Phantasmic (A Sexy Romantic Comedy)

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Phantasmic (A Sexy Romantic Comedy) Page 7

by Evie Long

  It was old-looking and gorgeous.

  I decided to take it to a jeweler immediately and find out how much it was worth. And as I was leaving the house, I saw my neighbor in his front yard, tying on his running shoes.

  “Hi!” I said in a voice that was far too high-pitched and excited. “Look what I found.” I held the ring out for him to see.

  “You found that in there?”

  “Yup. In the radiator.”

  “Hmn. I guess you got your wish,” he said.

  “Yeah,” I smiled. “So, listen, the other night, I wasn’t sleeping over a guy’s house. It was my girlfriend’s.”

  “Your girlfriend? You mean you’re gay?”

  “No. I mean ‘my friend who’s a girl’”.

  He was looking at me with such sensitive eyes. Thoughtful and sensitive and deep and glittery. His jaw was sensitive too. Square and masculine but still smooth and sensitive. His neck as well, it was smooth and tanned and sensi…

  "You okay?”

  “Oh, sorry,” I said. “My mind went blank. But um…I just…I didn’t want you to think…I mean because we almost kis...ah, I mean we...y'know the other night and…I felt like I wanted to say that…what I just said because…”

  I realized I was mumbling and that he suddenly didn’t seem to be paying attention. He was looking back towards his house and a moment later, I realized why. A gorgeous, tall brunette with her hair in a smooth, high pony tail sauntered down the steps on long, tanned legs. “Ready,” she said, walking up to him, giving him a peck on the cheek.

  “Oh, sorry,” I mumbled, my face was red and burning. “I didn’t realize…”

  I shook my head, unable to even finish my sentence, as they walked off together. I was so mortified. Here I was talking about how we kissed and feeling all intense about it and he had a hot brunette in his house the whole time!

  I felt like a total idiot. Or more of a total idiot than usual. Oh well. Another day another humiliation. I headed quickly to my car. And as I drove off, I passed the two of them running, gazelle-like, down the street.

  Boy, what a way to take away the thrill of my treasure-find. Not that I was surprised - In fact, I really should have learned by now, that when something good happens I should just be happy and leave well enough alone. What I should not do was think, “Hey! Maybe it’s my lucky day!” and try to improve upon it. Because usually things only get worse.

  But as I drove on, my dejection turned to anger.

  How dare he cheat on me that way! And what about his other girlfriend, Blondie? He was cheating on her too! What a dog! And an asshole and a jerk! And worst of all – a cheater!

  Granted, I had to admit that I was perfectly okay with cheating on Blondie myself, with him. But that would have been different…because…because that would have shown depth! And character on his part! Because I’m not some gorgeous model so it wouldn’t have just been some shallow, looks-based fling! Not like the way it is with this…this brunette version of Blondie.

  And seriously, what was even the point of that? The two were so similar they might as well have been the same person! Both tall, big boobed, thin and long legged. Like those dolls with the same face and bodies that just had different clothes and hair color.

  It was ridiculous. I decided never to think about him again.

  I thought about it all day. Or at least until I came to a jewelry shop. I walked in and held my ring up to the older man behind the counter.

  “I just found this under my radiator grill,” I said. “Can you tell me if it’s real?”

  He took out his little magnifying thingy and studied it.

  “Yeah, it’s real,” he finally said.

  Yay! “Is it worth anything?”

  “The band is 18 carat gold. And that stone is a ruby.” He pointed to the last stone in the line.

  “Oh my goodness - that’s great. I thought it was a garnet.”

  “No it’s a ruby. And the blue one is a sapphire.”

  “Wow. So is it old?”

  “It’s in the Victorian style - but isn’t that old, maybe from the 40’s or 50’s. Not quite an antique yet. But it was clearly meant for someone special. The Victorians had meanings for all kinds of things, they used the ruby to mean passion, the amethyst meant devotion, the snake band would mean eternity. Sometimes they even spelled things out with the st…”

  “Oh right,” I interrupted. “Someone mentioned that.” I remembered Grandma Rosa saying something to that effect.

