The Boy Next Door

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The Boy Next Door Page 10

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Not much,” he shrugged as he glanced down at his coffee cup. “I moved out here about two months ago to take a job as a graphic designer. Haven’t seen my dad since court,” he looked off in the distance with a pained look in his eye. He didn’t want to tell her that he’d come to the area hoping that he’d run into her somewhere. He’d been planning ways that he could go to Boston, and possibly cross paths with her. It was like fate was stepping in for him. After having such a rough childhood, Zach knew there had to be a catch though.

  Katie broke the awkward silence a few minutes later, “Wanna see a picture of Joey?” She pulled out her wallet and thumbed through the pictures, then handed it over to him.

  Zach took it and looked at the family photo that she had visible. He smiled at the chubby baby perched on Melanie’s lap. As he began to hand the wallet back, he dropped it on the table. When he reached to grab it again, it was flipped to a different photo, one of Katie with another guy. He was grinning at her with a boyish smile and had his arms wrapped around her waist. She was smiling back, lost in his gaze. He knew then that running into her was both a blessing and a curse. Getting her to look at him the way that she used to was going to be much harder than he thought.

  “Here…sorry,” Zach fumbled.

  “That’s Patrick,” Katie began to explain. “We’ve been together for almost a year,” she smiled at him sympathetically.

  “You don’t have to explain,” Zach forced a smile.

  “No, I didn’t want you to find out like this. I mean…I don’t know what I mean,” Katie shook her head.

  “So tell me about him,” Zach shrugged, trying to play it off as no big deal even though he felt his heart sinking.

  “Well…he goes to Harvard, but is wanting to transfer to Columbia. He’s the same age as me and his family’s lived next door to mine for the past three years,” she twisted her fingers in her lap nervously as she relayed the information.

  “You seem nervous,” Zach chuckled.

  “No, just surprised is all,” Katie sipped her coffee again. “I wasn’t really expecting you to ever come back. I mean…I figured you’d be doing something out in Denver now.”

  It wasn’t really nerves that she was feeling. It was a mix of things. She missed Patrick. Talking about him with Zach just reinforced that. She was worried that having Zach around would bring back the old feelings that she had long suppressed, and she wondered how Zach felt about her. Did he still have feelings for her? Would he try to work his way back into her life? Just as the thought entered her mind, she squashed it. How could she even think that when she had Patrick?

  “You okay?” Zach nudged her, pulling her out of her daydream.

  “Yeah, but I really need to get back. I was planning on going to the library tonight to study. I’ve got a big test next week,” she sighed and shook herself.

  “I’ll drive you back,” he rose and walked to the door, waiting for her to join him.

  She followed him back out to his car, and they made their way back to campus.


  When arriving back at campus, Zach got them as close as he could to the library.

  “I’m supposed to go out to dinner tonight with my “sort of” girlfriend. Is it alright if I call you sometime? Just to hang out, of course,” he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, praying that she’d say yes.

  “’Sort of’ girlfriend,” Katie giggled. “What does that mean? Is it a ‘Zach’ term?”

  “It’s complicated,” he shrugged. “We’re working on it.”

  “Well, we can only be friends,” she stressed. “If you’re going to hang out with me, it’s only going to be as friends. I‘m with somebody now. Somebody that I love very much and I don‘t want to hurt him,” she glared at him.

  “That’s fine,” he smirked. “It started that way the last time, too, if I remember correctly.”

  Katie gasped, “I can’t believe you just said that. Friends is all we can be right now. I have a boyfriend,” she was adamant.


  Zach pulled away from the curb, squealing the tires of the Camaro as he left the parking lot. Katie shook her head and began trudging up the steps of the library. It was going to be a late night, she could already tell. Zach was already taking up too much of her thoughts.

  Just then Katie got a text…RockerChick: Dinner out with my man. See you later. Don’t wait up. Katie giggled as she put the phone back in her backpack.


  Back at the dorm Eden was pacing the room as she waited. She hadn’t seen him since she left Colorado back in the fall. She was hoping things would work out for her, and he would finally tell her he loved her. She didn’t know how much more of the back and forth she could take. When she glanced back out the window, she saw his car pull up to the curb at the front of the dorm. She grabbed her coat and raced down the stairs to meet him. She burst through the door and skidded to a stop beside the car. After climbing in, she glanced over at him beaming.

  “I’ve missed you,” she smiled.

  “Me too, babe. Ready for dinner?” he grinned at her.

  “Sure,” she giggled, “and maybe more?”

  “Ahhhh, you’re killing me babe,” he threw his head back.

  Just then the red Camaro pulled away from the curb and out into traffic.

  “Zach, please tell me you’re sticking around. That you want to be here in New York,” Eden pleaded.

  “Yes, I most definitely plan on staying in New York. There’s quite a few things that I like about this city,” he smiled mischievously.

