Burn, Baby, Burn

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Burn, Baby, Burn Page 5

by Catherine Vale

  “To Penn Station.”

  Her face lit up. “Are we getting train tickets?”

  “You got it.”

  He flagged down a cab for them, and in no time they were standing at the Amtrak booth in Grand Central Station, waiting in line. “See?” he said, squeezing her shoulder. “We’re going to be totally fine.”

  Adalyn bit her lip as she studied the schedule on the screen above the booth. “I’m not so sure.”

  Christian frowned down at her. “What do you mean?”

  She pointed up at the schedule. “The next train to Chicago doesn’t leave until eight p.m.”

  “Well damn.” Christian’s brow furrowed for a moment, and then he shrugged. “Guess we’re just going to have to make a day of it then, huh?”

  “What does that mean?” she asked as he stepped up to buy their tickets.

  “It means,” he said with a wink, “that you’re about to get the Grand Tour of New York City, from yours truly.”

  Chapter Seven

  Adalyn felt a little guilty, at first, that they were galavanting around New York City instead of heading up to Chicago to rescue their baby. But as Christian showed her around the city, she became more and more captivated by the sights and sounds, the huge skyscrapers and the interesting people who were nothing like Virginians. She’d always wanted to visit NYC, and since they were stranded here for the next couple hours, why shouldn’t she take advantage?

  They hit Times Square first, and Christian let her drag him into all the touristy shops so she could ooh and ahh over giant-sized Hershey Bars and Broadway memorabilia. She got a picture with the Naked Cowboy, munched on a bag of honey-roasted almonds, and watched street performers play music on the sidewalks. Christian then took her to Fifth Avenue, where she spent way too much cash on a wardrobe, then to Central Park, where they wandered along the seemingly endless trails and enjoyed the scenery.

  “It’s amazing that a place as green and beautiful as this can exist amongst all this steel and glass and concrete,” Adalyn mused, staring up at the skyscrapers that jutted out from behind the tall trees of the park. They were sitting on top of a grassy hill overlooking a large pond with a cute little wooden bShaw running across. Just over the bShaw they could see a ferris wheel as well as some game stands that suggested there was some kind of carnival going on.

  “Yeah, well New York City is full of surprises.” Christian grinned. “I learned that pretty quick when I moved up here two years ago.”

  “What made you move here from Boston?” Adalyn asked, curious. “I’ve been there a few times, and it’s a lovely city.”

  Christian was silent for a moment, and then he shrugged. “Eh, just wanted a change of scenery, you know? Fresh start.”

  She frowned. “No, actually, I don’t know.” Though Adalyn had traveled to quite a few different places, she’d never craved a change of scenery so badly that she wanted to leave her clan in Virginia. Sensing Christian was hiding something, she took his hand and squeezed it gently. “Come on, Christian. You can tell me.”

  He stared down at their joined hands for a moment, then looked away, his eyes reflecting the setting sun. “My grandfather passed away,” he said quietly. “He was the only family I had, and everything in the city just reminded me of him. I had to get away.”

  “I’m so sorry.” The pain radiating off him was palpable, and she put an arm around his shoulder so she could hug him. “It’s hard, losing a loved one.”

  “Yeah.” He let out a breath, and then smiled. “He left me an inheritance, and I could have gone anywhere, you know? And I did – I traveled quite a few places both in and out of the states, getting drunk and partying it up. But when I got here, something about the place called to me like no place else. And I’ve been here since.”

  Adalyn smiled, then leaned in and pinched his nose playfully. “Looks like you’re still doing the partying.”

  He grinned, a little sheepishly. “Yeah, well, I still have a few beers now and again. But I’ve cut back a lot since that… incident, Delilah told you about. I’m getting my shit together.”

  They both looked to the east, where they could see the Empire State Building rising tall amongst its peers. It was orange and yellow now – the same fiery colors that streaked the evening sky. “You think you could take me up there, when we get back?” Adalyn asked, leaning against his shoulder.

