Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2)

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Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2) Page 20

by Siobhan Davis

  “They won’t. This ship has an invisibility cloak. They only way they’d detect us is if someone was monitoring airspace over the auditorium and picked up the distortion. I’m pretty sure they have more important things on their minds right now. I’ll bet my father is furious.” She removes the patch from her temple, and I’m amazed that her skin has returned to normal, no evidence that any bump ever existed. “I need to run a scan,” she mumbles to herself.

  I follow her back to the seated area as the craft smoothly flies higher and higher, deeper and deeper into space. Extracting a flat gray sheet from the case, she flattens it to her forehead. The material latches onto her skin and lights up. I stare like a total goober. A stream of indecipherable information flies across the screen. When a small ping sounds, she removes the sheet and reviews the information. “No concussion or injuries of any sort.” She gathers up the loose items and fits them back in the case before securing the lid.

  I release the breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. “I am really sorry.”

  She waves a hand dismissively through the air. “Stop. Apologizing. It’s fine.”

  She seems much angrier at the fact I’m apologizing than the actual incident itself. “Why do this?” I ask. She pins me with an incredulous look. “Not that I’m ungrateful or anything, but wasn’t that wedding part of the deal between the two nations? What will happen now?”

  “Yes, but we couldn’t go through with it for various reasons.”

  I click my tongue. “I’m listening.”

  Her lips curve into a half-smile. “Well, there’s the little matter of both of us being in love with someone else, for starters. Though that wouldn’t have stopped either of us from going through with it if it was the best outcome for both races, you understand.”

  “I do, and I told Logan as much that day he was outside my cell. What else?” I ask impatiently.

  She shifts in her seat to face me. “My father is planning to betray the Saven. I could probably deal, except that his plans will mean thousands of lives lost.” I move to speak, but she holds up her hand. “Father told King Adjani that he’d withdraw from Earth on condition that he enter into an alliance, work together to regain a greater share of control over the galaxy, and”—She pauses, scrunching up her face—“allow the Amaretti to colonize Earth after the Saven are finished with the conscience transfer.”

  “Oh my God.” I hold my head in my hands.

  “That’s not all.”

  I refocus on Dali.

  “My father despises King Adjani, and he had no intention of sticking to the bargain despite the fact that this wedding was supposed to cement the relationship between both races. Father proposed it initially as a show of good faith, but then King Adjani became fixated on it, like he wanted Logan married off straightaway. Anyway, father’s plan was to work together, gain King Adjani’s trust, and then infiltrate and annihilate the Saven before they have the chance to become more powerful. Then he intends to invade Earth and relocate our people there. I can’t support that policy, although I hate leaving my people in his corrupt, greedy hands.”

  “That’s what you were talking about yesterday.” She nods. “What would you do instead?”

  “I’d grant freedom to the planets in the east and agree to a peace treaty to stop the war. As part of the negotiations, I’d seek permission to allow us to move to one of the unoccupied planets on the western fringes of the galaxy. We can build a new life there.”

  “That sounds plausible in theory, but realistically how achievable is that? Surely, if it was that simple, the galaxy wouldn’t be at war years later.”

  “Now you sound just like Win!” she snaps, angrier than I’ve ever seen her. “It would be far from easy, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth trying! Many nations are fed up of war, and I know most of the heirs to these planets, and they desire peace as much as I do. I’m confident we can effect change. There has to be a better way.”

  “So what’s the plan now?” I unknot my hair, dragging my fingers through matted strands.

  “Logan and I are both in agreement that we need to ascend our thrones sooner rather than later, and we need to start reaching out to those nations who will be open to allying with us. I know he also wants to stop what’s happening on Earth.”

  Win steps into the cabin, making a beeline for Dali. “Are you okay?” He deliberately blanks me.

  I step away from my seat and let him take my place. Looking up, I spy Logan lounging against the cockpit door. My eyes almost bug out of my head. “Eh, who’s flying this thing?”

  His lips curve up in amusement. “It’s on auto. We’re coasting for the next few hours.” He walks toward me, lacing his fingers in mine.

