Pretty Little Dreams

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Pretty Little Dreams Page 18

by Jennifer Miller

  She smiles shyly and honestly, I don’t care if it tastes like dog shit, I will pretend it is the best thing I’ve ever tasted.

  “I hope you like it. I wanted a special evening for just you and me. Dinner is just going to be foreplay, the real fun will come later.” She smirks and if her cheeks weren’t already red, I know her words would darken them. This outright flirting isn’t her norm, and I know she’s trying to be sexy and it sure as hell is working. My dick twitches in response to her words, making me want to grab her and pull her close. I want to take that promised fun now, but she’s worked too hard and for the love of all that’s holy, I need to get my hormones under control.

  “I’m sure I will love it. Here,” I grab the flowers I threw towards the counter on my hurry to taste her, “these are for you.”

  Her smile lights up the room, “I love them, you know I do.” She puts the pink buds to her nose and smells them. They pale in comparison to her. She turns and goes to get a vase out of a cupboard, giving me a perfect view of that ass again.

  “I have to say,” my voice sounds raspy from the sight before me, “I’m loving the outfit you chose for the evening. You are absolutely stunning, but I’m feeling a little overdressed.”

  She sets the vase and flowers down so she can turn to me. She looks me up and down, eyes moving slowly, “You’ll do,” she replies and then bites her lip, giving the impression I’m mouthwatering in response. Then, with a smile she does a twirl, faces me, and puts a hand on her hip. “With this apron on, all you see is the back.”

  “That’s just fine with me.”

  She laughs, “I’m glad you like it. I got it just for you.”

  “Oh, I more than like it.”

  “You’ll have to prove it later.”

  “It will be my pleasure,” I promise. “So, what can I help you with?” I need a distraction from all that flesh.

  “Nothing. I want to do this for you. You can sit if you want, or just hang out while I finish up a few things here.”

  “Okay. Am I allowed to ask what’s on the menu for tonight?”

  “Why yes, I’m so glad you asked.” She walks past me with a shake of her hips and I follow her every move as she takes the vase with pink roses to the table and sets them down. “I thought I would choose a provocative menu for us this evening. We will start with a tossed salad and clam chowder. Then I made meatloaf with ground Italian sausage.” She smirks like this is funny, but my eyes widen at the combination. I’m unsure of her choices until it dawns on me that she chose these items because they sound sexual. I almost let a laugh escape but then smother it with my hand, looking like I’m rubbing my mouth. I don’t want to hurt her feelings. “And for dessert we will have bananas foster.” Oh God, I almost lose my shit right there because she raises an eyebrow and her face shows how proud she is of the selection. Forget the fact that they don’t go together AT ALL.

  I struggle to maintain a straight face, “That all sounds really uhh… good. Really good.”

  “Great. Would you like a glass of wine to enjoy while I finish up a few things? I got it at the store today. It’s quite good - it’s called Angel Kiss. I found that fitting.”

  I smirk with knowledge, “Good? You tried it?”

  She pauses for a moment as she reaches for a wine glass, “Um, yeah. They had some samples of it at the store for people to try, so I did.” Her eyes are downcast and I know it is because she doesn’t want me to see the truth in her eyes. I know damn well she more than tried it!

  “Great.” I will save my intel for the right time. This isn’t it. “I think I will just hang out in here with you while you finish up,” I tell her as she gives me a glass of wine.

  “That’s fine with me,” she gives me a smile and walks passed me and to the stove. She’s got something boiling on the stovetop. To my surprise, she reaches for a bottle of liqueur and pours it into the pot. She doesn’t measure anything, just dumps that shit in like she ain’t messing around. She turns to me, cocks her hip and gives me a wink. “So lover,” she purrs, “tell me about your day.”

  I stare in fascination for a moment at this creature that has apparently inhabited her body. I open my mouth to respond but before I can utter a word, there’s a loud WHOOSH and the pan on the stove catches fire. It’s like a blazing inferno right behind her head! I burst out of my seat.

