A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas Page 2

by Tiffany Carby

  The bus took off on time and I was so happy and wanted to puke all at the same time. I had about six hours before the stop in Atlanta. I calmed myself down and decided to try and sleep, not knowing where my final destination would be for the evening.

  I knew based on the time when we arrived in Atlanta, that he'd soon realize I was gone. Vinny would call my cell phone and of course, I wouldn't answer. He'd discover on what I referred to as the “stalker app” that it was left at the house, still plugged up on the nightstand. My note would hopefully lead him to the grocery store where my car would be parked and I would appear to be inside. Then he'd panic and start looking for me. I felt bad for the interrogation my parents would receive from Vinny, him knowing that they'd try to hide me, but they wouldn't have any idea where I was. Plausible deniability. As much I as I hated to do this to them, I needed to disappear.

  I grabbed a sandwich and drink in Atlanta and took it back on the bus with me. I also grabbed a disposable cell phone from a merchant. Not that I had anyone to call, I just felt naked not having a phone. And I wanted to look as normal as possible.

  In the bathroom at the Atlanta stop, I took off the wig and threw my hair up on top of my head, replacing it with a baseball cap. My head was sweaty and itchy, and I couldn’t risk taking it off where anyone could see me. My seat was still open when I re-boarded the bus and I sat my bag in the seat next to me. Just a few more hours and I’d be in Lexington and I’d have to figure out my next move. I thought about getting a cheap hotel room there before going somewhere else. I needed to see the schedule before deciding.

  The bus driver made up some time and we actually arrived in Lexington earlier than expected. It was still late, nearly 9 p.m. and I had no idea what to do next. After a visit to the ladies room, I sat on a bench near the departures board so I could pursue my next plan.

  A young gentleman, who I assumed was college age, sat on the bench next to me.

  I caught him looking at my hat and then he giggled.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Florida Gators, eh?” he pointed to my ball cap.

  “Yep, I went to the University of Florida, why?” I was curious now.

  “Honey, do you realize you’re in Wildcat country? As in Kentucky Wildcat country?” He said and waited for it to click.

  “Oh dear, no that hadn’t even crossed my mind, I’m just passing through.” He had brought to my attention that Florida and Kentucky were rivals when it came to most sporting events, especially college basketball.

  “So where you headin’ then?” He asked.

  “Not sure, decided to get away,” I said trying to get him to stop talking to me.

  “I like an impromptu vacation just as well as the next fella, but I usually have a place in mind when I go,” he smiled.

  “I’m relocating, really. Not a vacation. Left an ex-boyfriend and needed to start fresh,” I told him, not sure why I was actually telling him the truth.

  “Oh, well I hate to hear you left on bad terms, but I wish you the best. Anything I can help you with while you’re passing through?”

  I hated to impose on him, but he was so friendly.

  “I’m actually looking to find a place a bit off the grid, small town maybe, just somewhere I can hide for a while,” I told him and he smiled.

  “I’m from a small town, ‘bout a half hour from here give or take, it’s called Spring City. You want to check it out?”

  “How would I get there, is there a bus?” I said, looking back at the Departures board.

  “I'm headed home just as soon as my sister's bus arrives. She's home from college herself for Easter weekend,” he said. “You're welcome to ride along with us, there's no bus that goes there.” He laughed

  I was not expecting to take off with a stranger. But then it occurred to me that was completely unpredictable. Even if Vinny could trace me here, he’d never go looking in a small town in Kentucky without a lead, and nobody was even here to see us talking.

  “Oh I certainly don't want to impose, but if you wouldn't mind, I'm up for seeing your little town! That is if they have a hotel or somewhere I can stay for the night when we get there,” I said.

  “Actually we do, my mom is the general manager at a place in town called the Verboden Mansion. It’s swanky, but they rarely fill all their rooms, so I’m sure she could find a place for you.”

  “I’d like to take you up on your offer…” I hesitated.

