The Ghost, The Dragon, and The Lost King (Fated Chronicles Book 4)

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The Ghost, The Dragon, and The Lost King (Fated Chronicles Book 4) Page 23

by Humphrey Quinn

  “He did offer,” Juliska finally got out. “I did turn him down, however… a thing happened and I almost killed someone, by feeding, so I let him do it. He told me the process took a little time to fully take, that it might be weeks before I was changed. I never really felt anything, but at this point, I’m assuming it’s done.”

  “Then I will leave you with this warning, Juliska. Do not tell anyone that you’re pregnant. If you trust Eddy, then by all means this does not include him as he is the father, but no one else can know. Ever.”

  “But, they’re going to find out. I can’t hide it forever.”

  “You let me work on that part. I think I can come up with something to hide the fact that you’re pregnant to others.”

  “But why? If you’ve successfully lived among the Svoda and never fed, and never been found out, and now I’m immortal so I won’t ever accidentally feed on or endanger anyone… why do I need to hide it?”

  “Because of the prophecy,” Tanzea stated ominously. “The one regarding the three immortal children.”

  Juliska searched her memory banks for the information. She recalled a lot of prophecies that had been made and recorded long ago, and this one sounded familiar but she could not recall the details. Tanzea explained.

  “It is prophesized that there will be born into this world, three immortal children. Who are destined to bring balance into the world of magic… tell me, do you know when you conceived this child?”

  “Um… I can’t be sure about that.”

  “Let’s do a more in depth examination and see if we can determine this.”

  “Why does it matter?”

  “Because there’s no real way to ascertain if your child is truly immortal or not, unless we know when you conceived and when your immortality kicked in.”

  “Fazendiin said the timing wasn’t exact. It took some of the Grosvenor days, some weeks…” panic stole her breaths. “So… let’s pretend for a minute I was immortal already when this child was conceived, this makes the child immortal as well?”

  “Yes. But a true immortal. Unlike you or Fazendiin. The child would be born immortal, not created into it. So this would make the child very powerful. Unique…”

  “Wanted and feared,” finished Juliska. “What have I done? I didn’t even think about any of this. Eddy and I wanted to start a family… it wasn’t supposed to be like this.” She placed her hand over her stomach protectively.

  “The truth is, Juliska, we can do a more in depth exam and narrow something down, but there’s no way to guarantee one way or the other. Your child has a fifty/fifty chance of being immortal.”

  “And once my child is born, will I know then? Is there some test that can be done?”

  Tanzea grimaced. “There is only one way to test the immortality of a living person.”

  “Okay, name it, I’ll do whatever I have to.”

  The woman shook her head. “This is why you must keep it secret. The only test is to kill the child and see if they come back to life.”

  Juliska lost all color in her face.

  “They would do this?” she sputtered. “To a helpless baby?”

  “I cannot answer that for certain, but if someone wanted to stop, or control the prophecy...” She shrugged. “Our people can be cruel. Svoda or Grosvenor. Magicals of any kind. Humans… we are a vicious species when there’s something we want. Or fear.”

  “And everyone will want or fear my child.”

  Juliska didn’t know what to do. She got up and paced nervously. Maybe she should tell Eddy and they could leave. Go find some quiet place to live… and what? Hide the rest of their lives… and Eddy! This was going to kill him. His child would be immortal, like her.

  “Juliska. Calm yourself. I only tell you these things to make you aware and cautious. If you tell no one, we can work out a way to get through this. Safely. Easily. And all live happily ever after…”

  “Oh, Tanzea, do you really, honestly believe that?”

  “I do. Now, go home, tell your fiancé the good news. Be happy. Plan your wedding. Give me a few weeks to come up with some solutions. You won’t start showing right away. You can probably hide it through the first four months without magic, if necessary. But I’ll find a safe way to hide it.”

  Juliska didn’t know what to say, other than, “Thank you. I don’t even know how to thank you.”

  “Not needed. I was raised Svoda, like you. But I’m proud of our vampyre heritage too, even though I chose not to feed, and age naturally.”

  “You did what I could not. I fed. Far too easily.”

  “It happens. It could still happen to me. Don’t worry about the things you can’t control. You deserve happiness, just like everyone else.”

  Juliska took a cleansing breath before leaving.

  She decided she’d hold off telling Eddy, just for a couple weeks, until she could plan it just right, and get all the information she could on what having an immortal child really meant. Other than living with the fear that many in the magical world would want her child.

  After she departed, Tanzea stepped over to the drape covered mirror and took it off. Fazendiin’s silhouette was waiting.

  “Hear all that?” Tanzea asked him.

  “Yes. Splendid indeed. You do talk a tall tale.”

  “When needed,” Tanzea smiled wryly. “I don’t think the real version of my story would have swayed her so easily to believe I was her ally.”

  “That I planted you with the Svoda all those many years ago… yes, I agree. Not so convincing,” he laughed.

  “Don’t worry. It’s all falling into place. She’s properly frightened. I’ll give it a couple weeks and give her the masking potion to hide the pregnancy. But first, we have a wedding day to ruin. And I think I have come up with a most devious plan. One sure to shatter her heart into little pieces. It will leave her jaded, pissed off, and she will never fall in love again.”

