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Catching Ember (Buckle Up Series Book 1)

Page 27

by Beverly Preston

  “By yourself?” he asked, staring in shock from beneath his hat.

  “Yes.” Her eyes dropped to the ground. “Don’t blame Travis. He told me to stay put, but I heard the calf crying and—”

  “I’d say, now it’s official. Anyone who’s willing to risk life and limb for their stock…now that’s a rancher.” He cast an index finger. “But do me a favor. Don’t ever try a fucking stunt like that again.”

  “You have my word.”

  “And do we need to have another conversation about assigning names to the stock?”

  “No, sir.” A small grin perked the corner of her lips. “I call all of the calfs Daisy.”

  Chapter 25


  The sounds of monitors and machines suffocated the hospital room. In the past five hours, he’d survived a near drowning, two blood draws, a chest x-ray, a CT Scan, and an echocardiogram, but if Ember didn’t show up soon, he felt like he might die.

  There was so much he needed to say, to explain. He hoped the forgiveness he saw in her eyes at the river was still there when she walked through the door.

  If she walked through the door.

  Voices carried in from the hallway as the door hinged open letting in the light. He’d gotten so disappointed every time a doctor or nurse came in, he didn’t bother opening his eyes.


  The soft caress in her voice slipped over him in a veil of reverence. His eyes zipped open, heart thundering so fiercely, he half expected alarms to start peeping and a nurse to come running into the room.

  “I’m glad you came.”

  Nash stalked her every move hoping for a sign, any indication, to let him know they were okay. They’d kissed during the chaos. However, he was unsure if she returned the affection because she still had feelings for him, or she thought they might not make it out alive.

  One thing he knew for certain, he’d never been this fucking nervous in his life.

  “Sorry it took so long. We had to ride back to the ranch and the roads were flooded getting into town.” She paused, freeing a big, shaky breath she’d been holding. “I saw your dad and Sam in the waiting area, and I just spoke with your doctor. She said all your test results look good so far. Just waiting for scan results to come back before you can get released.”

  The sweetness in her eyes melted him, turning his insides to lava, but the dark shadows beneath them added a swift kick to his boys. It nearly killed him knowing he caused her pain.

  “I gave them your name as next of kin, along with my father’s.”

  Ember nodded, blush tainting the bridge of her nose. “That would explain why they addressed me as your fiancée.”

  “It does have a nice ring to it,” he simmered, nervously tracing his tongue along the inside of his teeth. The pink seeping into her cheeks spurred his optimism. Nash patted the hospital bed. “Sit with me.”

  A tentative smile hooked the corner of her lips, moving toward the chair beside his bed. “We need to talk.”

  The hope he’d been hanging on to dimmed as she declined the offer. Every inch of vacancy between them carved a hole deeper into his chest. He missed the touch of her hand, her energy, her deep breathing, her smile…fuck he missed everything about her.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you withdrew the offer?”

  Deliberating his reply, Nash’s brows crept toward the ceiling. “That’s difficult to do when someone won’t answer my calls.”

  “You could’ve told me weeks ago. And I’m here now,” she assured, waving a hand across her body.

  Nash winced at her curtness. Dread and heartbreak started its ugly descent into the corners of his shackled heart.

  “I withdrew my offer because…I wasn’t…I wasn’t expecting you.” Turning sideways, he sat on the side of the bed, feet dangling on the floor. “I wasn’t the one who had your DNA tested.”

  “I saw the results in the file, Nash.” Her tone didn’t budge an inch.

  “I sent my private investigator, Randy, after the glass you left in the boardroom, but it was gone by the time he got there.”

  Curiosity bounced through her expression. “How did you end up with the results?”

  “Because I’m good at what I do, Ember. When I want something, there’s not much I won’t do to get it. Or at least that’s how I am…when it comes to you.” Reaching forward, he lifted a tiny hand from her lap, tangling their fingers. “I told my private investigator to get the results, no matter what the cost to my wallet or my pride.”

  Anger and frustration splintered. “I don’t understand. Why? Why would you do that?”

  “I bribed someone to get the results and lose the test. I didn’t want anyone else to have them…just in case.”

  “In case?”

  “I didn’t go through the trouble of hijacking your results to hurt you, Ember. I did it so no one else would have the results. I mean, you’d have to be blind not to see the resemblance between you and Ben, but—”

  Lines on her face etched with confusion. “You were…protecting me?”

  Unable to hold back any longer, Nash inched closer, bringing their lips in kissing proximity. “I’d do anything for you.”

  Her teeth tugged at her lower lip. “But the photo of me with Monty and Travis…that was taken three weeks ago.”

  Tucking away his nerves, he traced the shell of her ear. “Randy works for me on occasion, but he’s been a family friend for years. Apparently, it’s out of my norm to fall in love. He thought I’d lost my mind when I told him to back off, so he did some investigating on his own. Honestly, he thought he was protecting me from…you. He thought you and Travis—”

  “You might need him to protect you.” Her lips pulled wide, turning into a suggestive smile. “Because I don’t know how much longer I can keep my hands off you.”

