Empire of Lies

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Empire of Lies Page 30

by Guy Sorman

  Ding Zilin, Madam

  Domenach, Jean-Luc

  Dong Zhou Gong Jin

  Dongzhou, peasant revolt and massacre in

  Du Hongqui

  Du Weiming

  Dumont, René

  Dutch travelers, in Borneo; in China


  Eastern Turkistan, annexation by Qing dynasty

  École Nationale d’Administration (ENA)

  Éditions des Femmes

  Engels, Friedrich; portraits and statues of

  Enlightenment, the

  Europe, creativity in; factories in; factories in China of; military might of; protests against capital punishment in; retirement benefits in

  European Union

  Falun Gong, in China; denunciations of; in Taiwan; in the United States; use of Internet by

  Family Planning Commission

  Feng Lanrui, Madam

  Ferry, Jules

  Festival of the Dead

  Fong Lizhi

  Ford Foundation

  Formosa, conquest of; see also Taiwan

  France, arms sales to China of; Chinese diaspora in; Chinese operas in; Christianity of; cuisine of; factories in; Industrial Revolution in; leftist intellectuals’ mythmaking about China; reporting on China in; Revolution in; sinology in; the Terror in; technology of; trade with China

  Fudan University (Shanghai)

  Fujian mountains

  Fujian Province, baby-trafficking in; joining with Taiwan and Hong Kong of; missiles pointing to Taiwan in

  Fuzhou, monks in; Paul Claudel in; university in

  Gama, Vasco da

  Gandhi, Rajiv

  Gansu Province; poverty in

  Gao, of Man Sum factory

  Gao Xingjian, in exile in France

  Gao Yaojie

  Genghis Khan

  Georgia, collapse of Communism in

  Gide, André, Return from the USSR

  Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry

  Global Magazine, The


  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  Granet, Marcel

  Great Britain, Chinese remittances from; Industrial Revolution in

  Great Leap Forward

  Guangdong Province; factories in; foreign investment and exports from; Zhongshan

  Guangzhou, bank scandal in; dissident activity in; education in; factories in; fortunes made in; joining with Taiwan and Hong Kong of; migrations to; prostitution in; SARS in; Taishi protest

  Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen University

  Guizhou Province; Guiyang; Maguan

  Gulf states, Chinese remittances from

  Han Dongfang

  Han Qiui, Madam

  Hangzhou Academy

  Hao Lina, Madam

  Harry Potter books, pirated versions of

  Harvard University

  Havel, Václav

  Hawaii, Communist Chinese investment in

  He Depu

  He Qing

  He Weifang

  Hebei Province, Shengyou peasant revolt

  Henan Province, AIDS in; falsified maps of; Luwan; Nandawu; Shangcai; Shijiahe; Wenlou; Zhengzhou


  Holzman, Marie

  Hong Kong, book smuggling from; British rule of; Chinese diaspora in; compared to Shanghai; corruption in; democracy in; export earnings of; facing pressure from Beijing; factories in China of; the press in; as refuge; religion in; sociologists in

  Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)

  Hoover Institution

  Hu Jia

  Hu Jintao

  Hu Ping

  Huang Jinqin

  Huangpu River

  Hubei Province

  Hukou (family booklet)

  Hunan; Television

  Huntington, Samuel

  India, attacked by Red Army; castes in; compared to China; creativity in; democracy in; heritage valued in; Kerala; poverty in; Zheng He’s visit to

  Indonesia, democracy in; poverty in

  Industrial Revolution

  Inspector Maigret

  International Red Cross

  Institute of Religions

  Institute for Rural Development (Beijing)


  Internet, as battlefield; censorship and jamming of; dissident postings on; reports from; used for anti-Japanese demonstrations; as weapon

  Iraq, totalitarianism in

  Islam, in China


  Italy, factories in

  Jambet, Christian

  Japan; affronts to China of; army of; constitutional monarchy of; democracy in; economic success of; export earnings of; factories in; factories in China of; growth rates in; infrastructure in; protecting Taiwanese; in range of Chinese missiles; religion in; reparations to China of; retirement benefits in; as scapegoat; state reforms in; tradition valued in; unions in

  Jesuits; architects; seventeenth-century French; seventeenth-century Italian; shaping views of China


  Jiang Liangjie

  Jiang Qing, see Mao, Madam

  Jiang Rong, Wolf Totem

  Jiang Zemin

  Jiangxi mountains


  Jullien, François

  Kahn, Hermann

  Kaifeng, Jewish community in


  Khmer Rouge

  Kim Dae Jung

  King, Martin Luther

  Kissinger, Henry

  Kristeva, Julia; About Chinese Women


  Lacan, Jacques


  Laogaï (labor camp)

