HIS Series Box Set (Books 4-7)

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HIS Series Box Set (Books 4-7) Page 45

by Sheila Kell

  The scowl on his face had her taking a step backward.

  Lord, she hoped she didn’t just postpone her wedding indefinitely.

  NED TYLER—A fairly new ranch hand—had missed Friday night in town with the other hands because he was sick. Kelly wanted to check on him in the bunkhouse. She understood the warnings and potential threat to herself, so she asked Trent to accompany her. With the way he carried on, you’d have thought she’d asked for the world.

  “I’d rather you didn’t leave the house,” he told her.

  “I’m just going to the bunkhouse, and if you come with me, I’ll be perfectly safe, not that I wouldn’t already with both AJ and Matt patrolling.” She couldn’t be any safer. She gulped. Famous last words in a movie. But she really was safe. “I just want to bring some chicken noodle soup and check his fever.”

  “Why? You can’t do anything for it.”

  She sighed in frustration. “No, but if it’s too high, we’d need to get him to the hospital.”

  Trent grumbled something under his breath she couldn’t make out, but she smiled. It meant he was coming around to her way. “Okay, but you listen to everything I say.”

  With her sweetest smile, she said, “Don’t I always?”

  He tossed his head back and laughed. “Like that would ever be the day.”

  Kelly opened a can of soup while Trent talked to AJ and Matt through that earpiece setup he had. She liked he didn’t have to go track the men down to tell them their plans. If Ned still felt poorly tomorrow, she’d make him a pot of homemade soup. That should’ve been what she’d done in the first place, but she hadn’t counted on whether Trent would agree or not. She wouldn’t go behind his back when her and her daughter’s lives were at risk.

  While stirring the pot as it heated on the stove, strong arms wrapped around her from behind and Trent’s head leaned down beside her ear. “You look good enough to eat.” Then he ground himself against her backside where she could feel the distinct beginnings of an erection.

  She giggled. The man was insatiable. Then again, she pretty much felt the same way every time she saw him. It’d be a sad day when her hormones went in the other direction as some women’s tended to do because she couldn’t fathom not having sex while pregnant.

  She set the spoon down, turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Then go ahead,” she teased.

  After that statement, and from the lust in his eyes, she braced herself for a bruising kiss and to be swept off her feet in ecstasy. Instead, he nibbled on her lips as if really tasting her. A string of warmth made its way through her body resting at her core. Damn, the man could turn her on like no other.

  Using his tongue, he outlined her lips before he licked the seam and slid it into her mouth. Her tongue greeted his in welcome. Just knowing the things that man can do with that tongue sent delightful shivers coursing through her. They’d have to hurry their visit and get into bed—but not to sleep.

  With a slight tug to pull her closer, he deepened the kiss and Kelly moaned in pleasure. God, she loved him. And to know that he finally loved her back could’ve given her an orgasm on its own.

  Trent pulled back, breaking the kiss. “That sounded like you enjoyed it. But—” He gave her lips another quick kiss. “—I think you’d best stir that boiling soup.”

  She jumped. “Oh.” Spinning around, she picked up the spoon and stirred the soup then turned it off.

  Humming while she prepared a tray for Ned that included the soup, crackers, and juice, Kelly wondered how she’d help Trent resolve things with the senator. He’d said things were fine the way they were, but she knew it’d eat at him if he didn’t speak with the man—even if just to tell him off—which she hoped he didn’t.

  As much as she’d like to resolve it for him, she knew he had to do it. All she could do is gently push him to get this clear of his mind. And that meant not avoiding it.

  Turning with a tray in her hands, she smiled at the man leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. Trent had already put on his jacket. Damn, he looked relaxed. And that grin. He’d been watching her ass. That made her secretly smile. “I’m ready.”

  He stepped forward and accepted the tray from her, then followed her through the house to the front door where he waited while she put on her jacket before they went into the cold. People said cold was cold, but there was a difference between the cold in Baltimore and the cold in Reed Point. She figured the air coming through the mountains instead of off the bay might have something to do with it. It would just take a little longer to get used to, but she would once again.

