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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

Page 33

by Tiffany Carby

  A cup in each hand, Selene wandered back towards the bedroom, halting in the doorway. At the sight of Kyler lying semi-naked in the bed, it was tempting to toss the cups aside and do things to this sexy man she’d only dared to try in her dreams.

  When she caught his eye, she cocked her head towards the front door. “Let’s sit out there.”

  The beach lay deserted. In a week, or two, families on school holidays would descend, but for now, they had it to themselves. The morning breeze off the water made her shiver. She set the cups on the table and snagged a blanket from the couch, wrapping it around her shoulders.

  “If you’re cold, I can help with that.” Still bare-chested, Kyler lounged, indifferent to the cooler weather. Though he was only teasing, the urge to climb into his lap tempted her. Selene missed the contentment being in his arms brought her, but first they needed to talk. He’d apologised for shutting her out, and she understood better than most how hard letting others in was. Not that it hadn’t hurt, but she’d forgiven him for that. Now they needed to figure out if it was possible to move forward from here.

  Selene settled at the other end of the couch, warming her hands as she sipped on her coffee. On impulse, she wiggled her toes beneath Kyler’s thigh, shrugging as he cocked an eyebrow. “What? You offered, and my toes are cold.” The smile he rewarded her, warmed her more than the blanket and coffee combined.

  Selene’s cup was empty before she gathered the courage to speak. “I don’t think I said last night how sorry I was for what happened.”

  His hand reached out and stroked her leg. “Thank you.”

  The back of her calf tingled as his fingers continued to play. “So, one-oh-five, huh? You scrub up all right for an old bloke.”

  He shot her a playful look. “Age is merely a number.”

  “So, besides living longer, what else haven’t you shared?”

  This time he laughed. “More than you ever thought possible.”

  “Such as?”

  His face got serious. “Sweetheart, once we start on this path, you understand there’s no going back?”

  “I do, but do you and I stand a chance if I don’t?”

  Kyler sighed, shaking his head. “Probably not.”

  The honesty of his words poked at her insecurities. “You don’t think I can handle it.”


  He moved to reach for her then stopped. “Given time, I have no doubt you can handle anything. I’ve taken things slowly with you, too slow perhaps. Maybe that was selfish of me. I didn’t want a reason for you to leave me, but that’s not fair to either of us. To become a part of my world means letting go of everything you thought you knew. It’s not a fairytale. As beautiful as the world of magick can be, it’s also dangerous, there’s no point pretending otherwise. It’s an all-or-nothing situation, one subject to a lifetime of keeping secrets, and of sacrificing to keep those secrets. It’s a lot to ask of anyone.“

  Selene wasn’t sure she was ready for everything his world offered, but neither was she ready to let him go. If she wanted to be a part of Kyler’s world she had to try. No, more than try.

  Surprised flashed on Kyler’s face as she tossed off the blanket and straddled his lap, facing him. “I want to know.”

  His hands settled on her hips. “Know what?”


  A tremor raced through his body. “Are you sure?”

  As Selene stared into his emerald green eyes, she was confident she’d made the right choice. Her fledgling voice answered him. “Yes.”

  Through the rest of the day and all weekend, Selene peppered Kyler with questions. He helped her with her vocal exercises, and her confidence grew along with her vocal vocabulary. Each night, they slept in each other’s arms. By unspoken agreement, they held back from taking things further, though the more time they spent together, the harder that became. Ana messaged several times checking on her. Selene got the impression something was bothering her, but Ana refused to share. When she returned, Selene intended to investigate further. After everything Ana had done, she owed her friend that much.

  Not wanting to be apart from her when the time came to leave, Kyler arranged for transport of her car, and drove them home in his SUV. Neither spoke much on the way back, but the silence wasn’t an uncomfortable one. It permitted Selene free rein to process everything she’d learned, while Kyler concentrated on driving.

  Night had fallen as the crossed the bridge and headed along the road to her cottage. Unlike last time, Kyler cut the engine and raced around to open her door.

