by Banyard, Jen
My thanks in the first instance go to Mitch Hart, Clinical Psychologist, for his generous advice on ‘acceptance and commitment therapy’ (ACT), the precepts of which gave shape to the theme of the novel brewing in my mind. Thank you also to Professor Van Ikin for his invaluable feedback on the initial draft; and to Gail Spiers for her friendship and endless support which, once again, extended to sharing her deep expertise in creating inspiring curriculum-linked teaching notes. Thank you to the team that is Fremantle Press — in particular Children’s Publisher Cate Sutherland, Clive Newman and Claire Miller – for their continued guidance, professional support and faith. Lastly I thank my lively, loving family, especially my mother Margaret Everingham, my helpful and most loyal fan, and husband Dennis, my best bud.
— JB
Jen Banyard is a Western Australian author. Riddle Gully Runaway is her third novel, following Spider Lies (2009) and Mystery at Riddle Gully (2012), both published by Fremantle Press. Jen attended Mount Pleasant Primary and Applecross High schools, and has a PhD in creative writing from the University of Western Australia. Fortunately she has never grown up.