Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2)

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Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2) Page 24

by Siobhan Davis

  “That’s awful, Logan.” I place my hands on his knees. “But you know none of that is your fault. Someday, Dante is going to face the consequences of this path he’s chosen.”

  He shrugs as he lobs the stone through the air. Then he stands up, dusting his pants off. Helping me to my feet, he gives me a quick hug, smoothing his hands up and down my back. “The temperature is starting to fall. We should head back.”

  Logan leads the way, and we walk silently, hand in hand, back to the cabin.

  I emerge from the bathroom after an invigorating shower, swathed in a fluffy towel. Logan stands in front of the open closet, quietly scanning the contents. Dumping my belongings on the bed, I walk to his side and take his hand. “Those were your mothers?” His head bobs up and down. “She was small, like me.”

  Reaching out, he uncovers a red dress, laying it out flat on the bed. “This was her favorite. She looked good in red, just like you.”

  My cheeks warm at the memory of the virtual date he’s referring to—that one time I wore my red dress to the library in the Mock-Up Facility. God, it seems like it happened a lifetime ago. His fingers trail over the delicate fabric and he looks lost in thought.

  “It’s beautiful, and if she looked anything like you, then I’m sure she was stunning in it,” I supply.

  “I have the same hair as her, though she had different colored eyes, but you’re right, she was beautiful.” He brushes his cheek against mine as he enfolds me in his comforting embrace. “I wish you could have met her. She was so much fun, always so full of life. She would have loved you as much as I do.” I press my cheek into his chest. “I want you to have it.” My decline is on the tip of my tongue as I tilt my head back and look up at his face. “It’ll be perfect with your coloring, and I know you lost your dress in Thalassic City. Please say yes. I hate that her things are wasting away here. Look through the rest, take whatever you want.”

  “Won’t it be weird for you?” I cup his face in my hands.

  “Quite the opposite.” He presses a kiss into the palm of one hand. “It’ll help me feel close to her, and you.”

  “Well, then, thank you.” I stretch on my tiptoes and kiss him softly. Gently gathering the dress, I place it back on the hanger so it doesn’t crease.

  Logan leaves me alone to get dressed. I take my time inspecting his mom’s clothing, picking out a few things that I think will suit me. I’m tempted to wear the red dress, but it’s a bit over the top for the occasion, and I don’t want to distract Logan. I shuck on a plain pair of black pants and a red tank top instead. I slip my feet into my rather battered-looking sneakers. Elevated voices reverberate from the living area, and I go to check it out. Win and Logan are sniping at each other as a bemused-looking Dali observes them from the kitchen. “What’s wrong?” I ask, stepping toward my boyfriend.

  “Win’s being an ass.” He kisses my forehead. “But it’s nothing for you to worry about. We’re going to start up the engine. Pack up and follow us in five minutes.” He sticks a quick one on my lips before leaving.

  “Do you know what’s going on between them?” I ask Dali.

  “No,” she says, a little too quickly. “Let’s conduct one final inspection. Make sure we aren’t forgetting anything.”

  I’m seated beside Dali in the cabin area of the ship while Logan and Win are ensconced in the cockpit with the door open. I can tell from Logan’s rigid posture that he’s already telepathically connected to his father. I’m quickly doing a last minute checklist in my head when I remember the dress. Shoot. I’d rehung it and then forgot all about it. Unbuckling my harness, I rise. “I left something behind. I’ll just run back for it.”

  “Hurry up,” Dali says.

  I race out of the ship, back through the woods, and enter the cabin. Flinging open the bedroom door, I make a beeline for the closet. Snagging the dress off the hanger, I sling it over my arm and rush out the front door.

  The steady humming of the engine guides me as I hurry through the silent forest. A shrill crack from behind incites a flurry of panicked reactions inside me. Automatically picking up pace, I focus my senses as I run. The vibration of quiet footsteps chasing me alerts me to imminent danger. Distracted, I nearly face-plant a tree but manage to veer out of the way in time. “Logan. We have company. Get ready to take off.”

