I Think I Love You (Australian Sports Star Series Book 3)

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I Think I Love You (Australian Sports Star Series Book 3) Page 13

by Blobel, Iris

  Markus felt his heart beat faster as he traced the outline of her cheek with his thumb. Softly, and without breaking the kiss, he pushed her along the hall into his bedroom.

  “Baby,” he murmured, when he broke the kiss. His right hand moved down to her collarbone, his thumb stroking the hollow of her throat, before moving his hands over her breasts and to the back of her shirt. Her skin was soft to his touch as he his hand moved up and down her spine.


  Sarah’s body responded to Markus’ touch with ripples of pleasure and desire. She slid her hands down his chest, tracing the taut muscles beneath his shirt. Her fingers reflexively moved lower to the hem of his shirt. With his help she pulled his shirt up and over his head.

  His hands fisted in her hair, and he kissed her again. What he did next surprised her. In a swift move, he turned her around. She hitched a breath as he left a trail of kisses on her neck and along her shoulder, but didn’t protest.



  “I missed you.”

  Looking up, she was able to see their reflection in the bathroom mirror through the open door. It was one of the sexiest things she’d ever seen or done.

  Sliding his hands down her arms and then to her waist, he gathered the soft fabric of her shirt in his hands and slowly pulled it over her head.

  “Pink bra?”

  She laughed softly. “Thought you might like it.”

  “You picked me up with the intention of seducing me?”

  Tilting her head to the side to give him better access to her neck, she whispered, “Marky, your hands are moving around like they’re at home. I could’ve picked you up with my sports bra on, and you’d have been happy.”

  He chuckled. They both knew it was true.

  Markus fingered the straps of her bra and slid it down her arms, before taking it off. Then he moved his hands to her stomach and up to her breast, all the while leaving a trail of kisses on her shoulder and teasing little flicks of his tongue. Everything inside Sarah was about to explode. Each of his touches bringing her closer to the edge. Pleasure pulsing through her. Markus kissed her with a reverence of her body she’d never experienced before. She leaned her head back into his shoulders, enjoying the feel of his hands on her breasts until he slid them down her belly, tugged at the button on her jeans, and lowered the zipper before he finally dipped between her legs.

  She hitched a breath as she felt a rush of heat surge through her body. Closing her eyes, she gave into his touch, enjoying the quivers rippling across her stomach. The sound of his groan gave her a thrill, and she rocked her hips against his hand. He moved over that tender spot with another slow circle of his finger and her breath caught as she convulsed and shuddered in his arms.

  He held her, not moving his hand, but spoiling her with more feather like kisses.


  “Right here, baby.”

  It was only the beginning of a long afternoon.

  Chapter Nine

  Sarah snuggled against him as their legs intertwined. Closing her eyes, she let her other senses take over as his hand glided up and down her spine, while she ran her fingers along his chest.

  If she hadn’t already realised she’d fallen in love with him, she would’ve known it at that moment. Being with him felt like she was finally home—familiar and safe. There was no doubt in her mind anymore that he wasn’t a rebound. Deep inside, she knew Oliver and Annie had been right to say it’d been just a matter of time. This was where she belonged, where she wanted to be.

  A smile tugged at her lips as she thought about how worried she’d been, possibly still was a little, about stepping up their relationship from friends to lovers. But after making love to Markus, their relationship seemed complete to her.

  Was he feeling the same, though?



  She turned in his arms and met his gaze. “I love when you touch me like this,” she whispered.

  He moved his hand up her arm and cupped her face.


  Then he rolled with her and looked down into her eyes. “Baby. What are you afraid of?”

  Smoothing his hair away from his face, she replied, “What if I’m not what you want after all?”

  He studied her face and then locked with her eyes. “Nah. You’re everything I want.” And then he kissed her again, quite convincingly, and she almost forgot her doubts.

  Later, while he showered, Sarah put on one of his T-shirts and went into the kitchen to prepare a couple of sandwiches. She assumed that Oliver would dish out lots of barbeque meat later that night and kept it small. Just as she was about to take Markus’ sandwich into the lounge room, the doorbell rang. A quick glance down her front told her she was dressed enough to open it.

  The woman from next door stood in front of her and stared at her with a frown. But something in her stare told Sarah that she wasn’t happy to see her.

  Unable to push even the corners of her mouth up to fake a smile, she asked, “Can I help you?”

  “Remember me? I’m Dakota from next door,” Dakota said with the sweetest smile, her eyes still taking in Sarah’s outfit it seemed. “Can I come in?”

  “We’re about to head out.”

  “Oh.” Dakota’s expression didn’t change. “He’s obviously forgotten about our dinner tonight.”

  Dinner? Why would he go out for dinner with this woman? Trying her best not to show her emotions, whatever they might have been at that moment, she wasn’t sure whether it was anger, disappointment, or simply the need to laugh, Sarah replied as calmly as possible, “This has been organised for days. I’m sure there’s a misunderstanding. But I’ll get him to call you tomorrow.”

