The One Awakened

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The One Awakened Page 9

by Yvette M Calleiro

  When she pulled away, she saw Ar’ch. “Son, what in Lucifer’s name have you done?”

  “It’s okay, Mother. I needed to update you, but my stupid comm port stopped working, so the only way I could talk to you was to see you. Plus, I’ve missed you.”

  She pressed her lips together. “I’ve missed you, too, but you are putting our entire plan at risk with this impulsive act. He will turn you in the minute he wakes up.”

  Rafe laughed. “No, he won’t, Mother. He doesn’t even know I knocked him out. He was sleeping when I used my power. Everything is going according to our plan, but they don’t trust me to be alone. I left a note for Angel that I went to speak with Ar’ch. That way, when he goes to look for us, he won’t find either of us and will assume we are together. When I return, I will put Ar’ch back in his room. When he wakes up, he will still be in bed and think he just overslept.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely! Remember when I knocked out Sofia? She remembered nothing of the time when she came to.”

  Damiana smiled. “Still, it was a risk, but you took it. And it is good to see you. Come. Let me show you the newest addition to our home.”

  Rafe began following her to the elevator with Ar’ch in tow. Damiana stopped when she noticed that Ar’ch was floating behind them.

  “Must he come with us?”

  He shrugged. “I’ve never worked my powers from a far distance, so I’d rather have him close by just in case it starts to wear off. Then, I can hit him again and put him back under.”

  She nodded. “Fine.”

  He followed her into the elevator. “So, how are things going on your end?”

  “Wonderful,” she said. “Your father and I are back together, and our goal is the same again. Our armies are organizing and are eager to enact their revenge on the Diasodz. And now we have the perfect place for our victory celebration.”

  As the elevator opened, Damiana led him outside to an enormous building that had been built in his absence. Part of his beautiful forest had been cut down for it, leaving him grieving for the loss of his trees. They entered the building, and Rafe couldn’t help but feel admiration at the magnificence of it.

  “Welcome to our throne room!” Damiana said and raised her arms to show off her creation.

  He looked around in awe. “Mother, this is stunning! How did you get this done in such a short amount of time?”

  “Our demons and deminions worked around the clock, and they did a marvelous job, didn’t they?”

  “Yes, they did.”

  “I wanted to add a throne for you, but your father disapproved of it. He said that you and Sofia will have the thrones when we decide to step down.”

  “I am honored, Mother.”

  She smiled and caressed his cheek. “You are my son. You always have been and you always will be,” she said and then a look of disgust passed over her face. “Did you meet that woman who gave you up?”

  He rolled his eyes., “Yes, I did. She was so pathetic, Mother. She kept crying over me and telling me how much she missed me and how she wished she could have raised me. It took all of my effort not to throw up.”

  Damiana laughed and then sighed. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, son.”

  “It’s alright, Mother. I’m glad I got to see her with my own eyes. I’m grateful that she gave me up because that gave me the opportunity to be loved by you. And it allowed me to grow up loving my father. I know I am stronger because of it.”

  She smiled. “I am stronger, too, my son. In fact, I am getting stronger and stronger every day.”

  “How so?”

  “Apparently, having my daughter around makes me more powerful,” she said with a wide grin. “I don’t think I ever thanked you for bringing her home to us.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said and smiled, even though he was in full panic mode inside. He remembered what he had seen Damiana do to Liana. If she had grown even stronger than she had been, then the Diasodz were going to have a hard time stopping her. And if they couldn’t stop her, they were all doomed, and it would be his fault.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Rafe wanted to stretch his neck to alleviate the tension building there, but he didn’t want Damiana to notice. Relax. You’re doing great. Hold it together. Ar’ch whispered in his mind.

  “I cannot wait to be able to come here permanently and live as one family.”

  “That day will be here before you know it,” Damiana said. “So, tell me, son. How are things going over there?”

  Rafe sighed. “They now think that I’m the savior because of the prophecy that the oracle gave them.”