  Chapter 11

  As Katie tossed around in her bed, she couldn’t help the thoughts that kept racing through her mind. Spending the day with Zach had sent her emotions into a tailspin, and she wasn‘t sure how to get out of it. She hadn’t slept well the night before, and it didn’t help that Eden had been out until late on her date. Katie really wanted someone to talk to about how she was feeling and Hannah hadn‘t returned any of her texts. She wasn’t even sure what she was feeling at the moment, but she knew it was not what she wanted. She missed Patrick, but seeing Zach again brought back feelings that she had long suppressed. After rolling to her side one more time, she finally pulled herself out of bed, grabbed her shower bag, and made her way down the hall to the bathrooms.


  When she returned, Eden was on the phone giggling and smiling. She had all the signs of someone in love.

  “Sounds great, I’ll see you tonight,” she returned. She clicked the phone shut and turned toward Katie, “We’re going out tonight. My man’s taking us to some coffee shop that has open mic night.”

  “I don’t know Eden. I really need to study and Patrick’s supposed to Skype with me later,” Katie tossed her things on her bed and sighed. She really wanted to tell her about Zach, but something about the look on Eden’s face made her hold back. She didn’t have the heart to bring down her roommate’s happiness with drama that really didn’t concern her.

  “Oh come on. We’ll be back early enough that you can talk to him before you go to bed, I promise, and no booze tonight. Just coffee,” Eden stuck out her lip in a pout. “I really want you to meet my boyfriend. I think you guys would get along great.”

  “Fine,” Katie huffed, flopping down on the bed and throwing her arm over her eyes. “How are we getting there?”

  She knew arguing with Eden was pointless. She wasn’t going to get out of this. She figured she would go, have a coffee, and then think of a way to leave. She was running all sorts of excuses through her mind when Eden tossed a shirt in her direction.

  “Be ready at six. I got us a ride,” she giggled as she bounced out of the room heading for the showers.

  Katie quickly dressed, stuffed her backpack, and began heading to class.


  Just as she was approaching the science building her phone chimed alerting her of a text. She fished it out of her pocket and wrinkled her brow at the caller ID. Unknown number… Had a great t
ime yesterday. Would love to hang out again soon. Z

  Katie shook her head and texted back: BoSoxBabe: How did you get this number?

  Soon after she received a response: It’s the same number you’ve always had. LOL

  Another text chimed within seconds. The caller ID for this one was unmistakable. It read IceKing: Hope you’re having a great day. I love you!!!

  BoSoxBabe: I love you too!!! Heading into class. Call you later? XXX

  Katie tossed her phone in her purse and shook her head as she headed into the building for Chemistry class. This was too much to think about at the moment. She had had fun with Zach too, but she knew that hanging out with him was a bad idea. She was only asking for trouble. She knew that if Zach thought she was interested, he would think nothing of making a move on her. Whether she was with someone or not, wouldn’t matter to him. Distance was going to be her friend here. If she kept her distance from Zach and concentrated on school and Patrick, she would be fine. She loved Patrick, and she knew Zach would bring nothing but heartache.


  As the day wore on and Katie did her best to put Zach out of her mind, she began plotting how to get out of this night out with Eden. She had homework, she wanted to call Patrick, she was tired…none of her excuses seemed good enough.

  When she made her way back to the dorms, she found Eden pacing the room.

  “What’s wrong?” Katie tossed her backpack on her bed.

  “You’re late,” Eden rushed over and shut the door to their room. “You need to change so we can head out. Our ride is going to be here any minute.”

  “I’m thinking that I’m going to stay in tonight,” Katie sighed. “I’m tired and I’ve got a lot to do. I have a huge Anatomy test next week, and I really need to study.”

  “Oh no, you don’t. You’re coming out. You promised me,” Eden grabbed a cute black mini skirt out of the closet and tossed it on the bed. “Get dressed.”

  Katie rolled her eyes and slumped her shoulders, “Fine, but we have to be home by ten. I promised Patrick I’d call tonight. He‘s got a game tomorrow and I need to wish him luck.”

  “I’ll have you home in plenty of time, Cinderella,” Eden teased as Katie began pulling on the clothes that Eden deemed appropriate.

  As Katie was finishing brushing her hair, Eden’s phone chimed. “He’s here,” she squealed. “Come on,” she grabbed Katie’s hand, pulling her out of the door.


  They ran down the stairs so fast that Katie was tripping as she tried to keep up. Just as they were going through the main doors of the dorm, Katie skidded to a halt. Eden looked back at her with a baffled look.

  “Come on,” Eden motioned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Uhhh…Hi,” Zach waved. “What are you doing here?”

  Eden glanced at him and then back at Katie. “This is my roommate,” Eden motioned toward Katie. “Do you know her?”

  Katie stepped forward glancing at the ground. “You could say that,” she mumbled as the shock of what was happening began to sink in.