  And all of a sudden I had the sinking feeling that maybe Carlo had something to do with this ring.

  “Someone’s added an inscription on the back,” the jeweler said. “Did you see that?”


  “It says, ‘Love always, Carlo.’”

  Great. It was Carlo’s ring.

  Must he be involved with everything having to do with my new apartment?

  I frowned. I still wanted to sell it, but I felt a little guilty now, what with him being my roommate and all.

  Then I remembered that Carlo was gone so the ring was mine to do with as I wanted. Anyway, he owed me rent for all the time he did spend there – since he wasn’t exactly the best roommate, what with the radiator issues and all.

  “So how much do you think I could get for it?”

  “Mnn, around a 1000,” the jeweler said.

  “Really?” That wasn’t bad. Not enough to retire on but still…

  “Do you want to sell it?”

  I hesitated. I did want to sell it but I still felt a little unsure. It was Carlo’s after all. But he was gone. He was gone and the ring was mine. All mine. My precious.

  “Yes!” I screamed. “I’ll sell it!”

  Then I thought better of it. “No wait,” I said. “Not yet.”

  I took the ring back. “I…I need to think about it. But thanks anyway.”

  I hurried out. After all, what was the rush? Now that I knew I could get a thousand for it, I decided a second opinion was in order. If there was one thing I’d learned watching the Roadshow, it was that these local appraisers were always trying to lowball you.

  I slipped the ring back on my finger and headed home – excited to finally be free of my ghost. To have found my treasure. And to give Trevor a walk.


  “Trevor,” I called out as I came inside. Which was totally unnecessary since he was already bounding towards me, tail wagging, body wiggling, paws jumping. I petted him happily and went to get his leash, when I sensed something untoward.

  I looked at my ring and gasped. There was a hand on mine, touching it. Stroking it lovingly.

  It was Carlo, next to me.

  “Ah!” I cried jerking my hand away and hiding it behind my back. “Carlo. You’re here.”

  “Of course I’m here. Where would I be, my love?”

  “I thought…um…I thought you were gone. For good.” A girl can dream.

  He gently took my arm and pulled my hand back towards him, staring at the ring. “I know this ring,” he said, frowning.

  I quickly tried to cover it with my other fingers but it was too late.

  He kept staring at it and wouldn’t let go of my hand.

  “Do you?” I asked, laughing a fake, uncomfortable laugh. Dammit. I should have just sold it.

  “Yes,” he said frowning. He continued to stare at the ring. “I think...I bought this for her.”

  “Oh. Well….” I said sadly. “You see that’s what I’ve been trying to get you to understand. She’s dead now. She’s gone so…” I shrugged innocently, hoping he would tell me to just keep it.

  “You!” he said, looking at me his eyes fiery and intense. “You!” He repeated.

  Was he angry? Going to kill me? I tried to back away, out of his reach but he stalked towards me, his eyes searing into mine. “You...must get it to her. Get her the ring!”

  “But I can’t,” I said as gently as I could. “She’s dead. Dead. As a doorknob. Dead as a…um….dead girl.”
r />   He shook his head - it was as though he just couldn’t process the idea. He wouldn’t accept it. Which was totally and absolutely driving me nuts, since I was pretty sure that if he would just effing admit it - he would go away.

  He paced, looking around nervously. “You asked me what I most wanted – this is what I want.”

  “But Carlo, I showed you her grave. See…” I reached for my cell phone and searched frantically for the photos of Audrey’s grave.

  But he was busy mumbling to himself and pacing back and forth. “My love. I want you forever. I want to be with you into eternity. To sleep with you into eternity…”

  I recognized the words from his creepy stalker/love note and started worrying that we were about to fall into one of his hot, impassioned flashbacks. But instead, he suddenly went down on one knee and held out his hand, as though clasping an imaginary ring. “Please, be my bride,” he said.

