Baby Blue_A Father's Day Secret Baby Romance

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Baby Blue_A Father's Day Secret Baby Romance Page 9

by Juliana Conners

  It’s definitely Zach the cock is attached to.

  I kiss the tip of his penis, and watch as his whole body reacts. Twitches here and there. A groggy groan. I swirl my tongue around his cock’s head, slowly, letting my saliva drip down his shaft, getting it nicely lubricated.

  “K-Kayla”, a sleepy Zach grumbles as he sits up. “What are you doing here?”

  “Oh, nothing.”

  I take his whole cock in my mouth until it’s so far down my throat, I choke on it. I try to breathe through only my nostrils but find it impossible to do with how full my face is. Zach seems to enjoy the sound of someone gasping on his manly girth. He lays back down on his bed and enjoys the service I have to offer him.

  “You like that?” I ask, pulling back and clenching as hard as my hand can while stroking down to the base of his shaft.

  “Mmmhmmm,” he moans dreamily.

  “Then you’ll love this,” I tell him as I lift my upper body and tuck his cock between my tits. He instantly lifts his head to make sure he’s not imagining what’s happening. I hold my breasts against his member and bounce them furiously, stroking Zach quickly. I lean my head down to plant a wet kiss each time his penis pokes out from between my cleavage, until I see some pre-ejaculate start to leak from his beautifully engorged head.

  I move up on the bed and straddle him, carefully sliding his penis into me. As I bury his cock between my folds, Zach wakes up more and more with each inch of his that enters me.

  “Fuck,” he grunts. “Looks like you need to be stretched out again.”

  He pushes me back and holds my ankles up above my head, penetrating me so deeply it hurts. No amount of masturbation with or without a dildo can prepare for me for Zach’s unbelievable girth and length. Zach continues to hold my ankles high above my head as he plows into me, slowly picking up speed with each push.

  “I’ve missed you,” I whimper.

  “Not as much as I’ve missed you,” he assures me. Zach releases his grip from my ankles, stops fucking me, and looks deep into my eyes. “Really, Kayla. It’s hell being without you.”

  I stare back into his soul just as deeply and tell him the truth I’ve been holding onto since arriving at the police academy.

  “I know. I hate not being able to be with you every day. We went from not talking to each other for years, to seeing each other every day, and now we’re stuck unable to even act like we know each other for what, the next six months?”

  Having ruined the mood, I move my hips up and away from Zach’s now less-interested penis.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell him. “I just… really love you and having to act like we don’t know each other is starting to weigh on me emotionally.”

  Impressively, Zach pays no mind about not being finishing hot sex with me. Instead he grabs me tight and kisses my forehead. “Honey,” he says in soothing tones, “we’re going to be okay. We’re getting done with this month. Five months will be nothing. Then we’ll go back to our weekly date nights, and sex on a very regular basis.”

  “Just five more months?” I ask.

  “That’s it. Then we’ll be back together.” He stops, still, as if he’s holding his breath. “Hell, let’s be really together.” He releases his embrace and looks down to face me, reaching for my hand.

  “Move in with me.”

  I shoot up, get right in his face and search his expression with comical exaggeration like I’m inspecting suspects in a line-up to make sure he’s not pulling my leg. He’s smiling, yes, but not because he’s playing a joke on me. I narrow my eyes dramatically. “You’re serious?”

  “I am,” he answers, chuckling at my display.

  “I would absolutely love that.” I drop my silly façade and fall into his arms. Zach receives me with more kisses and lies back down on his side with me as his little spoon. “So after I graduate, we could move in together, huh?”

  “If you’d like. I certainly like the idea of always having access to you,” he whispers as he pulls me in closer.

  The silence we sit in is peaceful, and the dim light reflecting off the moon only heightens the serenity we both feel in that moment. Unfortunately, it’s not meant to last.

  “This has been amazing. But I should head back. If whoever is hall monitor finds out I snuck out, I could get in-- well, you know,” I saying, pulling up my pajama bottoms.

  “Right,” he snickers. “I hate to repeat myself, but I do believe that for this to work, that we have to not see each other as often. I know it’s difficult and frustrating, but that’s the only way we’ll come out of this unscathed.”

  Zach leans in towards me to kiss me goodnight. We share a kiss that I wish would last as long as that law class did earlier today. He walks me to the door so I don’t have to crawl back out into the campus field through the window. I run back towards my dorm as quickly and silently as possible, likely looking like a cartoon character escaping from jail.

  Chapter Sixteen


  It’s been five freaking months. We’re almost to graduation and so far, I’m acing my subjects. It feels amazing. For once, it seems everything is going great.

  Even that selfish ass Scarlett isn’t bothering me as much anymore. Her idiocy isn’t so hard to out-maneuver anyway. Or avoid. Maybe she found a new victim to torment. I did hear that she hooked up with at least a couple of other recruits. Apparently, one of her conquests also slept with us in the women’s dorms so everyone knew, pretty much instantly.