  “How? Where?” Eden fumbled for words as she glanced at the two of them. The tension in the air was so thick, it was suffocating.

  “We used to be friends back before I moved to Colorado,” Zach smirked, trying to make light of the situation.

  “Well, we better go, we’re going to be late,” Zach motioned to the car.

  Katie gulped, “I think I’m gonna pass.”

  “Oh no, you don’t,” Eden grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her in the direction of the car door.

  Katie glared at Zach as she climbed in the backseat. Eden was completely oblivious to the stiffness in Katie’s movements. Katie shook her head in annoyance. This could get interesting she thought to herself.


  Once they were all in the car, Zach sped away from the curb.

  “You look nice tonight,” he reached over and rubbed Eden’s knee but was looking at Katie in the rearview mirror when he said it.

  Eden didn’t notice, but Katie did. “Thanks,” she grinned at him.

  Katie shook her head slowly and scowled. This is how’s it’s going to be, huh? she thought. She rolled her eyes and averted them from his. When they arrived at the Purple Rhino, Katie couldn’t help but gasp. They had just been here yesterday, and he had not mentioned anything about coming back tonight. Zach parked and opened the car door for them. He walked around and popped the trunk as they were climbing out. When Katie walked around the car, she noticed he was carrying a black guitar case.

  “I didn’t know you played,” she motioned to the case.

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” he winked.

  Eden glanced between the two and raised her eyebrows. Katie shrugged and mouthed, “I’ll tell you later.” Eden accepted the answer and the three made their way into the coffee shop.


  Once inside, Zach walked over, and sighed up to play. The girls found a table near the back and ordered lattes as they waited for him to join them.

  When Eden sat down she grasped Katie’s arm, “Ok spill.”

  Katie sighed, wondering how much she should actually divulge. “I really didn’t think I’d ever see him again. We met in high school back in Boston. I was a freshman and he was a junior. We dated for a couple of months, and then he moved to Colorado. We broke things off because of the distance.”

  Eden nodded in understanding as she thought about Zach doing the same thing to her when she came to New York for school. Katie continued, “He mentioned you in some of the emails that he sent me when he first moved to Denver. I never knew it was you. After getting to know you, I can totally see it now.”

  “You don’t have to worry,” Katie touched Eden’s hand. “I’m with Patrick, and I’d never betray our friendship. There’s nothing between Zach and me now, and there won’t be in the future either. I would never do that to you.” Katie slumped in the chair and scanned the room with her eyes before she continued on, “Did he tell you about his dad?”

  “Yeah, I know all about that. You know he was in love with you?” Eden sighed.

  “Doesn’t matter now, that was a long time ago,” Katie smiled a tight smile. “We were just kids then.”


  As the conversation was finishing up, Katie noticed Zach heading in their direction.

  “So you play guitar now?” she raised a brow.

  “Yep. I learned when I was recovering from the ankle surgery,” he shrugged. “When you’re laid up in bed that long, it gets boring. I gotta go warm up. I’m up next,” he pointed to the stage as he began to walk away with a little more swagger in his step. Katie couldn‘t overlook the smirk on his face when he glanced in her direction. He was determined to make her uncomfortable tonight.

  “Good luck!” Eden shouted at him as he walked away from them.

  He winked at Katie as he walked backward, “Thanks.”

  Katie rolled her eyes. Could he be any more obvious? He was out on a date with his girlfriend, and he was openly flirting with her. She knew that she was going to have to set him straight again. Nothing was going to come of this. She was with somebody else, and she loved him with all her heart.


  She shook herself from her thoughts as the music of the guitar and Zach soft voice filled the room. He was doing a cover of Andrew Belle’s, “In My Veins.”

  Oh you’re in my veins and I cannot get you out,

  Oh you’re all I taste at night inside my mouth

  Eden was completely oblivious that Zach kept glancing at Katie as he sang the words. She leaned over next to Katie’s ear, “I’m so glad he decided to move here. I missed him so much.”

  Katie nodded as she fought for control over her emotions, “I think I need some air.” She stood and made her way to the door near the front of the shop. She turned around to see a pained look in Zach eyes as hers met his. He looked back down at the guitar and continued to play, closing his eyes and immersing himself into the music. T
ry as she might, Katie couldn’t pull herself away to leave. What was wrong with her and why did he still have so much control over her feelings? She thought she was past this... but apparently not.


  As the song finished and Zach rose to step off the stage, Katie pushed the door open and ran out onto the sidewalk. She moved a few feet down the street and clutched her hands to her chest as she tried to calm her breathing. A tear threatened to fall, and she sniffed it back as she pulled her cell from her pocket. Her hands were trembling as she opened it and tried to dial Patrick. She needed to hear his voice. She needed to feel his arms around her. The phone rang and rang and finally went to voicemail. She groaned frustrated and threw it back in her pocket.


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