  “Hell yeah. We’ll fly over it together first, though. Once we’ve got our wings back.”

  The thought filled Adalyn with warm pleasure. Christian turned his head, then, and their lips met, soft and sweet and unhurried, just two people enjoying a kiss. A sigh of contentment left Adalyn’s lips as he ran his hands up and down her back in slow circles, sending tendrils of easy warmth through her body. There was something so right, so comfortable about being in his arms.

  “Hey,” he murmured against her lips, pulling back just a hair. “Wanna do something naughty before we catch that train?”

  Her breath caught at the gleam in his eye. “Like what?”

  “Like this.” He slid his hand between her legs to cup her mound.

  “Christian!” she gasped as a bolt of desire raced through her. A fire lit inside her, low in her belly as he rubbed the edge of his palm firmly against her, and she bit her lip to stifle a moan. “We’re in public!”

  “That’s why it’s naughty.” He nudged her beneath the cover of the trees, then leaned in and covered her body as he kissed her so that anyone who glanced their way would just see two people making out.

  Adalyn’s heart thundered in her chest as Christian popped the top button on her jeans. She gasped into his mouth when he slid his hand beneath the waistband of her panties to cup her wet pussy, and he slipped his tongue in her mouth, filling her with the taste of him. She squirmed a little, the rough bark of the tree digging into her back, as his fingers circled through her folds, coming dangerously close to her clit without touching it.

  Whimpering, she clutched at his shoulders, wanting to urge him faster, but her mouth was already full with him and she couldn’t say anything. A low groan echoed in her throat as he entered her with one finger, then two, stretching her inner walls.

  “That’s it,” he murmured against her lips. She cried out as he began to massage her g-spot, and he quickly covered her mouth with his again, taking her tongue into his mouth and sucking on it. She felt wanton, needy and incredibly exposed, the sound of birds twittering overhead and the smell of pond water and grass reminding her that they were outside, and that anyone could climb up this hill at any moment and discover them here.

  “Relax,” he whispered, pulling back a little so he could soothe her. “Just relax, and let it go.”

  He pressed against her g-spot with his fingers and her clit with his thumb, and swallowed her scream with his mouth as she exploded. Tremors rocked her body as she came, the release so sharp and sweet that stars flickered in her vision. It might have been one of the best orgasms she’d ever had.

  And this time, she wasn’t even drunk.

  An electronic alarm went off, disturbing the heat of the moment, and Christian drew back, pulling his cell phone from his pocket. “Time to go,” he said ruefully. “We’ve got a train to catch.”

  Chapter Eight

  “You got us a bedroom?”

  Christian leaned against the wall, enjoying Adalyn’s dumbfounded look as she stood in the doorway, staring at their bedroom. It wasn’t humongous or anything – maybe seven feet by eight – but it had it’s own shower and toilet, a chair that was far more comfortable than the ones in coach, and most importantly, a nice queen sized bed.

  “Amtrak has sleeping accommodations, and since we’re going to be on this train all night long, I figured we might as well make the best of it.” He sat down on the edge of the bed, testing the mattress, then patted the spot next to him. “Come on, check it out.”

  Adalyn closed the door to the train compartment behind her, then cautiously approached the bed. Man, was she
gorgeous, he thought to himself as he looked her up and down. A face carved by angels and curves sculpted by the devil himself, and in all the right places. He couldn’t wait to get her back onto the bed so he could strip her clothes off and fill his hands with her naked flesh.

  With that in mind, he snagged her as soon as she was within snagging distance and pulled her onto the bed. She giggled as she went down, her back hitting the mattress, and he rolled on top of her so he could pin her to the mattress.

  But instead of ripping at her clothes or kissing her, he simply pushed a curl of hair from her face and stared down at her.

  “I’ve never felt like this before,” he murmured, tracking the curve of her cheek with his finger.

  “Like what?” Her sky blue eyes searched his face, and he wondered what she saw when she looked at him.