  Logan lets off a stream of cuss words in my head, and it’d be extremely funny if it weren’t for the obvious danger. “I’ll come get you.”

  I shriek as a solid arm wraps around my waist, hauling me back. “Don’t resist unless you want to risk the others,” a booming male voice says in my ear. The dress flitters to the forest floor. My captor drags me farther back into the woods. His breath skates over my neck, and I shiver, chilled to the bone. I need to extract myself from this, and fast. Saying a silent prayer, I shove my elbow back into his ribcage, catching him at the right pressure point. His breath expels in painful gasps as he stumbles sideways, involuntarily releasing me.

  Another pair of hands reaches for me. Spinning around, I thrust my elbow up under the officer’s chin with perfect jaw-slamming precision. He yelps, plopping to his knees as a stream of blood leaks out of his mouth. I take a quick study of my assailants. The dark-haired one is the same guy who tried to kidnap me in New York. A light bulb goes off. Now I know why he looked familiar before. Hearing distinct sounds of additional approaching footsteps, I jerk around as more officers charge toward me. The two on the ground are starting to recover, so I haul ass and sprint toward the ship as the engine roars to full power.

  The ship hovers slightly off the ground as I race toward it. Logan surfaces at the top of the retracting path, shouting and yelling. When I reach the craft, I throw myself forward, bridging the three-foot gap. My fingers curl around the grooves in the floor. The door whirrs as it starts to close, and I hoist myself into the ship.

  Logan runs toward me, yelling something, but I can’t decipher it above the noise of the engine. I stand up just as I hear him shout. “Get down!”

  But his warning is a second too late. Immense fire ruptures every nerve ending in my body as I pitch forward, my knees buckling underneath me. My body explodes with unimaginable pain. I crash into the ground, my head impacting cold metal. Something cracks in my mouth and I scream.

  “Sadie! Sadie!” Logan’s panicked shouts sound distant. I try to reach out for him, but my arm feels floppy and it refuses to cooperate. Hot wet liquid oozes out of my mouth as I attempt to speak. Black spots interfere with my vision and I can’t focus. I can’t see beyond the excruciating pain dulling all my senses. Logan is an out-of-focus shape as he looms over me. I think he’s yelling. But I can’t hear him. And I can’t feel my limbs, and now I’m cold all over. Oh-so cold.

  Blackness intrudes, calling out to me seductively, caressing and cajoling, sucking me into an endless void. My eyes flutter manically as I try to fight the pull, to stay with Logan, but I’m too weak.

  Every ounce of vitality seeps away, voices fade out, and panic subsides until there is nothing.


  I don’t know how much time has passed when I first surface from the darkness. Images are fuzzy when I open my eyes, blinking rapidly. A blurry mass appears in front of me as a blinding light shutters my vision again.

  When I wake the second time, someone lifts my head up and helps me take sips of a sickly sweet liquid. My eyes refuse to open. Then I’m immersed in unconsciousness again.

  I beat my own record the third time I wake, managing to stay lucid for at least one minute before I succumb to the darkness. Briefly, I wonder if I’m in some halfway house, some alternate realm between living and dying.

  The next time I wake, I draw on every remaining reserve of energy, fighting viciously against the compulsive urge to sleep. Worried ocean blue eyes meet mine, and I relax.

  I’m not dead, unless I’m in my own personal version of heaven.

  “Logan,” I croak out, my throat scraping and dry.

  “I’m her
e,” he says, squeezing my hand.

  Warmth ripples through me. “Where a—” My throat constricts.

  “Ssh. Don’t try to speak,” he says, sliding his arm under my body and tipping me up. He brings a glass to my lips, and traces of sweet liquid trickle into my parched mouth. Gently, he eases me back down. I turn on my side to face him, and excruciating pain whips through my body like lightning, causing my whole body to spasm uncontrollably. Tears spurt from my eyes as I scream. He presses his forehead to mine, pain contorting his face. “It’s going to be all right, Angel. We’re going to fix you. Try not to move.”

