Catching Ember (Buckle Up Series Book 1)

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Catching Ember (Buckle Up Series Book 1) Page 11

by Beverly Preston

  “Is she here? Did you ride over to my house on your horsey?”

  Ember grinned. “No. Storm is a boy horse and he’s at home sleeping in his stall.”

  Her mouth shaped into a big O. “When he wakes up will you take me for a ride on him?”

  “Sure.” Two more kids pulled up on their stick horses. A little boy and girl, both a few years older than Chloe. “Who are your friends?”

  JC entered the conversation. “These are Sam and Jenny’s twins, Annie and Andrew.”

  The blonde-haired little boy and girl gave a quick wave before collecting Chloe and galloping off into the darkness.

  “I’m so glad you made it.” JC wrapped an arm over her shoulder, giving her a squeeze hello.

  “Me too,” Ember agreed.

  “I know it’s a long drive. If you want to have a few drinks, you can crash in our guestroom.”

  “I’ll probably only have one, but thanks,” she said. “By the way, I considered stealing the note off your door and taping it to my chest.”

  JC’s hand flew to her mouth, she coughed and sputtered, struggling to keep from spraying a mouth full of her drink in Ember’s face. Eyes as big as saucers, she roared with laughter, “I didn’t realize you were so adventurous.”

  “No! I wasn’t referring to back-door action! You know, just some straight up bend me over the couch sex.”

  After containing her abrupt choking, JC stuck her bottom lip out, showering Ember with a look of empathy. “That’s hysterical. I mean, I know, it’s not really funny, but you crack me up. I guess being around all those cowboys must be a blessing and a curse. Any of them worth taking for a spin?”

  Ember let out a short laugh and shook her head. “Nah. I think most of them are either too old, too young, or married. Plus, it’s probably not a good idea to jump an employee.”

  JC wiggle her brows. “Got anybody else in mind?”

  “Don’t even go there with me. That man—” Ember scowled and shook her head. “—he’s only interested in the ranch. I don’t even want to talk about him.”

  “Talk about who?” Reed questioned inquisitively, giving Ember a brotherly hug hello. “Somebody giving you a hard time? You just tell me who and—”

  “No, no, nothing like that.”

  “She’s talking about Nash,” JC chimed, flashing a grin at her husband.

  “What about Nash? He’s a pretty good guy.”

  Ember’s eyes bulged. “Obviously, I must be missing something. Sure, he seems decent half the time, but the other half he’s a jerk. I feel like he’s trying to bamboozle me.”

  “It’s nothing personal, honey. That’s just business.”

  “How on earth do you differentiate the two? I fully admit that I’m probably a bit more sensitive because of my situation, but I feel like that man is trying to steal the ranch out from under my feet, just so he can punch a pipe in the ground and drill for oil.”

  “Oh, I get it, hon’. I’ve had the distinct pleasure of doing business with some tough men, Nash included, but you’ve got to know your circle. It’s stressful, but your best reaction is to stay calm in the middle of the chaos.”

  “You’ve worked with him?” Her eyes widened. She wasn’t sure why, but that information surprised her.

  “Sure. Sam and I collaborated with him on the Harris Towers project downtown. Of course, that was before his exploration company took off.”

  “The Harris Towers? Nash built those?”

  “Sure did. We did all the architecture and engineering.”

  “I thought…I just assumed those buildings were built by his father. How’d he go from that to the oil business?”

  “I imagine that Nash, Sam too for that matter, initially went into building to make their old man happy but working with family isn’t easy. Especially Mr. Harris. He’s a tough son-of-a-bitch and there was no leniency given because they had a privileged upbringing. In fact, it was probably the exact opposite.”

  “They don’t get along?” Inquisitiveness dripped from every word. “I saw Nash with his father at the boot store and they seemed okay together, plus he’s staying with him, taking care of him after his knee replacement.”

  “They get along just fine as long as none of them work together.” Noting the confusion running over her forehead like a roadmap, Reed continued. “If you want the sun to shine brightly on your face…you gotta step out of the shadows.”

