Chaos Mortalitus

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Chaos Mortalitus Page 15

by Mark LaMaster

  Xenom stands there a moment holding the blade firmly in the Xxirian's chest and then removes it, wiping the bluish green blood on a rag hanging from his clothing. Once again he hold's the Xxirian weapon of choice for close combat as he returns his attention to the surrounding environment. The commotion steadily increases as creatures running in all directions try to escape the utter pandemonium. Warning the Mezarian girl to run and hide, Xenom looks for a way to help those caught in the middle of this attack. Making his way through the crowds of slaves, he continues to try and get a better look at the enemy that would dare defy such an evil empire.

  Turning his vision to the heavens above in search of a miracle when suddenly he sees something that can't be real as a lone creature hovers silently, watching the small figures below scurry about as the military forces mobilize. He can't help but simply stare at this vision, this creature that wears a black cloak floating high above the large towers in the center of this death camp.

  I hover silently high in the sky, making my presence known for all to see with the huge camp below swarming with activity as slaves and warriors struggle to grasp the situation. The Xxirians ready their battle cruisers to meet the threat in the skies above, yet they do not know who I am or what I'm capable of. "What are your intentions Ashton?" Mortalitus asks.

  "To end this, whatever it takes." I reply. "They don't seem to be responding to any effort made in the name of peace."

  "This is quite the paradox."

  "Don't worry Mortalitus like you said, it's my decision, I'll carry that much of it alone. I'm no hero, merely a man with a job to do. I won't fail, I refuse to give up, but you already knew that, didn't you?"

  "I understand your reasoning, yet your intentions differ from my own. Search your heart, for a great leader is within you Ashton."

  "Maybe. It is our different ideals that make us individuals Mortalitus. Standing in the face of genocide and tyranny, like so many before me. This is what makes us honorable. These creatures sealed their fate long ago."

  "Forget not your humanity. Forget not your heart Ashton Mortal of the planet Earth. Do these things and you shall never be defeated."

  "I have a wife I love, a child I think of every moment. Everything I do now is for those I've left behind. Make no mistake Mortalitus I don't want to be here, I have no desire to right the wrongs of all existence. This fight became mine the day I knew my family was involved, a risk I'm not willing to take. I am neither the hero nor the villain. I'm here to get the job done, to see it's done right, for my family. For those who stand in my way, my judgment cometh."

  "Blood will be shed on this endeavor, those in power will fight to the bitter end to keep it. Those seeking the chaos will surely find it and submit to its hold. We cannot escape the inevitable, as this universal tragedy continues. I hope this can be the difference, that peace might fall to the shoulders of my creations but that remains a dream, locked with the eye of the creator I once was."

  "We will fight the good fight as best we can. I have a feeling these ones won't go quietly though. Our time approaches as do the wheels of change."

  Suddenly something alerts Mortalitus. "I sense a hostile threat approaching Ashton. Be ready."

  An Xxirian battle cruiser locks onto my position and begins rapidly accelerating toward me arming its primary weapons, the pilot enthralled with his target, this creature floating high in the sky called Mortalitus. The battle cruiser unleashes hell's fury in my direction, bombarding me with pulse munitions, continually shelling every part of my location with heavy firepower. Explosions surround me one after another, relentless as the battle cruiser continues toward its target. Now swarmed with explosive fire and smoke, my status hidden behind the debris as the Xxirian pilot begins to celebrate radioing central command, confirming the destruction of the invader.

  "General Raithus! Target neutralized!" The Xxirian pilot reports. "I repeat target has been neutralized!"

  "Excellent work Xxirian." Raithus says clenching his fist displaying a sinister smile. "Your name will echo through this day my Xxirian brother."

  The pilot has made a grave error as he continues on course toward the target's location as the smoke begins to clear. Terror suddenly fills the pilot's heart, as the target remains unmoved, silently floating. This creature with no explanation is like nothing imaginable and this power, futilely unstoppable. "General! Target remains!"