  I stared at him.

  He stood up and brushed invisible dust off his pants leg. “It was good, no? Romantic? I was rehearsing it for days.” He nodded as though remembering it anew. “But…I never got to speak it to her.”

  I stared at him, surprised. “Oh-hh” I finally said. “So…you mean the note…It was your proposal?”

  “Yes. It was. Yes, I remember now. Of course!”

  “Oh…huh," I shrugged. "Well, that does take some of the creepiness out of it.” So it wasn’t a stalker letter, it was crossed out because he was perfecting it. Like a script. “But Audrey found it accidentally?”

  He nodded. “Yes, that’s what happened. She came by that night…with the note. I had accidentally left it on set.”

  No wonder she thought he was a crazed, obsessed stalker.

  I gave him my most empathetic look. “But Carlo, it really is too late to get her the ring now. She’s dead.”

  “But you must! She must realize that I was going to propose!”

  I shook my head. “It’s too late now,” I said. “She’s gone. It’s too late.”

  “Please. Please give her the ring,” he said. He tried to grab my hand but I was too fast for him. I pulled back and got away before he could suck me into another one of his crazy, violent flashbacks. I grabbed my keys and ran out the front door with Trevor following behind.

  I ran to the car and screeched out.

  Dammit. Why didn’t I just sell the damned ring?

  And without realizing where I was going, I found myself heading towards the Hollywood cemetery. So much for my extra 1000 dollars of ghostly roommate rent money. Because I knew what I had to do. I had to give the ring to Audrey. To leave it on her grave.

  The thought of it killed me, but if it would get rid of Carlo once and for all, it would be worth it.


  As I drove, I began to think about him more clearly. It really did make sense that returning the ring was Carlo’s unfinished business. It explained why he'd been reciting those lines from the note over and over. They were the words from his unsaid proposal – and they were still resonating with him. Maybe it was even why he kept messing with my radiator – to help me find the ring so I could return it to its rightful owner!

  It was really romantic when you thought about it – his love lasting throughout all these ages and planes of existence. I sighed wistfully, thinking it would actually make a…

  Yes! It would make a good script. Of course! Maybe I really would write a script about it! The unconscious mind of the amnesiac ghost.

  And as I drove, I plotted it out. How I would show the ghost’s confusion. And his flashbacks as he remembered more and more of his life– but then blocked it out again. And I would show my main character’s frustration as she realized that he couldn’t hold on to the truth – even as she continued to see more and more of it and to unravel his mystery.

  And of course he’d be gorgeous. And dangerous. And he’d love my heroine. In fact he’d be torn between his love for her and for his dead love.

  In fact maybe he’d love the heroine MORE than his dead love. Yes, she was neurotic. Yes she was addicted to chocolate and to talking to herself but he loved that! He'd be charmed. They’d start an affair – and he wouldn’t cheat on her. Of course not! She was stunning. She’d bite her lip seductively like a combination of Bella from Twilight and the other Bella from Fifty Shades.

  And he’d love her and want to be with her forever. But she’d have to let him go – go towards the light. Tragically. Yes, she’d make that sacrifice for his own good.

  And besides she’d have other loves to love! Other living loves. Who would all love her and would never cheat on her!

  So deep in my mania was I, that I arrived at my destination without even realizing how I’d gotten there. The cemetery where Audrey was buried.

  This...I knew, would be the romantic resolution scene.

  And as I got out of the car, I found myself walking just a little taller as if I really were in a movie. Trevor followed behind.

  I found the correct section and walked between the graves until I found Audrey’s. I looked down at my pretty ring again. It was such a shame but I had to do it. I took the ring off my finger and placed it down in the grass, near her headstone.

  "Well Audrey,” I said. “This is yours. Carlo wasn’t stalking you – he was going to propose. So…Enjoy it! Amen.”

