by Simon Wood
were free men; their part was over.
Josh’s release resulted in requests for interviews from all quarters. Josh declined them all, much to the media’s disappointment. He’d gone from villain to hero. Bell’s construction fraud claims were forgotten for the meantime in favor of his vigilante quest for the truth.
But Josh didn’t return to a hero’s welcome. He’d
won his life back at great expense. He had lost Kate and Abby. When he returned from Pinnacle Investments, he told Kate about everything—the affair, the
murders, he didn’t leave a single detail out. She had remained detached until he told her of the possibility that he was HIV positive. Kate cracked and burst into tears, telling him she never wanted to see him again. He’d discovered Bell had indeed been HIV positive, but he and Kate were clean. Kate didn’t care that the AIDS
scare was a false alarm. She decided they were finished.
He didn’t feel much like a hero. Thinking about it now, a tear rolled down his face.
The front door opened and Josh swiftly wiped away the tear with the back of his hand and focused his attention once more on the television.
Bob came into the living room. “Come on, Josh,
turn that crap off. You’re still in the same clothes you were wearing three days ago.”
Josh turned his head toward his frowning friend. He looked at his clothes—a T-shirt and sweatpants. Stains of some sort ran down the front of the shirt. He didn’t remember what it was or when it had happened.
“Why are you home so early?”
Ignoring Josh, Bob took the remote from his hand
and switched off the television. He sat down on the coffee table between Josh and the TV, the remote held between his clasped hands.
Josh pointed at the television. “I was watching that.”
“Yeah and you’ve been watching that crap for the
last week. Daytime will rot your brain. It’s about time you did something.”
“Like what?” Josh asked.
“Anything. Something. You can do whatever you
want now.”
“It’s easy for you to say. You haven’t lost anything.
Everything’s the same for you.”
Bob’s grip tightened around the remote and his face flushed. “Fuck you, you ungrateful shit. It’s been no picnic for me, you know. I stood by you. You are a guest in my home. It hasn’t been easy. Nancy isn’t your biggest fan after what you’ve done.”
Nancy’s icy reception had been quite clear once she knew of his affair. Josh made it his business to keep out of her way at all times. When she came home, he went to his room and he knew Bob was having his ear bent quite regularly about his stay.
“Do you want me to go?”
“No, Josh.” Bob stood and started to walk away in disgust. He threw the remote and it thudded into an armchair. “No, I don’t want you to go. I want you to get on with your life instead of pissing it away on watching TV and wallowing in self-pity.”
“I don’t have much else to look forward to.”
A crooked smile spread across Bob’s face, and enthusiasm glinted in his eyes. “I think I can change all
that. Come on, man. I’ve got someplace to take you.”
“Where are we going?”
“Stop asking questions and get moving. I’ll be waiting for you in the car.” He clapped his hands together like the king of Siam and disappeared out the front door.
Josh went into the hallway. He caught a glimpse of himself in the hall mirror. He looked at his untidy appearance—hair unkempt, face unshaven and his
clothes wrinkled. He hoped Bob wasn’t taking him
somewhere special. He could do without the hassle. He found his running shoes and slipped them on to his bare feet.
Walking out into the daylight, Josh squinted against the brightness of the morning sunshine and raised a hand to shield his eyes. It had been days since he’d left the house to visit the outside world. It wasn’t as he remembered it. The world was a lot more colorful than
he recalled, like he had removed tinted goggles after a long day of skiing. He joined Bob in the car.
“Where are we going?” Josh asked again.
“You’ll find out soon enough.”
Bob didn’t divulge their destination until they got there. He indicated a three-bedroom ranch style house on the south side of Land Park with a for sale sign outside. He brought the car to a halt, but Josh wanted m
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to jump out before the Toyota had stopped. Kate stood on the porch to the house, dressed in a loose-fitting summer print dress. Josh fired the car door open, but Bob grabbed his forearm.
“Get over there and win her back. Don’t screw this up,” he said with a smile pasted across his face. “I went to a lot of trouble to get her here.”
Bob released his grip on Josh’s arm. Josh leapt out of the car and rushed over to Kate. Fearing her rejection, he slowed as he got closer and stopped about five feet from her.
Bob’s Toyota drove away.
“Hello, Josh.” Kate’s reply didn’t exhibit any enthusiasm.
“I saw you on the TV last week.”
“Yeah, I can’t seem to get rid of them. They’re like flies around a cow’s butt.”
“Are you working?”