  “English please? Since you’ve left Malibu, your Texan is in full swing. I might need captions,” she teased.

  Reed broke out a sardonic laugh, explaining, “It isn’t easy making a name for yourself when your father pioneered the industry. Their father raised them with a strict, firm boot and he wasn’t about to give them a handout. Those boys have paid their dues, and then some, making names for themselves. Nash is known as a maverick in the industry and isn’t afraid to compete against the giants. Not to mention, his instincts for finding oil are impressive even to me and I don’t know shit about drilling.”

  “There’s a fine line between ambition and greed.”

  “True, but that’s usually when morals come into play. Drive, persistence, and ambition…all run through their blood.” He paused, thinking of a comparison. “It’s no different than you being a lot like your mother, and I would imagine you might be realizing you’ve got some of your father’s traits too. Try not to take too much offense.”

  Ember nodded. She privately wondered how difficult it must be for Nash and Sam to measure up to their father. The tiny muscles in her face softened as she pondered. For the last few weeks she’d been trying to tackle a snippet of the impossible task of stepping into her father’s shoes.

  I’ll never measure up to my father. Not even close.

  “You want a bit of advice?”

  Ember nodded.

  “Texans prefer to negotiate over whiskey, fishing, or hunting, that way you know exactly what kind of man you’re up against. You need—”

  “Are you suggesting I take him fishing?”

  “No, I’m suggesting you keep your friends close and your enemy closer,” Reed rattled off the trite quote, eyes twinkling.

  Her nose curled in disgust. Voice climbing an octave, she questioned, “Are you suggesting I sleep with him?”

  “Hell, no! I was merely pointing out that if you like him—”

  “I don’t like him.” She could feel her face turning crimson under the heat of speculation. Ember turned to JC and glared. “Blabbermouth.”

  “I didn’t say anything,” JC stammered, her voice shiny with innocence. Squirming under Ember’s hard stare, she shrugged her shoulders, admitting, “Okay, yeah, I told Reed about the cowboy in the suit with the great ass.”


  “I couldn’t help it. Come on, it’s a great story. How was I supposed to keep that to myself?” she chimed in an endearing voice. “All right, enough about work and what’s his name and the ranch. What would you like to drink? I don’t have any Panty Droppers, but I did make a mean Sangria.”

  “Sangria sounds perfect.”

  JC looped her arm through Ember’s, meandering toward the mobile bar dubbed The Happy Hour. Couples were spread out over the property. Men were throwing a serious game of horseshoes and women congregated by the fire assisting kids with sticks and marshmallows. Children ranging from ages three to ten years old ran amuck, riding stick horses, turning cartwheels on the grass, and playing in a game that appeared to be some sort of nerf ball hide and seek.

  After a round of brief introductions, Ember indulged in a glass of Sangria while participating in a childlike revelry during a game of giant sized Jenga on the lawn. Tension of the week was lost to the good energy humming through the air.

  “Road Less Traveled” by Lauren Alaina came on and Chloe ditched her horse and bolted straight to Ember, tugging on her fingers. “Let’s dance, Ember! Come on! Come on!”

  “Okay, okay.”

  Following routine, Ember clapped her hands to the tempo,
leading Chloe away from the group toward a large oak tree dressed in twinkle lights, boogying through a routine of twirls, pirouettes, and hip wiggles. Chloe lifted her small shoulders to the beat, attempting to imitate Ember’s moves. The little girl put her hands on her hips shaking her bum from side to side.

  When the song ended, Chloe held to her finger, bouncing up and down. “Can we do the Whip Nae Nae? Can we?”

  “Sweetie, I don’t think it’s on this playlist.”

  Chloe spread her feet apart and lifted an arm, pointing to the night sky, readying herself for the next dance. Her favorite dance. “It’s on your phone, silly.”

  Ember glanced around, weighing the feelings of embarrassment verses putting a smile on Chloe’s adorable face. There was no real question. The little girl’s giddy grin owned a piece of her heart.