  "Xxirian! Take out that target now!" General Raithus shouts. "Any means necessary!"

  "Yes General Raithus!"

  Accelerating full speed toward the enemy that wears the black cloak locked in a dangerous game of chicken, one this Xxirian pilot is sure to lose. Closer and closer, he nears the target as I stare straight on toward the battle cruiser headed my way. The fool, for the honor of his leaders sacrifices his life in that moment, a life that could've meant so much more. Energy begins building within me, calling forth an uncontrollable force, with my eyes glowing in the approaching dusk lighting. Raising my hands I can feel this power continue to grow as the battle cruiser is within my grasp.

  Time begins to slow; yet my movement is unchanged as the pilot can only watch in horror. I accelerate toward him, the intense energy lighting up the darkening sky for all to see as I seek payment for the debts of his masters. I rip through the oncoming spacecraft with the vengeance of the fallen, those forgotten in stardust. The once unstoppable battle cruiser splits apart with ease, almost like paper as the searing energy in my wake engulfs it. Passing through the craft, its ion engine detonates with a large explosion from the fatal impact. The heavens burn as the fires engulf the atmosphere, watching the flames dance over my body caressing the metallic armor of Mortalitus.

  The inferno slowly dissipates and for all below a vision of the truth as the mysterious creature still hovers silently in the heavens above. Xenom Bairix watches from below, examining the cloaked creature that destroyed a veteran battle cruiser with ease, after it had already fired its primary offensive targeting munitions. The Xxirian slave has never seen power like this and finally the sign he's been waiting for is revealed, the approach of redemption. This mysterious creature, could this be the one to finally end all this suffering? Xenom has learned to never trust anything right away willingly, because for him trust must be earned with the courage of the ancients.

  I stare down at all who seek refuge within truth, those longing for freedom in these dark days. Your moment has come brothers and sisters of the revolution; finally your day of vindication has arrived. With the destruction of the battle cruiser high in the sky, a line has been drawn and so this war begins. With steadfast determination I will not be defeated and within the hearts of goodness our memories will never die. Seeking peace here and now, yet I have lost the will to reason with the Xxirians for they seek only bloodshed and so they shall find it.

  Sacrifices must be made for the serenity that is to follow and today the Xxirian's price will be their lives. I fix my attention on the towers in the center of the slave camp as thousands of battle cruisers prepare to attack my location, preparing for this new threat. They aren't quick enough for I already have them in my crosshairs. Energy vast and daunting fuses within me as I release a scream to the heavens for those who have suffered through this bondage. My arms teem with energy as a lightning vortex begins to surround me, lit up with the blaze of power I generate.

  For all below, beautiful spectacles indeed as they witness the birth of a hero, in the first attack of the Xxirian Verse War. All slaves' watch in awe as the creature from the heavens lights up the skies and suddenly begins accelerating toward the central tower with lightning speed. Finally, the prayers and voices of those lost to this endless genocide, finally they will be heard.



  Xenom Bairix stares at the sky as it explodes with energy as if the horizon itself was set ablaze. The large Xxirian watches the mysterious figure in the distance, trying to understand the frightening power this creature seems to wield. Questions of the cr
eature's agenda fill Xenom's mind as these moments inch by ever so slow, bringing with them new possibilities. The scene painted is amazing as the mysterious figure jets toward the towers. As the creature's speed begins to increase, it seems to almost distort time and space as all eyes face the skies.

  The creature looks methodical, a symbolic vision as the black cloak once again flaps furiously in the wind. Xenom watches the creature reach to its side to reveal an amazing glowing blade. With the speed of thought it approaches the towers, blade drawn as the feeling of something amazing follows just beyond his shoulders for those watching below. Most can't help but wonder, is this the moment they've dreamed of their entire lives? A giant blast of explosive reactions are released with the intense energy expanding outward in a colossal sphere as the creature crashes through the largest tower, followed by continuous explosions of epic proportions.