  Lardreau, Guy

  Leadership and Management Academy (Shanghai)

  Lecomte, Louis, New Memoirs on the Present Situation in China

  Lee Kwan Yu

  Leibniz, Gottfried

  Lettres édifiantes et curieuses, Les

  Lévi, Jean

  Leys, Simon; The New Clothes of President Mao

  Li, Old

  Li Ang; The Butcher’s Wife

  Li Changchun

  Li Dan

  Li Fan

  Li Hongzhi

  Li Lulu

  Li Peng

  Li Yuchun, Miss


  “Liberty and Democracy” (website)

  Liu Di,

  Liu Fengyan

  Liu Qing

  Liu Xia

  Liu Xiaobo

  Locke, John

  Louis XVI,


  Ma Ying-jeou

  Macciocchi, Maria-Antonietta

  Machiavelli, Niccolò

  Mafia, stamped out

  Magellan, Ferdinand


  Malraux, André, The Human Condition

  Man Sum textile factory

  Manchu, dynasty; empire

  Mandela, Nelson

  Mao, Madam

  Mao Yushi; Give Freedom to Ones You Love

  Mao Zedong, after; army of; brainwashing under; and Confucius; deaths under; education under; elections under; era; on eradicating Wild Grass; government of; industrial dreams of; leftist intellectuals’ love for; as librarian; Little Red Book; nuclear weapons and; portraits of; punishment of sexuality under; quotations from; repression of peasants under; and his “service of the people,”; sexual pursuits of; statues of; successors of; treatment of tourists during the time of; waning of appeal of

  Maoism, and Confucianism; and control; and Falun Gong; fashionability of; nostalgia for; and production; as a replacement for religion; Sartre’s embrace of; in textbooks

  Marx, Karl; The Communist Manifesto; portraits and statues of

  Marxism; concept of alienation in

  Maspero, Henri

  Master Kong, see Confucius



  Mexico, factories in

  Michnik, Adam


  Ming, Emperor

  Ming dynasty

  Mingguang factory

bsp; Mo Yan, Red Sorghum,


  Mongolia, and Emperor Qin; Inner Mongolia; wolf hunting in

  Mongolian Cow Sour Yogurt Supergirl, see Supergirl


  Mount Wudang monastery

  Myanmar, freedom fighters in

  Nanjing municipality; massacre in

  Napoleon Bonaparte

  National Museum of History (Beijing)

  National People’s Congress

  Navarrete, Alphonse

  Nazi Germany, death camps in; highways in; Holocaust; Jews in; 1938 Berlin Olympics; totalitarianism of




  North Korea, Chinese Communist Party support; monuments in

  Nowak, Manfred

  Olympic Gamesin Berlin; 1988 in Seoul; 2008 Summer in Beijing

  Opium Wars of

  Pagoda of the Phoenix

  Pan Wei; The Myth of Democracy

  Pan Xiuming


  People’s Daily


  Peyrefitte, Alain; The Chinese Tragedy; The Immobile Empire; rationalizations of; on Tiananmen massacre; When China Awakens, the World Will Tremble

  Philippines, the, democracy in; freedom fighters in; exports to China of; factories in

  Pimpaneau, Jacques

  Pinochet, Augusto


  Pneumonia, atypical, see SARS

  Popular Democratic Party

  Poland, collapse of Communism in; freedom fighters in

  Presbyterian Church, in Taiwan

  Protestants, in China; incarcerations of; in Taiwan

  Pu Zhiqiang

  Qin Shi Huangdi, Emperor, as tyrant

  Qin dynasty

  Qing dynasty

  Qinghai Province; Chala; Xining

  Red Army

  Red Guard

  Religion, Chinese revival

  Ricci, Matteo

  Riefenstahl, Leni

  Rolland, Romaine

  Russia, democracy in; military might of

  Russian Revolution

  Ryckmans, Pierre, see Simon Leys

  Sakharov, Andrei

  San Francisco, Communist Chinese investment in

  SARS, outbreaks of

  Sartre, Jean-Paul

  Schipper, Kristofer

  Sen, Amartya

  Shaanxi Province; Baoji; base for early Communist Party; poverty in; Yanan

  Shandong Province, birthplace of Confucius; forced abortions and sterilizations in; Linyi; newspapers in; Qufu

