Pretty Little Dreams

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Pretty Little Dreams Page 24

by Jennifer Miller

  “Luke, I love you so much. Thank you for loving me. I’m the luckiest girl ever.”

  “I love you too, angel. So much. And we are going to get through this. Together. One day at a time.”




  One day at a time. Luke couldn’t have been more right about that. Some days, it’s minute by minute, and other days I don’t think about it at all. I look at my therapist and know it is due in big part to her. Dr. Helen Roberts has been my confidant, life saver, and my own personal champion. When the anxiety and memories become too much, she has given me tools to help me calm myself. I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and it hasn’t been an easy walk – but it is a journey I’m determined to finish. With her help, and of course, with Luke’s.

  “It sounds like those breathing exercises are really helping you, Olivia, and that your episodes are happening less and less.”

  “Yes, I really am doing much better. The medicine really helps with my anxiety and of course Luke is sometimes all the medicine I need.” I smile mischievously, making Dr. Roberts laugh.

  “I have no doubt about that, but remember that while it is important to have your support from him and working through your couples issues is important, you need to continue to strengthen and get through this individually. That’s how you will bring your best to your relationship with Luke. You are making tremendous progress, Olivia, you should be very proud of yourself.”

  “I am, thank you.” These past several months have been a mixture of difficult, and wonderful. For a long time, nightmares would wake me almost nightly such that I feared falling asleep. Even though Deacon is in jail, without bond, awaiting trail, I continued to have an irrational fear at times that he would come back. Luke and Dr. Roberts have really encouraged me to take everything one day at a time and to stop being so hard on myself. Luke even comes to couples therapy with me, insisting that this journey be one we go through together, side by side.

  Thinking about him brings a smile to my face. A knowing look crosses Dr. Robert’s face, “Well, that is all the time we have today, I will see you and Luke next week.”

  “Okay, thank you very much.” I stand, smoothing my black pencil skirt and balancing on my brand new Jimmy Choo heels. I’ve finally got my love for fashion back in full force. I’m blogging daily again, posting pictures of my outfits of the day, and have started writing for other magazines again as well.

  “Oh, and tell Luke that I really enjoyed his column last week on your blog. That tip about romancing a woman was great.”

  I laugh, “I will tell him!” Thinking about Luke’s new column makes me chuckle to myself. I love that he is so involved with what I do, so much so, that he wanted to contribute. ‘Luke’s Love Tip List’ has become a hit among my readers.

  I give Dr. Roberts one more goodbye and head to my car. The silk of my top sliding against my shoulders, the summer sun on my skin, the sound of birds in the sky, all make me smile and stop for just a moment and take in the beauty of the day. I continue to my car and feel my surprise quickly replaced with a moment of worry as I look up and see Pyper standing next to it. My steps pick up as I race to her, intent on making sure everything is okay. Pyper has no reason to be here. When Pyper finally sees me walking toward her, a smile lights up her face, which makes me instantly relax. She wouldn’t be smiling if she had bad news or something was wrong.

  “Pyper! What are you doing here? You’re smiling, so I’m guessing that means everything is okay, right?”

  “Oh! Of course everything is fine. I’m sorry I scared you. I’m just here to make a delivery.”

  My brows furrow in confusion. “A delivery?”

  Pyper smiles wider and pulls a pink rose out from behind her back with a white note card and hands them to me. “Here you go,” she says and then starts to walk away. I start to ask her what the hell this is all about but then she stops, turns around, and gives me a big hug. “I love you, Livvie.”

  “I love you too.” My words are slow – confused. “Pyper? What’s going on?”

  “Just read the note. And call me later, okay?”

  “Okay,” I murmur absently as I look down at the note and see Luke’s handwriting. I open the envelope addressed to me and begin to read.

  “My life was forever changed the first time I saw you. I think I knew at that moment that I would never be the same. Did I ever tell you that health class wasn’t the first time I saw you? No, it was at your locker. Locker number 1021. Already a fashion queen, you were standing there with Pyper, laughing at something she said. Your laughter drew me in like a bee to honey, and all I remember thinking was that I had to make you mine. Get in your car, and go to that locker. I love you.”

  I don’t waste a moment, intrigued and excited by Luke’s note, I can’t wait to find out what he is up to. I make the trip quickly and practically fall out of my car in my haste to meet him at my old school locker. I can’t believe he even remembered the number! I sure didn’t; only its location.

  I enter the school, somewhat surprised the door is unlocked, since all are away for summer break, and make my way to the hallway where my old locker resides. I notice a secretary sitting at a desk in an office off of the entry, she catches my eye and I see her smile slightly, seemingly acknowledging and expecting my presence. Curious. As I turn down the hall to where my locker was located, I’m disappointed that I don’t see Luke standing there. Instead, as I approach my locker, I see another pink rose, with a note taped to the front.

  “Imagine my excitement, at finding out you were in the same health class as I was. Teasing you, charming you, and asking you out daily became my mission. I never let the fact you said ‘no’ bring me down or deter me, because I could see the twinkle in your eye every time I asked. I knew it was only a matter of time until you gave in to my undeniable charm,” I laugh. “The day you said ‘yes’ was a day I will always remember. Go to the place you finally spoke that word.”