  The tower begins to implode on all levels, sending the toppled structure toward the masses below. Staring up in horror, the slaves watch as the once massive testament to the Xxirian race is destroyed in one blow, leaving the debris to enter into a deadly freefall.

  Angela adjusts her party hat as she finishes lighting the candles that lay atop the same German chocolate cake that she has made for years on this day. Her mother, Cynthia Winters, stands in the kitchen with her while she finishes the final touches. Angela's father, Dennis Winters was an amazing man, a loving husband and caring father. It was hard for her to lose him to cancer in 2016 A.D., but his values live on through his daughter. "I think you've done such a great job with all this sweetheart. I'm glad you seem to be doing well."

  "Thanks mom. I just like to stick to traditions, even if the guest of honor isn't here. I think it'll help Seth feel the presence of his father."

  Cynthia places her hand on Angela's shoulder, so proud of her daughter's strength. "Well if Ash were here, I know it would once again be a birthday he wouldn't forget." Cynthia says.

  The date is April 8th, 2030 A.D., my human birthday yet these traditions do not hold the same value they once did. If I can't be with my family and those I care for most, what does a birthday matter? Even worse, birthdays are human celebrations and more and more I feel less human, embracing this new role. "Everybody ready." Angela shouts to her guests from the kitchen of her home.

  Exiting the kitchen, Angela enters the dining room as the lights slowly begin to dim. Daniel and Grace Mortal sit with Seth at the dinner table awaiting the celebration. At the head of the table, a framed picture of the family member they all miss so much. These days have become easier for the family who lost so much five years ago, but it's the sense of unity in this family that keeps the memory of Ashton Mortal alive. The Mortal family begins to sing for their lost member; in remembrance of the man they all loved so much.

  Seth sings his heart out for the father he's never known, reaching forward to touch his picture. A few solitary tears fall from Angela's cheek as she sets the cake on the table. Many candles burn on the surface of the cake, in heavy contrast with the dim lighting as Cynthia takes a seat next to her grandson while they finish singing. "Ok Seth, blow the candles out for daddy." Angela says. "Don't forget to make a wish for him."

  Seth leans forward on the table, takes a deep breath and exhales it toward the candles as most go out immediately. A few stragglers remain as the small boy continues till all the flames are extinguished. "What did you wish for Seth?" Grace asks her grandson.

  "For daddy to come home and play with me." Seth replies. "Then we could build a fort and he could stay with us forever."

  The Mortal family sits silently for a moment glancing at one another, swallowing hard for Seth has a way with tugging the strings of their hearts. To my son, I hope one day you can forgive my sacrifice.

  This is a moment like many I've shared lately with no definition of description, no explanation, nor poetic manipulation, all this in the name of conservation. I unsheathed the blade of Edoxus as I plummeted toward the large central tower on the planet Seithux. The Xxirian defensive artillery firing everything they have as pulse cannons discharge large energy bursts in my direction, every available weapon firing for dear life at this intruder high in the sky, to no avail. The moment I struck the building I could instantly feel it melt away as I passed through its heart.

  The massive release of explosive energy spreads deck by deck as the structure begins to explode, the whole Xxirian base camp crippled in a singular attack. Just as quickly as I entered, I found myself punch through the opposing side of the tower and plow into the desolate red terrain below. Rising to my feet, I find frightened creatures surrounding me, staring above at the wreckage that now falls from the heavens, like an avalanche of twisted metal and wires. The massive fireball of death inches closer and closer in its freefall toward the prisoner holding area below.

  All creatures in close proximity lift their limbs to shield themselves from the oncoming debris as if that might save them. Fearing the presence of death, save one, a creature standing silently watching my every move as I stare back in his direction. Panic engulfs the slaves of this world in these heart-pounding seconds and then I focus. Lifting my hand toward the sky, I quickly shed an energy pulse that vaporizes the debris's downward approach. Those sharing in this vision stand in awe at this force that defies all comprehension.

