A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas Page 54

by Tiffany Carby

  She finally pushed away from the table, a satisfied look on her face. I stepped over toward her, and she flashed me her gorgeous smile once again, then rubbed her stomach.

  “That was great. They feed us pretty well at the orphanage, but it doesn’t taste like that.” She laughed as she reached out and picked up her glass of milk. In one giant gulp, she finished it off and set her glass back down.

  “Orphanage?” I asked.

  I only knew of one orphanage. Sumner’s Home for Children had been in the area for the past ten years or so. My mother had been one of their volunteers for a time, and even after her time there, she had continued donating food and goodies for the kids up until she got sick. Several of the workers had attended her funeral and talked about how wonderful she had been with the children.

  “Yeah, I’ve been at Sumner’s nearly a month,” she answered as she crossed her hands and stared down at them in her lap. “I’ve been there since the night my mom and dad were killed and your mama saved me.”

  I felt the breath leave my body. Sebastian had told me Mom had saved someone and that it had upset the demons he was fighting the night we met. Could this little girl be the one he was talking about?

  “What happened?” I asked, feeling my body begin to tremble.

  “Someone came into our house,” she began. The pain in her eyes nearly broke my heart. I hated to ask her to relive what had happened to her, but I needed to know. “I was in bed. They were still up watching a movie. I didn’t hear anything at first. Then I heard a scream. Then I heard a loud bang. I started crying. I knew something was wrong. I wanted to go to them. Then I heard my dad yell out for me to hide, so I did. I climbed into the toy box he made me when I was little. I don’t really play with toys that much anymore. My favorite stuffed animals and blankets were all that were in there. I covered myself up and tried to be as quiet as a mouse. That’s when I heard her, your mom. She started talking to me. I couldn’t see her, but I knew she was with me. She told me her job was to take care of me and, as long as I listened, I would be okay. I stayed still. I didn’t move a muscle, not even when I heard my bedroom door open or my stuff being thrown around. Then my toy box opened. They didn’t see me though. Just like your mama said. The blankets hid me. When the lid shut, I was still afraid to move. I stayed there until she told me it was safe. When I came out, there was a lady cop in my room. She told me it was all over, and I would be okay.”

  I wiped the tears as they streamed down my face. I had read about the murders in the paper, and the story had been on the news as well. The guys had been arrested a few days later when one of their friends turned them in. I knew a child had been in the home but had no idea she had ended up at Sumner’s.

  “You didn’t have any other family?”

  She shook her head. I couldn’t help but notice the pride in her face.

  “No, we moved down here after my grandpop passed away. He was the last family we had. Mom and Dad took care of everything. They were great parents, but we hadn’t made a lot of friends yet. No one they trusted leaving me to or anything. So I ended up at Sumner’s. It’s not that bad though. Your mama still visits me all the time. Now I get to see her. She’s so pretty in her white dress. The necklace she wears has a picture of you in it. That’s how I knew you when you opened the door.”

  I thought back to Mom’s funeral. I had made sure she was buried with the locket Kylie had mentioned. I had bought it for her years ago with money I earned helping around the bed-and-breakfast. Every year, she had changed the picture inside, saying she wanted people to see that I grew prettier every day. I used to tease her about it, telling her it was such a “mom” thing to do.

  “How old are you, Kylie?”

  “I’m ten,” she answered, once again brandishing her smile.

  I felt the tug at my heart and knew exactly why she was here.

  “My mom sent you, didn’t she?”

  Her head nodded slowly as she gave me a knowing look.

  “Yeah, I think you and I both know why she did that,” I said with a chuckle through my tears.


  Making it back to the house after driving Kylie Turner back to Sumner’s, I hurried up the stairs to my room. Once inside, I closed the door and collapsed onto the bed. I had asked a thousand questions of the people at the orphanage. In all honesty, it wouldn’t be the hardest thing in the world for me to start the process to give Kylie a home. Of course, they’d had their own questions. Why had Kylie sneaked away to come find me? How did I know the family? It was all so weird, so I had answered in the only way I knew how: Mom.

  With so many at the orphanage knowing my mother, they hadn’t questioned the fact that she could’ve known the Turner family. Mom was quite well known in the community. They hadn’t thought it was odd that Kylie would want to seek me out either. She had jumped in and played along like a real little actress herself. She had talked about my mom and how she’d always wanted to meet me. The little smirk on her face had made me wonder if Mom was there feeding her the information she needed.

  Running my hands through my hair, I wondered if I could do this. Was I ready to take on a kid? Sure, she needed me, but would I be good for her?

  “You will be wonderful for her,” a voice called out, making me scream.

  I jumped to my feet, my mind automatically wishing I had my dad’s gun again. I saw Sebastian sitting in the corner chair, nonchalantly flipping through the pages of one of my old journals.

  “What the hell?” I barked as I hurried over and snatched it out of his hand.

  He looked up at me, and the bewilderment was evident on his face.

  “You don’t go through people’s things, Sebastian. It’s rude. It’s also rude to just appear in my room without announcing yourself!”

  “Forgive me. I lived long ago. I was born to a family of privilege. I suppose I still haven’t mastered common courtesy,” he answered as he stood up and walked toward me. He took the journal back before I could protest.