  I put the rose to my nose for just a moment and take in its sweet scent and then walk down the echoing hallways towards the classroom that we shared for our health class. While some things have changed, the old high school is much the same. As I walk, my memories continue. I remember his cocky smirk and the way our hands touched accidentally when he helped me with a chair. Shivers of excitement ran through my whole body at that simple touch, and now, years later his touch still emits the same feeling. I remember the surprise I felt the day I came to class, already prepared for his daily question of ‘will you go out with me’ but he did not ask. The memory makes me laugh now. Then, I was a bit disappointed. Once I reach the classroom, there on the door, is another rose, with a note.

  “Aside from staring at you the entire hour of class we shared together, I think one of the things I loved most about high school was watching you cheer for me when I played football. I would look over during the game, when I was supposed to be paying attention to the field, and see your hair glistening in the lights, and your cheeks flushed from the cold. You were so beautiful, it would take my breath away. If you caught me looking at you, you’d blow me a kiss and I could practically feel it meet my lips. Go there.”

  I walk to the back of the school, increasingly captivated by this whole scavenger hunt, out the doors, nearly skipping towards the football field, hoping to finally find the man of my dreams. This has to be the most romantic thing anyone has ever done. I feel so loved by him that it takes my breath away. When I reach the gate to the field, instead of finding him, I find yet another rose and note.

  “While my childhood home is full of great childhood memories that I will cherish forever, there is one that will always haunt me. Go to my house.”

  I make my way back to my car and head to Luke’s childhood home. A momentarily feeling of uneasiness and dread hits me. I haven’t been back since the day I left it…that day so long ago. Deep breaths. When I pull into the driveway, memories of that day assault my mind and att
ack my heart. I hear the dreaded words from his mouth spoken to his mother and see myself run to my car, eyes full of tears and stubbornness in my heart. How I wish I had done things differently. I park my car, and slowly, even reluctantly. get out. My anxiety is quickly relieved as I look towards the door with tear-filled eyes and see Luke’s father standing there, holding a rose, with a smile on his face.

  “Olivia. Long time no see,” his smile is warm and kind. And he reaches out to provide me an embrace.

  “Mr. Easton, it’s so nice to see you again. I’m so sorry for your loss. I apologize that I haven’t had the chance to tell you sooner.” I graciously accept his hug and return one of my own.

  “It’s okay dear, and thank you.” He holds the pink rose and note card out to me and I take it from his hands. “He loves you so much, Olivia. The day he lost you… well I wasn’t sure if he would ever be the same. I’m so glad that you both found one another again.”

  “Me too,” I whisper.

  “I will leave you to read your love note. Please come by again soon, okay?”

  “I will, I promise.”

  He nods, gives me a smile and walks back into the house. I open the note card from Luke, “While the moment I lost you here is one of my saddest, it is also significant and part of our story. I wish it had never happened, and I had not missed out on so much time with you, but I know now that we are stronger for it. Losing one another has only made us appreciate one another more. Now that we’ve found one another again, I know we will never take one another for granted, or do anything that would purposefully hurt the other again. The night I finally found you again, I will never forget. Go to Zero Gravity.”

  I take one last look at Luke’s home and get into my car. And smile. I drive across town, wondering if this will be my last stop, if he will finally be at the club. I want to kiss him. I want to tell him how much I love him. These reminders of our love, our story, soothe my soul. He excites me, he ignites me, and I want to show him.

  When I finally get to the club, I practically run to its doors, eager to see the man I love. As I go through the doors, I’m surprised to see shoes in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by pink rose petals and a rose with another note card.

  Curiously, I pick up the card and read, “These shoes are the very ones you threw up on that night. I couldn’t bring myself to throw them away. I had them cleaned and then kept them as sort of a memento. When I was in my office, looking down at the crowd, I remember my heart stopping when my eyes happened to fall on your face. At first, I thought I must be dreaming. Seven long years of imagining I would see you somewhere…and to see right here…in my place…to finally have it occur, well… I thought I might be seeing things. I slowly made my way down the stairs, never removing my eyes from the spot you appeared. When I saw those guys start manhandling you, I almost lost my mind. When I came close enough that I could reach out and touch you, I spoke your name. When you turned, and your eyes met mine for the first time in our seven long years of separation, the sight took my breath away. I imagined it so many times before – all the daydreams different, but of course, each one ending with us falling into one another’s arms. Never did I imagine you would throw up on me instead. To say that wasn’t quite the hello I was expecting is an understatement, but it truly was unforgettable. In that moment, I couldn’t have loved you more, and I was more determined than ever, to once again, make you my girl. Come to our tree.”

  Tears are running down my cheeks and I clutch his note to my chest. He wants me to go to our tree. Excitement fills my chest with anticipation. I know without a doubt, he will be waiting there for me.