  Little whimpers escape my mouth as Logan talks quietly to someone else in the room. Pain shatters me from the inside, and it feels like I’m in a stranger’s body. Gradually, my limbs soften, and the pain retracts as a numbing sensation sweeps over me. I fall back asleep.

  Hushed voices greet me when I resurface. “Irregular in what way?” I hear Logan ask.

  “This is a typical profile, and this is Sadie’s.” The shrill intonation is unfamiliar.

  “What does it mean?”

  “Exactly what it looks like. She is one of a kind.” My eyes flicker open. Logan is standing beside my bed talking to an alien creature who can best be described as a lizard on legs. Piercing black eyes meet mine, and I’d scream if I had the vocal ability. “Do not be alarmed, child. You are safe,” the green-fleshed creature says in a high-pitched cadence.

  Logan has his arms around me quicker than The Flash. “It’s okay, baby. Dr. Zuma has been treating you. You’re in such good hands.” He nods at the doctor and he–she–it?—makes a quick exit. My rampant breathing resonates in the quiet room. “How are you feeling now?” His beautiful eyes are awash with concern.

  Gingerly, I turn slightly, pressing my eyes shut in anticipation of the crunching pain. A dull ache weaves through me in place of the earlier explosive torment. My body doesn’t feel so foreign anymore. “Better.” I sound less raw. “Help me sit up.”

  With his assistance, I sluggishly straighten up in the bed and scan my surroundings. The room is circular shaped and clinically white. Apart from my bed, and the chair that Logan has taken up residence in, there is nothing else in the space. “Where are we?”

  “We’re in Rindyar which is a planet on the outer rim of the solar system. Dali has a good friend here who was able to organize medical treatment at short notice. We can’t stay long though. The Rind are a peaceful people, and we don’t want to unwittingly involve them in our battles. You’ve undergone a complete body scan, which has mended all the internal damage. Dr. Zuma said we can move you in a couple of hours, so we’ll stick to the plan. You can resume your recovery in New York.”

  “Okay.” I lick my arid lips. It feels like there’s a layer of Saran wrap over my mouth.

  Logan taps the side of the bed and a tray shoots out. He presses the base of the tray, and a glass materializes, filled with clear liquid. I openly gawk as he holds it to my lips. “Jarod would love it here,” he says, sniggering. “Tons of gadgets for him to mess with.”

  The cool liquid soothes my throat like balm. I slick my moist tongue over my dry lips, and Logan stifles a groan.

  “Time and place, buddy,” I croak. He laughs lightly. Within seconds, his expression crashes, and agonizing sorrow contorts his face. “What?” I whisper, frowning.

  Carefully, he rests his head against my chest. “When you were shot, and you fell right in front of me, I almost died. There was so much blood … I … I thought I lost you. It was the worst moment of my life. Don’t you dare do that to me ever again!” Looking up at me through a thick layer of jet-black lashes, he tenderly cups my face. Moisture beads in his eyes. I place my hand on his chest, and the throbbing of his heart pulses against my skin. “I could feel your life force ebbing and flowing,” he whispers. “Stars, I think that was worse than watching you plummet right before me. In the minutes before we got here, I could barely feel you. I’ve never been so scared or felt so empty. It was like I was dying right next to you. I …” Water spills freely from his eyes as he tilts forward and kisses me. His lips brush mine with salty-sweet tenderness. “I know this isn’t the appropriate time for this conversation, but I want to Eterno connect with you as soon as possible, because if anything like this happens again, I want to be with you every step of the way. No matter what.”

  “Exist as one,” I say, recalling the conversation we’d had in Thalassic City.

  “I won’t exist without you,” he says in an insistent, stubborn tone.

  Dali comes bounding into the room, holding her stomach, clearly out of breath. “We have to leave. Right. Now,” she rasps.

  Logan is already peeling back the covers, scooping me into his arms. “They’ve found us?” She gives a tight-lipped nod. “We had to activate the hyperdrive in order to get here promptly,” he tells me as he runs out of the room after Dali. “We knew it was only a matter of time before they tracked us. Dammit! I didn’t want to cause any trouble for the Rind.”