  Edging further into the darkness, beneath the wide canopy, she dug through her crossover purse and retrieved her phone, placing it on a white wooden swing hanging from a sturdy arm of the grand old oak. She started the music, breaking down the moves, drive the car, hop from foot to foot, doing the stanky leg, and bop bop then back to drive the car.

  Chloe teetered on one foot, stretching her neck as she threw her hands out to the side, singing, “Watch me Superman.”

  Ember grooved to the music, entranced by the seriousness splashed across Chloe’s face attempting to remember all the moves.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone standing in the shadows between the house and fire pit. Ember’s heart jolted seeing Nash watching her dance with Chloe. He stared straight at her, one hand tucked into the pocket of his dark jeans, muscles stretching out of his black shirt. His relaxed posture and lazy smile exuded an absurd amount of charisma.

  He looked sexy as hell.



  Ember struggled to keep a neutral expression as he strolled toward her, leaving a dust trail of sex appeal in his wake. A sexiness that caused nearly every woman’s head to turn. The now familiar fragrance of citrus and leather carried along a light breeze mixing with the earthy scents of sweet grass and hickory smoke, teased her senses. His blue eyes coasted downward to her feet and back to her face.

  She stood there, frozen.



  “Hey, Nash,” Chloe chimed. “Wanna do the Whip with me and Ember?”

  Taking his hand from his pocket, he ruffled her springy dark curls. “Fraid not, squirt. I don’t know how to do the Whip.”

  “Ember can teach you! She’s really good at it.”

  “I can see that.” His blue eyes shined brightly beneath the twinkle lights.

  His gaze swallowed her whole. A severe blush heated her face. Her pulse rocketed, throbbing at the sides of her neck.

  Nash gently gripped her upper arm as he lowered his head, brushing his lips near her temple in a social kiss hello. The warmth on her skin lingered. Her insides quivered at the casual, yet incredibly personal, greeting.

  “Hey,” she said breathily.

  “Nice to see you again.”

  The last time Ember laid eyes on him, she was flipping him off in the elevator. She considered saying something shrewd or clever but couldn’t manage a word.

  Surprise lifted Chloe’s brows and her eyes widened to quarters as she spread her words out one at a time. “You…know…my…Ember?”

  “I do. Is she all yours or can you share her with me for a little bit?”

  Chloe put her hands on her hips, jutting one shoulder forward in a half shrug. “I’m pretty good at sharing.”

  Ember collected her thoughts from the lust-filled haze of debris swirling through her head and moved toward the swing, turning off the music. The diffused lighting played along his masculine features and thick head of hair as he took a seat on the hanging bench.

  “I didn’t realize you knew Chloe.” Ember couldn’t hide the astonishment in her voice.

  His eyes, soft and dreamy, momentarily locked on Ember’s, before returning his attention to the little girl, giving her knuckles. “Of course, I know Chloe. We’re buddies, huh?”

  “Yep!” She nodded happily.

  “Chloe!” JC called, waving from across the yard. “Ready to make smores?”

  “Yes, ma’am!” Chloe kicked out of her sandals, gathered one shoe in each hand and bolted across the lawn toward the fire. She twisted her neck, hollering over her shoulder, “Watch how fast I am now, Ember!”

  Ember and Nash both chuckled watching her little legs carry her like the wind. “Oh, my gosh! You’re as fast as a cheetah!”

  Their soft laughter stretched into silence, hovering like the moon hanging in the night sky. Nerves tumbled through her as the arc of electricity grew stronger between them. Goosebumps skittered over her flesh, tightening her nipples, almost painfully, into tight buds.

  Nash stretched out his long legs and crossed them at the ankles, folding his hands over his lap. She could feel his stare sinking into her skin as she tucked her phone back into her purse. Heat gathered beneath the material of her dress.

  “I…I should get back.”

  Without missing a beat, he questioned cagily, “You afraid to be alone with me?”

  A bit of challenge rode in his words.

  Ember scowled. “No, course not.”

  “It’s a beautiful night.” Nash slanted his head toward the swing inviting her to sit beside him. “Seems a shame to waste a good view.”