  “No problem at all, but I didn’t catch your name. I’m Finn Armstrong,” he said and reached out his hand to shake mine.

  “Of course, it’s Vale… Vale Phoenix,” I said looking at the departure sign behind Finn that was scrolling trips to Phoenix. I just couldn’t risk giving my real name.


  Finn's sister Fiona was gorgeous. She went to a private school in New York and didn't want to take a car, so she traveled through the bus system whenever she wanted to visit home. I enjoyed her company on the ride to Spring City. Lexington was a nice place to see too, very different from the cities where I had lived in Florida, but nevertheless busy and full of all the things a city needs.

  Spring City, however, was just as Finn described: a small town.

  He had called his mother and arranged for me to have a room at the Mansion he mentioned that she worked at. And it sounded like she’d be letting me stay for free, which I certainly appreciated and would happily take her up on.

  In five minutes, I think we drove through the entire town from one end to the other. And signs for Griffin Gas Stations were lit up and appeared to be the only things open so late at night, which I wasn’t used to at all. I was used to everything being open 24 hours.

  A happy mother greeted her two children as we entered the front doors of the Verboden Mansion. What once was a huge home had been turned into a bed and breakfast establishment. When we walked in, I immediately turned to find a grand ballroom and a vast open space.

  “Mom, this is Vale, Vale this is my Mom, Mrs. Armstrong,” Finn said and I shook her hand.

  “You can call me Blair, sweetheart,” she said and told me she'd show me to my room.

  I waved goodbye to Finn and thanked him as I followed his mother up the stairs. We had exchanged phone numbers earlier and he told me to call him when I needed some help finding things around town.

  “Finn said you’re relocating?” Blair asked me.

  “Yes ma’am, I am looking for a change of scenery,” I said, unsure what Finn had told her when he called ahead to tell her I was coming.

  She unlocked the door for me and handed me the key asking if I needed anything else.

  “I’d love to have you stay more than one night, but being as how it’s Easter weekend, we’re booked solid tomorrow night through the end of the weekend.”

  “I certainly appreciate your hospitality, ma’am, but I won’t trouble you more than one night,” I told her and hoped I’d be able to figure out my next steps soon.

  “And honey,” she said in a panic, “Where’s your luggage?”

  I had to think on my feet. “It's actually lost... no worries though, hopefully, it'll turn up tomorrow,” I lied again.

  “Oh that’s just awful,” she said, “I’m heading back downstairs and will be leaving for the night, but I’ll send up some toiletries for you to have at least.”

  I thanked Blair, realizing I should have at least packed a toothbrush in my purse and hadn't thought that through all the way in my grand plan. In my head, I was planning to stop at a department store when I got to a stopping point and would get a few necessities, and that plan changed mid-stream. Just as she promised, there was a knock on the door and a bellhop holding a basket full of items for me.

  I thanked him and took the basket back inside to find pretty much anything I could need for the next couple of nights. She sent up a toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, several small bottles of shampoo and conditioner, a bottle of fabric refresher which I was super excited about using, a sewing kit (not that I needed
one), snacks, drinks and all sorts of other things. There also was a small t-shirt from the Spring City Christmas parade and a note.

  Breakfast is at 8 a.m., come hungry, it’s on me. Use as little or as much of this stuff as you want! Check out tomorrow is at 11 a.m. Sleep tight! -Blair

  * * *

  I opened up the bath salts and decided to take a soak then hit the sack. I’d had a busy day trying to figure out what the heck I was going to do with my life when I woke up. When I went into the bathroom, I almost dropped the basket when I turned on the light and saw the grandest claw foot tub. This place was better than anything I could have ever dreamed.

  I might just want to stay in this town forever.


  I was certainly thankful Blair was able to get me a room and even more so the next morning when I enjoyed a most delicious breakfast. The night before I laid out all of my clothes to air out and sprayed them with fabric refresher. The t-shirt she sent up was perfect to sleep in and I packed up everything she sent me and took it with me in my trusty canvas bag. I emptied out all of my personal belongings that were tied to Vinny and put them in my old purse. I planned to drop that in the bottom of a dumpster when I got the opportunity.