  She stepped off the porch in the direction of the bunkhouse and nodded to her future brother-in-law, knowing he would follow. “Hi, AJ.” Pulling her jacket closed tight and zipping it, Kelly looked around nervously even though she felt safe with the Hamilton men—including Trent—with her. The bright night surprised her, so she looked up to a nearly full moon and too many stars to count. She sighed in contentment. She loved it here.

  “This soup is going to be cold by the time we get it to him,” Trent said, walking abreast of her.

  “Why do you think I put a lid on the bowl?”

  “Don’t know how much it will help.”

  She playfully swatted him on the arm. “Quit. It’s not that far to the bunkhouse.”

  When they reached where the ranch hands slept, Kelly knocked on the door and announced herself, giving time for Ned to cover himself if he’d been naked. Pushing past her, Trent entered the room first, took a look around, then allowed her to enter. She wanted to grumble about it but left it since he was just protecting her.

  They walked through the front room that doubled as a place to entertain visitors. In the next room, Ned lay in a bunk near the back. Kelly had only been in there once before, and it’d been empty and cleaned up. The men sure hadn’t rushed to clean everything up before they left for town. This room hosted a dozen bunks, many empty due to the size of the staff. Through the next door, she knew to be a game room and where the men spent most of their off-time hanging out together. Plus there was a kitchen in the back.

  Ned lifted his head weakly and greeted them. He’d only been there a little more than a week, hired as one replacement for those two lowlifes who’d quit before they’d arrived. It sucked for Ned that he’d come down with a cold so quickly. Being new to a job was bad enough, but to end up not being able to keep up on a ranch was awful.

  Placing her hand on his forehead, Kelly felt for fever. It didn’t occur to her until after she’d done it that she hadn’t asked permission. At the heat of his face, she frowned. “You’re still pretty hot.”

  “I’m fine,” he croaked out.

  Kelly worried her lower lip. “I don’t know.”

  “Kelly, if the man says he’s fine, he’s fine. We men know these things.” Trent’s frustrated voice did nothing to deter her.

  “Well, we should check it. Is there a thermometer in the bathroom?”

  “No,” Ned said forcefully.

  Taken aback, Kelly decided to go a different route. The man’s high fever bothered her and she had to find out if it was high enough for the hospital. “I brought you some soup and juice. Are you keeping anything down?”

  He nodded against his pillow. “Yes, ma’am.”

  While Trent spoke with Ned, Kelly excused herself, pleading her pregnancy made her have to pee. Although feeling like an intruder, Kelly rifled through the medicine cabinet looking for a thermometer. She didn’t have any success, so they’d have to return to the house, then come back. She shivered at the thought of going back out in the cold so much. But if she and Trent would eventually run this ranch, it’d be her responsibility to help take care of the men.

  A sense of foreboding slapped Kelly as she walked back into the room with the men. The heavy weight of her feet made her feel as if they were weighted with lead and slowing her progress. Back in the room, she went to Trent’s side, planning to hurry him along.

didn’t have a chance. Her heart stilled for a brief moment when a man entered the room pointing a gun at them. Terror flooded her system and body stiffened in fright. Recognizing the face from a photo Trent had shown her on his phone, she whispered in a shaky voice, “Oh God. Reggie.”

  Trent shoved her behind him, and she grabbed the back of his shirt with trembling hands in a death grip. Her heart pounded mercilessly against her rib cage. She’d brought them to this end. Just the thought of the potential death of Trent or Ashley had her screaming inside, No! She wouldn’t allow it. There had to be something she could do to help them escape with their lives. Reggie hadn’t been ballsy enough to shoot them right away, so she had hope. Flee, her mind sang. With a pounding pulse that could be heard in her ears, she tried to draw Trent backward, toward the exit, away from the threat.

  “Brightmore,” Trent said, and to her utter relief, he took the micro step back with her.