  “Where are we headed anyway?”

  “We’re going to Saven.”

  “What?” I think they heard my shriek back in Amara. Shock ripples through me.

  “We’re going to hide out in the old district. No one will think to look for us there. Hiding in plain sight is our best bet.”

  I scratch my head with my unfettered hand. “I’m sorry, but that’s a crazy plan. We should travel to New York and go underground. No one would find us then.”

  Logan rubs his thumb over my hand in soothing circular motions. “We will return to Earth, but we need to regroup for a few days to make concrete plans and hide out while our fathers are actively looking for us. Trust me, the last place they’ll think to look is where we’re going.”

  “I hope you’re right. I can’t imagine how much trouble you two are in. Are you sure you shouldn’t have gone through with it? Wouldn’t it be easier to achieve your goals if you were both on the ground, keeping an eye on the two kings?” My eyes flit between Logan and Dali.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d almost swear you want me to marry your boyfriend.” Dali’s look is skeptical in the extreme.

  “Eh, definitely not. Seeing you two kiss was more than I could bear.” I shudder. Logan pulls me to him, and I go willingly. “I just think this whole plan might have worked better if you’d gotten married and let both your fathers believe things were progressing as they should. You could’ve worked in the background to garner support without any suspicion. Now you both have big targets over your head.”

  Win looks smugly at Dali. “That’s exactly what I said.”

  “That’s neither here nor there now,” Logan says, brushing his lips against my cheek. “We didn’t have much of a choice. The wedding was a planned distraction. Dali’s father was preparing to attack Saven a few days after the Ceremony of Allegiance. This way, he’ll be forced to stop and take stock. It should buy us some time.”

  “Fair enough,” I admit.

  “We’ll lay low in Saven for a few days while we strategize and recuperate. That’s the agreed plan, and we’re sticking with it. Now, if you’ll excuse us,” Logan says, clutching my hand and leading me past the others. “We have some catching up to do.”

  Various parts of my anatomy rejoice at that statement. He leads me out into the corridor, poking his head into several successive rooms. Stopping at the last one, he steps aside to allow me to enter first. It’s a medium-sized bedroom equipped with a large bed, closet, dresser, and an adjoining private bathroom. Logan hastily opens cabinets, extracting a few items. He hands me a towel and holds out a boldly patterned dress that looks about my size. “This about right?”

  “Yeah, should do. Who owns this ship? Will we get in trouble for stealing it?”

  He takes a step closer, cupping my face. “No one. We took it from the lock-up. It’s this massive compound storing all the stolen effects of war. This ship originally belonged to a different alien race, and Win recognized it right away. He knew it had the invisibility shield and that it would come in handy when escaping.”

  He trails a finger along my jawline sending delicious tremors ricocheting through my body. I can barely string a coherent sentence together. Forcing myself to focus, I ask him a pertinent question. “You mentioned before
that your ships have hyperdrive capability. Doesn’t this one?”

  Logan chortles, fully aware of what he’s doing to me. “It does, but we can’t teleport or use the hyperdrive as both are tracked technology, and they’d find us in mere seconds. So it’s old school all the way.”

  His gaze fixates on mine, and we stare into each other’s eyes with matching expressions, similar emotions igniting the space between us. His pupils dilate as he fixates on my lips. My chest puffs out, and my lips part, in excited anticipation. Red-hot desire washes over me. Angling my chin, he pounces, greedily claiming my mouth. My lips work fiercely against his as we attempt to reclaim the weeks apart. Every caress of his lips, every sweep of his tongue, reconnects us, binding us more intensely than ever. His fingers brush my neck, weave through my hair, and smooth up and down my back, making me feel cherished and loved and more special than I’ve ever felt in my life.

  And his kisses.

  God, his lips feel like they were custom made to fit perfectly against mine.

  He alternates between soft and sweet, hard and hungry. And I get it.

  Though we’ve shared plenty of kisses, this one is different. It’s like discovering a lake in the middle of a desert. Or waking up on Christmas morning to a glistening blanket of show. The equivalent of winning the lottery.