  About to close the door, Dakota placed her hand against it. “We arranged dinner tonight.”

  Taken aback by the sudden change Dakota’s tone, Sarah tried hard to stay calm. This woman freaked her out, and she surely didn’t want to push her over the edge. Heaven knew what could happen then. Biting her lip, she took in Dakota’s hand on the door, listened to the noise of the water in Markus’ shower, and considered her options. Sarah could ask her to come back in ten minutes, but she doubted Dakota would leave that easily. The most satisfying option would have been to tell the woman in front of her to go to hell, because Markus was now hers. Then she could tell Dakota just that in nice words and a lot of smirk on her face.

  But then again, she decided to stay calm and see where this was leading.

  “Look, I’m sure he didn’t mean to—”

  “Oh honey, trust me, he did.”

  Frustrated with the situation, and anger creeping up in her, Sarah let out a long breath. “Don’t honey me,” she said calmly. “I know he’s going to a friend’s place tonight. I’m sure he’ll come over for dinner another day.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to add or never but thought better of it.

  “Over for dinner? Who are you? Out for dinner.”

  Damn, she was annoying. She deserved a good smack over the head.

  “Let me get him for you,” Sarah finally said. “Please respect this is not my house so I’d need you to wait here.”

  Dakota’s face showed all the anger that was probably raging within her, but she moved her hand slowly and let Sarah close the door.

  Letting out a long breath, she turned and headed towards Markus’ room. Thoughts were tumbling in her mind, trying to figure out the conversation, or had it been a confrontation? Mrs. Gibson’s granddaughter had been nowhere near as polite as she’d been when Sarah had met her earlier in the week. The sweet smile had gone, replaced by a vicious snarl on her lips.

  With her mind still preoccupied, she bumped right into Markus’ chest and was momentarily distracted, instinctively touching him with her hands. Fresh from the shower, his hair was still wet and he smelled of soap. Without taking his eyes off her, he adjusted the towel around his waist.

  “Your neighbour’s tur
ned into a bitch overnight. She’s waiting at the door for you to take her out for dinner.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. “What?”

  She shrugged. “Which part, Marky?”

  He quickly placed a kiss on her cheek and then walked towards the front door.

  “She must’ve been sick of waiting,” he shouted back to her.

  “In front of the door,” she shouted back.

  With one quick move, he opened the door, but not before he shot a glare at her. Sarah shrugged. If the lady in waiting had been a bit nicer, she would’ve earned herself entry into the house. But she hadn’t. A smile tugged at her lips, but disappeared fast when she realised he’d opened the door with only a towel around his hips.

  “Dakota?” she heard him saying.

  “Hello, darling,” she cooed.

  There were a couple of words between them, she couldn’t hear, until Markus said, “Sorry, Cody, but Saz is right, we’re heading over to celebrate my friend’s engagement.”

  More hushed words, but Dakota’s pout was getting more and more obvious—and annoying to Sarah. Yet, something inside her was screaming victory. Told ya, honey.

  She was about to jump their conversation, but stopped when Dakota placed her hand on Markus’ chest, and Markus said, “No worries, we’ll catch up soon.”

  A sigh of relief escaped her once the door was closed with Dakota on the other side.

  Markus turned. “Sarah?”

  She should’ve known when he said her name to let it be, yet in her irritation, she said it anyway, although somewhat apologetically, “She was a bitch.”

  He raised his left eyebrow inquiringly.

  Not faltering, she placed her hands on hips, raising both eyebrows.

  They stood like that for a long moment, when he finally broke the silence. “What am I missing?”

  Sarah shrugged. “Marky, she—” She let out a long breath. “You’re going out with her?” she asked quietly.

  In a few long strides, he stood in front of her, tilting her head with the tip of his finger, but remained silent.


  Was the lack of a response his answer? She searched his eyes for some kind of hint. His silence stung her like a slap across her face, and Sarah fought hard to hold back tears. After an afternoon so full of passion and lovemaking, her soul was suddenly drained of all the emotions she’d felt. Emptiness crept up in her and disappointment.

  Why wouldn’t he say anything?

  It seemed like an eternity when he moved his finger away from her face. Still staring at her, he said quietly, “No, I’m not going out with her.”

  Then he closed his eyes and took in a long deep breath. And every second of it hurt her so much inside. Her skin, which had hummed under his touch less than an hour ago, suddenly felt heavy.

  When he opened his eyes, he gave a quick shake of his head and said, “She’s only just moved here, probably trying to make some friends. I’m a bit at a loss why you’d attack her.”

  Her eyes shot open. “Attack her? Are you kidding me?” She blinked a couple of times to regain her composure. “This is unreal. I tell you, the kind blondie from the other day was not the same woman who stood in front of the door today.”

  The silence hung heavy between them. Tears stung her eyes, but she refused to give in to them. Gone was the moment when she was so sure about them. Gone was the moment she thought their relationship was complete.

  It was time to bark.

  “Oh, for goodness sake, Marky.”

  “I’d better get dressed and ready.”