  “As for this, I already know what is in it. I am simply admiring the way you word things. It helps me with assimilation.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Did you know Kylie was coming here?”

  “I did.”

  “Am I doing what Mom wants? Does she want me to take care of her?”

  “She does.”

  “Will you elaborate a bit? Talking to you is like talking to a wall sometimes.”

  He closed the journal and turned back toward me. His golden eyes locked with mine, making my knees weaken.

  “I told you, certain things depend on you, Harley. Kylie is one of them. Yes, your mother hoped you would be the one to take care of her. It is, however, still your will.”

  I sighed as I sat back down on the edge of the bed.

  “It’s scary, but I can’t imagine not doing it now that I’ve met her.”

  “She is quite special. She is destined for very important things in her life. You will help her on that path.”

  “Don’t tell me that. I’ll spend the rest of my life being afraid I’ll screw her up somehow.”

  The room suddenly filled with the melodic sound of his laughter. I didn’t know if it was an angel thing or a Sebastian thing, but his laughter was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard. I wanted to ask him what was so funny, but all I could do was stare at him. It was unfair just how perfect this angel was.

  “You will not screw her up, my dear Harley. You will make things better for her. She will eventually walk the path she is destined to, but your help will make reaching that path much easier.”

  I nodded. What he was saying made sense, and hearing him talk in his matter-of-fact way consoled me. I knew he wouldn’t lie to me in any way.

  “Thank you for that,” I told him as I looked down at the floor.

  Feeling his hand lightly brush a lock of hair back behind my ear, I looked up. He was standing beside me, staring down at me like I was something he didn’t quite understand.

p; “You are wrong. I understand you, Harley. I am simply mesmerized.”


  “You truly do not see just how good you are. I am an angel but still find myself in awe of your caring nature.”

  “You give me more credit than I deserve,” I told him, feeling that tightness in the pit of my stomach again. I bit my lip, hoping to keep him from noticing.

  “You do not have to hide from me, Harley. I know what you are feeling. Believe me, I feel the same when I look at you.”

  My heart began to race. Just the thought of him thinking of me in any kind of way sent me into overdrive.

  He smiled, then leaned down and kissed the top of my head softly. “You make me think of quite a few things, Harley, which makes me ask myself many questions.”

  I closed my eyes at the feel of his lips lingering on the top of my head. I couldn’t deny that I wanted him in ways that I shouldn’t. I hoped it was natural. His words, though, made me wonder exactly what he was questioning.

  “Sebastian,” I began, then felt his finger touch my lips softly.

  “Hush, Harley,” he whispered. “I will explain it all soon.”

  I nodded my head slowly, then opened my eyes to look at him. As quickly as he had appeared in my room, he was gone.

  Frustrated, I fell back onto the bed. It was no secret that I was attracted to him. It was also no secret that he knew it. He knew everything going on in my head, but the damn riddles he kept talking in were beginning to drive me crazy.


  The chatter of the guests in the sitting room filled the air as I tried to clean off my hands and get to them. The last couples were leaving. The bed-and-breakfast would be empty for the week, with no check-ins till the weekend, which didn’t hurt my feelings. The past few weeks had been a bit overwhelming, and I had quite a few side projects to take care of.

  Greeting them as I entered the room, I hurried over to the guest book and set about signing them out. Cash exchanged hands, credit cards were charged, and two bookings were made for the same time next year. One thing I did love about this business was repeat guests. They were already in love with the place, and I didn’t have to try so hard to impress them.

  Once the room cleared out, I opened the day planner on the desk and checked the date. It was one week till Easter. I had time to make things perfect for Kylie. Although she wouldn’t be with me on Easter, I had convinced the orphanage to allow me to host an Easter festival for the kids. Of course, it had to take place at Sumner’s, but that wasn’t a big deal. I’d been watching my mom do this stuff long enough to know how to transport food.

  “It is suddenly very quiet here,” I heard Sebastian say as he entered the room.

  I turned, half expecting him to be eating something. Instead, he once again stood there bare-chested and barefooted, with his arms folded over his chest and his jeans hanging loosely on his hips. Damn him.

  “Everyone has checked out for the week,” I explained as I pulled the scrunchie off my wrist, pulled my hair back, and turned for the kitchen, “which means I have plenty of time to work on things for the Easter festival.”

  “They seem quite thrilled with the activities planned,” he told me as I heard him fall in step behind me.

  “How do you know?”

  “I’ve been over there quite a bit.”

  I froze. Sebastian had been sent for me. Why would he need to check in at the orphanage unless something was wrong? Hearing him sigh, I turned to face him.

  “The demons haven’t attempted to harm you,” he answered. I immediately noticed his change in dialect. He was finally adapting to talking more like us humans. “It made me curious. I wanted to see if there were signs of them being around Kylie.”

  “Were there?”

  “No. None that I could find.”

  I sighed, relieved. The last thing any of those children needed were those creatures that had been in my backyard all those nights ago.