  “I dunno. Comfortable. Safe. Content.” He kissed her brow. “Usually when it comes to women I’m the love-em-and-leave-em type. But we’ve been together for over twenty four hours now, and I still haven’t gotten tired of you yet.”

  Suddenly uncomfortable, he rolled off her. “I’m going to go and grab some chow,” he said. “Why don’t you settle in? I’ll be back in a few.”

  “Okay.” The bewildered, slightly hurt look on his face made his heart ache, but it didn’t stop him from stepping out into the hall and closing the door behind him. He took a deep breath in through his nostrils as he leaned against the corridor wall, trying to get a hold of himself.

  What was going on here?

  Don’t be such an idiot, a voice snapped in his head. It’s clear what’s happening. You’re developing feelings for her.

  He frowned. He’d known that in the back of his mind, but actually confronting what that might mean was another thing entirely. She was from a different state. Heck, she belonged to a clan. Whereas he was a nomad living in the city. Was it really wise to get attached to her like this, when she was only going to leave him when this was over?

  You don’t know that. Why don’t you try to convince her to stay? She just might change her mind.

  Yeah, but if he did that he had to commit himself to her – maybe not permanently, but at least for the foreseeable future. And he hadn’t totally decided whether or not he was ready for that.

  He took in another deep breath to steady himself, then followed his nose to the galley to grab dinner – it would be suspicious if he didn’t come back with any food. It took him longer than he thought, but eventually he headed back to their compartment, balancing two plates of fried chicken dinners in his hands.

  “Adalyn?” he called as he opened the door. “I brought some – ”

  He nearly dropped the plates of food as Adalyn sat up in the bed. She was dressed in a sheer white nightgown that covered every inch of her body while simultaneously revealing every sweet line and curve. He could see her rosy pink nipples, and the dark red curls at the juncture of her thighs, and his cock hardened, his jeans suddenly too tight.

  “Umm.” He set the food on the small table by the door, then closed the door shut before someone walked by and saw her. “Where did you get that? I don’t remember you buying it.”

  “I grabbed it off a clearance rack on the way to the checkout line.” She walked toward him, and he noticed that her hair gleamed wetly in the lamplight and that she smelled of soap and shampoo. “Thought I’d try it out since we’re settling down. Do you like it?”

  “Do I like it?” he echoed dumbly as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He swallowed hard as she pushed him back against the closed door, pressing the length of her body against his. “It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen a woman wear. And I’ve seen – ”

  She bit down on his bottom lip. “I don’t know that talking about other women’s lingerie is your best bet if you want something more than blue balls from me tonight,” she suggested, giving him a smoky look that singed him from the inside out. He sucked in a breath as she reached between them and palmed him through his jeans, not unlike the way he’d done to her in the park. “And after that little teaser you gave me earlier, I had the idea you might want to give me the full experience.”

  He hissed as desire sizzled through him, burning away any doubts or misgivings away. All he could think about was the way she made him feel – hot and hard and hungry – and the only person who could sate his burning need was her. She dipped her head beneath his chin, and he hissed again as she flicked her tongue along the hollow at his throat and across his Adam’s Apple – the wet, hot, erotic gesture making him think of her pussy, and how much he wanted to be inside it right now.

  “Let me see you,” he growled, catching her by her deliciously curvy hips so he could pull her back. Her eyes glittered as he crouched down, sliding his hands along her sheer gown, and then back up underneath the gauzy white material. Her skin felt so soft beneath his skin as he glided his hands up her rounded thighs, pushing the material of her nightgown up as he went. He stopped at her hips, his hands curling around the globes of her ass as he pushed her closer to him.

  “Christian,” she gasped as he nudged her legs wider with his nose. A soft whimper escaped her lips as he flicked his tongue against her folds, tasting her, and he smiled as her knees trembled.