  In the midst of her mind seeking escape, she suddenly remembered that Trent kept an open mic—except when they were in bed—so help should be on its way. An ounce of relief flowed in. Enough to steady her ragged breathing. Peeking around, she caught sight of Trent tightening his jaw, and that relief fled and her fear skyrocketed. Maybe it shouldn’t have, but he’d have been more relaxed if AJ or Matt were on their way. Please don’t let us be alone.

  Ned struggled from the bed. “Boss, are you sure we have to go about it this way? The old man seems reasonable. We can convince him to sell.”

  “Shut the fuck up and go take care of him.”

  A rock dropped in her stomach and broke into small stones that bounced around painfully. Christ, they were going to hurt Mike. Hell, it looked like they might hurt them too, but with Trent, they had a fighting chance. She trusted he’d figure it out if she couldn’t get them scooted to the exit. But Mike was alone. Where are AJ and Matt?

  “I’m not killing him.”

  “I don’t want him dead—yet. Just out of the way until we deal with her.” He waved his gun at her and Trent.

  Kelly gasped and quickly covered her mouth.

  “What about the other two men?”

  “River, Tim, and some men I brought are taking care of them as we speak.” Reggie grinned, and it twisted her insides. River and Tim were the two men who’d worked for Mike. They’d probably done those things to hurt the ranch as had been suspected.

  And, they were taking care of AJ and Matt. No, she chided herself. The Hamilton men are tough. But she had no idea how many men Reggie had brought.

  “What’s this all about?” Trent asked, hostility oozing into his words.

  Why would he ask such a stupid thing? He’d told her everything about Reggie, the silver, and their fear he’d come after her.

  Reggie narrowed his eyes. “I will have this land.”

  “Why are you after Kelly?”

  “Because she’s carrying the heir to the place,” Reggie said.

  “That doesn’t make sense since Mike still owns it.”

  “Once she’s dead, he’ll change his will to that useless son of his, Luke, and then Mike will have an untimely accident leaving the land clear for Luke to sell to me like we’d agreed.”

  So they’d been right in their assumption Reggie had been the buyer to approach Luke when he’d been drunk.

  “Luke agreed to all of that?”

  “Of course not. He just agreed that if the land became his, he’d sell it to me for the right price. I can always pay the right price.”

  Without skipping a beat, Trent continued to pound him with questions while they took another step back. “What about Brian? Did you have him killed?”

  “Of course. He found out about the silver. He’d never have sold or would’ve asked too high a price.”

  “Tell me about Copeland.” Trent’s words grabbed her attention, even though she wanted to grab Trent and sprint for the door.

  Reggie spat. “That stupid bastard wouldn’t sell his business to me. Me!” The man jammed a thumb into his chest. “So I kept going until he paid for denying me.”

  “I thought you wanted the property.”

  “I changed my mind. Setting him up was more fun.” His malicious grin sickened Kelly. Adrian had been innocent all along. And she’d gone after him in the beginning, thinking him guilty like Reggie had planned. She bit her tongue because she wanted to ask questions, her journalist instinct told her to, but she had to believe Trent asked these questions for a reason. She trusted him and interfering was something she promised not to do.

  “Did you have anything to do with Copeland’s ex-wife’s death?”

  “Not personally, of course. I don’t kill.” A maniacal chuckle left his mouth. “I just hire for it. It’s not as hard as one would expect.”

  Another sprig of hope surged through her. He didn’t kill. He’d just said it. Then the hope sank like a stone. He had others here. Someone would probably do it.

  Not giving up, they took another micro step back, putting more distance between themselves and Reggie. They hadn’t moved far when the door opened. Kelly jerked her head around in eager anticipation of help, but at seeing the newcomer, she wanted to cry.

  It wasn’t a savior.

  Ned entered and nodded at Reggie. “He’ll be out for a while.”

  “Did you tie him up in case he wakes?”


  The two men put their heads together, and Trent took advantage of their distraction. He turned his head and whispered, “When I say go, you run for that door and get to the house to Mike and call Jesse.”

  Her gut clenched at what could happen to him alone. “No. I don’t want to leave you.”