  When I arrive, I’m not disappointed by the sight before me. Laying eyes on my love, I burst into tears. He has a blanket spread under our tree among the tall grass. There are pink rose petals everywhere. And Luke, he’s in the center of them all, down on one knee, with dozens of pink roses in his hands.

  My hands cover my mouth and I stifle a sob at seeing him and knowing what all this has been about. I can’t contain my feelings, not a second longer. I run into his arms, making him drop all the roses. With a surprised expression, he briefly looks at me before I practically knock him over. I laugh and so does he, the perfect sounding harmony of our voices ringing as one.

  “YES! YES LUKE! My answer is YES!”

  Luke laughs so hard, “I haven’t even asked yet.”

  My face becomes red as I pull away, “Well, your intentions were clear, I think and I reacted, I’m sorry!”

  “I mean, I have a whole speech planned and everything.”

  “Luke, I don’t even need to hear it. There is no convincing or speech needed. I was always meant to be with you, from the moment I met you. You have always been the only thing I’ve ever wanted. The only person that has ever made me feel the way that you do, the only man that I’ve loved with every single part of me. I don’t need a speech, I don’t need anything, Luke, but you. Always and forever, you.”

  “I love you, Livvie. So much. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes! A thousand times yes, Luke.”

  He brushes the hair from my face and pulls a box from his pocket. He holds eye contact with me as he opens it and I look from his face to the ring and gasp. The diamond is very large and square cut. It’s set in a platinum band that has small diamonds in a row on either side. “Oh Luke, it’s gorgeous. And more than I need.”

  “No, it’s perfect, for you. I love you, Livvie. You’ve made me so happy.”

  I look at him for a moment and then kiss him. We waste no time tangling our tongues together and trying to say with our lips, what we said in words. I feel so happy, so alive, so excited for the future and what it will bring.

  For the first time in months, I see my daydreams of Luke, becoming my reality. As he slowly lowers me to the ground and starts to move his hands over me, I know that everything that has happened has led me right here.

  “I can’t wait to be your wife, Luke. I love you. I love you. I love you.” I place kisses on his lips in between each declaration.

  “I love you too. I’m the luckiest man alive. My life became complete again the minute I found you again, Livvie. I thank God he led you back to me. I can’t wait to get you to that alter.”

  I smile, “I have an idea for what we can do until then.”

  He returns my smile, “Oh yeah? Why don’t you show me?”

  And so I do.


  I never thought I would write one book, let alone two. I couldn’t do it without the support of so many that were constants at my side throughout this journey.

  First and foremost, to my husband Jake, and our daughters – I love you more than you know. Thank you for putting up with my craziness after many sleepless nights, for understanding when my mind is in the clouds with my make believe characters, and for loving me despite my madness.

  Mom, my dedication speaks for itself. I would be lost without you. You are the best editor a girl could ask for. You know my heart and soul and when I’m not quite explaining or communicating how I should be, you don’t hesitate to point it out and challenge me to go deeper and show more. I will say my favorite edit ever is your comment about if “pussy” is really the proper term for Luke to call himself. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard. Sorry to tell you mom, I kept it in the book.

  Georgia, I find myself never knowing quite how to thank you properly. When I was so nervous about how this book was turning out to be so different from the first, your insistence that I follow my instincts was what spurred me forward many times I felt unsure. I hope I can prove to be as invaluable to you, as you always are to me. I look forward to the magic you are creating, and above all, I thank you for your friendship and love.

  Angela Corbett, Mary Ting and Espe – thank you for always checking in with me, seeing how my writing is going and always offering your encouragement and support should I ever need anything. I’m lucky to have friends in you.

  To all my beta girls,
I love your faces. You helped me make this book what it is and your love of my characters rivals mine. I was so afraid that readers would be disappointed in the darker turn this novel takes, and you insisted all it did is show my range as a writer. Thank you for believing in me, and never losing faith in me, even when my faith wavered in myself.

  Jen Joanisse, you are the best PA a girl could ask for. I love that I can bounce all my crazy ideas off of you and you go with it and encourage my creative process. Thanks for always looking out for me, and becoming one of my best friends.

  Tara Brown – thank you so much for your help with a certain part of writing that I hate with a fiery passion. Your talent never ceases to amaze me!

  To the InDivas – I love you all. What a wonderful group of women we have that reach out and lift each other up. That kind of support is invaluable in this industry and I know we were all brought together for a reason. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  To all of you that have read this, thank you for helping my dreams come true. I have made friends with so many of you and I look forward to your emails and facebook posts. XO!


  Author Jennifer Miller was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois but now calls Arizona home. Her love of reading began when she was a small child, and only continued to grow as she entered adulthood. Ever since winning a writing contest at the young age of nine, when she wrote a book about a girl with a pet unicorn, she’s dreamed of writing a book of her own. The important lesson she learned about dreams is that they don’t just fall into your lap – you have to chase them yourself. Most importantly, she is a wife and mother, and is very lucky to have a family that loves and supports her in all things. She also has an unhealthy addiction to handbags and chocolate covered strawberries, neither of which she cares to work on.


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