  Selene experienced a sense of relief as he did. The closer they’d gotten to home, she’d worried the bubble they’d lived in for the past three days would burst the moment they returned.

  The sight of all the boxes littering her lounge room gave her pause as she opened the front door. Funny how fast life, the decisions people made, changed. For the rest of her days, she’d owe Ana a debt of thanks for talking out of running away.

  “Sure you… can’t ho-hocus… pocus these... away?” Selene wanted to take the words back as soon as she said them, but Kyler smiled.

  “This may be the only time I wish I had that particular ability. Want a hand?”

  “Not... tonight… Reality... can wait… one more day.” Her words came easier now, but the effort tired her more than she imagined. Selene wandered into the kitchen to pour two glasses of wine. Kyler had refused to share the driving, and she marvelled he was still awake. When she returned, she found him inspecting her collection of painted eggs.

  “You did all these?”

  She passed him a glass of wine and nodded.

  “They’re excellent.” He took a sip. “You’ve been painting them for a long time. Those closer to the rear lack the skill of those nearer the front.”

  Selene nodded again. “One for every year.”

  He turned curious. “Since?”

  “Since my parents died.” She sipped her wine as his mind absorbed her words.

  “Eggs? You paint eggs?” He distanced himself as far as he could from them. “Eggs, hot cross buns... I don’t get the way you embrace Easter. Doesn’t it always remind you of losing your parents? How can you celebrate that?”

  Anyone she allowed close enough to her asked the same question. The explanation required more words than her fledging voice could handle. “Painting on eggs was a coincidence. When Emme and I started art therapy, I was still hurting, and the pictures I drew reflected that. One day, we walked into our session and the teacher was painting on an egg. Fascinated, I rushed to give it go. I crushed the first one in my hand before I even picked up a brush. The therapist just handed me another egg and told me to try again. I smashed four more during that session, and Emme laughed every time. The therapist advised that to succeed, I needed to let go of my anger, but stubborn old me took several more sessions before I painted one without breaking it.

  “Emme was the one to suggest painting memory eggs. I’ll admit at first, the idea made me upset. With my parents gone, I’d never get to share anything with them again, but I came to see it as a way to keep them in my life. I chose eggs because they were symbolic of both how fragile life was, but also of new beginnings, a fresh start.

  “And as for celebrating Easter, well it wasn’t Easter that killed my parents. They died on a Sunday that fell on Easter. Unlike the anniversary of their death, Easter changes every year. This year, it falls two weeks early. If it had been a fixed date, say Christmas, or my birthday, it might be harder to overlook, but my hot cross bun addiction doesn’t allow me to take a pass on Easter.” The tiniest hint of a smile crossed his lips.

  “I get why you feel the way you do. Something tragic happened to your family, on the Friday of a weekend that coincided with Easter. But doesn’t it make more sense to remember the time you had than be angry for the years you didn’t?” She crossed the room to wrap her arms around his waist. “Mine left me twenty years. I can’t imagine carrying all that hurt around for five times t
hat long. To forgive yourself for not being able to save them doesn’t diminish their memories.”

  When Kyler stiffened in her arms, she feared she taken things too far. How he felt about losing his family wasn’t her business. Perhaps if she’d lost hers the same way, she’d have a different opinion. “I’m… sorry.”

  “Don’t apologise.” Kyler kissed the top of her head. “You said nothing I haven’t told myself a thousand times. It’s been one hundred years. Time to let go.”


  He looked relieved. “Yes.”

  A yawn escaped, and the bubble they’d hidden away in, burst.

  “I should let you sleep.”

  Selene held him tighter. “Don’t know... I can sleep… without you.” Though it took more effort, she needed to say the words aloud.

  Kyler unwound her arms, lifting his face to hers. “Are you asking me to stay?”