  I cling to him, nuzzling into his collarbone as I brace against the jarring pain.

  Win has the ship fired up when we reach the hangar. Dali helps strap me in while Logan hurries to the cockpit. I’m shivering profusely in my thin hospital gown. Dali tugs off her sweater and helps me into it. “The doctor said to use one of these at eight-hour intervals for the next two days.” She hands me a thumb-sized gold disc. “You place it on your upper arm, and it administers a controlled pain dosage.”

  About ten seconds after I slap it on, I conk out.

  When I wake up this time, I’m in somewhat familiar surroundings. If I’m not mistaken, we’re in my new apartment. Ella has unpacked my things, and the bedroom already feels like home. I hate that she had to move into this apartment on her own, but I’m grateful that she followed through on our plans. I desperately need to see her. Wincing, I heave myself upright in the bed. “Careful,” Logan says, reaching over to take my hand. “You’ll feel sore for another day or two.”

  I look at him, noting his pale pallor and bloodshot eyes. “You look exhausted.”

  “Well, hello to you too.”

  “Come here.” I shunt over in the bed to make room.

  He toes off his shoes and strips back the comforter, scooting in beside me. Gently sliding an arm underneath me, he tucks me into his body, and his dependable warmth soothes the lingering aches. I nuzzle into him. “Are Win and Dali gone?”

  “Yes,” he says, rubbing his hand up and down my bare arm.

  “I didn’t get to say goodbye.”

  “You’ll see them again.” He presses a protracted kiss to my temple.

  “Is my sister here or at work?” I’m still totally confused over dates and times.

  My head lifts slightly with the visible movement of his chest. Air knocks out of his lungs as he audibly exhales. “She isn’t here.”

  I try to squash my disappointment. “What—”

  The door swings open, and Jarod bounces into the room, Haydn lapping at his heels. Perching on the edge of the bed, he hauls me out of Logan’s clinch into his embrace. “Holy hell, Sadie. You have no idea how frigging worried we’ve been. Thank God, you’re okay.”

  Pressing his lips to my forehead, he maintains his close hold. I sense Logan’s mounting jealousy, and I wiggle free.

  Haydn steps forward, quietly replacing Jarod as he gently pulls me in for a hug. Logan flagrantly sighs. Haydn smooths a hand over my hair. His whole body trembles against mine. When he starts to speak, I’m expecting the habitual reprimand, but he surprises me. “I think I died a few times when I woke that morning and found you gone. I knew. Dammit.” He rocks back, eyeballing me. “I just knew something was wrong. Stars, Sadie. If anything had happened to you …” Blazing emotion lights up his eyes. Gulping, he stares at me in a way that’s definitely not socially acceptable.

  Logan’s scant patience evaporates. “If you’re both done with the grabby hands routine, leave.” He’s needlessly harsh, and I frown. �
��I need to speak to my Eterno. In private.” He sounds territorial in the extreme.

  Jarod scowls sternly. “You don’t have a monopoly on her time. I need to speak to her. There is lots I have to update Sadie on. Stuff that can’t wait.” He throws out a challenge, boldly staring at my boyfriend, inviting the pissing contest.

  “Boys.” I issue a clear warning.

  Haydn stands. “I’ll get you something to eat and drink.” Shoving his hands in his pockets, he shuffles out of the room.

  One down, two to go.

  Jarod hasn’t moved an inch. I cough purposely, centering his gaze on me. “I’ll get showered and dressed and meet you out in the living room, okay?” I suggest.

  He clenches his teeth. “Fine,” he snaps, after a minute, walking briskly out of my bedroom.

  Logan gets up, closing the door shut with more force than necessary. Without uttering a word, he walks into the adjoining bathroom and turns on the faucets. He rejoins me, resting on the edge of the bed. I thread my fingers through his. “They care about me, that’s all.”

  He emits a low growl. “I know. And I’m glad that they were here for you when I … when I wasn’t.”


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