  It was early April and everything was decorated beautifully for Easter. I left a note for Blair at the front desk and told them I was done in my room whenever they needed to clean it for the next guest. Out onto the streets of Spring City I went. The unnerving feeling was still there, hiding behind my excitement of a new life, just knowing that Vinny knew I was gone.

  There’s no way he’d find me here. Spring City took the term needle in a haystack and multiplied it by a million.

  I was safe and I could take a breath.

  I read all the literature in the hotel room about the town and learned where businesses and things were located throughout town. The first thing I was going to have to do was to find a place to stay. It appeared the Verboden Mansion was only one of two places in Spring City to rent a room. The other establishment was a motel on the other side of town. I didn’t get a look at the other place when we were driving through the night before. I had all day to make my way over there.

  It was Good Friday and a lot of businesses that I passed on my walk through town had signs that they were closing early today. I grabbed a copy of The Spring Times when I walked by a newsstand. What a clever newspaper name.

  I tucked the paper in my bag and decided to go to the local coffee shop to sit and search for job options and lodging. I’m also hoped someone there might have some advice for me. The sky was overcast and it definitely looked like rain was in the forecast.

  The Wishing Well was the name of the town’s coffee shop. A sign inside said they were famous for their “wells” of drink; apparently, many of their beverages were refillable. I could get on board with that. I ordered one of those refillable beverages and took a seat in a comfortable looking chair near the corner of the room.

  I was skimming the small classifieds section of the paper when a gentleman approached. I was looking down, of course, and noticed his black shoes stood in front of me for a few seconds before I looked up to his face.

  He locked eyes with me and said, “Hello.”

  This tall, dark and handsome was waiting for my response and I was a bit mesmerized by him.

  “Hi,” I said.

  “That’s my usual seat, but I’m happy to let you sit there today,” he said and sat in the chair beside mine.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize,” I said, not understanding if this was a small town thing or what?

  “No worries, I just won’t let you get away with it tomorrow,” he said, sliding his shades down the bridge of his nose and winking at me. He put his sunglasses back on and sat down with his coffee. I immediately wished he hadn’t because I wanted to stare into those blue eyes again. And after a couple minutes of continuing to stare at him, he noticed.

  The stranger didn’t look up from his tablet; instead, he spoke directly at it as if he were talking to someone on the screen.

  “Is it my Ray Bans?” he asked quietly.

  “Is what?” I responded.

  “Are my sunglasses sexy or something? ‘Cause you haven’t taken your eyes off of them since I sat down...”

  “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry I was staring,” I was mortified. “I zoned out for a second and didn’t realize.”

  I started to get up and leave, not that I had anywhere to go, but I suddenly needed to hide.

  “Oh, don’t leave on my account, I never mind a pretty girl staring at me,” he said and sat his sunglasses on top of his head, “Especially when I haven’t even had the chance to ask her name.”

  I scooted back in the chair committing to this conversation he offered and not sure what to do or say next.

  “What brings you to Spring City?” he inquired. The dreaded question I knew would be asked of me and I still hadn’t had a chance to come up with a good response.

  “Just looking for a change of scenery, I suppose.”

  “Am I a change of scenery?” he asked and I would have thought he had just whooshed a magic wand and cast a spell on me. The attraction was unlike anything I had ever felt with another person before. Magnetic even. Everything with this guy was in slow motion. The way he licked his lips and slowly blinked at me. The way he crossed his legs and let his arm sit on his thigh. This beautiful man was either a drug I needed in my life or one I needed to stay far, far away from. And the last thing I needed was another drug lord.

  “You certainly are a change of scenery…” I said, barely able to speak the words.

  “You too,” he said and a half smile crept up one cheek. I managed to take a big gulp of hot coffee, which certainly woke me up as it burned my throat.