  Lurching forward to the edge of the bed, she crushed her body to his. Tucked between his solid thighs, she threw her arms over the slant of his shoulder, pushing her fingers into the layers of his dark, wavy hair.

  Rubbing a spot on the back of his head, Nash groaned, “Might have to go a little easy on me, sweetheart. I’ve got a mellon-sized lump on my noggin. Doc thinks I got knocked out hitting my head on a tree or something.”

  “Sorry,” she cringed, fingers trembling as she cautiously inspected the bump.

  The fresh scent of lavender rode along his senses as he caressed her body. His hands drifted languidly up and down her spine, soaking up the feel of her skin beneath his fingertips, until every ounce of anxiousness eased from her shoulders.

  Intimacy floated from her soul like a deep exhale. She relaxed against his frame, softness melting into the hard planes of his chest, eyes drinking him in.

  “I love you, Nash. I feel more when I’m with you. So much more.” She closed her eyes, placing his palm over her heart. “You…you make my soul sing.”

  Swamped with desire, he fought the urge to rush, slowing his haste. Reaching into the chest-pocket of the hospital gown, he retrieved a ring, the diamond he’d picked out weeks ago and had been carrying in is jeans pocket ever since.

  Nash pinched the platinum band of the rock between his fingers. “This isn’t how I wanted to do this. I had other ideas, a plan, but somehow, I screwed it up. Royally. So here I am, sitting before you in a dress—”

  “It’s a hospital gown,” she corrected, eyes glossy and bright with emotion.

  “I sit before you in a hospital gown, covered in mud, no intimate dinner for two, or a trip to Paris. No limo.”

  “Technically, you did go for a helicopter ride.”

  The gorgeous smile engulfing her cheeks set his soul on fire.

  “Fuck, I love the way your eyes sparkle.” He dusted a trail of soft kisses near her temple. “And your energy…I get it now.”

  “Crazy, isn’t it? You’ve been wandering through life all this time not knowing about the vibe you throw out.”

  “I don’t care about the oil. I only want you.” Nash brought
her fingers to his lips. The sting of sweet sentiments burned in his eyes. “I’d get on my knee, but I don’t think I can get back up.”

  “Nash, please.” Excitement and anticipation climbed in her voice.

  “Don’t start that.” His eyes rolled back at the sound of her passionate pleas. “I’ll never get the words out and the entire 3rd floor would need earplugs because I’m not going to be able to hold back.”

  “Nash!” Her giddy grin tucked between her teeth.

  “I want to grow old with you, Ember Thompson. Have a family with you. I want to be there when you’re flying high on life or when you’re stuck in the mud. I want it all. Every bit of it. Marry me.”

  Head bobbing up and down in quick jerky pops, her smile crumpled into a crying mess. “Yes! I’ll marry you.”

  Ignoring the tremble in his hands, he slipped the ring on her finger. Ember threw her arms around his neck, showering him with adoration, placing a trail of nips and kisses from his cheek to his throat.

  Threading his fingers through her tangled mane, Nash tilted her head back, staring beyond the details of her eyes, reaching straight into her soul. Her soft curves and warm body curled around him like a summer’s breeze. He leaned in, locking his lips on hers, tasting and twisting, savoring the unbearably sweet flavor.

  Passion overrode caution. The day’s events, horrific and harrowing, bled through the kiss with hungry strokes of their tongues and grappling of hands.

  “How’s he doing?” Monty’s gruff voice broke their connection as he started to walk into the room. Seeing them joined at the lips, he halted at the door.

  Travis stood in the open doorway with his shoulder propped against the jamb. He turned to Monty with a slight eyeroll, broadcasting, “Apparently, congratulations are in order. They’re getting married.”

  “Did you say married?” JC’s shrieks and the sound of rushing feet clipped down the hallway. Reed in tow, she nearly bumped into Travis sliding up to the door.

  “Married?” Mr. Harris’s head poked between JC and Travis. “Well, I’ll be damned.”

  Ember’s face lit up like a summer morning sunrise, perfect and beautiful in every way. She held out her hand and wiggled her fingers, extending the four-carat diamond. “We’re getting married.”

  Monty’s head shirked back in surprise. After a beat, he crossed one arm over the other, his wiggling mustache giving away his sentiments. Clearing the emotion from his throat, he said, “I guess we still got a little sunshine out of this pitiful day.”

  Nash tangled Ember tighter in his embrace, a new brand of happiness riding through his smile.

  “She’s my sunshine. Everything else is just weather.”



  It’s great to be loved, but it’s profound to be understood, accepted for exactly who you are inside.

  Rays of late day sunlight filtered through the windshield of Mr. Montgomery’s big, red truck warming her icy fingers. Ember had never seen it so clean, all spiffed up and shiny on the inside and out.

  Ember closed her lashes and pulled a deep inhale through her nose. Releasing the shaky breath, she reached for Monty’s hand giving it a quick squeeze as she opened her eyes.

  He patted her hand, mustache twisting with emotions. “Go on, now. I’m sure he’ll be happy to hear from you.”

