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Travel, Live, Love - A Contemporary Romance (The Armstrongs Book 5)

Page 12

by Gray, Jessica

  Jasper didn’t give up that easily. He tightened his jaw and reached for her, grabbing her injured arm and causing her to scream out in pain.


  Patrick had heard and seen enough. He spun around and plowed his fist into Jasper’s stomach. The other man doubled over and released his grip on Angela. When Jasper straightened up again, Patrick had planted his legs on the floor and was piercing his opponent with a threatening stare. “You bastard. If you’re not out here by to the count of three, you’ll get more of that – and I can guarantee it’ll hurt a lot more than the first punch.”

  Jasper analyzed at the situation. “Sorry. Man…Angela, I didn’t mean to grab that arm. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “I don’t care. Leave.” Angela said.

  When Jasper had left, Angela threw herself into Patrick’s arms, still trembling from the shock. “I didn’t know he still had a key.”

  Patrick waited until she calmed down in his arms and then he threw the deadbolts of the door – all three of them. “We don’t want any more visitors.”

  He reached for her and gently took off the bandage to inspect her wound. She squirmed in pain and his heart broke just a little more. Gosh, how much he hated to cause her pain, but he needed to make sure the rough treatment hadn’t caused new injury to the sore limb. “It looks good,” he said.

  “It sure hurts like the devil.”

  “Let me just apply more ointment and get you an new bandage.” When he was completely finished, she stood up and threw herself into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his waist and mumbled against his chest, “Hold me tight and never let me go again.”

  “Nothing I want more than that,” he answered.

  Chapter 32

  The smile Patrick flashed her was the most wonderful thing she’d ever seen. In his eyes, she saw acceptance, love, and such affection she almost felt like crying. He loves me!

  She leaned forward on her tiptoes and kissed him. “Because of you I’m going to have to rename my blog.”

  “Me?” Patrick asked curiously. He kissed her in return, keeping her from responding right away.

  “Yep,” she told him, placing little kisses along his jawline.

  “Why is that?” Patrick asked, having a hard time following the conversation.

  “Because of you! It’ll now have to be called ‘Travel. Live. Love.’”

  Patrick’s glance had her insides melting. He tipped her chin up so he could capture her lips once again. “That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Angela was still amazed at how strong the emotion of love could be. She knew now that she’d never truly been in love before. It wasn’t something you got over right away.

  “So I’m not too young for you?” Patrick teased her.

  She shook her head. “No. My sister Willow convinced me there’s a growing trend towards younger men.”

  “There is?”

  Angela tilted her head to the side, and when he started kissing his way down her neckline, she could barely concentrate on anything other than the emotions he evoked in her. “Hmm…She says so…I decided this is a trend I want to jump on…Hmm…”

  Patrick paused in kissing her neck. “I like this sister. Much better than the other one.”

  “You mean Harper?” Angela asked.


  “Harper is a good girl; she just wanted to protect me from another heartbreak. You two will get along well once she realizes I’m serious about you.”

  “Well, I am that. Serious about you, I mean.” His kisses had now reached her breasts and he teased her nipples until the silk of her bra was damp. His big hands moved, caged her waist, and then carefully moved up her bandaged ribs to linger on the spot between her shoulders.

  “She doesn’t approve of non-committed relationships. Sydney’s the stick-in-the-mud, but Harper is pretty old-fashioned.”

  He stopped kissing her to take her in. His eyes – those intense, beautiful eyes – were full of love and determination. It made her stomach flip and she still couldn’t believe she’d finally found true love. “I haven’t been a saint – on the contrary, I’ve been pretty wild – but since the very moment I first saw you, I haven’t had the desire to so much as look at another woman. You’re everything I’ve ever wished for, dreamed of. Everything I was afraid I’d never have.

  “When all my brothers found love, one after another, I honestly was happy for them, but deep inside, I grew sad, having lost hope I’d ever find a woman who would love me the way I am and not try to change me. Who’d love to travel as much as I do and who’d enjoy an outdoor lifestyle without any of the luxuries our Western world has to offer. A woman who isn’t afraid to tackle the travel monster head-on. A woman like you.”

