Chaos Mortalitus

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Chaos Mortalitus Page 19

by Mark LaMaster

  "Come to me Tikik, we must speak."

  The young Mezarian girl makes her way through the herd of creatures towards my location. Somehow I think she knows what this concerns, for I can see it in her eyes and the truth need not be told. I kneel to the young girl and extend my arm and touch her shoulder, reflections dance wildly against the exposure of the shifting metallic armor that caresses my body. "What is your brother's name young one?"

  "Zeok." Tikik replies. "His name is Zeok Ranklix."

  "Forgive me child. Your brother's flame has been extinguished, his body, laid to rest. I've made it so young one."

  Purple highlights burst in the young humanoid girl's eyes as they begin to fill with tears. Suddenly the reality of the situation sets in as her knees begin to buckle. She falls forward into my arms and begins to cry with a sound only the wounded hearts can make. The petty discrepancies from earlier fade as the crowd of creatures surround the little girl, hugging the man from the stars. "W-Why did he…why did he have to go? W-Why did he l-leave me?" Tikik says barely able to make a sound, her heart breaking in two.

  "Your brother lived with honor my child. In his last moments, he embraced true freedom. He spoke of his love for you in his final breath and then passed in my arms." I reveal.

  "I just can't believe it. I d-d-don't have anyone now. I'm alone c-co-completely." Tikik says as her tears flow freely.

  "Your wrong about that little one." Xenom says reaching down to hold the small girl's hand.

  I stare into the eyes of the small Mezarian, reassuring her that she has a home. "We stay together, all of us. We will finish this and then together, build a universal freedom for all who share our home. You will always have a family with us Tikik."

  Tikik Ranklix leans forward slowly and pulls the large black hood from my cloak down to my shoulders, sliding the fabric against the sharp coarse edges of my helmet. Slowly she inches toward me wrapping her arms around my neck as she rests her head against my right shoulder. Resting in my arms, she silently sobs as reflections from the energy impulses in her fiber optic hair strands carry a heavy highlight, flashing against my metallic armor. Mezarian's have a most exotic look to them, very alien with their bluish silver skin tones; yet still a human likeness, a definite hybrid.

  Holding the small girl for a moment longer, I then return to my feet as Tikik takes the hand of Xenom and looks on. I lift my hood back as if to not distract my fellow onlookers. We are ready for departure and respects must be paid for the personal tragedy that is my story, my legend. My arms to my side, I again rise into the air above the many liberated souls displaying this awesome power. Energy coursing through my veins as electrical currents discharge from my body like long stands of fine hair, gliding gracefully in the wind.

  Once again the creatures below are frozen, their gaze fixed upon this figure shrouded in mystery as the skies this afternoon enter into a darker than usual gloom. Slowly the heavens above begin to spiral, gradually gaining a steady momentum as colored lighting bolts begin to encase the whirlpool. Shaping the vortex, containing its structure, forming a hole within the skies above as the power displayed here is beyond comprehension. These former slaves know of the singularity and the unknowable dangers that lurk within.

  A forbidden technology throughout the cosmos, even with the most advanced civilizations these black holes are still known as gateways to places unknown. The singularity complexities baffle all who yearn for their mysteries, yet this creature, this Mortalitus, wields this power of all creation within his hands. These liberated souls could have never imagined what would happen in the epic saga of their lives next, at the side of Mortalitus. Just a dream within a dream for most, one so beautiful only hope keeps it alive.

  "Brothers and sisters of this coming revolution, our time is now! A new day arrives, bearing the gifts of the righteous, helping me to understand your pain, your sacrifice. In time my friends, I hope you can one day understand mine. Please help me in this fight." I say as my voice carries, my presence held in the skies above. "Today we honor Zeok Ranklix, brother to Tikik Ranklix. Zeok's part in this story has ended, his chapter now closed, but now his essence will course through our hearts with every defeat of our common enemy."

  "Know that his sacrifice will not fall short of legendary; for this sacrifice helped open my heart to my true purpose and his message reminded me to keep dreaming. Today we honor Zeok, we dream for our lost brother, might you forever find peace on the shores of our Father."

  "I BELIEVE IN YOU MORTALITUS! YOUR MERCY HELPS MY HEART TO REMEMBER JUSTICE!" An aged creature yells from the crowd, his fist in the air.

  "We pay our respects to those who've fallen, to those whose final sacrifice remains to be seen. I ask only that you look deep within your hearts and remember courage, remember what we are destined for. Freedom today and every day thereafter, and in our darkest of hours, a final testament to the creator of our life force and the universe we call home. In honor of all things to come I ask you, stand with me and together we will leave Seithux behind. The future holds the promise of greener pastures, but for now, war has come to us brethren and we will be ready, we must be ready."

  "The time is now to take back what matters most!" My voice escalates as I can feel the hairs on my body stand on edge. "Freedom friends, this is what we seek this day and if it's a battle our enemy desires, then the storms of change shall defeat them. With our dying breath, we fight!"