  She laughed. “She thinks she’s so special and that her child is the savior! Little does she know that it is Drake who is special.”

  He tried to control his facial expression, but it still bothered him a bit that he had not been the chosen savior. He looked down to try to compose himself, but Damiana noticed before he could.

  She touched his cheek. “Son, you are still special. You are Drake’s son, and although our daughter is the savior, you will be the one who helps your father get the revenge that he deserves for being locked up and kept away from you all your life.”

  He nodded and smiled. “Thank you, Mother. I don’t mean to be sad about not being the savior. I know that you both love me.”

  She smiled. “So, they believe you?”

  “Well, Ar’ch refused to believe it, so he made me go see the oracle. I was so nervous that she would tell them that I wasn’t the savior, but told them that I was the child of the prophecy. So, now they are all doting over me. Well, everyone except him. He’s still a pain in my neck,” he said and pointed over to Ar’ch.

  Damiana hugged him. “You’re doing a wonderful job, son! I knew you could do this. And although I appreciate you coming here to tell me what is happening over there, you have to be more careful.”

  “But my comm device isn’t working anymore. I think they’ve blocked my ability to contact you.”

  “There isn’t any need for you to contact me. If I need you, I will find a way to let you know.”

  “Yes, Mother,” he said. “Before I leave, can I see Sofia? I miss her so much.”

  “Of course, dear. I’m sure she would like to see you, too,” she said and smiled. He turned to exit the throne room and head to the dungeon, but Damiana stopped him. “Sofia is no longer in the dungeon, son. Lucifer blessed me with a daughter who can share her powers with me, so I’ve made arrangements to keep her closer to me.”

  Rafe felt fear grip him and fought the urge to cringe. She sat on her throne and put her palm upon the arm rest. The floor beneath him became transparent, and he jumped back onto visible tile. At first, he thought that the floor had disappeared, but then he realized that it had become a window and noticed something down there. Peering into the underground room, he saw someone lying on a mattress. As his eyes absorbed the scene, he realized that it was Sofia.

  “Mother, what have you done?”

  What is it? What do you see? Ar’ch said inside his mind.

  Sofia is in a cell under the floor in this room, he thought to Ar’ch.

  Oh, Goddess, he replied. I can see her through your mind’s processing. Is she alive?

  I need to focus. Stop talking to me, he thought.

  “Sofia tried to escape again after you left, and she needs to be punished. So, I brought her here where there is no opportunity for her to escape.”

  “I don’t understand why she is doing this! Doesn’t she understand that we are the good guys?” Rafe said.

  “They brainwashed her, son. And I am so happy that they haven’t brainwashed you.”

  He chuckled. “They tried, but I’m keeping my shield in place and pretending to be on their side, and they are buying it completely.”

  “They never were very smart,” she said and laughed.

  He laughed with her and then inspected the cell. “Are you sure she can’t escape from there?” />
  “Absolutely. The only one who can open the cell is I.”

  “Is there a key? Someone could steal it from you,” he said with concern.

  She raised her hand. “Not unless they plan on chopping off my hand,” she laughed.

  “I don’t think anyone is that stupid,” he laughed and then looked down at Sofia, lying helpless on the bed. “Can I speak with her, Mother? I hate seeing her like that, and maybe I can convince her to join us.”

  “Of course, son. You can try,” she said and opened the cell. “Sofia is very weak because she refused to eat.”

  It’s your turn, he thought to Ar’ch.

  Rafe cleared his throat and began speaking to Sofia. He told her that Valerie and Nolan had forgotten about her and that she needed to give up on caring about them. He kept talking to give Ar’ch time to reach her. She barely even raised her head at his voice. It broke his heart to see her in such a state, but he knew that he could not help her at that moment. Sofia looked up and around before lying back down and closing her eyes.

  Sofia, please hear me, Rafe heard Ar’ch think at Sofia.