  Her eyes dampened and she swallowed, trying to keep a lump of emotions from clogging her throat.

  He took her small hands into his big palms and grew very serious as he asked her, “Will you stop traveling after what happened?”

  For a short moment a flash of fear seared through her. Is he asking me to do that? Or Is he trying to find out if I’m too scared to travel again?

  She drank in his soulful eyes and the genuine concern in them overwhelmed her. “No, being hurt in an earthquake won’t stop me from traveling. I’m not sure there’s anything on this planet that could do that. It’s in my blood.”

  He grinned with relief. “Thank God! I was afraid you’d want to stop traveling for a while.”

  “No. Never.”

  “Well, would you consider traveling with me from now on? We could explore the world together and maybe gain some country points along the way.”

  Angela smiled at him, unable to believe how lucky she felt. “That’s the sweetest thing a man has ever said to me. I love you.” She rose up on her tiptoes and kissed him with all of the emotion in her heart. God, I truly love this man. He’s the perfect man for me.

  He heart was bursting with happiness and love. It dawned on her that Patrick was definitely worth all of her love and more. She’d searched the world for new and exciting things to write about, not knowing that the one thing which would truly fulfill her was a man to share her life with. Every aspect of her life.

  With Patrick, she had found that. A man who not only understood her, but a man worthy of her love. Patrick Armstrong was the love of her life, and she looked forward to spending every minute of every day with him. Traveling. Living. And Loving him.

  ***The End ***

  The Armstrong series continues with Samantha and Grant in EXPLOSION OF LOVE. Coming soon….. CLICK HERE to get an email reminder as soon as it's released.

  Please enjoy a preview of the story of Dean and Melissa

  I Love You Twice

  The Armstrongs, Book Zero

  Falling for Him, Book Seven

  Jessica Gray

  Preview I Love You Twice

  Mellie’s head was buzzing. With trembling hands she tied the apron around her waist and listened carefully to Denise, her co-worker and a veteran waitress at the Lake Perry diner.

  “Greet the customer, hand them the menus, take their drink order, and only then ask if they’re ready to order. If they are not, give them a few more minutes before you return.”

  Today was her first day working as a waitress at the diner. The summer season was just getting started, and she hoped to make enough money to pay for college classes in the fall. She’d turned 21 a few weeks ago and was ready to take on the world. In keeping with her new grown up persona, she’d decided to use from now on her given name – Melissa. It sounded much more mature than Mellie!

  A young family entered the diner and Denise nodded her head towards them, showing it was time to put theory into practice. Melissa gave her a hesitant smile and nodded her head. I can do this!

  She grabbed two regular menus, and two kid menus, complete with two cups of crayons. Approaching their booth, she smiled broadly and introduced herself, “Hi,
folks. My name is Melissa and I’m going to be your server this morning.”

  “Good morning, Melissa. You’re new here, aren’t you?” asked the father in the group.

  “I am,” she admitted, “but don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you all.” She handed around the menus and gave the kids the crayons, “Do you two like to color?”

  The two little blonde heads nodded, eager to use the crayons. Melissa smiled and whispered to them, “Don’t tell anybody, but I like to color too.” She winked at the kids and then took out her pad and pen. “Now, what I can get everyone to drink?”

  After returning with their drink orders, she wrote down their food order, handed it off at the kitchen window and turned to see Denise watching her. “How’d I do?”

  “Melissa, you’re a natural.”

  Melissa beamed at her and felt herself stand a little taller. It was amazing what a few words of praise could do for a person’s confidence!

  “Order’s up!” came the call from the kitchen.

  Melissa turned and then paused for a moment, unsure of the next step. She had four plates to deliver to a table halfway across the diner, and only two hands. Denise smiled as she accurately interpreted her hesitation.

  “Hey, don’t panic. Before long you’ll be handling one of the large trays like a pro, but for now, let me help. You take two, and I’ll follow behind you with the other two.”

