Design for Dominance [Club Libertine 10] (Siren Publishing LoveEdge)

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Design for Dominance [Club Libertine 10] (Siren Publishing LoveEdge) Page 3

by Diane Leyne

  Chapter Three

  “Tell us more. You are really going to go to work for Maks and Alexi?” Her best friend Sandra Englander Maguire looked intrigued and excited by the thought. “Those are two hot Doms! You are so damned lucky.”

  “They are going to be my bosses, Sandra, not my Doms. Hell, I’ll be working on the design team. I’m not even sure how much I’ll be seeing of them at the office.”

  “But they are so sexy. How will you be able to resist them?”

  “Sandra!” Her husband Brendon Maguire spoke her name in mock outrage. “How can you speak about another Dom that way? Have I not spanked you enough lately? I do believe it’s time for another session over my knee, subbie!”

  “Yes, Sir!” She leaned over and kissed her husband and Eve smiled. Sandra and Brendon had been married for five years and were as much in love as they day they married. It gave her hope that there were still good men out there, not that she ever seemed to meet any.

  “Oh god, you two. Get a room!”

  Sandra stuck out her tongue and they all laughed.

  “Well, ladies. I have to get back to work. Can I bring you some dessert? I have that caramel cheesecake that you love so much, Eve.”

  “Sandra, your husband is evil, but I love him anyway. Yes, Brendon, I’d love a piece.” She smiled. “And he’s such a wonderful chef. I’m so excited by how well Bistro Maguire is doing. You two have worked so hard. You deserve it!”

  “Thanks, Eve. And thank you for your interior design. It looks so elegant yet welcoming.”

  Eve smiled and shrugged modestly. “I didn’t do that much and I was glad to help. But people don’t come for the color of the table cloths. They come for Brendon’s amazing food.”

  “Well, the last three professional reviews we got, including the writer with Northwest Gourmet, mentioned the welcoming décor, so don’t try to minimize your contribution.”

  “Yes, well, you can pay me in cheesecake.” She was blushing, but also pleased she’d made a difference. Sandra was like a sister to her.

  “Now tell me what’s up with you. I notice you are sitting kind of funny. A hot Dom tan your ass recently? And then maybe fuck your brains out? Hmm? Tell me all!”

  “Sandra!” Eve looked around in mock outrage. “You expect me to kiss and tell?”


  “Fine. No, it was not a hot Dom. It was an idiot trainee. Alexi left me alone with him to deal with an emergency on the floor and instead of waiting for his return, the idiot used the knotted flogger on me, after sticking a ball gag in my mouth.”

  “No! Oh my god, you are lucky you can sit.”

  “It was almost worse.”


  “Yup. He was going to cane me next! But then Alexi’s brother Maks came looking for him. He rescued me.”

  “Oh, he is so dreamy. I swear his photo is in the dictionary under the heading tall, dark and handsome. And that slight accent of his…out of this world. Hey, why doesn’t Alexi have an accent, too?”

  “Alexi was born in Seattle, Sandra. Maks was five or six when he arrived in the States. His accent is pretty faint until he’s emotional and then his comes out a lot stronger, or so it seemed last night. And you know what’s funny? When Maks and Alexi were arguing with each other, Alexi developed an accent, too. It’s hilarious. They are hilarious.”

  “When did you see them yelling at each other?”

  “Oh, I didn’t mention it, did I? I’m now working for them. Mac lent me to them while they are working on a secret project for him. They were arguing about where I was going to work when I start on Monday.”

  “Tell me more, tell me more,” Sandra sang out.

  “What part of secret project don’t you understand?”

  “Yeah, yeah. If you can’t share secrets with your best friend, who can you share them with. But I won’t push. I’ll settle for all the hot, sexy details. Like are you just working for them or are you working under them, too?”