  “Do tell,” said Fazendiin, intrigued. When Tanzea finished, he agreed with great enthusiasm. “Brilliant. Perfectly brilliant! It breaks them apart and furthers our plans all at once. I love it.”

  “I knew you would, Master.”

  “I’ll leave you to it then.” He dematerialized while Tanzea Chase began working on another special potion.

  Three months pregnant, and she still had not worked up the courage to tell Eddy. They were just days from getting married. And her clothes were getting a little tight around the stomach.

  Tanzea had paid her a visit. PanSofia was officially retiring and Juliska was about to take over. They’d been having a small celebration in her honor and Tanzea had taken her aside and handed her a small bottle.

  “Take this once every seven days. Taken on time, no one will look at you and see that you’re pregnant. Except, those you actually tell. So I’m assuming that’s Eddy and myself. And don’t worry, perfectly harmless to the baby.”

  Juliska nodded, keeping it to herself that she had not told Eddy yet. She did inform Tanzea she had not talked to Eddy about her though. She didn’t want Tanzea to feel threatened in any way. The woman laughed.

  “It takes a lot to make me feel threatened. But I understand your choice. It’s entirely up to you.” With that, she left and let Juliska get back to the party. There was a much larger celebration planned, where all Svoda across the island would pay their respects to the retiree. But for today it was just those she had worked with closely for so many years.

  Almost an equal amount of people came up to congratulate Juliska on her upcoming nuptials and new position, as they did PanSofia on retiring.

  It made her a little uncomfortable as this was supposed to be her mentor’s day, not hers. But she remained kind about it and thanked them, making sure they knew they were invited to the wedding. It was a popular topic of conversation around the entire island, and pretty near the entire population was expected to attend.

  The Jackal Lantern had even done a special edition covering the details of the event. The Banon was so
thrilled over the island’s response; he had personally assisted her mother in setting up the reception after.

  Juliska knew it had taken some of the pressure off the Amelia situation. People were distracted.

  She let out a sigh of relief when the party ended and she was free to leave. Before she could though, her mentor caught up to her.

  “Juliska,” she called out sharply.

  “Yes,” she answered. She turned and looked at her soon to be ex mentor. She in turn, was gazing Juliska up and down, like she was looking for something.

  “Are you well?”

  “Yes, just fine, thank you. Nervous about the wedding a bit, I guess,” she added, hoping it would disguise any sudden panic.

  “Yes. That must be it. I just sensed something… off. Wanted to make sure you were all right.”

  “Yes, thank you. I am a little nervous, but I am… happy. Excited. Ready.”

  PanSofia nodded, smiled, and bade her a goodbye.

  There was something cold behind it though. Uncharacteristic of her mentor.

  Juliska got out of the building before anyone else could stop her.

  “Too close. That just felt too close.” She needed to go home right this minute and tell Eddy. He had a right to know what was going on and what she was dealing with. Plus, she wanted him to know he was going to be a father; she was just afraid of his reaction now that she was immortal. And he was not. They had wanted children, but had not openly discussed it since she’d told him everything after getting home.

  Telling him was much harder than she thought. He could tell something was up, but let her work her way to it. It didn’t happen until later that night, when they were about to head to bed and she just blurted it out.

  “I’m pregnant, Eddy.”

  He stopped on the stair, turned and stepped back down.


  “I’m pregnant.”

  His eyes grazed down to her belly and then back up to her face. She saw it all in his eyes, the understanding of what she was saying. And his initial response… thrilled. But mixed with many questions…

  “I’m going to be a father…” he whispered breathlessly.

  She nodded apprehensively.

  He sank to his knees giving her a start, and kissed her belly gently. He looked up her, seeing the relief in her eyes. Always so afraid her heart will get broken… how will I ever prove to her how much I love her? And make her finally believe.

  “Just inside here is life. Life we created…” he shook his head in disbelief. “I didn’t think it was possible to be any happier in this life than knowing I’m going to marry you in a few days…” he leaned in and kissed her belly again. “Welcome into the world little one.” He looked back up. “Do you think it’s a boy or girl?”

  Juliska let out a short laugh. “I have no idea.”

  He stood back up and embraced her. “If you think I’ve been pampering you these last few months, it’s nothing compared to what’s coming. Is it possible to fall in love with someone all over again?”

  “Yeah, I think it is.”

  Eddy never ceased to surprise and amaze her.

  “Are you happy?” he asked her.

  “Yes. But worried too. I have so many questions.”

  “Me too. But for tonight, let’s not worry about any of those. Let’s just be happy in the moment. In fact, let’s not worry about it until after the wedding.”

  She nodded. It sounded like a good plan. A perfect plan.

  And it was such a weight lifted to tell him. She laughed at herself for doubting. Eddy was the one person she could trust above anyone else. And yet she continually doubted him. Juliska hoped to put all of that behind her, for good. She’d never had anyone in her life she trusted more.

  She truly was the luckiest woman alive.


  Juliska paced nervously. Not about getting married. Not about having a baby on the way… she wasn’t sure what was bothering her. Just something she could not explain, tearing up at her insides like some harbinger of doom.