  Feeling a bit more assured about things, I went over to check my current orders. As usual, I needed to make the cookies for the library. In addition, I had an order for several cakes for the Ladies Auxiliary. Those ladies raised a lot of money for the community, but they also ate quite a bit during the one night a month they met to discuss the people of Somerset. Mom used to laugh and say they were nothing but a gang of gossiping grannies who were hellbent on making people think they were important. I couldn’t argue with her logic.

  Taking down an oversized bowl, I grabbed the flour and other ingredients I would need for their cakes. I had plenty of time, but being ahead of the game would allow me a few minutes to sit down and relax a bit.

  “I want you, Harley.”

  Hearing the words that were spoken behind me, and especially knowing exactly who had spoken them, sent a shiver throughout my body. The wooden spoon in my hand dropped into the bowl and clattered clumsily on the counter before I had the chance to steady it. I exhaled slowly, wiped my hands down the front of my blue jeans—which I rarely did—and then turned to face him. The look in his eyes reminded me of an animal stalking its prey. I wanted to be that prey.

  “You talked about things being complicated,” I finally said.

  “They are. If I take you, I can no longer protect you,” he began as he slowly made his way toward me. “I do not fear becoming mortal. I would gladly take it but I could no longer stop the demons that are still stalking you.”

  “You said there were no signs.”

  “It isn’t over. They don’t give in easily.”

  “Then what happens?”

  “I put this yearning for you away. I lock it inside until they are vanquished. Then…” His voice trailed off.

  “Then what?” I asked, unable to hide my panting.

  “Then I devour every single inch of you,” he practically growled as his hand reached forward and his fingertips ran down my arm slowly.

  I never imagined I would wish for demons to crash through my back door. I wanted them to bring it on, let him kick their asses, and then let him do all the things I could see burning in his eyes. I knew it wouldn’t happen though, but there was something I could have.

  Moving toward him, I reached up, letting my fingers play with the long hair I had grown to love and then travel down to his cheek. The feel of his skin was as enticing as ever. My fingertip grazed his full bottom lip. I needed a taste. Just a taste. I leaned up slowly, letting my lips press against his softly. The heat that coursed through me took me by surprise. Never had a kiss sent a wave of passion so intense.

  His arms went around me, and the kiss deepened, our tongues exploring one another’s mouths. I felt my ass hit the counter, then lift. Our lips never parted as he effortlessly placed me where he wanted me. As he finally pulled away, he was short of breath. It was clear that I did just as much to him as he did to me.

  He came back toward me, his hands slamming against the cabinets on either side of my head to hold himself back. I smiled, then licked my lips. I loved knowing he yearned for me just as I did for him.

  “You are killing me, Harley.”

  I leaned over and nipped his earlobe, watching his body shudder. “I think you can take it. At least a little while longer.”

  He smiled. “For you, yes I can.”

  “Good,” I teased as I slid off the cabinet, making sure my body slithered down his as I did. The feel of him hard and ready made me gasp.

  “In time,” he added with a wink before vanishing from the room.

  I let myself practically collapse against the counter, my mind racing. My body was in overdrive from the need to have him, but his words wouldn’t stop echoing in my mind. He would be mine. He had been sent for me, and soon we would belong to each other.


  Easter had never been my favorite holiday growing up. Mom had always been so busy at the bed-and-breakfast that we didn’t get to do all the fun activities around Somerset the others enjoyed. I vaguely remembered Dad taking me on an Easter egg hunt once. I hadn’t found
any eggs, cried, and then told him I didn’t want to go back. After that, he had hidden eggs at the bed-and-breakfast for me to find after church while Mom made our Easter dinner. That had become our tradition. It worked for us. This year, however, was going to be something completely different for me, and I was nervous.

  Watching as my guardian angel stared at the food and dozens of colored eggs in the dining room, I fought back my laughter. I imagined he thought it silly to celebrate with dyed eggs and baskets. Everything was ready. I was in my Sunday best, and Sebastian had a shirt on, but we still needed to load everything up.

  “Do you truly think there will be this many people there?” he finally asked.

  I couldn’t help myself. I burst out laughing. The look of confusion on his face was hysterical. Stepping over to him, I wrapped my arms around his waist, then leaned up and kissed him softly.

  “Humans eat for the holidays, Sebastian. Every holiday. We eat a lot.”

  “Hmmm,” he answered as he held me tightly. I saw a twinkle in his eye, and then his smile settled into place. “There, that makes things easier,” he finally added.

  I turned to look at the display we would soon be dismantling, but it was gone.

  “What the hell?”

  His laughter filled the room, making me look up at him. I loved seeing that mischievous look in his eyes.

  “The food is there, and all those involved are under the illusion that it was delivered by you earlier.”

  I shook my head. “You are something else.”

  “Yes, I know,” he agreed before offering me his arm. “Shall we, my dear Harley?”

  I slipped my arm through his own, and we made our way out for our first appearance together as a couple.

  Sumner’s Orphanage was not like those in movies and television shows. It was run by a church group that truly cared about the children. The grounds were beautifully adorned with colorful flowerbeds, a playground, and picnic equipment. The building itself had at one time been a large farmhouse, but with the renovations that had been done before opening, it now looked as if it had been built recently.


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