ronny, have a great day!"


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