  Life at the Academy goes pretty damn well. Except for one thing. I’ve never been this distracted by needing sex ever in my life. In the past, when I needed it this much, I was also having it a lot. But now, that is different. I’m sitting here, needing it. But I am not having it.

  Not having it is all I can think about. My hair might as well be on fire, it’s that level of physical emergency. Sleep eludes me and this only adds to more difficulty when trying to concentrate under constant pressure.

  Big exams are coming soon, and me passing cannot be in question. All this work and toil and sacrifice must go towards something real.

  One time. What’s one more little time?

  I catch Zach’s eye at the end of an excruciating bout of watching him demonstrate body throws and body slams and basically him being strong and hot and amazing at handling bodies. I’ve never felt like this, even back when I just wanted him, when I had no first-hand knowledge of what it felt like to have his commanding bulk pounding me mercilessly.

  I guess I know too much. And now I can’t stop thinking I need a taste, just a little taste of him to keep me going. I’ve put myself through so much deprivation and worse these past five months. But this, this I need.

  If his door is locked, I’ve learned how to climb and twist and adjust my center of gravity to make my way into his bed tonight.

  Just one time. I won’t even stay long. Seems certain that I will not need much of his time.

  I’m staring hard at the training field grass, trying not to stare at him. Class is over and most students are breaking up and heading back inside. I’m standing off, hardly noticeable. Thinking of how his throbbing cock last felt inside me….

  When was that again? Five fucking months ago? Oh my God. Do nuns get this crazy? I catch just a glint of sun shining off his sweaty skin and am transported back to my horny teenager days, gazing at him. Except now we’re grown. Man and woman. And I don’t have to imagine what he feels like thundering inside my legs. Or smells like. Or tastes like. These thoughts release a tidal wave of heat surging towards my crotch.

  I look up and see him standing, now alone, twenty feet away. People are still loosely milling around the area. Our eyes lock amid the unsuspecting students and assistants. I silently mouth my desire. He must be thinking the same because he keeps his eyes intense and on me. He nods his response. It’s on.


  Chapter Seventeen


  This time, the door is unlocked. I take that as a sign that we’r
e in the clear. Blue moonlight streaks the room, enough to where I can easily confirm that again we’re alone.

  I pad silently to his bed where he lies. His upper body shoots up. He’s been eagerly awaiting me. He welcomes my arrival with a craving embrace. His hands, his arms, all his skin is hot with desire. We don’t speak but use our mouths instead to devour each other like we’ve been denied our basic sustenance for way too long.

  I want to finish what I only just started on my last visit.

  I make sure I’m facing the window so he can see my eyes on him as I trail kisses down his ripped chest, down to his slithering hips, kissing the sinewy insides of his thighs before taking in his cock with my open mouth. For a split second flick my tongue under his head before suddenly taking it all in, all his girth in one long motion. His head drops back like he just received a knockout punch and is out for the count.

  His hands roam my hair, my shoulders, searching for bare skin. But I can’t let him off this easily.

  I break off and stand next to the bed so I can strip completely in two quick motions. Standing above him, I throw back my shoulders, hands on my hips so he can see how his training has treated my body. I let him feast on the sight for a delicious second, before I plan to lightly vault over the bed and straddle that stallion like a wild mare let out of her pen.

  But that delicious second of my bare skin gives him other ideas.

  He rises, sitting up and then bends me backwards onto the bed. Now I’m lying down as he crouches over me, pushing my ankles up to my shoulders, watching my hips and thighs bend easily.

  “God, I’ve missed your body.”

  He releases my ankles to rest on his shoulders and leans down to lick my breasts, first with slow circles then harder. Even his tongue is ripped and mighty. Soon he’s sucking and teasing them with such ferocity, I begin to feel light-headed.

  As I lie pegged by his weight, getting dizzingly tickled with waves of pleasure, he starts to tease my pussy opening with his slick head, inserting himself with agonizing slowness.

  I beg. I plead. I whine for more.

  And in one hard thrust he gives me his full length, all the way down to my deepest wall. All the way down to my toes. Again and again, he pounds me deeply, each stroke gaining force. He’s grunting like someone who’s never used words for speech. I’m whimpering from necessity. It’s the only proper sound for how delirious he’s making me.

  For once, I just want him to pound me until I can’t keep conscious. No playing. No change in position. Fuck me into the ground, Zach, I don’t care.

  His face is locked with animal passion. The metal bed frame groans from the sheer force of his pounding. His hips rock, crashing into my wet wanting depths, ravaging me harder and deeper than I’ve ever known.

  Suddenly, I feel my walls clench so hard, it’s like their strength alone is pulling his cock deeper in me. I’m squeezing Zach’s member, strangling it harder than I ever have before, every muscle below my belly gripping tight. Like I’m milking him. I’ve never felt anything like this.

