Design for Dominance [Club Libertine 10] (Siren Publishing LoveEdge)

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Design for Dominance [Club Libertine 10] (Siren Publishing LoveEdge) Page 1

by Diane Leyne

  Club Libertine 10

  Design for Dominance

  Left alone with a green Dom by her training partner Alexi Andreivich, sub Evangeline “Eve” Brookdale is rescued from the overly enthusiastic beginner by Alexi’s older brother Maks. Maks is visiting the club to present his firm’s design ideas for a brand new Club Libertine.

  Brought to the presentation while she recovers from the bad scene, she speaks her mind about the new building design in front of the owner of Club Libertine. Her honesty and insight results in a new job working for Maks and Alexi. Their relationship grows quickly as they all experiment with their first ménage relationship.

  Maks has spent a lifetime looking after his younger brother and would make any sacrifice for him. Can a jealous co-worker, who would like Maks for her own, convince him to walk away from the woman he loves by convincing him this is what his brother needs?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 31,365 words


  Club Libertine 10

  Diane Leyne


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Siren LoveEdge


  Copyright © 2014 by Diane Leyne

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-115-0

  First E-book Publication: July 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  I am so happy to head back to Club Libertine. I hope you are looking forward to the journey too!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  About the Author


  Club Libertine 10


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Eve gritted her teeth as the inexperienced Dom brought the flogger down on her bare ass. Evangeline Brookdale, known as Eve at work and Angel at the club, winced. She wanted to scream, but the large ball gag in her mouth severely limited her ability to make noise.

  She was wearing a thong, for all the good it did. He’d strapped her down to the spanking bench under the supervision of one of dungeon monitors, Alexi. This was supposed to be a training session for a young Dom who was new to the club. Alexi was going to evaluate his skill level at impact play. As a reward for her assistance, he and Eve would have a play session later and he’d make sure she came, multiple times if history was any indication. They’d done this a dozen times with new Doms. They made a good team. The sessions had always gone well. Until now.

  As usual, she and Alexi had worked out the limits of the scene based on Alexi’s preliminary discussions with the trainee about his skills, experience and inclinations. Then together she and Alexi had agreed on the implements that could be used and the order in which they’d be used. Then he’d set them out on one end of the table along the wall near the head of the spanking bench. At the other end, again as usual, he’d laid out some additional implements that he would talk about and perhaps demonstrate, but that the Dom wasn’t ready to use unsupervised. Besides implements of pain, he’d included a blindfold and several types of gags that they would be discussing during the session. Depending upon how things went, either Alexi or the trainee would perform the aftercare.

  Things had always gone well. Sure, some of the trainees weren’t very skillful, but Alexi watched them closely to gauge their skill and empathy levels. Eventually, he’d even use some of the implements on them so they would understand, but this first session was more of a level set of their level so he could design a training program for them. That was how they’d met. She was unattached and a trainee Dom’s sub had backed out at the last minute. Alexi had seen her sitting in the unattached sub’s section and asked her to help. They’d just clicked both as training partners.

  She even played with him when they weren’t doing a training session. He was a young Dom, probably no more than twenty-six or seven, which made him three or four younger than her own thirty years, but very experienced.

  He was also gorgeous with his fair hair and big blue eyes. He had the body of a Greek god, all sleekly muscled rather than bulky like a bodybuilder. She had to admit that like all the other unattached subs in the club and a few of the attached ones, she had a mild crush on the hot young Dom. But unlike the others, she knew he’d never be interested in her and she was at peace with that. But he was nice and she considered him a friend. And he seemed to like playing with her. Maybe because he knew he didn’t have to worry about her mistaking their play sessions for anything else but what they were.

  Of course, after him abandoning her like this, s
he was going to beat his ass, Dom or not. How could he have left her strapped down on a spanking bench in a quiet corner with this newb who didn’t listen to instructions? How the hell did this guy even get past the screening process? She’d never worked with a trainee who had disregarded instructions so blatantly.