  * * * *

  Eve actually didn’t start right away as she had to get things organized back at Whelan. She wasn’t sure how long she would be gone, so she had to train Kayla on her end-of-the-month tasks, not just her daily ones, just in case she wasn’t back by then, she explained to Alexi, as she was too nervous to talk to Maks. He’d given her three days to get organized and get to her new job first thing Thursday or he claimed he’d blister her ass far worse than Gordon had.

  Everyone at the office was all excited to find she’d been seconded on a secret project and tried to pry the details out of her, but she stayed silent. They didn’t even know where she’d be working or what she’d be doing and Eve couldn’t tell them.

  When she finally got things organized, it was late Wednesday afternoon, but she did it. Every task had a new owner and would be looked after in her absence.

  Early Thursday she finally presented herself at the door of Andreivich + Andreivich, Engineers & Architects. Based on her internet research, A+A was a prestigious firm with more than seventy full-time staff and any number of contractors, depending upon the jobs they were doing. Right now, the Club Libertine assignment was on everyone’s minds. It was a big job and it would be a high-profile one when word got out just what the Hartsock building would now be containing. The thought of a BDSM club in the neighbourhood wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, even if it was a high-class one.

  The sale had been quietly completed while she’d cleaned up loose ends at her old job, and work was beginning at a feverish pace. Mac Whelan wanted to be able to have the annual Christmas party in the new club. That was only nine months away.

  The A+A offices were located in downtown Seattle only a few blocks from her old job, so going to work wasn’t that much different. It felt different once she arrived though. It was like the first day of school. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. What did the other team members know about her and her role? Hell, what did she know about her role?

  * * * *

  Alexi sat in his brother’s office waiting impatiently for Eve to arrive. Eve. “We have to remember to call her call her Eve at work. Eve is a pretty name, but I like Angel better. That’s what she is, an Angel, but we have to respect her wishes,” he declared.

  “It’s Eve’s first day today,” Alexi continued.

  “As if you would let me forget!” Maks sighed.

  “You are acting like it’s no big deal!” His brother’s tone was accusatory.

  “She’s not the first new employee I’ve ever had before. What would you like me to do? Hire a band? Perhaps some fireworks?”

  Alexi glared. Sometimes his brother could be so dense. This was…Angel. He hopped up and started walking back and forth. Why was he so keyed up? She was Angel. No, Eve. She was Eve here at the office. And she was coming to work at their office for nine months, for the duration of the new project. She would be just another employee by day. He would talk to her and discuss her ideas. She’d made some excellent suggestions. He would oversee her work, and if she messed up, he would discipline her.

  He’d missed out on playing with her last week because of Gordon. He clenched his fingers. He missed the feeling of her beautifully rounded ass beneath his hands. Oh, he wouldn’t discipline her in the office, of course, although he’d like to. That wouldn’t be professional. Unfortunately. His cock stirred at the thought. No, he would wait and discipline her at the club during the evening. Maybe one swat for every missed comma. He smiled at the thought and paced harder.

  Maybe that was a bad idea. If he got to discipline her for mistakes at work, then he would want her to make mistakes, lots of them, which was silly, really. He didn’t want an employee who messed up. Then his cock twitched again. Dammit. Because of that twit Gordon, he’d missed out on the chance to spank that ripe ass of hers, and then because of his brother, he’d lost out on the chance to make it up to her. He’d tried to deny it, but he’d been eaten up with jealousy seeing his brother’s hands on her ass, and when Maks had made her com
e, he’d almost hated his brother. But what he’d hated most of all was watching Maks give her aftercare. His big bad brother had treated her so tenderly and she’d responded, cuddling in his arms as if they’d done it a thousand times before. Maks had better not be getting any ideas about his sub.

  He stopped pacing. She wasn’t his sub, not really. They played together and trained together. He had never even seen her outside the club before. Had he taken their relationship for granted? Did they have a relationship beyond play partners? Did he want one? He thought for a moment. Of course he didn’t want a permanent partner. He liked being able to play with all the unattached subs. He brushed aside the little voice that tried to remind him that Eve was actually the only play partner he’d had in months.