  Shanghai municipality, compared to Hong Kong; ill-treatment of migrant workers in

  Shanghai Opera

  Shi Tao

  Shih Ming-teh

  Sichuan Province; single-child policy enforcement in

  Singapore, British influence on; capital punishment in; Chinese diaspora in; corruption in; export earnings of; neo-Confucianism in; newspapers in


  Sollers, Philippe; on perestroika

  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr

  South Africa, freedom fighters in

  South Korea; creativity in; dangers from Chinese Communist Party to; democracy in; economic success of; exports to China of; factories in; factories in China of; growth rates in; infrastructure in; 1988 Olympics; in range of Chinese missiles; religion in; unions in

  Soviet Union; collapse of communism in; colonization by; communism in; corruption in; education in; gulags in; health care in; monuments in; support of China; technology of; totalitarianism of

  Stalinism; French praise for

  Stanford University, Hoover Institution

  Straits Times

  Sun Yat-sen


  Taipei, rebellion; University

  Taipei Institute

  Taiwan, as affront to China; banned on Chinese Internet sites; under Chiang Kai-shek; Chinese bodies for medical students in; Chinese diaspora in; Chinese exiles in; commemorations of Tiananmen Square massacre in; corruption in; creativity in; dangers from Chinese Communist Party to; democracy in; as part of China; Daoism in; export earnings of; factories in; factories in China of; Falun Gong in; homosexuals in; lesbianism in; operas in; in range of Chinese missiles; recognition of; religion in; sociologists in; “spies” from

  Tiananmen Square; anniversary of massacre in; anti-Japanese demonstrations in; Mao’s mausoleum in; massacre in; portraits displayed in

  Tibet, annexation by Ming dynasty; banned on Chinese Internet sites; capital punishment in; dangers from Chinese Communist Party to; democracy in; divided into provinces; communist destruction of traditional practices in; and Emperor Qin; independence of; railway through; single-child policy unenforced in

  Tocqueville, Alexis de; The Old Regime and the French Revolution; translated into Chinese


  Tsinghua University (Beijing)


  Uigars, capital punishment of; dangers from Chinese Communist Party to

  Ukraine, collapse of Communism in

  United Nations, Commission on Human Rights; Security Council

  United States, affronts to China of; AIDS in; capital punishment in; Chinese bodies exhibited in; Chinese diaspora in; Chinese high skilled labor from; consumption of Chinese goods; creativity in; as democratizing force; factories in; factories in China of; foundations from; imports from China of; journalists from; military might of; missionaries from; New Right of; protecting Taiwanese; in range of Chinese missiles; religion in; support to China of; technology of

  University of California, Berkeley

  University of Shanghai, School of Intellectual Property

  Vancouver, Communist Chinese investment in


  Velvet revolution

  Viénet, René

  Vietnam, attacked by Red Army; dangers from Chinese Communist Party to

  Voice of America

  Voltaire, admiration of Confucius of; admiration of mandarins of; Essay on Universal History

  Walesa, Lech



  Wang, Bishop

  Wang, Fei-Ling

  Wang, Old

  Wang Dan

  Wang Yi

  Wei Jingsheng


  White Clouds temple

  World and China Institute (Beijing)

  Wuer Kaixi

  Wuyiang model village


  Xiao Weibin

  Xinhua (news agency)

  Xinjiang, banned on Chinese Internet sites; democracy in; independence of; Muslims in



  Yan Yfan (pseudonym)

  Yang, Master

  Yeltsin, Boris


  Yu Jie


  Zhang Yimou

  Zhang Yu

  Zhao, Master

  Zhao Ziyang

  Zhejiang Province; Dongyang peasant revolt


  Zheng Enchong

  Zheng Hi, Admiral

  Zhou, Raymond

  1 The first edition of this book was originally published in French in 2006 under the title L’anné du Coq: Chinois et rebelles.

  2 Hu Jia was arrested on December 27, 2007.

  Copyright © 2008 by Guy Sorman

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Encounter Books, 900 Broadway Suite 400, New York, New York, 10003.

  Encounter Books website address: www.encounterbooks.com

  The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (R 1997) (Permanence of Paper).

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Sorman, Guy.

  The empire of lies : the truth about China in the twenty-first century / Guy Sorman.—
American ed.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  eISBN : 978-1-594-03284-4

  1. China—Politics and government—2002-2. China—Politics and government—1976-2002. 3. China—Social conditions—2000- 4. China—Social conditions—1976-2000. I. Title.

  DS779.46.S68 2008






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