  Not sure what she expected, it certainly hadn’t been his retreat. Although she hadn’t finished, or even started to bark, she stood back and nodded. “I’d better do the same. I’ll see you at Oliver’s in a couple of hours.”

  There was no kiss, not even on her cheek or forehead. No touching. And with her whole world just fallen apart, she grabbed her clothes and left, not even bothering putting on her pants.


  Markus winced when he heard the front door shut. He walked into the bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face, looked up into the mirror and stared into his eyes.

  Confused by what had happened. Replaying the scene in front of him, he tried his hardest to understand where things had gone wrong. When had he taken sides, and had he done so at all?

  He’d had the best afternoon with Sarah, loving and exploring her. Touching and feeling her. And like sand running through his hand, he seemed to have lost her just as quickly.

  Why would she call Dakota a bitch? What had happened between them? What had been said?

  Had he made the wrong choice? Had he made a choice at all?

  Yet, whatever had happened, either between the two women, or between him and Sarah, the emptiness inside him was overwhelming.

  Whatever he thought of Dakota, it was Sarah he wanted.

  He wanted her so much because it was like the old cliché that she made him whole. Never had he felt so content with life unless she was by his side. Never had a decision about his job been more important, because he wanted to be close to her.

  He thought of Dakota. He liked her, and it still irritated the hell out of him that Sarah had called her bitchy, but there was nothing else. No feelings, nothing as intense as what he felt for Saz.

  He could no longer ignore the obvious. He’d fallen in love with Sarah. His little girl who’d been part of his life for so long. Over all these years, he’d admired her strength and determination, watched her conquer everything life put in front of her, only to come out on the other side—wiser and better.

  Swallowing the lump in his throat, he grabbed his pants and pulled out his phone. He waited for her to answer, but in the end he had to leave a message.

  “Baby. I’m sorry. I truly am. We need to talk.”

  A twinge of disappointment overcame him. He dressed and went into the kitchen where he saw the sandwiches Sarah had made earlier. A little while later, he tried again to get to talk to her on the phone, but she didn’t answer. It was clear she didn’t want to talk to him. He checked the time, grabbed a few beers, and made his way out to the car. Although he was going to be a bit too early for the barbeque, he needed to get out of the house before going insane. Sarah would be there as well, and he was sure there’d be a moment when he’d be able to apologise and explain.

  There had to be.

  He left the house and walked down the driveway to the garage.


  Markus looked up and saw Dakota.

  “On your way to your friend’s barbeque?”

  Not really in the mood, he gave her a quick smile and nodded.

  “I saw your friend left already. She must’ve been in a hurry, undressed as she was.”

  She came closer, and he was surprised by his own reaction. Whereas all the days before she’d stirred something inside him, there’d been attraction, perhaps even some wanting, yet now as she stood right in front of him, he felt nothing other than the emptiness Sarah had left behind the moment she’d closed that door behind her.

  “I hope you two didn’t have a fight.”

  He frowned. “What makes you think that?”

  She shrugged as she stepped closer to place her hand on his chest, but he moved back. “She seemed upset.”

  “Phone call from her family, is all.”

  When she looked up to search his eyes, the feigned smile reminded him of what Sarah had said earlier: Your neighbour has turned into a bitch.

  “I hope all’s okay.”

  “I’m sure it is. I’m about to head over to check it out.”

  With her thin brows raised, she said, “Oh, you’ll miss your barbeque.”

  “Just getting my priorities right, I suppose.”


  Markus had enough of the chitchat that was going nowhere. Quicker than he was able to react, she had her hand placed on his chest. “I’m sure Grandma would babysit tomorrow, and we could go out.”
r />   He let out a long sigh and slowly moved her hand away. “How about I take one day after the other. I’ll let you know.”

  Not sure why he wasn’t able to say he wasn’t interested, he was instantly annoyed with himself for giving her this little bit of promise to hold on to. He’d probably have a similar conversation with her the next day. And he was dreading it already.

  He opened the door of the garage, walked towards the car, and slid behind the wheel. Before driving away, though, he wound down the window and looked at her. “By the way, Sarah’s my girlfriend, so any dinner out would only be as friends.”

  Without giving her a chance to reply, he put the gear in reverse and left, never looking back to check for any reaction.

  On the way, Markus tried to call Sarah again, but it went to voice mail. Cursing, he gave Oliver a quick call.

  “Need me to bring anything?”

  “Nah, we’re good. Just yourself. And your little girl.”

  Markus’ stomach tightened at what he was going to tell the guys. Not to mention how to get Sarah away from them for a few minutes to clear the air.

  When he arrived, he was surprised to see Tyson’s car in the driveway. Markus was early by about an hour, and he wondered what reason Ty had for his early arrival.

  He parked the car, took in a deep breath, and got out. There were voices coming from the backyard, so he walked along the driveway to the back of the house. Oliver and Tyson sat there under the pergola, each with a beer in their hands and a big grin on their faces.

  “You’re drunk already?”

  Oliver stood, and he gave him a man hug, congratulating him on the engagement.

  “Was I supposed to do the present thing?”


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