Angel Warrior: The Complete Series

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Angel Warrior: The Complete Series Page 1

by Immortal Angel


  Immortal Angel


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either a product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Angel Warrior:

  The Complete Series

  All rights reserved.

  Published by Fallen Press, Ltd.

  Copyright © 2016

  This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.


  Other works by Immortal Angel

  To Kiss A Warrior: An Alien Rogue Romance

  To Touch A Warrior: An Alien Rogue Romance

  To Protect A Warrior: An Alien Rogue Romance

  To Trust A Warrior: An Alien Rogue Romance

  To Love A Warrior: An Alien Rogue Romance

  For Lisa

  Friend. Writing Partner. Inspiration.

  Thank you.

  Here’s to many, many more collaborations.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  About the Author

  Preview of To Kiss A Warrior



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8



  "So, how is your day looking? Do you think I could meet you for lunch?" Doug’s voice comes through the door of the bathroom, and I can tell he's standing right outside.

  I close the door of the medicine cabinet and look at myself in the mirror. There is something wrong with Doug these days, but I can't put my finger on it. It should be okay for a guy I’m seeing occasionally to ask about my job, right? The only thing is, he never took an interest in it until about a month ago.

  And the last time he met me at my office he'd been a little too snoopy for my liking.

  "Uh, no." I try to sound reluctant. “I have to meet my boss for lunch today."

  I open the door and step out, and he puts his arms around me. It used to make me feel special, but now I just feel…worried. On the outside he’s the same man, green button-down shirt and black slacks, raven hair parted on the side. But now I look up into his piercing blue eyes and wonder what’s going on in his head.

  “That’s too bad, Gillian.” His familiar grin is missing its warmth. “Dinner tomorrow, then?”

  “Yeah, sounds great.” Maybe. I don’t think I’ll be seeing Doug again, but I’ll cancel by phone. It’s been a great few months, but I don’t have time to deal with his weirdness. My work comes first. Especially now. I’m pretty close to a breakthrough that could completely change my career forever.

  Better get to it, hadn’t I?



  Gillian works too hard. The errant thought startles me.

  I’ve never cared about what the person I’m protecting does before. But there’s something special about Gillian. Something that draws me to her in a way I can’t explain. Maybe it’s her passion for her work. Or maybe she’s just the hottest thing you’ve seen in a long, long time.

  Whatever it is, it makes being assigned to her rather difficult. And keeping my mind on my work is usually not a problem for me.

  She’s finally leaving her lab at 7:00 p.m. As she crosses the street to meet her roommate for coffee at their usual café, I’m struck again by how beautiful she is. Faded blue jeans and a T-shirt, eyes so blue they’re almost purple, shiny blond hair back in a ponytail. I wonder what it feels like to run my fingers through it. She’s natural. No makeup required. And she’s a scientist.

  Brains and beauty.

  Next to her, I’m a beast.

  My story is different. I skipped out on school, did my time in the service, and then built a security company and made a living protecting low-life scumbags from other low-life scumbags. Until I was shot point-blank by someone I’d trusted.

  How I became an angel when I died I’ll never know. I guess Michael just needed people who could fight. Because I sure as hell can fight.

  And I’ve got an instinct when one is coming up. Like right now. Something’s wrong, but I can’t put my finger on it. I knew when Michael assigned me to her that there might be trouble. But he wasn’t very specific on what that trouble might be. Hell. Maybe he doesn’t even know what it is.

  I jump off the rooftop, extending my wings to float down to the ground. It’s a busy downtown metropolitan day, but I’m not worried. Most humans can’t see me when I do miraculous things like extend my wings or fly. There is the occasional exception, but other humans tend to think they’re crazy. Most see me only when I make a real effort to show myself.

  I land in front of the coffee shop window, blocking the view of her from the street.

  A blinding pain slices through my side. My eyes search for the thrower as my hand closes around the hilt of the dagger.

  This is going to hurt.

  I grit my teeth as I pull it out, but a muffled “Fuck!” comes out anyway. That burns like hell. I never said I was a fucking hero. I just said I could fight.

  Another dagger comes flying, this time toward my chest. I block it with my wing. And my eyes have found the culprit.

  It’s a demon. None of the pedestrians react—to them he looks human. But I can see him for who he is. Demons are slightly larger than humans, with grayish skin, horns, and long, thin whiplike tails. Beware the tails. The daggers on the ends of those little bastards hurt.

  I raise my eyebrows in surprise, but don’t have time to wonder why the demons are here. Did I attract them, or is it the woman I’m protecting? The mystery deepens as two more appear out of nowhere.