  One by one, the thousands of slaves begin to ascend slowly, leaving the desolate planet below as the whirlpool in the heavens begins to increase in velocity. The creatures by the thousand begin to pull toward the ever-increasing center as they suddenly begin to lunge forward through the singularity into the unknown, stretched through the infinite distances of the cosmos. Each experience, uniquely its own for these creatures as they succumb to the awesome force that still remains very much a mystery. Each wave of creatures is drawn into the revolving singularity controlled by the cloaked redeemer and then are quickly transported away from the horrors that will soon be a distant memory.

  Xenom stares down at the planet below as he also ascends toward the dark figure's position in the heavens. "Lord Mortalitus, where will we go?" Xenom asks.

  "To a new world my friend. Avothina. The first of many free worlds in the Reformed Imperial Nations of Avothina. Soon, we will reclaim Edoxus and the Imperial Nations of Siivech. It is time for you to make your journey Xenom, I'll see you on the other side."

  "Thank you my Lord. I pledge my blade and life to this cause, to you, my king." Xenom replies with a strong sense of purpose.

  Staring at me for a moment searching for a way to define this newfound purpose, Xenom's physical form begins to stretch along the event horizon's edge. Smearing with the rays of light as he is engulfed within the singularity housing, pulled forward into the gateway leaving me to hover silently. Coming about, I stare as far as the eye can see at a world ravaged by slavery and mass production, this waste dump for the Xxirian military and hellish prison for the free beings of this universe. This place should never be remembered like this, these horrid death camps of Seithux the catalyst for this rancid torment. Never again will the powerful subdue the weak on this planet or any other, not on my watch.

  Raising my hand once more, the power of the stars returns and every element artificial in creation will fall by my will. "What are you doing Ashton?" Mortalitus asks.

  "Giving nature a chance to right the wrongs of this Xxirian arrogance."

  "I don't understand the necessity."

  "A message for any who dare to stand in my way."

  Explosions surge in every direction of this planet as a domino effect is unleashed upon the surface of Seithux, sterilizing the planet. Releasing the power of creation in this rebirth as I burn the planet to its foundation. Let the Xxirians return, let them bear witness to the beginning of this revolution. This planet burns as a reminder of the horrors that once occurred daily as they're once more turned to dust and ash. I watch the flames c
onsume the filth below and realize what I've become, realize that the man named Ash Mortal is far behind me, Mortalitus is my legend now, my purpose.

  In these moments the truth of my journey is revealed as I think of my wife and how I long for her, to simply talk to her for just a moment. I feel the human emotions that sit deep within my heart return and I long to be with my family as well, my son. Dear God, my son, I hope somehow he can forgive me, maybe one day but for now that remains only my hope. The planet below having been ravaged by flames now glows vibrantly as its cancers are burned away. In time this world will be reborn and maybe one-day peace will finally stretch across the horizon.

  Turning from my view of this planet on fire, I dive forward and fly into the singularity as the opening closes behind me leaving only the burning wreckage of the Xxirian military and former slave camp, a prophetic warning.

  Angela sits on the beach not far from our home watching our now four and half year old son play near the incoming tide with Michelle Livingston, daughter of David and Naomi Livingston. She sits with Naomi doing her best to enjoy the beautiful Southern California weather, and as the sun begins to set she embraces the ocean breeze. Naomi has become a close friend over the years, helping my wife in any way possible and for our friends Naomi and David, I am truly thankful. "So, how've you been Angela, I mean really?"

  "I've been fine, keeping busy you know Seth can be a little monster sometimes. Other than that, same old same old."

  "Are you sure? You gotta' make sure you stay active. Try and be social, you know David and I are here for you."

  "I know, I know. I'm trying my best, but I really have a lot on my plate these days with Seth and trying to manage everything going on with Ash's artwork."

  "Just remember, you're only capable of so much." Naomi warns. "Candles only burn for so long."

  Angela's heart feels heavy as she lets out a sigh. "Yeah I know. Just helps me to stay occupied, I mean nothing about this is easy. Never having an explanation for anything."

  "We know how hard this has been for you. We're all going through this together, but the years don't stop ticking by. He's not coming back Angela, he's gone. We all miss Ash, more than you know."

  "I know he's not coming back, I know he's gone. I'm just not ready to let him go yet, he's still in my heart and he'll always be there." Angela says as she feels old wounds reopen. "Life feels so very different without my husband and I don't know if it'll ever make sense to me again."

  "Sometimes I imagine if Dave vanished, if that was it, no good-bye, no answers. When I think like that, I start crying cause we've been friends for so long and I can't stand the idea of you having to go through this." Naomi says placing her hand on her friends in the sand.

  "Its hard…I love him so much. I hate how perfect things were for us, I hate this. How does something like this happen?" Angela questions, wiping the tears building in her eyes. "Why did this happen to me, to him?"

  "It's all apart of God's plan for us Angela. He works in mysterious ways."

  "I wish his plans didn't involve my husband. We had our whole lives ahead of us."