  She should have known based on how the session had started. Hell, Alexi should have known, too, that Gordon would be a problem right when they were fastening her to the spanking bench. He kept drawing the straps too tightly and Alexi had to reprimand him and fix them. Then he’d complained about her thong. He’d complained harder when Alexi had explained that sex was off the table as it was not part of the negotiated scene. Angel was assisting with impact play, but Alexi would take care of her pleasure later.

  Gordon had sulked and stroked her ass.

  “What if she gets turned on during the beating? Can the scene be renegotiated? I mean once she realizes just how good I am and gets a good look at my cock, what if she wants to suck it or let me fuck her?”

  “No, Gordon,” Alexi had explained patiently. “She’s not getting a look at it because you are keeping your pants on. And once a scene is negotiated and play begins, a sub’s judgement can become impaired by all the endorphins flowing through their system. A Dom that changes the limits while the sub is in subspace cannot be trusted and soon will find that few subs are willing to play with them. Do you understand me?”

  Gordon had mumbled his acquiescence and Alexi had continued his talk by walking Gordon over to the table where the implements were. He was just starting his introduction to impact play talk, which Eve had heard many times and had let herself drift off, when there was a bit of a commotion. She realized that someone else had come over to their play area, which was at the end of the large public play room and usually was pretty quiet and out of the way. She couldn’t hear the words, but the female voice was clearly frantic.

  Alexi had patted her head and said he’d be right back and then he was gone, leaving her alone with Gordon. At first, she hadn’t been worried. The spanking bench was really quite comfortable. It had a unique shape, narrowing between her breasts so they dangled on either side and then widening to a very comfortable head rest much like those used on massage tables. She could even take a short nap while waiting. She wasn’t going anywhere until she was released. So she closed her eyes and tried to relax as Gordon paced.

  The pacing didn’t last very long as he soon turned his attention to the implements that Alexi had laid out. Eve turned her head to watch. First, he’d touched each of the floggers before moving onto the gags. He was like a kid in a candy store whose parents were out of sight.

  He seemed particularly taken with the red ball gag and she wasn’t surprised when he picked it up walked it over to her.

  “I know I’m not allowed to change the scene limits, but while we are waiting, do you mind if I put this on you? Just to see, you know. I’ll remove it when Alexi comes back.”

  Eve hadn’t felt good about the request, but he looked at her with eagerness and she’d relented. Big mistake. He was also young, probably the same age as Alexi. And he was enthusiastic. He just wasn’t skilled. And clearly he wasn’t to be trusted alone with a sub, not that it hadn’t been apparent earlier. He’d been eager like a puppy dog to play with his first sub. Now it was clear that, like a puppy dog, he had zero impulse control or patience.

  The gag hadn’t held his attention for long once it was in her mouth, but instead of removing it he went back to the table and started fingering the floggers. She saw him glance around before picking up a flogger and moving quickly behind her.

  “I’ll just warm you up, subbie, while we wait for Alexi.”

  “Umph!” She tried to scream as Gordon struck her ass with the knotted flogger. What the hell! That one was on the counter for discussion, not play. He struck her again, laughing delightedly as he walked up to her and fingered the red marks on her ass.

  “Oh, subbie. Your ass looks beautiful with my marks.”

  “Hhmpt!” She tried to code, but it was impossible with the gag, and he hadn’t given her another way to invoke her safe word. Damned newbie, and just where the hell was Alexi? He should be here to stop this. Dom or not, when she got free, she was going to whip Alexi’s ass.

  Again and again Gordon lashed her ass with the flogger and it just plain hurt. She tried to relax and eroticize it, but with no warm-up, that wasn’t going to happen, so she just gritted her teeth and tried to endure. It hurt even worse when he swung wildly and occasionally landed a stroke on her back or shoulders.

  A few minutes later she realized that Gordon had stopped and was running his hand over her abused ass, squeezing not so gently. She groaned, and not with pleasure.

  He released her ass to walk up to her head and squat down. He wrapped his fingers in her long red hair, pulling her head up and turning her face toward him.