  And though it redefines the “cheese” in cheesiness, that’s what it feels like to have Logan back in my life, back in my arms, when I thought he was lost to me forever.

  Being with him means more than I can express. It’s everything. He’s everything. I start and end with him.

  As he demonstrates his love, with kiss after kiss after kiss, I vow to never let anyone come between us again. He is mine, as I am his, and I won’t allow anything or anyone to separate us again.


  Somehow, we manage to break apart, and Logan runs me a bath. When I emerge a half hour later, looking and feeling like a new woman, he gently attends to the blisters on my feet and applies a healing salve to my cuts and bruises. I stare at him adoringly as he tenderly cares for me, marveling at the strength of his love. My hands unconsciously gravitate toward my pendant.

  He looks up, his hands stalling. “You’re still wearing it.”

  “Of course. I never take it off. When we were broken up, it was the only proof I had that you had loved me.”

  A distressed look sweeps over his face. “I didn’t want to hurt you, but I couldn’t tell you the truth. I was afraid you’d try to talk me out of it, and I knew I wasn’t strong enough to resist.” He scrubs a hand over his chin.

  “Hey.” I lightly cup his jaw. “I understand.” He sets his hand over mine. “What you said about the Eterno, di—”

  “It was bullshit, and I didn’t mean it.” The words trip off his tongue with urgency. “I know what I feel, and you are my Eterno intended. That was the hardest part of my decision. Deciding to turn my back on our future was the singular most difficult thing I’ve ever done or am likely to ever do. Believe me.” His eyes glisten with sincerity.

  I lean down and kiss him. “I do. And I love you even more for it.”

  His eyes light up. “When you told me you loved me, I nearly capitulated. Walking away from you was absolute torture, and I don’t care what happens from here on out, but I am never ever leaving you again. Not that I needed any more evidence, but I would die without you in my life. I can’t exist without you. I won’t. Sue me if I’m selfish.”

  My heart is fit to burst. “Logan,” I gasp. “I love you so Goddamned much. I truly do.” Emotion brims to the surface as I peer into his beautiful eyes. He maneuvers me onto his lap and kisses me languidly. When our lips part, I rest my head on his shoulder, more content than I should be considering the precarious nature of our situation and the very real threats hanging over the fate of our worlds.

  “What will your father do?” I ask quietly as he toys with my hair.

  “He’ll most likely banish me and appoint Dante as crown prince.”

  I sit bolt upright. “We can’t allow that to happen.”

  “I know. We’ll work something out. There are plenty of Saven who distrust Dante, who would oppose any move to appoint him in place of me.”

  “If what you and Dali have said is true, then the Amaretti are going to make their move on Earth soon. I need to get home, Logan. We have to warn them.”

  His hands massage the knitted muscles in my shoulders, and I relax under his expert ministrations. “We will. I promise. Dali and I have a few ideas.”

  “How do you two know each other anyway? Weren’t your races sworn enemies?”

  “Our fathers dislike each other, and there are legacy issues between both species, but we haven’t actually been at war with anyone for years. We’ve been too busy fighting in-house. For the last ten years, both Dali and I have attended the Heir’s Summit. It’s basically two weeks each year where certain heirs congregate to try and gain a better understanding of each species.”

  I frown, more than a little confused over intergalactic politics and wars. A lot of what I’m hearing makes no sense at all. Logan expertly intercepts my confusion and addresses the unspoken question. “It’s very complicated, and alliances change with the wind. But Dali and I became firm friends at the first session, and we share a lot of the same ambitions and desires for our people. As do some of the others.”

  “Did you and her ever, you know …” My stomach does a funny twist.

  Amusement saturates his face. “What? Date? Kiss? Have sex?”

  My skin flares up. “Um, yes to any of the above?”

  “I think someone might be jealous,” he teases, tapping my nose.

  I swat him away. “Of course, I’m jealous!” I hiss. “Watching you kiss someone else is not on my list of favorite pastimes.”