  I throw up a shield of protection around the window where she sits, then turn back just as the first demon jumps from the roof of a bus and lands on me. I toss him into the air and he flies into the side of the bus. I backhand the other demon that comes from the opposite direction. Two well-placed kicks throw him into the windshield of a taxi, which spidercracks while the occupants inside scream incoherently.

  The third demon has reached me now. I grapple with him, throwing him into the shielded window. I punch him in the stomach with quick jabs, his head banging repeatedly against the glass. I peer inside the coffee shop over his shoulder briefly to make sure the shield is still

  Sure enough, Gillian notices nothing. Her roommate is making her laugh with his crazy facial expressions. So innocent.

  Unlike this demon.

  I finally get a stranglehold around his throat.

  “Why are you here?” I use my angelic voice, deep and powerful.

  He splutters and I realize he can’t speak. I loosen my fist. Slightly.

  “You don’t know?” He laughs. “The biggest news in the underworld and you boys upstairs know nothing. Typical.”

  I tighten my other fist. I really want to put it through his jaw. But then he won’t be able to talk at all. “Are you after me?”

  He shakes his head and his eyes burn with hatred. “Sometimes your arrogance astounds even me.”

  “Who are you after?”

  His eyes inadvertently roll toward Gillian. Then he snaps out of it. “I’m not telling you anything.” He gasps. “Giving us a fighting chance.”

  Then the body slumps and I realize he’s just a walk-in. The real owner of this corpse is gone.

  “Shit.” The body crumbles to dust at my feet. Long gone.

  I hear a scream and see that the first demon has awakened and is attacking a random woman on the sidewalk. My stomach lurches. If he bites the back of her neck by her spine, then he’ll be able to walk in to her. And that’s the last thing I need.

  They struggle and end up in the street. I look between my charge and the woman. It’s not my responsibility to protect every human on the street, but I know between the demon and the speeding cars, she doesn’t have a chance of walking away alive.

  “Shit!” Sometimes duty is a bitch. I force myself between them and use the dagger I pulled out of my abdomen to stab him through the heart. He crumbles to dust at my feet. The woman runs off.

  “You’re welcome,” I grumble.

  Just then, I hear Gillian’s voice. Spinning around, I’m shocked to find her on the sidewalk right behind me. I’ve never been this close to her before. The late evening sun breaks through in the space between two high-rise buildings, framing her face perfectly. An expression of fear comes over her and she outstretches her hand toward me. I notice the flecks of darker blue in her eyes for the very first time.

  For a moment, she glows.

  I haven’t had feelings this strong since before I died. I step toward her in a trance.


  I look to the left, and the last thing I see is the windshield of a bus.



  As I walk through the door of the coffee shop, my eyes are drawn to the right. The most beautiful man I’ve ever seen stands before me in the street, and I’m pulled toward him by a force I can’t explain. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a bus hurtling toward him. I throw up my hand to warn him and he takes a step toward me. But it’s too late. The bus hits him and throws him across the pavement.

  “Oh my God, Gillian, did you see that?” Keith shakes my shoulder, waving his other hand hysterically.

  My heart is in my throat as I race to his side, but I freeze when I reach him. His white shirt is drenched in blood. A crimson pool spreads beneath his body.

  Did I just watch a man die? We kneel down next to him. His deeply tanned skin is pale against his dark brown hair. I’m afraid to touch him, in case his skin is already growing cold. And for such a large and imposing man, he looks surprisingly peaceful.

  Death reduces us all to just humans.

  Keith touches his shoulders. “Can you hear me?” My friend looks up at me, all color drained from his face. “What should we do? Mouth-to-mouth?”

  At any other time, his suggestion would be funny. There’s nothing Keith would like better than to have an excuse to put his lips on the gorgeous man.

  But there’s no amusement in his words now. Just hopelessness.

  I hesitantly reach down and check for a pulse. For a minute I don’t feel it. Tears gather in the corners of my eyes. But then, I detect it. It’s slow, but steady. “He’s alive.” I put my fingers in front of his mouth. “And he’s breathing.”

  “Do you think he’s going to make it?” Keith asks solemnly, placing a hand on his chest.

  “God, I hope so.” I bite my lip, slowly coming out of my shock. “We should call 9-1-1.”

  “I’ve already done that,” an assertive man in a business suit steps forward.

  For the first time, I notice there’s quite a crowd building around us.