  “You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” Clearly he’d misunderstood her sound of pain as one of pleasure. “I knew I didn’t need Alexi to beat a painslut. I mean, how hard could it be…just as hard as I can hit, I guess!” He laughed at his own joke and then ruffled her hair. “I’ll soon have your ass just as red as your hair.”

  He stood up and walked back to the table.

  “I’ve always wanted to cane a sub!” He sounded so pleased with himself, but now Eve was afraid. He could do some real damage with the rattan cane he’d chosen. She rarely even let Alexi use that on her, and only after a long and careful preparation.

  “Mmph! Rfpt! Hmmpttt!” She was frantic to get his attention now.

  * * * *

  Maks Andreivich was at Club Libertine looking for his younger brother Alexi. They were both members of the club, but he generally preferred to play in private while Alexi loved the club atmosphere and often volunteered as a trainer of new subs. Maks would never do such a thing. He didn’t have the patience of his brother.

  Right now, though, he had other things on his mind. He’d brought some ideas for the new Club Libertine to get some feedback from the club management team and help them decide which of the three possible new locations they wanted to go with. The ideas were all very preliminary and his head designer Irina should be here doing the presentation, but she was in London visiting her mother.

  He wasn’t going to wait for her, though. He wanted to move forward, and he could handle the presentation. But he wanted Alexi to be a part of the discussion. Alexi was six years younger than him in age, but far more than that in attitude. Alexi didn’t really remember the lean years, the struggle their parents had had. He was just fifteen when Maks had graduated from college with an engineering degree and had struggled to set up his firm. The first years were lean but he devoted every waking moment to the firm. And by the time Alexi had graduated with his architecture degree, the firm was already a success and Maks had made his first million.

  Where Maks had struggled, Alexi had played. He was good at what he did, but it was just a job to him. He left promptly at 5:00 p.m. and always took all of his vacation entitlement and some of Maks’s. But Maks didn’t mind. He’d always looked out for the little brother he loved. In some ways, he was like a second father. Theirs had worked sixty hour weeks, so Maks had been the primary male influence in Alexi’s life. He was still looking after him.

  He’d been told by the club receptionist that Alexi was doing a training session at the spanking bench in the corner labeled station fourteen. But when he arrived there was a young Dom he didn’t recognize with a sub strapped down, her full round ass striped bright red. He looked around. No sign of Alexi. Presumably he’d be over soon, so he leaned against the wall and settled in to watch while he waited.

  The Dom’s technique was terrible but the sub didn’t code. She had a wonderful bottom, he observed. Her very fair skin marked beautifully. Something didn’t seem right, though. She seemed tense. He couldn’t see her face with her long red hair covering it, but she didn’t seem to be enjoying the ministrations of her Dom.

>   He watched as the young man finished with the flogger and tossed it aside. Maks frowned. You had to treat your implements with respect and look after them. After all, you were using them to hurt someone. Even though the pain was consensual, you owed it to them to make sure everything was well maintained so you didn’t inflict any pain beyond what had been agreed to.

  He watched as the Dom squeezed her ass and frowned. The marks looked painful and there didn’t appear to be any sign of a warm-up on her ass. When he played with a sub with a flogger capable of inflicting that much pain, he usually started with a bare hand spanking to get her ass nice and warmed up. Most Doms did. It left a nice warm glow all over her ass and there was no sign of that, just like there was no sign that he’d used a milder flogger to warm her up either.

  He moved closer as he watched the Dom grab a handful of hair and pull the sub’s head up. It was then he realized that the man was wearing a trainee’s wristband, which meant that he shouldn’t be playing with a sub while unsupervised. He also saw that the sub was wearing a ball gag. No wonder she hadn’t coded.

  He looked around for a Dungeon Monitor to come over and intervene, but there seemed to be a crowd around station one. He turned just as the newbie raised his arm and started to bring a rattan cane down on the unlucky sub’s ass.

  He sighed and stepped forward, catching the Dom’s wrist before he could lay on the first stripe. Then he took the cane from the Dom’s hand.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?”


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