  My orgasm explodes like the birth of a star, searing hot, encompassing everything I know. In a nanosecond, he follows, releasing a torrid flow of cum on my innermost recesses. His detonation sets off more spasms of golden nirvana in my loins. They join, rocking our bodies in tandem like we choreographed our climax together.

  His pumping slows but won’t stop, each thrust bringing new waves of bliss I didn’t know I still contained within me. I had no idea I could come for so long.

  After an unknowable amount of time, he collapses on top of me, breathing into my neck. I feel his pulse on my chest. The sensation of his full weight all along my torso, my belly, my crotch is a delicious finish to our white-hot carnality.

  As our breaths slow, he sits up and gazes at me, love practically leaking out of his eyes. He touches my face and plants a deep, tender kiss.

  We rise and I dress. We say nothing with words. I bid him goodnight with a kiss on each cheek and a long drink of his mouth.

  I slip out of the room.

  At the next corner, I turn, less than twenty paces from Zach’s door. As I round the bend, I come face to face with Scarlett, to my huge dismay and surprise.

  She is not surprised. She smirks, enjoying herself.

  “Have fun?”

  I swallow some spit before answering, taking that moment to think, to really deliberate on my answer. It has to be good. No. Actually, my answer has to be perfect.

  I cross my arms. I raise my chin.

  “I wasn’t doing anything,” I offer.


  Chapter Eighteen


  The second the 5:00 a.m. alarm goes off, I ready myself and shoot out from the dorms over to the instructors’ wing. Zach isn’t around. Damn it. He must have gone back home for a change of clothes, or maybe left campus to get some breakfast. The only chance I’ll get to talk to him will be during class and it might be too late by then.

  Seeing Scarlett walk out of the administration building and shoot a malicious smile towards me certainly didn’t instill any hope.

  With no other choice left, it seems I must endure an entire day at the academy with crucial news I can’t relay to the only other person vitally involved. The hours until 2:00 p.m. will probably feel like two years.

  Each class lasts longer than the last. Whenever I pass Scarlett through the campus, she shoots the same knowing grin at me, driving me further into madness each time I’m forced to see it. How unlucky that the most annoying person at this damn academy happens to be the one recruit that happened to be strolling the hallways at 1:00 a.m., without a care in the world, only to find some vulnerable prey in an incriminating situation.

  Have fun?

  Fuck you, Scarlett.

  I’ll be seeing her in my next class. We’ll settle things then.

  I wait outside of her classroom to ensure I end up sitting next to her. Scarlett spots me waiting for her, and I watch her bitchy confidence melt away with each step she took towards me.

  “We need to talk.”

  She looks over my shoulder. “We need to be in class, Kayla.”

  “Like you give a shit about class. Come with me,” I demand, herding her into the women’s bathroom.

  “What are you doing, Scarlett?” I don’t want to further incriminate myself by admitting I was doing anything I wasn’t supposed to be doing, since I’m not sure what she knows of my absence.

  “I saw you leave the instructors’ dorm. Mr. Clark was the only one there. I know because I ran into him on my rounds a bit before he went to sleep. So I’m considering the possibility of reporting Mr. Clark,” she admits with fake casualness. She wants me to squirm.

  When I don’t budge or flinch, Scarlett tries to leave. But I step sideways to block her exist and hold an arm out to discourage her from advancing.

  “Why would you report him? Why wouldn’t you report me?”

  She sneers. “He chose you over me, that’s why. Fuck him. And fuck you. Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll try to shift the blame onto you so he can keep his job.”

  I’m frozen in place thinking about how, in one act of affection, I have single handedly ruined my chances of moving ahead in life, and fucked Zach’s position as an educator and member of the force. Scarlett wriggles her way past me and my arm. She’s rushes to the exit of the bathroom, leaving me alone.

  “Oh, hey, Mr. Clark,” I overhear Scarlett loudly declare outside in the hallway.

  I follow her voice, turning out of the bathroom. I only see the back of her blonde hair bun, walking away from Zach who is looking confused, likely by Scarlett’s enthusiastic greeting.

  He juts a thumb in her direction. “What was that about?” he asks.

  “Don’t mind her, we have to talk,” I warn him.

  He continues walking and brushes past me, “Sorry, Kayla, I just got called up to the administration office. Also, aren’t you supposed to be in class?”

  “Yes, but you can�
��t—fuck. Scarlett saw me leaving your dorm last night. She reported you,” I confess, voice lowering to a whisper. My eyes dart all around us. I can’t let this spread any further. Or get any worse.

  “I don’t know how much she knows or what exactly she told whoever she spoke to, but I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Zach. She’s a real asshole, but this is my fault. I should have been more careful.”

  I look up at Zach and give him a moment to react to what I’m telling him.

  “Goddamn it. I warned— I warned myself. Why did—” His fist is raised like he wants to slam it down on an invisible table.


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