  The heat in his eyes rendered her incapable of reply. All he had to do was look at her to set her body alight. Each day it became harder to resist. At twenty-five, most girls had lost their virginity by now, but no one had ever ignited her desire the way Kyler did. Grateful she hadn’t given it away or picked a random somebody to get it over and done with, Selene now understood why she’d waited. Perhaps she’d waited long enough.

  Strong arms lifted her into the air. Her legs wrapped around Kyler’s waist, while her arms circled his neck. She jerked as he swatted her butt. “If you think the two of us, having a sleepover means I will let you have your wicked way with me, sweetheart, then shame on you. There will be no shenanigans, hear me?”

  Funny how the statement made her both relieved and yet, disappointed. “Aw, shucks.”

  Kyler carried her to the bathroom and set her on her feet. He waited for her to return before he ducked in after her. When he returned wearing only a pair of boxers, her body responded, aching with the need for him to touch her... everywhere.

  As if he could read her mind, Kyler shifted away as she reached for him, leaning in to kiss her when hurt flared in her eyes. “From the moment we met, I realised I’d never belong to anyone but you, Selene. In one hundred years, no one has given me a glimpse of happiness that compares to when I am with you. You inspire me to be all I am meant to be; a protector, a lover, and a friend. I want to be the man keeping you warm when it’s cold, give you the sun when it rains, to protect you from those who seek to hurt you, and be the one to love you till the end of time. No matter how long my life may be, there will be never be anyone else but you, so as long as it takes, however many cold showers I may have to endure, they’re a small price to pay to be at your side.” He kissed her again, before dragging her against him. “But soon.” He whispered. “I promise. Now, sleep.”

  Sleep? He expected her to sleep after a declaration like that? She wanted to—Selene sighed and her breath slowed in time with the rise and fall of Kyler’s chest. She didn’t know how, but he’d used his magick on her. They’d be having words in the morning, but right now she was far too content to resist. Selene settled against his side, in the space made to fit her and succumbed to his request.


  Selene paced the room trying not to wipe her ever-increasing sweaty palms on her dress. Was it natural to be this nervous to meet your boyfriend’s family? Or just when they were witches? The stuff you’d only ever thought of as myth and legend? Or was it the idea of meeting a vampire face to face and maybe seeing a werewolf or two? No, wait. Not werewolf, shape-shifter. Not all shifters werewolves, and—and—

  Selene dropped onto the couch. There was so much to remember. Kyler had reassured her over and over tonight was no big deal. Just a party to celebrate the end of the harvest year. Mabon, he’d called it, held on the night of the autumn solstice.

  Everwood was more than she’d ever realised. Crops, orchards, livestock, even a vineyard, the property was self-sustaining and had been for years before the brothers had returned. It took many hours and hands to maintain it, and tonight was both a celebration of the Goddess for the blessings she had bestowed on them and to those who worked hard to reap them. Almost everyone on the Estate was a supernatural creature of sorts. Kyllian opened Everwood’s doors to those without a place to call their own. Many of the races weren’t what you’d call ‘friendly’ with each other, but Everwood was neutral territory and all were welcome as long as they obeyed the rules.

  Tonight, she’d jump in the deep end. No more baby steps. The more she considered it, the more tonight felt like an initiation. A test to decide her worthiness to join the secret society Kyler belonged too, and if she failed—well, that wasn’t an option.

  She shot from the couch as the phone rang. “H-hello.”

  “Hey, sweetheart. I know I’m late, and the manor’s closer, so I’m jumping in the shower here. I’ll be twenty minutes, tops. Wait for me.” He hung up before she could respond.

  Twenty minutes. Left alone with her thoughts for another twenty minutes she’d be certifiable. No, she’d take a walk and meet Kyler at the manor. Give her a chance to calm her nerves and show him, she didn’t need to be there to hold her hand every step of the way. Just most of them. Besides there was at least another hour before sunset, so it wasn’t like she’d be walking around in the dark, and it would only take a few minutes. The only thing capable of calming her down was seeing Kyler, so the sooner that happened, the better. Not giving herself a chance to change her mind, she snatched up her bag and dashed out the door.