  His teasing expression disappears. “I’m sorry you had to witness that. And believe me, I can relate. I wouldn’t be able to control myself if I knew anyone else had kissed you, let alone observing it with my own two eyes.” I gulp as my brain automatically conjures up the memory of Haydn’s kiss. “Anyway,” he continues, stroking my cheek. “You have absolutely nothing to be jealous of. I’ve never looked at Dali that way, nor her me. I only kissed her because my father insisted on it, and it’s not an experience I’m in any rush to repeat.” He shudders.

  “Why not? She’s beautiful.” I want to knock myself out the minute the words trickle out. Sometimes I’m the biggest idiot on the planet.

  “I imagine it’s akin to kissing your sister.” He shudders again, emphasizing the point. “And you are way more beautiful to me.” He brushes his lips against mine. “You are the only one for me, Sadie. For all eternity.”

  “Ditto.” I press a soft kiss to his mouth. “Do you know what the dealio is with her and Win then?” I ask, indulging my inner gossip queen.

  “She told me she’s in love with him, though I’m unsure if he’s aware of that.” He playfully tweaks my nose.

  “I figured as much. What’s he like? He seems a bit … intense.”

  Logan snorts. “You could say. He’s a good guy, even if he’s ridiculously suspicious. I guess it’s in his nature as a bodyguard.” Logan peeks at his comport. “Speaking of the devil. We should be landing shortly, and he’ll need my help.”

  I shimmy off his lap. Digging into his pocket, he removes a black and silver band. “Dali retrieved your comport. Here.” He hands it to me. “Put it on, but don’t use it.”

  I fasten it around my wrist and follow him out of the room.

  Logan advises us that the landing will be rocky, so Dali and I strap ourselves in. The craft shudders from side to side, and we tip left and right, up and down, as we make our decline. My belly flip-flops. The dense starless nighttime sky hinders my view as we slowly descend toward land. Once the ship is motionless, we release our harnesses and rise when the boys emerge from the cockpit. “We’ll scout the area first. Stay here,” Logan says, fastening his fingers around his gun. Win does the sam
e and they head out.

  That reminds me. I return Dali’s weapon to her, ignoring her protests that I keep it. My views on weapons haven’t changed. We keep busy rifling through the cargo area, putting boxes of food, clothing, and medical supplies aside to take with us. Dali hands me a bag. “Your clothes,” she supplies. “I had them laundered.”

  I peek into the bag. Sneakers, vest, and shorts all accounted for. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” Fast as lightning, she swings her arm around and punches me in the face, words at odds with her action.

  I stagger back, clutching my throbbing cheek. It wasn’t full force, but it still hurts like a bitch. “What the heck?”

  “Now we’re even.” She smiles mischievously.

  “I thought you said it didn’t matter?”

  “Guess I was mistaken.”

  The boys return then, advising it’s all clear. Their gazes dart between us. “What happened?” Logan asks, placing his hand over mine, which is currently still positioned on my sore cheek. He casts a distrustful look at Dali.

  “Nothing.” I shake him off and bend down. “Carry a box each.” Thankfully, he lets it go. We load up and exit the craft.

  We step out into a dusky, heavily forested area, and my eyes scan the environment in awed surprise. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this. The ship is parked in a small, clear patch, underneath a wide canopy of weird-looking trees. These trees are tall—like giant-sized tall—and the foliage is a multitude of varying different shades of red and orange and purple and pink, extending horizontally overhead like a leafy rainbow. It’s as if someone attacked the trees with a spray-paint gun. Rich, lush, woodsy smells remind me of home as I follow Logan’s lead in a daze. Behind me, Win clicks a button, and I turn around in time to watch the ship disappear from view. “That is so cool.”

  Logan turns to look at me, grinning. “It’s not far, just through here.” He leads us deep into the forest. Still spellbound, I look up at trees that appear to stretch for miles and miles. The quiet crunch of our footsteps and the chirping of unknown alien animals are the only audible sounds as we progress. We emerge into another clearing in front of a slick one-level modern-looking wood cabin with a wide wraparound deck. My eyes are out on stalks. I definitely wasn’t expecting this. Though Logan did explain it was the old district, I was still expecting a much more futuristic setting, like some of those sci-fi movies Jarod and I are fond of.


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