  “Really?” Melissa asked in relief. “Thanks, Denise.” The two women grabbed the warm plates and within a few minutes they were both back behind the counter and Melissa enjoyed her first success.

  The bell above the door jangled again. Our second guest this day! A handsome man entered the diner. He headed straight for the counter and sat down. Denise turned to Melissa, telling her, “Dean Armstrong. You can have him. He gives good tips. But, he’s weird. He’ll probably try to talk to you about some gross bugs.”

  “Bugs?” Melissa asked, not sure if she should thank Denise or not. She turned to look at the customer in question, but he had his head buried in the menu and all she could see was the top of his head.

  “Yeah. He’s a regular.”

  “Okay, thanks. I can use a few good tips,” Melissa told her, grabbing her pad and pen and heading in the mystery man’s direction.

  “Hello. I’m Melissa. Can I get you some coffee?” she asked, hoping to draw him away from the menu and get a good look at a man who liked to talk about insects. When he lowered the menu and looked up, Melissa forgot everything except for how gorgeous he was. He had broad shoulders, and muscular arms. Not bulging biceps, but lean and well-defined arms. Just the way she liked it. His dark, short hair showed a few unruly strands hanging into his forehead. Her fingers itched to bury themselves in his hair and feel the softness. But the most intense impression on her made his steel-blue eyes. Eyes that looked at her in a way she’d never experienced before.

  Her knees trembled, her heart raced, and then the fear set in. He’s perfect! But I don’t want or need a relationship! Men are way too much trouble! Melissa mentally chided herself for being swayed by a man’s looks. But you have to admit, he is absolutely gorgeous!

  Remember Happy? Your daughter? Melissa quickly reminded herself what had happened the last time she’d allowed a good looking guy to turn her head. She’d ended up alone and pregnant. Her daughter Happy would turn three soon, and since her biological father had taken off; Melissa hadn’t had a serious relationship or any relationship at all. It was better this way.

  The few guys she’d been interested in had disappeared the minute they found out she had a toddler waiting for her at home. Faster than she could blink! No, I don’t need a relationship. Happy and I are doing just fine by ourselves. Besides when would I have time for a boyfriend?

  Melissa had just finished high school and wanted to go to college. A college degree was the only way she would ever be able to provide for Happy without living paycheck to paycheck. That’s why she’d taken this job. To earn enough money this summer to pay for college when it started up in the fall. And between school, work, and taking care of Happy, there was absolutely no time left for a boyfriend. None at all!

  (End of Sneak Peak)

  To continue reading, pick up the book of Dean and Melissa :


  The Armstrong series continues with Samantha and Grant in EXPLOSION OF LOVE. Coming soon….. CLICK HERE to get an email reminder as soon as it's released.

  Or preorder the book right here: Explosion of Love (Samantha and Grant)

  Thank you for taking the time to read Travel, Live, Love. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend.

  Thank you,

  More Books by Jessica

  The Falling for Him Series is best read in order. Books 1 through 5 have cliffhangers. The rest of the books don’t. The Armstrong books can all be read as stand alones. For more enjoyment, read them in series order. Characters carry on from one book to the next and from one series to the next.


  Book 1: Rachel and Peter

  Book 2: Rachel and Peter in Spain

  Book 3: Rachel and Peter back home

  Book 4: Lara and David

  Book 5: Rachel and Peter - The Wedding

  Stubborn Love – (Clara and Nigel)

  Christmas Miracle – (Rachel and Peter)

  I Love You Twice – (Melissa and Dean)


  Power of Love - (Trevor and Nicole)

  Forever my Love - (Ryan and Kendra)

  Daring to Love (Evan and Charlene)

  Surprised by Love (Douglas and Toni)

  Travel, Live, Love (Patrick and Angela)

  Explosion of Love (Samantha and Grant)

  More Books by Jessica

  Entangled Love

  Destroyed Dreams

  Compilations with Jessica

  First Desires: 10 'First in a Series' Romance Book Box Set

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