“No. Red Circle offered me my job back, but I said no. It’s not what I want anymore.”
Kate nodded.
They were silent for a long moment until Josh broke it. “Is this where you’re living?”
“No, I’m just looking.”
“Oh. How’s Abby?”
“She’s okay.”
“Is she here?”
“No, she’s with my mom.”
“So you’re still at your parents?”
“You look good.”
“I wish I could say the same about you. You look a mess.”
It hadn’t mattered when Bob mentioned his appearance, but he was embarrassed by it now. Josh
straightened the T-shirt and combed his hair with his fingers.
He became aware of his smell, the odor of stale sweat.
“I suppose I need my two ladies to keep me straight,”
he said and ventured a weak smile.
“Who, me and Bell?” Kate said coldly.
His smile collapsed under the pressure. Josh winced; the backhand remark hurt. His open-ended comment
had left him open to ridicule. “I didn’t mean that.”
Kate sighed. “Neither did I. I’m not here to fight.”
Josh smiled. “Good.”
“What did Bob tell you?”
“Nothing. He just brought me here.”
“He’s been on my case since you came back from
Pinnacle Investments, telling me I should talk to you.”
“I didn’t know.”
“That’s what he said. He also said you didn’t know much about anything these days.”
Ashamed, Josh shifted nervously and studied his
feet. Had his behavior deteriorated so much that everyone could see him going downhill? Only an idiot
wouldn’t have seen it. He was an idiot. He wished he’d tidied himself up before seeing Kate. But it was probably part of Bob’s plan to make him look a wreck in
front of her to stack the odds in his favor.
Tears welled up in her eyes. “You’ve really let yourself go, Josh.”
“I know. I can do something about it. An hour in the bath and a change of clothes, that’s all it takes.” He paused for a moment. “And for you to take me back.”
The welled-up tears, too large and too heavy to remain in place, broke out and rolled down Kate’s face.
She sniffed and wiped them away with the back of her hand.
“Give me one good reason why,” she said. “Just one.”
“Because I still love you and Abby.”
bsp; Kate’s brave front couldn’t stand up to the
bombardment any longer. Her facade cracked and broke into a thousand pieces. Wracking sobs shook her body. She buried her face in her hands.
Scared of rejection, Josh hesitated. But seeing Kate’s distress, he went to her, pulled her to him and held her tight.
Kate took her hands away from her face and wrapped her arms around him. She buried her face in his shoulder.
He felt the tears soak into his shirt.
He held her tighter. Was this acceptance? He hoped her returned embrace was a sign of forgiveness. He wanted her to lower the drawbridge and allow him entry.
He spoke into her ear.
“Kate, I’m so sorry. I can’t bear to be without you. If we can’t be together, then everything I’ve done was for nothing.” Josh let it all go. He had to let Kate know how he felt; this was his last chance or he might lose her forever.
He felt Kate pull away from him. He let her go. She took a step backward.
She composed herself. “Josh, you betrayed me. You had an affair. You put our family at risk. We could have all been killed because of you. How can I ever forgive you?”
“I was stupid and God knows I wish I could change that. I don’t expect you to forgive me. But give me a chance to make up for it.” He reached out to touch Kate, but wasn’t sure how she would react, so he let his hands drop to his sides.
“Should I give you a second chance?” she asked.
“Abby needs a father.”
“Should I give you a second chance?” she demanded.
“What makes you think life will be different this time around? You have no job. We have no home. We don’t have anything.”
“I couldn’t ask for more.” He smiled. “We have a
clean slate. We’re free to make life anything we want it to be. We have the chance to start again from the ground up. Nothing to stop us.” His enthusiasm
spilled over.
“We’ll have to take things slow. You have a lot to make up for.”
His mouth fell open for a moment. Did this mean
what he thought it meant? She was taking him back. It was no time to think, just act. Moving toward her, he said, “I know. I have no expectations other than a second chance.”
Kate smiled for the first time. She held out her hand to him and he took it. “Okay.”
He smiled back.
“We have a house to look at.” Kate opened the door and led him inside.
As odd as it may seem, viatical settlements do exist and there are strict criteria governing who can and can’t enter into them. For the purposes of this book, I’ve changed those criteria to meet my own ends.
Needless to say, Pinnacle Investments is fictitious, as are all the characters mentioned in this book.
I hope you enjoyed Accidents Waiting to Happen and I sincerely hope we meet again on a bookshelf near you.
The End.
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Simon Wood
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