  I’m dreaming. This isn’t real. You aren’t here. It’s just Rafe that is here, and he is saying that you all have forgotten me, Sofia thought. Rafe couldn’t believe that he could hear her through his connection to Ar’ch.

  Ar’ch pulled Sofia into a mental scape. Rafe almost jumped backward when he saw them in his mind. He tried to focus on the Sofia lying on the bed, but he couldn’t concentrate on the real her with the image of the two of them in his mind.

  Ar’ch stood there in the flesh while Sofia lay on the floor. She sat up and looked disbelievingly at him. Ar’ch rushed to her and held her.

  “Oh, Sofia! What has she done to you?”

  She began to cry. “How is this possible? She has blocked me from everything and everyone. Am I going crazy?”

  “I am here, Sofia. I’m right here.”

  “No, you aren’t. It’s just Rafe, and he’s trying to get me to forget about you.”

  Ar’ch shook his head. “That isn’t true. It’s a long story, but I am here with Rafe. You have to believe me.” When she started shaking her head, Ar’ch said, “Open your eyes below and look at Rafe. I’m going to tell him to touch his temple. Then you will know that I speak the truth. If you trust me, close your eyes again, and I will bring you here. But hurry, we don’t have much time.”

  The minute Sofia disappeared from his arms, Ar’ch thought to Rafe, Touch your temple. Sofia doesn’t believe I am here.

  I heard and saw you, which is very weird but no time to figure that out, he thought back to him.

  Sofia opened her eyes and looked at him, so he touched his temple. Damiana watched him carefully, so he said, “Think about it, Sofia. You can be safe and loved and free of that cell if you would just trust me and believe in our family.”

  She closed her eyes again, and Rafe saw Ar’ch pull her back into his arms within his mind. This time, Sofia held onto him with everything she had. When she began crying again, Ar’ch whispered, “Shhh, I’m right here.”

  “Don’t leave me, Ar’ch. I can’t do this alone,” Sofia cried. “She’s draining me of my powers and taking them for herself.”

  “I don’t have a choice today, Sofia. I have to leave, and soon,” he said, so she held him even more tightly. “I promise you that I will save you. You must stay strong.”

  “I don’t know if I can. This cell is draining me, Ar’ch.”

  “She won’t kill you, Sofia. You are too valuable to her. You must stay strong. You must eat and keep your body healthy. I will save you. I promise.”

  Sofia nodded. “For you, Ar’ch. I’d do anything for you. But please, hurry.”

  “I have to go, Sofia. Rafe can’t stall any longer.”

  “No,” she cried.

  Ar’ch kissed her quickly on the lips. “I love you. Know that and hold on to that.”

  Through her tears, Sofia smiled up at him. “I love you, too, Ar’ch.”

  Ar’ch broke the connection with her. You can stop now, Rafe.

  Rafe fought the urge to nod and said, “I really hope you think about what I said, Sofia. Start eating. Start showing Mother that you want to be a part of our family. Choose the right side.”

  Damiana smiled and said, “Thank you, son. I hope she listens to you, but I think she may have fallen asleep. Let’s leave her to rest and think about what you’ve said. Plus, you really need to get back.”

  He watched Damiana close the cell door and make the cell ceiling match the rest of the floor. “You’re right. I’ve been gone longer than I had expected.”

  They exited the throne room with Ar’ch in tow and ran right into Drake. His father’s face lit up with excitement at seeing him and then took a darker expression when he caught Ar’ch on the hover board.

  “What is happening here?” he asked.

  Rafe explained everything to his father while his father’s expression became more and more upset. “Please do not be angry with me, Father.”

  Drake embraced him. “I am not upset with you, son. I am upset with the fact that you are over there and possibly in danger.”

  He smiled. “I’m fine, Father. Trust me.”

  His father pressed his lips together, and Damiana rolled her eyes. “I don’t understand why you aren’t happier. Our plan is working. Soon, you will have the revenge that you always wanted.”

  “This was not my plan, and you know it,” his father said through clenched teeth.