  “Oh shit!” she yells and runs to the sink. I barely spare her a glance and run and grab the pot holder I see sitting on the counter and I remove the pot from the heat very carefully. Then I grab some flour from the canister she has open on the counter and spread it on the flame to put it out. Suddenly, I feel wetness. I blink and turn my head toward the sink. Olivia is standing there with the sprayer in her hand, pulled out as far as it will go and is trying to arc the spray in the air, trying to get it to reach towards the stove.

  A strangled laugh escapes me before I can stop it. More of her hair has come loose and it is all around her face now. Her cheeks are heated and she has a panicked expression on her face. “It’s okay babe, I got it. This flour put the flame out.”

  She just stares at me and blinks a few times while simultaneously spraying me and everything around her. She finally releases the trigger for the sprayer, stopping it. She turns to put it back and since there is water all over the floor from her firewoman attempt, she starts to slip and fall. I leap towards her to catch her before she hurts herself, almost falling myself. I managed to crash into her, but luckily, prevent us both from going down.

  “Oh no, Luke. I’m so sorry. I hope the dessert isn’t ruined.”

  “I’m sure it’s fine.” I pull her away from me and look her over, “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, thanks to you. How about you?”

  “I’m fine. Stay still, though. I want to get towels to clean up the floor.”

  “No, it’s my fault, I can do it.”

  “Please angel, let me. I don’t want you to slip and fall and break more bones, okay?”

  She pushes the hair out of her face and smiles, “Okay. Thank you.”

  I clean up the water off the floor and when I’m finished, we finally sit down to enjoy our soup and salad. It’s pretty good. Not that you can really mess up salad, but the soup is good too.

  “How are things at the club?”

  “Good. Nothing to report really. We are thinking about opening a new club in California, I tasted a new drink one of the bartenders made up, oh, and one of my old buddies from college is probably going to come and work for me.”

  “Oh really? That’s cool! How did that happen?” She takes a sip of her soup and I can tell she’s impressed with her own cooking, liking the taste.

  “He had asked me a while back to let him know if something comes up. I need a new manager and bartender and he’d be good for the position.”

  “I’d really like to meet him.”

  “Oh yeah?” I ask her absently while taking a bite of salad.

  “Of course. I bet he would have some great stories to tell me about your college days. I look up at her to smile and she winks at me. And then she winks again. And again. Oh, I think she’s got something in her eye. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, great. How’s your salad?” She tries to act like nothing is happening, but her eye looks like it won’t stop twitching. She’s just ignoring it and takes another spoonful of her soup. She closes her eyes and one of her eyelashes falls off her face.

  “Umm, Olivia?”

  She opens her eyes and looks at me wide eyed, completely oblivious to the fact that her eyelash is now floating in her soup. “Yes, baby?”

  She’s looking at me so expectantly, with a smile on her lips and I can’t tell her. I mean shit – how do I tell her? Oh, I know, “Um, I think I’m done with the salad and soup, can we have some meatloaf now?”

  Just as I hoped, she gets up from her seat and takes her salad and soup plates with her into the kitchen while she grabs the meatloaf. Phew, crisis averted. I know it would have embarrassed her s
o much to know what happened. She doesn’t need to do herself up like that anyway, not for me. But I know it’s just part of her look for our romantic evening.

  She returns with the meatloaf in her potholder-covered hands and sets it on the table to grab my salad and soup plates, taking them into the kitchen too. When she returns, she looks at me and I notice how her eyes look different now, one with longer lashes than the other. Damn, she’s so cute.

  She reaches for the meatloaf and cuts a piece, though some slips back in the baking pan, and places the remainder on my plate. “Oh, sorry it fell apart a little. That’s likely a good sign, huh? I hope you like it. I’ve never made meatloaf before, but it was surprisingly easy.”

  “I’m sure it will be great.”

  She watches me as I grab a large forkful and put it into my mouth. I notice almost instantly that something tastes off. While the top has a nice brown, seared crust, the inside is noticeably chewy and mushy. I force a smile to my face and give her an, “Mmm,” then look down at my plate. It looks cooked through just fine, but something is not right. Oh my god, suck it up Easton, you are NOT going to gag in front of your girl at this meal she prepared for you. You are going to chew and love it. I force a swallow and barely keep the grimace hidden from my face.