  She was about to face nearly the entire population of the Svoda… she prayed the tonic provided by Tanzea would work and no one would see the little pooch starting to form on her stomach. Her dress was form fitting. Lacy. But a little tighter around the waist than when she’d bought it even a month ago.

  Her mother did her hair. She was looking a little better. Healthier. Still stressed over Amelia, a daughter living close by, but whom she had not seen in months. But for today Adeline Cobb was all smiles and happiness.

  Juliska was dying to tell her she was pregnant, but held back.

  This was going to get complicated.

  But like Eddy said, they’d worry about it after the wedding.

  Which was about to begin. A wave of nervous flutters rippled through her.

  The procession was about to begin. It was still dark outside, early morning, but she’d wanted the traditional wedding. It was a beautiful sight to behold and today, it was all for her and Eddy. He should be heading toward the cliff any time now, too. And in a few minutes she would get into a carriage and meet him.

  When the time came and she stepped outside, it took her breath away. The town had really decked out. The carriage was lit up with beautiful white lights. The road lined with lanterns to light the way. She was assisted into the carriage and it pulled away, coming to a stop about ten minutes later at the bottom of a hill. The streets were lined with excited onlookers, waving ecstatically as she rolled by. She imagined this was what being a queen felt like.

  She didn’t understand why everyone cared about her wedding so much. Eddy had claimed it was because they needed the excitement, and were thrilled she was home. And that people just loved her, and he understood why. She was easy to love. Whatever the reasons, it filled her heart with more joy than she ever thought possible.

  She was assisted out of the carriage and taken to the path in which she would walk alone to meet Eddy. He was coming from a different path and they’d meet together at the top, and get married just as the sun rose.

  A sign of a new day, of starting out a new life, together.

  Her path was lined with candles and lanterns and people tossing flowers gently after her. All reaching out to congratulate her as she stepped toward her future. Again, she chastised herself for being so worked up over this. These people loved her, and Eddy. This was her extended family.

  Surely, she was safe here, amongst them.

  These people would never hurt an innocent child.

  She chose to let the sunrise carry away her doubts. As long as she and Eddy were together, their child would be safe. Neither of them would see it come to harm.

  There were many faces she recognized, many she knew. Her siblings. Minus Amelia, of course. She was keeping a low profile.

  Even Kanda Macawi had visited, although looking at the grin on Arnon’s face, there might have been other intentions for her visit than just the wedding. Still, it was a nice gesture and filled Juliska with warmth.

  She reached the top. The Banon waited, wearing a bright grin. He would marry her and Eddy.

  He embraced her and looked to the path on the other side. It never quite worked out to be perfect timing, no matter how hard they tried. So they chuckled and waited to see Eddy’s frame appear.

  And waited.

  And waited.

  And waited…

  The Banon tossed Juliska a concerned glance. She sent him back the tiniest shrug.

  Everyone was looking now. Waiting. Wondering.

  Footsteps came up the path and Juliska let out a sigh of relief.

  It didn’t last though as it wasn’t Eddy, but a young man in his place.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. But the groom never showed up. His carriage never arrived.”

  “What?” Juliska dropped the bouquet of flowers in her hands, trembling. “Something has to be wrong.” Dread resurfaced. All joy drowned. The Banon reached out to steady her, Adeline came
forward and embraced her daughter.

  “We’ll get to the bottom of it,” the Banon assured her. He snapped his fingers and a few of the Balaton in attendance popped out to see if they could figure out what had befallen Eddy or his carriage.

  “Please take me to my house,” Juliska was suddenly asking anyone who was listening. “I need to see if he’s there.”

  Her mother was too weak to take her, so Kanda and Arnon stepped up and assisted her back down the hillside. By the time she was down, the news had already spread of what had happened. Everyone was worried. And set off to help in the search.

  Not one person questioned that maybe he’d changed his mind; they’d seen the couple together and it was easy to see how in love they were. They’d watched Eddy after Juliska had been taken by the Grosvenor, and seen how much he cared for her.

  It sent everyone into a panic. What had befallen C. Edward Gillivray… it would have to be something catastrophic to keep him away from his own wedding.

  Kanda got into the carriage with Juliska, and Arnon hopped up and took the driver’s place. The moved forward with a lurch.

  “I’m sure he’s fine,” Kanda lied poorly.

  Juliska shook her head, feeling sick. “We know he can’t be. He wouldn’t miss this. He wouldn’t do this to me.” Her breaths came out short.

  Kanda grasped her hand. “We’ll find him.”

  Juliska despised herself for not listening to her instincts. She was intuitive. Why hadn’t she listened to her gut? All morning it was telling her something was wrong. And it was…

  They got to her home and Juliska whimpered. The carriage had never even left the house. The driver was still there, waiting.

  Arnon jumped down and questioned him. “Have you seen the groom this morning?”

  “No. I sent word of that a little bit ago. Been knocking and knocking but there’s no answer.”

  Juliska was already running inside, Kanda right behind her. She flung open the door hollering for him. There was no answer. They checked the downstairs and basement but he was not in the house. They ran up to the bedroom… Juliska froze solid.


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