  Many questions race through the minds of these alien slaves, how could they have survived? The slaves of Seithux still remain in shock and the fact of the matter is, things are finally changing here and now. I may have destroyed the central tower, yet the Xxirian defenses are still organizing. I speak to the minds of those I seek to liberate and them alone as the enemy prepares a counter engagement. "Brothers and sisters of the revolution, your time has come. Go now, seek refuge, I will finish this. Your fight is not here, not this day. Rejoice, freedom has finally come to claim you."

  The slaves find truth in my words as they rush to find hiding positions, heeding this mysterious warning. They can see the Xxirian military regrouping to mount an offensive. Once ready, they'll attack these innocents without mercy, no hesitation using all forces at their disposal to the very death. A few moments pass when I notice one of the prisoners walking toward me yet remain cautious, for this is an Xxirian and I wonder his purpose among the slaves. "You've come to save us?" The Xxirian asks. "Why?"

  "Far too long have the powerful controlled the weak. Today is a new day, the beginning of the end for all who seek the chaos."

  The Xxirian slave is hesitant with this mysterious figure that wears the black cloak. "How can we trust you?"

  "You don't have a choice. The true question Xxirian, is how can I trust you? Why do you stand with these slaves?" I reply.

  "My name is Xenom Bairix, once a decorated General to the Monarchy of Chaos and Lord Erazux. Now, an exiled traitor with no future, sent to this camp till my last days, dishonored. I want no part in the crusade of my brethren, no part of the pain they seek to inflict."

  "Do you seek to end this lunacy? This genocide? Will you face your own kind in this fight?"

  "Yes! I seek to reclaim my honor, to defend my weak brothers and sisters from world's elsewhere. I seek to stand against the chaos." Xenom replies with a warrior's spirit.

  "Then so you shall Xxirian. My name is Mortalitus, Lord of all creation. I've come here to free you and all who share your burden."

  "My hand is extended to you as a fellow warrior of the stars as a friend, Lord Mortalitus." Xenom says standing at attention.

  Xenom knows not the feeling of a meaningful friendship, yet longs for a feeling of brotherhood, a feeling of purpose. His instincts tell him to preserve his own cause, yet his gut reaction knows this powerful creature speaks in the many shades of truth. Xenom walks over, standing taller than myself, staring down at me. The large native Xxirian studies his reflection in the metallic armor I wear as the ambers from the burning wreckage not far from us dance through the air. The central tower mostly engulfed in flames is now a pile of rubble, the remains of a
once colossal enemy monument.

  From our vantage point I watch the Xxirian hordes mobilize, so I decide to take this fight away from the innocents that are in no position to defend themselves. "Xenom, I have something to ask of you."

  "What do you require Lord Mortalitus?"

  "Defend the weak, protect them as best you can. I will deal with the soldiers."

  "They are many, you would face them alone?"

  "With my last breath, for those I love, I'll face anything." I reply.

  "It will be done, my Lord." Xenom replies without hesitation.

  A half-mile away or so, the Xxirian coalition begins to form lines, planning to corner the mysterious defiant creature that has provoked them. They plan to push him back against the red mountains in hopes of claiming his head. Aware of his willingness to help the slaves of Seithux, they see a sign of weakness, hoping to exploit it in any way possible. Reinforcements and the majority of the Xxirian fighting force on the planet line up to begin their charge. General Raithus Bairix leads these creatures as he quickly organizes his own strategy.

  Rows and rows of alien super soldiers line by line they take their positions, some truly embracing the hatred for the enemy, others merely doing what is needed to preserve their own existence. Whatever the cause, fate has brought us all to this open desert valley, now littered with flaming wreckage. Hard crimson granules below our feet with no growth possible as thousands walk these grounds daily. The enemy target walks slowly toward the massive Xxirian coalition as their lines begin to close in on both flanking positions.


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