  “You like it?”

  “Mmm, good.” I mumble and take another bite. Oh god it’s awful, it tastes like ass. It’s okay Easton. You will survive this. Besides, it’s a small piece. It will be over soon. You’ve endured worse things…certainly you have. You will not disappoint her. You will love this. Or at least act like you do. You are a warrior. You got this. Chew. Chew. Chew. Swallow. Faster. Drink wine. Do not gulp.

  I look up just as she’s taken a bite. She chews for a moment and then spits the whole thing out on her plate. “OH MY GOD! That tastes awful! Luke!! That tastes awful! Why didn’t you say anything?”

  Oh thank god, I don’t have to eat anymore. I could cry with relief. “I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”

  She pushes her plate away from her, gets up, walks to me and gestures for me to back my chair up from the table. When I do, she sits in my lap and throws her arms around me. “Luke Easton, I love you. I love you so much. I can’t believe you were willing to eat that just to spare my feelings.”

  “You attempted to cook for me, angel. I would do anything for you.”

  “I know you would, I do. But you can’t lie to me like that! That was awful. Next time, tell me the truth!”

  “Okay. So then tell me, are you going to tell me the truth about what happened today?”

  Her whole body and face stills. I can’t help it, I laugh out loud. “How about this… you forgive me for not telling you the meatloaf is awful, and I let you off the hook about telling me about your antics today.”

  “Deal!” she hurriedly agrees, “Even though Pyper is a dead woman.”

  I laugh and nuzzle her neck. “How about we order a pizza later?” I suggest.

  “I will do it right now!” She makes an attempt to get out of my lap, but I don’t let her. She looks at me questioningly.

  “I’m hungry, angel, but not for food.”

  She smiles and laughs as I grab my wine glass, down the entire glassful, then pick her up to carry her into the bedroom. I quickly take a glimpse out of the corner of my eye at the stove, ensuring a light or burner was not left on. After the dinner we had, I could just see the condo going up in flames.

  Fortunately, the only fire will be between the two of us.




  As Luke carries me into the bedroom, all I can think about is how much I want his hands on me. All over me. I wonder if I will ever have enough of him. Of this. Of us. I hope not.

  We reach my bedroom and he sets me down on my feet outside the closed door. I look at him in question, “You okay?”

  “I’m perfect.” He turns me to face him, my back to the door, then he surprises me by lifting me up again, “Wrap your legs around my waist. I need to feel you, to taste you.”

  I gesture towards my leg, “I’m not sure if I can.”

  “Just try, if it’s uncomfortable, we will move.”

  I do as he asks and groan when I feel his hardness against me. I wrap my arms around his neck and lock my ankles the best I can around him given my stupid cast. I’m so over that thing – my leg doesn’t even hurt, it’s just a heavy hindrance. I want it off already. Pushing that thought aside, I concentrate on Luke and the fact he’s placed my back against the bedroom door and is pulling the pins out of my hair. He throws them on the floor, then shoves his hands into my hair. I look up at him and he meets my eyes for all of two seconds before his lips come crashing down on mine.

  I pull him closer to me and kiss him with everything I have. My lips move with his, our tongues twirling and stroking. I grip his hair at the base of his neck and grind my hips into his. I slowly pull away from him and bite his bottom lip, “I want you, Luke.”

  I swear a sound that sounds like a growl vibrates through his chest, making me smile. I need to feel him. Leaning back against the door, I start unbuttoning his shirt. He dressed up a bit for work today. Dress shirt and slacks. No tie, though. His shirt was open at his neck, hinting at his strong chest that I love so much. I begin to undo the buttons of his shirt, one down, two down, when I get to the third, a string from around the hole catches on the button, getting it stuck. I bite my lip and contemplate for all of a second if I should and then, with a smirk, I rip his shirt open with a sharp tug. The buttons go flying all over the place.

  He laughs and winks at me, “In a hurry?”

  I rake my nails down his chest and listen to his breath catch, “Yes. I want you now.”

  He doesn’t waste any more time and opens the door at my back. I’m slightly disappointed until he just brings us inside, closes it and then puts my back against the door on the other side. Hot. My mouth forms a naughty grin, “Door sex. I like it.”