  “I’ve got you, babe,” he whispered, tightening his grip on her as he explored her folds with his tongue. She cried out as he circled her clit, her fingers digging into his scalp, but he didn’t mind the pain at all – the knowledge that she was losing control and had to lean on him filled him with a fierce sense of satisfaction. Her knees buckled when he sucked on the sensitive bud, but he didn’t let her fall, supporting her fully with the strength of his arms as he drove her to the brink, sucking, then releasing, sucking, then releasing. Her moans grew louder, higher, more desperate, until her entire body was quivering and her nails dug so hard into his scalp he could smell blood.

  “Christian, please,” she gasped. “I’ve gotta come.”

  “Mmm.” He caught her clit between his lips, then slowly let it go. “I don’t know. I’m not sure you’re wet enough.”

  “I’m wet,” she insisted, pressing his face against her. “Please, I’m so wet you should be drowning. Make me come, Christian.”

  He chuckled, then slipped a finger inside her and pressed his mouth against her clit again. As he expected, she exploded, her entire body trembling with the force of her orgasm as she groaned, but he didn’t stop there, continuing to lick and tease her until she begged for mercy.

  “You ready for me?” he asked, sliding his fingers deep inside her.

  “Yes,” she sobbed from above him. Her hands were braced against the door, her eyes half-closed, her cheeks the same rosy pink as her nipples. “Please, Christian. I need you.”

  Her breasts swayed tantalizingly above him, and he rose from his crouch so that he could take them into his hands. “You’re like a goddess,” he told her as he rolled her rose-tipped globes in his hands. “Breathtaking, awe-inspiring. Just so freaking perfect.”

  Her blush deepened. “I’m too big to be perfect.”

  He shook his head, dipping down to kiss her pouty lips. “You’re big in all the right ways,” he told her, squeezing her ass again. Her lips meshed against his hungrily as she pressed her naked body against his, her hands tugging impatiently at his shirt. In no time it was off, along with the rest of his clothes, and he tumbled down onto the bed with her.

  “Give me that sweet ass,” he growled. She got on all fours, then looked over her shoulder at him with a gaze that was so hot he nearly came right then. He bit down on the inside of his cheek to reign himself in, hard enough to taste blood, and felt some of the blood roaring in his ears recede a little.

  At least until she wiggled her ass, thrusting it higher in the air.

  Snarling, he grabbed her hips and slammed himself into her, burying his cock to the hilt. She cried out, her inner walls clenching around him, and he fisted a hand in her mass of curly red hair to hold her still. Her body trembled beneath him a
s he pounded into her, the bed creaking beneath their weight, and though he was sure everyone on the train knew they were fucking, he didn’t stop. He didn’t give a flying fuck about being discreet, not when Adalyn was under him, her hot, round ass jiggling against his thrusts.

  “Touch me,” she begged. “Please.”

  “Where?” He slapped her ass. “Here?”

  “No,” she gasped, then reached between her own legs.

  He caught her wrist with his free one and tugged it behind her back. “Nuh-uh. You gotta tell me what you want.”

  “I want you… to rub my clit,” she ground out.

  “Your tit?” Grinning, he reached around and began to massage her breast.

  “Do you have to be a wise-ass all the time?” She moaned, but there was laughter in her voice. She reached back and snatched his hand, which had fallen to the side. “Touch me here.”

  “Greedy, aren’t you?” He leaned in to nip her shoulder, and she hissed in response, pressing his hand more firmly between her legs. Giving in, he began to massage her in slow circles as he thrust into her, which wasn’t as easy as it sounded because he was getting close to coming, and his body wanted him to pick up the pace.

  But when she came again, her walls clenching around him again, he felt a surge of pleasure race from his cock and balls. It spread through the rest of his body in a wave as he came, leaving him breathless and stunned. And when it was over, they collapsed against the bed together, aftershocks tingling pleasantly across and under his skin.

  It had been every bit as good as it had been last time. No, even better. And he wasn’t even remotely buzzed.

  Chapter Nine

  They arrived at Chicago bright and early the next morning, surprisingly well rested even though they’d slept on the plane. Maybe that had something to do with the fact that they’d had sex three times, Adalyn thought as she and Christian grabbed some breakfast burritos. Sex made everything better, including sleep, right?


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