  I gasped and grabbed my neck as if that would actually do any good.

  He leaped to my rescue, as if he could actually do anything either, and brushed my hair away from my neck exposing the skin below my ear.

  A sudden urge rushed over me and I wanted his mouth on mine. I wanted him to nip that exposed area of skin on my neck. I wanted everything about this man. What was he doing to me?

  “You okay?” He reminded me we were talking like normal humans do, not like a sex-crazed bunny about to pounce him.

  “Yep, it was hotter than I thought. I'm good though. Thanks,” I said sitting back again and putting my hot coffee on the table. I was gripping the newspaper like a vice grip and he noticed that too.

  “So, classifieds?” He asked. “Job? Apartment? Or car?”

  “Hmm, I guess the immediate need is a place to stay,” I told him and mentioned Finn and Blair taking care of me last night, but that the mansion was booked solid through Easter weekend. “Any chance you might point me toward another lodging option?”

  “There's another motel on the outskirts of town, but I wouldn't recommend it,” he said and got up to go over to the bulletin board with several announcements posted.

  “This fellow comes in here once in a while and he seems pretty trustworthy,” he told me and handed me the index card that had been posted on the cork board. The handwriting was a mess; I couldn’t believe I could actually make it out.

  It read:

  Looking for a housemate to share a home that is too big for one person. Fully furnished. Plenty of room. Will split monthly costs evenly.

  Call with questions. Julian Knight, 502-555-0452

  “Oh thanks, sounds like it might be exactly what I need,” I told him that I'd give Julian a call and sat back down in his corner chair pulling out my cell phone.

  I dialed the number and oddly enough my handsome gentleman's phone also rang. He didn't excuse himself though, he just answered his phone sitting right there beside me. The line picked up and in stereo, I heard, “Julian Knight speaking.”

  I just stared at him again. Boy did I feel like a goober.

  He looked over at me as if he was awaiting my response to come through over the phone line.

“Hello, anyone there?” He teased. So I decided to play along.

  “Yes, I'm calling about an advertisement I saw looking for a roommate?”

  “Oh, you mean a housemate? Not a roommate. I'm not looking for anyone to share my bedroom. Just the other rooms in my home.”

  “Uh yes, I guess that's what I meant. Can I get some more details?” I asked and he hung up the phone. Julian reached over and held his hand out offering it to me. The only sensible thing to do was to take it, which I did and he led me outside to his slick, black Audi which I did not object to getting in. I really had lost my mind in Spring City.

  “I'm not going to take you somewhere and kill you if you're concerned about that,” he said as he put the car in gear.

  “Well I wasn’t concerned until you mentioned it, but now maybe I am a little bit,” I confessed. “It’s probably not a good idea to get in a car with strangers.” It seemed as if my instincts and apparently my morals flew out the window faster than he was driving.

  “True, this is good advice,” he said and I couldn't help but notice how he carried himself. He drove the car like it was an extension of him, so smooth and collected.

  Given the small town, we were at his place in minutes and he pulled all the way up into the driveway. His house sat in between a set of condominiums and an open field. He put the car in park and came around to open my door. He really was a gentleman. I should have been more concerned. This was how horror movies started. But for some reason, I felt protected in the small town of Spring City.

  The Colonial style home had been well-cared for over the years. I could tell someone had put a lot of work into its upkeep. The inside was exactly as I expected, very clean and tastefully decorated. It didn’t feel like a bachelor pad either, which was great.

  Julian took me around the house, showing me the rooms. He reiterated that he was looking for a housemate who would share the bills and the living space, but not actually share much at all. Julian occupied the second floor, which he didn’t even care to show me, and explained that if I took him up on his offer, I’d occupy the downstairs. He had fixed a key lock on the bedroom door for privacy and said I could do whatever I pleased with the rest of the first floor, including the kitchen, dining room, living room and a separate guest room which currently looked like an office.


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