  Instead of cutting through the grove, Selene walked along the road, and up the drive towards Everwood manor. The walk might take her longer, but sneaking in the back door seemed inappropriate for the occasion.

  Two stone pillars, holding iron gates that stretched twelve, maybe fifteen feet high, marked the entrance to the Everwood estate. Set back off the road, Selene had never noticed them. Her journey forgotten, she stepped closer to inspect them.

  The grey, marbled stone was cool beneath her touch, and smoother than the texture implied. Atop the pillars, hidden amongst the tree branches, crouched stone figures with folded wings at their backs. Gargoyles maybe? Next, her fingers traced the intricate, sprawling vine that drew the edges of each gate together.

  A prickling sensation halted her inspection. Someone was watching her. Selene’s eyes darted around but found no one, yet the prickling remained. Calm down, Sel. Stop letting your imagination run away with you. No one is out to get you. Kyler promised.

  The unwelcome sensation lessened as she made her way further up the drive, but hovered in the background. As she drew closer to the front door, her footsteps slowed, nerves getting the better of her. Perhaps she should have waited for Kyler. To face a room full of strangers alone was the last thing she wanted. She made halfway down the drive before she stopped. No, she wouldn’t run. Selene spun on her heel and marched back to the massive wooden door, rapping the iron knocker that hung dead centre.

  No one answered.

  What little confidence she had frayed the longer she waited. Heart pounding in her chest, Selene reached out and turned the handle. The door wasn’t locked and swung open under her touch. Now what? Should let herself in? Not like she’d be trespassing, Kyler had invited her, but still.

  Music and voices floated towards her through the open door. Across the foyer, another door stood open on one side. Had someone left this door unlocked on purpose? Amidst the noise of everything going on outside, it was unlikely anyone would have heard her knocking, which suggested guests were to let themselves in.

  Magick brushed over her skin as she crossed the threshold. The unexpected sensation sent a shiver down her spine. Wards. Kyler had mentioned Everwood had protection wards woven all over the estate. The wards ensured the safety of those living on the Everwood Estate as much as the naïve townsfolk on the other side of the river. No one crossed in either direction without the express permission of at least one brother. Now standing inside the manor itself, her confidence went up a notch, but it would be a whole lot stronge
r Kyler with standing beside her. Time to find her man.

  A soft, orange glow lit the scene beyond the side door. A sea of strange faces wandered in an unfamiliar garden, far more in number than she’d expected, and her confidence plummeted. This had been a bad idea. Several heads turned noticing her arrival, causing her heart to trip faster in her chest. A really, really bad idea.

  Something solid collided with her as she stepped back. Selene whirled around, hope soaring in her chest. “Ky—” The face of a complete stranger stood before her with eyes that unnerved her. She tried to step around him, but he blocked her path.

  “Well, what have we here?” Selene stood frozen in place as the stranger studied her. “I don’t think I’ve seen you here before, pet.” His eyes stared straight into hers. “Tell me, where did you come from?”

  The eyes staring at her were beautiful. How had she ever thought otherwise? Her own travelled over the face of the man before her. Dirty, blonde waves of hair framed his face, falling below his shoulders. Eyes of the darkest brown stood out against his pale skin. Such a contrast to—to—a fog settled over her thoughts. “I—I don’t… remember.”

  Excitement lit the eyes of the stranger, and Selene smiled at him. Her hand reached up to touch the side of his face. How strange. His skin was as cold as the pillars that framed the gate at the entrance.



  The words sent flickers through the fog. A gate. She’d walked past the gate to meet—his face moved closer and she lost her train of thought.

  “Pet, why don’t we take a walk? Find somewhere more… private?”

  He dipped his head towards her neck, and the nearness of him sent a shiver racing through her body. She didn’t resist as he wrapped an arm around her waist to lead her away.


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