  He laughs and I reach for his belt buckle, hurrying to undo his pants. His hands are caressing my ass and with a sharp tug he rips the thong from my hips. I look at him and he grins, “I’m in a hurry too.”

  I laugh until I pull his erection from his pants with one hand. I slowly stroke him up and down and rub my thumb over the tip. Moving my other hand into his hair, I press my lips against his for a quick kiss, then I lick and suck his bottom lip. I love him so much, I can’t wait another second to have him inside me. My legs have slid down, so he takes my casted leg behind the knee and places it over his hip, holding it there for me. I look at him as I place him at my opening. His eyes darken with passion and he pushes his hips towards me, entering me with just the tip of his cock.

  I gasp at the sensation, craving more. “Oh god yes, I need more.” I put my hands on his hips and dig my nails into his skin, trying to pull him closer. He pushes inside me more and I throw my head back against the door. He buries his face in my neck as he thrusts his hips forward and back.

  Sweet sensations start building in my lower abdomen, and when he bites my nipples through my lace negligée, I swear I’m going to fall apart right then. “Harder,” I instruct.

  With a grunt, he heeds my demand and pounds his hips into me at the same time I put my fingers to my clit and start rubbing. “Olivia,” he whispers. All I can think about is how much I don’t want him to stop.

  With a yell, I feel myself climbing even more, then falling over the edge when my orgasm hits me with a blast. At the same time, I’m aware of his thrusts increasing in speed. With a shout, Luke’s body stiffens and he lets himself go. He’s practically bent backwards with me just sitting astride his hips. His strength in that moment astounds me and I revel in the muscles moving in his chest. My man is sexy as hell.

  He kisses my forehead and nuzzles my shoulder, then pulls away and looks at me with a sexy smirk, “Wow.”

  I giggle, “Yes, wow.”

  He turns around, me still in his arms, and places me on the
bed. He removes the rest of his clothes, helps me with mine, and then we lie down. I place my head on his chest and he begins to stroke my hair. My eyes drift closed and I feel more at peace with him in this moment, than I have in a long time. I kiss his chest, “I love you.”

  His hand stills in my hair and I feel his fingers under my chin, nudging me to look up at him. When our eyes meet, he caresses my cheek with his thumb, “I love you too, Olivia. So much.”

  “I’m so sorry dinner sucked.” I blurt.

  His eyebrows furrow, “It didn’t su-”

  “Luke, it’s okay. I’m a lousy cook, and I know it. I just wanted to try, for you. Thanks for going along with it.”

  He smiles, “Anything for you.”

  “Wow. You really mean that.”

  “Of course I do.” I smile as he pushes some hair behind my ear, “Does this mean I have to try the dessert you made?”

  I start to laugh because I can hear the desperate sound in his voice, hoping my answer is no. I can’t stop giggling and eventually he joins in, his chest bouncing under my chin, “No, you don’t have to try it.”

  “Thank God,” he says, dropping all pretenses that I’m a good cook.

  “Hey! You could have pretended a little longer.” I push my bottom lip out into a pout, and he bends his neck down and bites it.

  “You’re sexy when you pout.”

  “Yeah well, lucky for you, I have ice cream in my freezer.”

  “You do?” He asks his eyes lighting up. “Is Pyper expected back any time soon?”

  “No, she’s staying the night at her parents’ place.”

  “Okay, perfect,” he jumps out of bed naked and makes a beeline for the kitchen. Returning a few moments later, he hops into the bed, showing me the ice cream and spoon he’s brought back with him.

  I sit up, “Hey, you forgot a spoon for me!”

  He grins, “No, I didn’t.”

  We both sit up, his legs crossed and mine on either side of his, facing each other while completely naked. I love it. He takes the top off the ice cream, scoops a spoonful and holds it out to me, waiting for me to open my lips. When I do, he pushes the spoon closer until I take the ice cream he offers. It’s delicious. The vanilla and chocolate make my taste buds stand up at attention and crave more. He scoops more out, but puts that scoop into his own mouth.


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