  “Please. You promised to do as I say until this is over. I’m going to make sure it’s over.”

  She swallowed against the lump lodged deep in her throat and agreed. Tears formed in her eyes and she wiped them before any could flow. If only Trent had an advantage, at least a—Wait, his gun. She felt down his shirt and touched the handle of the weapon in the back of his pants.

  “No,” he bit out.

  Snatching her hand back as fast as if she’d been bitten by a snake, she had a sliver of hope that now he could hold his own against the man. Trent just wanted her out of the way and safe, and based on what Ned had said, Mike was alone. Safe.

  “Good, get a fire started in the kitchen,” Reggie said loudly as he inclined his head to a room behind them that adjoined the game room.

  When Ned left the room, Trent shouted, “Go,” and reached behind him for his weapon.

  Kelly stepped away to rush to the door. A gunshot rang out, and she stopped in her tracks. Fear lacing through her veins. Fear for Trent. With her only thought of him, she disobeyed the order she’d been given and turned. Her heart fell. Turning back, she took two steps when Reggie stepped toward Trent, who was on his knees, doubled over, clutching his stomach. Oh God, how severe is it? Christ, he’d just healed from the knife wound.

  Aiming the gun at Trent’s bent head, Reggie looked at her. “Stay right there until I say otherwise.”

  Frozen in her tracks, her fear for Trent almost a living, palpable thing, she could only nod. With her eyes refocused on Trent, she noticed him sinking lower to the ground. Oh, Trent. She wanted to rush to him and make sure he was okay. Assure him that he’d be okay.

  Reggie kicked the gun that had fallen from Trent’s hands out of the way and waved her over. “You can see to him now if you want.” Laughing, he stepped back and called to Ned.

  Terror clawed at her and her heart plummeted to her stomach at what she might find, but she rushed forward and dropped to her knees more nimbly than she’d expected with her condition.

  “You should’ve… left.” Trent’s broken words over his harsh breathing tore at every fiber of her being. They had to have help. Now.

  Her eyes watered and her vision blurred. “Help him!” she cried up to Reggie, even knowing in her heart that no help would come from the man. Hell, he’d asked Ned to set the place
on fire. Please God, don’t leave us in here.

  “I wouldn’t have shot him if he hadn’t tried to draw on me.”

  “You’re a monster!” she shouted, her pulse raging through her veins.

  “I’m a man who gets what he wants.”

  Trent collapsed on the ground, unconscious as tears ran down her face in rivulets. She pulled his head into what lap her bulging belly didn’t hide and stroked his face. “Oh, Trent. I love you.” It was up to her to figure out how to save them.

  Something struck her on the back of the head, and before she could question it, blackness crept into her mind.

  “YOU’VE GOT A fire out there,” the helicopter pilot informed Jesse.

  “Let me see.” He stepped to the front of the chopper, looking out the front view. “Fuck! This can’t be a coincidence. Get us as fucking close as you can.”

  With a nod, Brad unbuckled his seat belt and pulled a rope from the bag he’d carried onboard. Picking up the bag, he launched it at Jesse’s feet. “Put on a harness.”

  As the men in his helicopter dug through their equipment and put on repelling harnesses in the event they needed them as their fastest exit, Jesse lifted binoculars and watched the smoke billowing out of the back of a building. They were still too far away for him to make out much else. Thank God he’d added repelling out of helicopters to their training program. Although he’d expected to use it in some hot zone, not fucking freezing Montana.

  The more he scanned the area with the binoculars, the more he knew they’d be repelling out of this and the other helicopter as the choppers would have to land too far away.

  His gut did a somersault. Something told him one of his brothers, or Kelly, was in that fire. If it hadn’t taken so long to hand off Hogan to the proper US authorities, they could’ve been here sooner. Thank the fuck they’d finally caught the sicko. The FBI had been almost salivating when Jesse had told them who they’d be bringing back from Belize. No doubt they’d ignore any laws HIS had broken since they finally had their hands on Hogan. Apparently, there was a long list of charges awaiting him.


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