  Staring at the hard lines of his gorgeous profile, she witnessed a soft smile touching his lips as she sat beside him. Ember scooted her bum back into the deep seat and rested a forearm along the arm of the chair, curling her fingers over the edge in a death-grip.

  Drawing a deep breath in through her nose, she looked out over the expansive property. The last bits of daylight faded into dark hues of blues highlighting the silhouette of the horizon.

  “Texas does have some of the prettiest sunsets.”

  “I’m sure California has some beautiful sunsets too.” He shot her a sideways glance. “How long have you been babysitting Chloe?”

  Her heart spurred into a ramshackle rhythm. “How did you know—”

  “I asked Reed how he knew you.”

  “Oh. Well, I’m not their babysitter. I nannied for Chloe part-time, sometimes more, depending on JC’s schedule.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend, just didn’t know the correct terminology.”

  “There’s more to being a nanny than getting a call saying, Hey can you babysit for me Friday night. I’m more like a cross between a pre-school teacher and a fun auntie who gets paid.” Ember twisted her neck, smiling. “I adore that little girl.”

  “I’m sure. She’s a cutie.” His lips turned upward, blessing her with another honest to goodness smile that would make most women go weak at the knees…including Ember.

  Nash bent his legs, steadily rocking the swing back and forth. Ember’s feet dangled over the edge. Long blades of green grass tickled the sides of her feet as they swung.

  “How long have you been living in California?”

  “I was there five years.”

  “Besides being a part-time nanny for Chloe, what else do you do?”

  “I’m a yoga instructor. I teach classes, mostly privates. Plus, I run a boot camp on the beach several times a year.” Noting the bewilderment carving into the grooves of his forehead, she added, “It’s like extreme yoga. I combine yoga, core work, and high intensity interval training.”

  Color burnished the bridge of his nose and his eyes gleamed, taking her in for a quick beat. His fingers knotted together tighter in his lap, constricting the flow of blood, turning his knuckles white. “Looks like it works great for you. You plan on going back?”

  Her head spun and she shot him a look. “You just can’t get me out of here fast enough, can you?”

  “No, that’s not what I meant.”

  “What did you mean?”

  “Is there anyone, maybe a boyfrien
d, waiting for you back in California? It’s not like you planned to pick up and move back to Texas.”

  “No.” She held out the vowel, shaking her head adamantly. “I don’t have a boyfriend.” Ember could’ve dropped the topic of dating right there but couldn’t rein in her anxious ramble. “We…I broke things off a while ago, and obviously, I’m not sure if I’m going back.”

  Nash’s brows perked with perplexed interest.

  “To California, that is.”

  “What happened with the boyfriend? Did you date for very long?”

  Ember opened her mouth, but then snapped it shut. How do you tell someone you dumped your boyfriend because he was a lousy lover? Flushed with embarrassment, she mused, “Let’s just say long enough to know that we weren’t compatible.”

  Nash nodded slowly…contemplating. After a beat, he slid her a haughty grin. “Pony express, huh?”

  An awkward chuckle rumbled from her chest. Her face turned so hot she could roast a marshmallow off it. “Something like that.”

  The current of energy flowing between them was hot and carnal, raw. She’d never been so attracted to a man before. Sensual tension fired on all cylinders, but there was so much more to him than good looks. There was something there, something mysterious or risky, that she couldn’t put her finger on, but it drew her in, consuming her.

  They sat in silence, swinging, as the echoes of music and laughter filled in the quietness, playing harmony alongside the crickets.

  “What about you? You gotta girlfriend?”

  “No ma’am.”

  “How come? It seems to me that a guy like you would have no problem in that department.”

  “A guy like me?”

  “Attractive, wealthy…that right there would be enough to check all the boxes off ninety percent of women in Texas.”

  His shoulder hitched upward in the tiniest of shrugs. “Guess I’d be considered a serial dater. Or so I’m told.”

  “Commitment issues, huh?”

  “No.” Vagueness wavered in his tone.

  Ember tapped her index finger to her mouth attempting to find a polite way to ask why, however her nerves disintegrated her filter. “So, you’re a Little Red Corvette?”


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