  And I looked at the ring sadly once more, knowing I had to leave it, then I forced myself to walk away. And as I walked, I turned and glanced back at the headstone once more, a poignant expression on my face. I imagined Carlo now being swirled away, sucked up through the clouds into eternity.

  I sighed tragically, to mark the moment cinematically. And I knew… deep, deep down in my soul, that he was gone for good.

  Then I looked back towards Audrey’s headstone – towards the ring. And I wondered: if he’s gone now, can I take the ring back? I paused, considering it, then decided not to risk it. It really was her ring.

  But…it was my apartment! Mine! Mine alone! (Or so I hoped.)

  I called Trevor away from Audrey’s headstone and we walked back to the car with a spring in our step and a swish in our tail. We hurried home, eager to find Carlo gone.

  And when we came inside I looked in every crack and crevice, accompanied by Trevor who followed along, searching with me, assuming we’re playing some kind of game. He was gone. Was he really gone? Yes he was gone.


  “But I gave her the ring,” I whined. (I couldn’t help it.) “Why are you still here?”

  Carlo shook his head. “You did not give it to her.”

  “I gave it to her as much as I could. She’s dead! Maybe YOU should give it to her…on the other side! Maybe you need to go find her and do your proposal!”

  I loved my idea. It sounded absolutely brilliant to my own ears. My voice rose more and more manically as I came quickly to the end of my rope.

  He shook his head and looked out the window sadly. Then he sighed – all Latin lover romantico.

  Would I never get rid of him? What more could I do?

  I sat down and held my head in my hands. This was absurd. I’d just given away my Roadshow find and it didn’t even get rid of him.

  Then I gasped and jumped up. I grabbed my keys and hurried toward the door. I was no dummy – if it didn’t work – I had to get that ring back. Finders keepers after all. There was no reason to waste a perfectly good 1000 dollar ring on a dead woman.

  “Uh, I have to go. I’ll be back,” I said. “C’mon Trevor.”

  We hurried out and into the car. We made the 45 minute drive back to the cemetery in an hour and a half thanks to traffic - and finally arrived at Audrey’s grave. But when I bent down to find the ring…it wasn’t there.

  I looked everywhere. It was not there.

  Could someone have taken it? I looked around – I doubted it. I hadn’t seen a soul nearby all day. Plus the ring had been hidden in the grass.

  I looked up. Could one of those damn birds have taken it up to their
nests? I was cursing aloud when I looked over and noticed Trevor munching on something plastic near another grave.

  “Trevor!” I yelled. I bent down and struggled to pull an old plastic flower out of his mouth.

  “Trevor, bad boy!" I said, looking at the slobbery, mangled thing. Then it hit me. I looked at Trevor accusingly. He’d been nosing around Audrey’s grave before we left last time. Was it possible that while I was doing my dramatic, romantic ‘scene,’ putting the ring down and walking away… that Trevor actually ate the damned thing?

  “Oh damn it, okay. Let’s go,” I said firmly. He trotted along beside me as we got into the car. He was looking all happy and proud of himself, which only made me suspect him all the more. I knew that innocent act - I recognized it from Hal, my ex.

  But as I drove back home I couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps that was the reason that Carlo didn’t disappear after I gave Audrey the ring. Because Trevor had eaten it, which meant that Audrey never officially ‘got’ it.


  I finally made it back home and looked on the internet for ‘what to do when your dog eats a ring.’ Thankfully I found thousands of helpful articles, all of which basically said to monitor his poops and find the ring when he ‘passes’ it.

  Great. Something to look forward to.

  I shot Trevor a look, then gave him some bread smothered in oil, to smooth the passage of the ring. He happily gobbled it down, wanting more, as though it were some sort of reward for eating a 1000 dollar ring.

  Oh well.

  “Good boy!” I said patting his scruffy head.

  I approached Carlo who was still looking romantically out the window and I carefully explained that, in fact, he was correct, I did not give the ring back yet and that I would soon, but that it would be delayed for another day or two, give or take.

  “Give or take what?” he asked intently.


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