  So many dreams in a universe vast on a scale beyond comprehension, so many visions of a goal not yet realized. The reasons for anything become the questions of everything as my new friends struggle to understand what it is they've come upon in this unforgiving darkness. Most lost in the paradox of what is known throughout the universe, a truth that they cannot begin to accept. Ideals of the righteous heart die hard in the minds and hearts of children born into bondage and on this day under thousands of burning suns, hope fades as the blackness of space creeps in.

  Avothina is a world beyond known existence left vacant for eons, returned to its primitive state allowing the alien nature to reshape its surface. Like the lost garden once called Eden, like the birth of new worlds, Avothina has a beautiful serenity as lush valleys and perfect landscapes cover the large planet offering a home to those forgotten among the stars. The new home of the declared king of creation, Avothina shines brightly but as most new residents of this world begin to grasp the moment at hand many uncertainties follow closely still.

  "How did you do that my Lord?" Xenom asks. "How have we come to this world?"

  "I control all things Xenom, my will is that of creation."

  The young Mezarian girl makes her way to my side once more. "Are you the spirit of creation Mortalitus?" Tikik asks.

  "I suppose a part of me is, yet a part of me is something else entirely."

  "How do you control the singularity Mortalitus?" Sirec asks staring out at this endless beauty. "How is this possible?"

  "I am a creature from a far away place friends. My intentions are noble, my drive, unbreakable. This power is bestowed upon me from the highest authority among the stars. I speak to you now as the voice of creation, the voice of a king who ruled long ago."

  "What king is that Mortalitus?" A voice calls from the thousands that huddle together.

  "King Vexicus Miogar, ruler of Edoxus and the Imperial Nations of Siivech. I am the reincarnation from billions of years ago." I reveal.

  "You are King Vexicus my Lord?" Halex asks.

  "In another life Halex. Today I've become something very different but nevertheless, my concern this hour is the future we will share together."

  "Together?" Sirec asks confused on what is to become of his comrades. "We have nowhere to go! What will we do here? You possess powers beyond all known, wielding control of the forbidden technologies of the singularity. How can we trust you Mortalitus?"

  "Our journey ends here for now. This valley will be the first home of the Reformed Imperial Nations of Avothina and the birthplace of the last revolution. We will claim this world and gain our strength, sharpen our resolve, helping to ease the wounds and suffering of the weak. We will grow together and then our true journey will liberate those seeking refuge, those feeling trapped in the cruelty of existence."

  "I understand your want Mortalitus. My question for you is what will we do now? What of this planet, how will we survive?" Sirec asks searching for hope.

  "Avothina is our new home and will provide all we require. A place designed in the graces of peace, a shelter from these daunting storms." I reply.

  "Yet we have no shelter! We have no hope Mortalitus! Just an empty planet and a creature that calls himself king. Where is your kingdom?" Sirec replies with harsh criticisms.

  "Silence Silokian! You dishonor us with your words!" Xenom shouts to the feline creature. "You're not above judgment Sirec, until Mortalitus you were a slave to Seithux. Show some respect for he who has delivered us!"

  Slowly I move toward Sirec, step-by-step my gaze set forth. He is a large creature with a fierce yet weathered look to him, like an abused animal as he cowers at my approach, terrified at the powers I possess. Stopping just short of him, I raise my right arm placing my hand on his shoulder, the calming embrace of a friend however distant. "Do not fear me friend, I am merely a helper. I've come to lend my hand in this final struggle. I choose this existence and make no mistake, I too must sacrifice that in which I hold most dear for the sake of this cause, for this honor that surrounds us today."

  "All of you must remember that your lives mean something, that your dreams are windows to your hearts and your honor is second to none in this the darkest of days. Together friends, believe the words that I bring today and watch the wonders of what it means to be free."

  Calmly, I speak to the large crowd of creatures huddling together trying to imagine what comes next, how this mysterious figure might react in these moments that follow. Routine is long since passed as each life starts over anew and from the ashes of the lives that were never their own, they embrace the visions of these precious moments in a way that might once again give their hearts a reason to sing. To make this notion of freedom for all beings a little more tangible in the weakened souls and minds of the former slaves of Seithux. Avothina is a new start with new goa
ls to set and a new life to live, free at last.

  A large Xxirian battleship moves silently through the universe, a technological giant and the deadliest of its kind. More than three quarters of the Xxirian military moves onward away from their home on Edoxus, leaving behind a more than formidable military presence to defend the Xxirian palace and home of Lord Erazux. Veorix Deif is left in command by word of his king and this sudden departure toward destiny. Tensions are high among the Xxirians as no one knows this new plot hatched in the mind of Lord Erazux.

  The reptilian king paces across a large open floor on the Xxirian battleship known famously as, the Shadow of Deoth. His view faced down and out through a transparent floor, toward the vastness he longs to conquer for his own. Wondering the secrets of the universe, pondering where this could all possibly end as Lord Erazux has a new plan born within the mind of a mysterious figure, a voice from the darkest of shadows. With this moving army of absolute chaos, the drums of war begin to tap at the call of destiny as the restless seas prepare for the squalls of prophecy.


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