  “Are you back to stay, Father?” he interrupted, not wanting to hear them argue again.

  Drake turned his attention back to him. “No, son. I must leave tomorrow night to continue gathering our forces. Some of them have proven to be a little resistant lately.”

  “Now, you can go and tell them that we have infiltrated our enemy. They should join you more easily with that bit of news. Everything is working out perfectly,” Damiana said.

  Rafe quietly breathed a sigh of relief. If his father were back to stay, it would be impossible to rescue Sofia. Just then, four men in red and black uniforms approached Drake. Rafe had never seen them before. They reminded him of ninja uniforms from Earth because the men were covered from head to toe except for their eyes. One of them whispered something to his father, who nodded. They bowed and left.

  “Father, who are they?” he asked.

  “Those men are extra security for our home. They will be posted by the portal room to check our guests when they enter and exit our home. We cannot be too careful of both our friends and our enemies right now.”

  Rafe looked down to Ar’ch and then at his father. “I need to get back with him before anyone gets suspicious.”

  “Don’t worry, son. I will update your father with everything that you told me so that he can rest assured that we are still very much in control.”

  A look with a hidden message passed between Damiana and his father, but Rafe didn’t have time to ask about it. There was so much he still wanted to tell his father. He wished he could tell him that he hadn’t betrayed him, but he knew he didn’t have the opportunity to do that with Damiana hovering over him.

  Drake embraced him again and said, “Be safe.”

  “I will, Father. I promise,” he replied.

  “Don’t do anything stupid, son. You are my everything, and I will protect you with my life if I have to.”

  Rafe swallowed his emotions and said, “You won’t have to, Father. I am completely safe there.” He couldn’t risk saying more, and he hoped his father got the message. He turned to Damiana and held out his arms to hug her. He didn’t want to, but he had to keep the façade alive.

  She hugged him back and said, “I am proud of you. I will be in touch soon.”

  He nodded and then headed to the portal room with Ar’ch following him. Damiana and Drake had begun arguing again behind him, but he didn’t turn around. He just kept walking. He wanted to go home. As that realization hit him, he sighed. He put his ha
nd on the portal and took Ar’ch and himself home.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rafe called the vines back home and thanked them for their service. He reveled in how easily he could call upon his affinity, even if he wasn’t around nature. He took a deep breath and then released Ar’ch from his paralysis.

  Ar’ch stood and stretched. He was visibly relieved to have control over his muscles again. He looked over to Rafe, and he looked away, knowing that Ar’ch knew his burden, despite his tough stance. Having an open channel to his mind during this mission had allowed Ar’ch to know everything about him, and Rafe felt uncomfortable about being an open book for him.

  “Look, Rafe, I know that was tough on you,” Ar’ch started.

  He shrugged. “I’m fine.”

  Ar’ch pressed his lips together for a moment. “I’m just trying to let you know that I believe you. I know now how much you hate Damiana for everything that she’s done.”

  He nodded. “I’m angry with Damiana. That is true. But my father isn’t like her,” he said.

  “Rafe, Drake raped our mother. You are the result of that rape. He forced himself upon her and tried to destroy our lives. He killed my father’s entire family. And now he is trying to kill all the Diasodz. How can you still defend him?”

  He sighed. “He’s changed.” Ar’ch went to interrupt him, but he put his hand up. “Look, I know that my father has done some really despicable things. I get that. He knows that. He doesn’t want to kill all the Diasodz anymore. He doesn’t even want to destroy you all anymore.”

  Ar’ch scoffed. “Then, please explain to me why we are going to war?”

  “Damiana,” he said. “Did you not hear the interaction between them? My father has no control over her, which is why I am even more fearful of her. My father is different now.”

  “I’ll believe that when I see it, Rafe. If he goes along with this war, then he is just as evil as she,” he said.

  Rafe nodded in defeat and sent a silent prayer to the Goddess that he didn’t really know, asking Her to help him prove that his father still had good in him. “Sofia looked horrible,” he said.


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