  He looked over at his brother. Luckily, Maks was an engineer. He, Alexi, would be the one to work with her and guide her here at A+A. If she ever got here. He started pacing again.

  “If you aren’t going to stop wearing a hole in my carpet, then can you leave my office so I can get some work done?” Maks sounded annoyed, but Alexi didn’t care.

  “And I want to make sure you don’t scare her away before she even gets started!”

  “As if I would!” Maks thundered. Alexi laughed.

  “There you go, yelling for no good reason!”

  “I have a good reason. My brother’s submissive is being foisted on me as an employee. I had better not catch you playing with her in the office.”

  “She’s not my submissive,” Alexi explained for the umpteenth time, knowing he was protesting a little too much. He let his voice get impatient as he tried to convince his hard-headed brother, and himself, that it was true. “How many times do I have to tell you this? She’s my play and training partner at the club, nothing more than that, and we are both happy that way.”

  * * * *

  Maks glared at his brother and then continued with his rant as if he hadn’t interrupted. “She has no experience, no training, and yet I am obliged by Mac Whelan to take her on for this project. It is your responsibility, baby brother, to make sure she doesn’t cause any problems. This is the biggest project we have ever had and I am not going to let your submissive, excuse me, your play partner, mess things up. And I most certainly want her around my office distracting me, Alexi!” Even as he said the words, he knew it was more than that. She appealed to him in a way no woman, no sub, had ever done before, but he wasn’t going to admit that to Alexi. Hell, he couldn’t explain it to his brother because he didn’t understand it himself. Alexi was the impulsive brother. Maks had always been the careful, methodical one. So why did he now want to throw this woman over his shoulder like a caveman and carry off to his lair?

  “You are responsible for her. Do I make myself clear?” He knew he was being a jerk to his brother but he didn’t seem to be able to help himself.

  “Yes, you do, you arrogant asshole! Mac Whelan loved her ideas. You don’t want to work with her. Yell at him, not me.”

  “I can’t yell at him, dammit. He’s the customer. The customer is always right, so I will yell at you. It’s all your fault she’s here, anyway.” And it’s your fault I get hard every time her name is mentioned. “If you had looked after your trainee properly, I wouldn’t have had to rescue her and bring her to the meeting with me, and I wouldn’t be stuck with her now!” And my cock wouldn’t be so hard at the thought of her that it was about to burst through my pants!

  “You’re not stuck with me because I quit!” Alexi jumped at the sound of Eve’s tremulous voice. She sounded hurt. He felt like he had gotten hit in the stomach. How much had she heard? A lot, he guessed, as the tears started streaming down her face.

  With an angry gesture she dashed them away. “Don’t worry. I’ll tell Mac it was my idea so you don’t lose your precious contract.”

  And then she was gone.

  Maks watched as Eve dashed out the door, his brother in hot pursuit. She’d looked devastated by his harsh words. Damn. She hadn’t understood. It wasn’t about her. It was him. He was the one distracted by her. It wasn’t her fault. He should have had more self-control. Instead, he had dreamed about her amazing ass, dreamed of flogging it properly, starting with a good spanking to make hit a nice rosy pink all over. Then he’d started with the softest of all the floggers. It would feel like a deep tissue massage and once he could see her enjoying it, he’d…he’d do nothing. He gave himself a mental shake to rid himself of the thought of her ass blossoming under his lash. He had to stop with these daydreams. She wasn’t his.

  He leaned back in his chair. She wasn’t his, he repeated to himself, and that was fine because he wasn’t looking for a sub, not a permanent one. He was so damned busy at work. And he liked his freedom. He didn’t want to be tied down in an exclusive relationship.

  No, what he needed was a play partner, a relationship like his brother had with Eve. He could lose himself in that great ass and torture those magnificent tits of hers and then walk away. Not Eve though. He’d be lucky if she didn’t slap his face the next time they met. There’s no way she’d agree to play with him. But he needed someone like her. She’d been so damned responsive when he’d massaged her ass and then used his hand on her clit to bring her off. She was so beautiful when she’d come in his arms. Maybe he should consider playing with her?