  Keith blinks several times and stands. I can see the resolve coming over his face. With me he’s often a jokester to a fault, but his day job as a lab tech means he has a more serious side.

  “All right. Step aside, people. Step aside.” Keith puts his arms out, blocking them from coming closer.

  “I didn’t even see him,” an overweight man in a faded gray uniform says, his expression distraught. “He stepped right in front of me.”

  Keith puts an arm around him and steers him back into the rest of the crowd.

  With my friend focusing on the bus driver and the crowd, I look back at the injured man before me. My hand reaches out to brush a curl of dark brown hair out of his eyes before I even know what I’m doing.

  The man opens his eyes. They are clear, green, and deep. I can almost feel them pulling me in. I realize my hands are on his chest. I shake my head and physically pull myself back. But when I do, it feels like something’s pulling me back toward him. I wish I could touch him again. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes.” He speaks with a deep, husky voice. He tries to push me away and sit up.

  “Whoa.” I push back, trying to keep him flat on his back, gesturing to his bleeding torso. “You just got hit by a bus. An ambulance is on the way.”

  “I’m fine,” he insists. He scans the tops of the buildings along both sides of the street.

  I follow his gaze, not sure what he’s looking for. When his green eyes come back to me, I realize I’m having trouble keeping my focus on his injuries. “You can’t be. No one could be. You’re in shock,” I insist, but he brushes my hands away.

  “I don’t need a doctor.” He rises gracefully from the pavement, showing no sign he was mowed down by a bus just moments before except for his bloody shirt.

  Keith joins me at his side, dwarfed by the massive stranger. ”Are you sure? You should come home with us, at the very least. Just to be on the safe side.”

  Just then two police officers arrive, hurrying down the sidewalk toward us. “Ambulance is on the way,” one of the men says to me. The other one puts out cones to block traffic.

  “I’m fine,” the stranger says again.

  “Just have a seat, sir.” The policeman points to the bus stop bench right behind us. “Help is just a few minutes away.”

  I hold my breath, hoping the stubborn man will do as he’s told. It wasn’t as if he stubbed his toe. This was serious.

  Behind us, someone cries out. I turn to see the bus driver clutching his chest. His eyes go blank, and he collapses to the ground. The police officer in front of us races over.

  I look back at the bleeding stranger. To my annoyance, he turns and strides off down the sidewalk. I look between him and the man who’s currently receiving CPR from the police officer. They really couldn’t just let this guy run off to die farther down the street, could they?

  “We need to help him.”

  Keith nods beside me. “I’m on it.”

  I start after the injured man. “Excuse me!”

  Keith runs past me, his loud voice silencing my own. “Sir! Sir! At least come home with us, just to be on the safe side.”

  The man pauses midstride and turns around.

  I catch up to them, and his green-eyed gaze turns to me. I catch my breath. In that instant, I know he’s going to say yes. The force between us is too strong.

  Keith looks from me to him. “I’m sure it’d make her feel a lot better to know you’re okay. You did give us quite a scare, after all.”

  He is silent for a long moment. “All



  I can’t believe I was run over by a bus. If any of the other guys saw me, I’ll never hear the end of it. But it’s worked out to my advantage.

  I’m going home with her.

  Sometimes fate is like that.

  Gillian is walking in front of me, her long, blond ponytail swinging around every time she looks back to see that I’m still here. I’m still here, baby. I can guarantee I’m following those hips all the way home.

  Why do I want her so much?

  I haven’t really thought about women too much since being turned thirty three years ago. I’ve been too busy fighting. But I’m thinking about one woman right now. There’s something special about Gillian. A kind of sparkle. And her ass looks great in jeans.

  They are leading me back to their apartment, whispering to each other, completely unaware of my superior hearing.

  “Why did you suggest he come home with us? Are you crazy?”

  “Because I saw him before he got hit by the bus. He was looking right at you with a lovestruck expression. It was so obvious.”

  She glances furtively over her shoulder again. “I think there must have been something more in your coffee than what I got. There’s no way that guy was looking at me.”

  “Girl, you don’t know your own beauty. I’m telling you, you are a stunner.”

  I agree. You are definitely a stunner.

  “I’m more worried about his injuries than any look he gave me right about now.”

  Her friend glances back at me. “So, we’ll make sure he’s okay first. But then, just imagine the romantic story you’ll have to tell your tall, gorgeous kids!”

  She rubs her face. “You’re crazy. You really are, you know that?”

  He bumps her shoulder. “Sometimes you find love, girl. But sometimes love finds you. Trust me on that one.”


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