  Hell, she wasn’t even his brother’s, as Alexi kept reminding him and everyone. He thought on the matter. Was Alexi protesting the fact just a shade too much? He’d seen Alexi’s expression when he spoke about Eve. The curvy little sub had gotten to Alexi. Could his brother want more than Eve was offering? Did she perhaps consider him too young for her? That was nonsense, of course. He had seen her employment file. She was three years older than his brother, three years younger than he was. In fact, perfect for both of them.

  His door swung open and he stood, expecting to see Eve, his heart beating hard in anticipation. He’d turn her over his knee for running out on them like that. He’d show her who was boss and then she could make it up to him by sucking his cock. He grinned.

  But even as these thoughts swept through his mind, he saw that it was his brother and Alexi was alone. His heart, his smile and his cock both dropped. Then he frowned.

  “Where is she?”



  “That’s what I said, big brother. Gone. I was too slow. Or she was too tricky. I got to the lobby and there was no sign of her. I asked everyone but no one had seen her. I don’t know how she did it, but she’s managed to vanish into thin air.”

  Maks looked at his brother, who was pacing frantically. “I don’t know what to do, Maks. Do I go after her? Do I let her go? What do I do?”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “I want to chase her down and spank her ass and then fuck her brains out.”

  “I thought she was just your play partner, oh and training partner.”

  “She is but, well, she’s always been there for me. We’ve been playing for almost a year, you know, Maks.”

  “No, I didn’t know that.”

  “Well, we have. When Marcy broke my heart, she was there to talk me down. And when I thought I wouldn’t be able to pass that last stupid licensing exam, she drilled me until I knew I wouldn’t freeze on the test. I only passed because of her.”

  “So you like her as a person, but you aren’t attracted to her. I guess I understand that. Her ass is quite large.”

  “It’s the perfect size!”

  “And those tits of hers…”

  “Are perfect, too. How dare you insult my Angel?”

  “I thought we were talking about Eve, our temporary employee? And what do you mean, your Angel?”

  “We’re not. We’re talking about Angel. Well, I guess we are talking about both, really. Evangeline. And she’s not mine.” He sighed. “Not really.”

  “And why not?”

  “Look, Alexi. I know you. You have feelings for her. Don’t try to pretend you don’t. In fact, I think
you love her whether you are willing to admit it or not.”


  “When is the last time you played with anyone but her?”

  He watched as Alexi thought for a moment. “Marcy. It was Marcy.”

  “And that was how long ago?”

  “Last fall.”

  “And the last woman you dated?”

  “That would also be Marcy.”

  “And why did you break up with her?”

  “I didn’t. She dumped me.” Alexi blushed. Maks knew there was more than his brother was saying.

  Maks sighed. It was like pulling teeth. “And why did she dump you?”

  “She said that if I wanted her to be like Angel, then why didn’t I just be with the original instead of trying to turn her into a copy.” He watched as Alexi blushed. He leaned forward in his chair. There was more, he could tell. This was going to be good.

  “Go on,” he encouraged.

  “I think the last straw was when I asked her if she’d ever considered coloring her hair red.”

  Maks burst into laughter.

  “What? It’s not funny, Maks. I just thought she’d look good as a red head. It had nothing to do with Angel. Nothing. I mean…” Suddenly Alexi looked uncertain.

  “Look, Alexi. If you don’t go after her and bring her back, I may just have to do it myself. And if I do, I’m keeping her for my own, and you know me, Alexi. I don’t share.” Maks stood and walked around the desk to confront his pigheaded brother.

  “She’s mine, dammit!” Alexi walked up to his brother, bumping chests as he yelled. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “Try me. I had a very enjoyable time massaging your sub’s ass and making her come. The next time I make her come, though, I plan to be inside her, fucking her brains out. What do you think of that?”

  Alexi saw red and swung at his brother, landing a fist on his nose with a satisfying crunch.


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