  Words stuck in her throat like a spikey ball. Avoiding another round of waterworks, she opened the door and exited the truck.

  Clasping to the bright, white flowy layers of tulle, she made her way toward the bronze headstone. Nerves and sentiments of every vibration danced in her belly. Carefully, she pinched at the fabric of her dress, allowing her to drop to her knees atop the grass.

  “Hi Daddy.” Tissue in hand, she dabbed her finger to the wetness collecting at the corner of her eyes. “I have so much I want to say, but I’m not sure where to begin. I love the ranch. It’s beautiful and so much more than I ever expected. Walker Ranch—” She pushed a deep breath from her lungs. “—has found its way into my soul. My heart’s decided I belong here, and I agree. I may not always make the right decision, and I’m certain there will be handfuls of mistakes made, but I promise I’ll do my best.”

  Her fingers stole over the headstone, outlining the bronze etching of her father sitting in the saddle atop Storm, gazing out over his land.

  Her heart swelled with pride.

  “Thank you. Thank you for trusting in me, for bringing me here, for giving me the adventure of a lifetime.” She sniffed out a chuckle practically hearing an oncoming lecture. “I know, I know. It’s hard work…not an adventure, but I plan on rolling up my sleeves and making the most of every moment.”

  Ember rose to her feet. Feelings of serenity and contentment washed over her softening her shoulders.

  “Today’s my big day. I wish you were here to escort me down the aisle with mom, but since you can’t be here, I’ve asked Mr. Montgomery to stand in for you. Thank you for bringing him into my life. Bee too. They’re wonderful people. Kind of like the grandparents I never got to have.”

  Reaching down, she retrieved a single white rose from the vamp of her new boot and rested it in front of the headstone. “I love you, Daddy.”

  Making her way back to the truck, she saw Mr. Montgomery standing beside her door wiping the sting from his eyes. She slowed her footsteps allowing him the moment.

  “You ready?” he asked, opening her truck door.

  Ember gave a quick nod and climbed into the cab. “I’m ready.”

  As they drove, the sun began its nightly journey toward the horizon, showing off a vast array of pinks and oranges. Thirty minutes later, they parked alongside the river near the old, massive oak tree, she now dubbed The Sanctuary.

  Ember wasn’t certain how many times she and Nash slept overnight in the massive tree, at least a dozen maybe more, but it quickly rooted its magic into her heart.

  Mr. Montgomery zipped around the truck and opened her door, assisting her from the vehicle. He gathered her hands in his and cleared his throat.

  “I know your daddy is might proud of you and so am I. If you were my own daughter, I couldn’t be any prouder.” He scraped the side of his index finger over his grey whiskers. “That’s all I’ve got to say about that.”

  A rush of pride danced through her veins, striking her heart with an unmeasurable amount of honor. Her free hand flew to her heart, fingers splayed wide as if attempting to hold back powerful sentiments.

  Mr. Montgomery reached into the back seat. “I’d be in all kinds of trouble if I forgot these,” he said, retrieving a cascading bouquet of sunflowers and white roses.

  Her hand trembled adjusting the top of her strapless gown before taking hold of the beautiful arrangement. She beamed up at him. Nerves swam through her shaky breath and a smile flooded her cheeks. With a nod of his bone-colored hat, he looped her arm through his and started for the tree.

  As the ceremony came into sight, Ember’s eyes darted through the blur of family and friends. Anticipation and excitement tumbled through her like stones in the river. June and Chloe waited for her with wide smiles and a basket of white and yellow petals.

  June swept her long, dark layers to the side, wrapping Ember in a full embrace, pressing kisses to each cheek. Pulling back, she fanned her face with an open hand as if willing away the tears. “This is it, baby g—"

  “Ember…holy heck! You look so pretty!” Chloe shouted.

  A hush of amusement filled the sticky air.

  Heat seeped into her cheeks, flooding them with color. Ember bent placing a kiss to the little girl’s cheek. “Thank you. You look very beautiful too. And I think I hear a little Texas accent in there.”

  Chloe shrugged her shoulder to her chin, blessing her with a bashful grin.

  As Ember raised her gaze, her eyes landed on Nash. He stared straight at her wearing a smile big enough to put the state of Texas in. Sentiments flooded his blue eyes.

  Ember could scarcely breathe. The thrum
ming of her heart turned erratic, and she tingled all over from head to toe.

  Twinkle lights dotting the tree above surrounded him in a warm, romantic glow. His charcoal suit highlighted his solid frame and trim waist. She’d never seen him look so handsome.

  The song “Then” by Brad Paisley prompted an easy nudge by Mr. Montgomery.

  In a blur, Ember grasped to the bouquet as she hooked one hand through June’s arm and the other through Mr. Montgomery’s. Following Chloe’s lead, they made their way down the aisle.

  Ember’s lashes bounced and fluttered desperately trying to hold back the onslaught of happy tears. Choosing the processional music was the only detail of the day that Nash was adamant about, and he insisted on keeping it a secret from her. Her heart burst with every lyric. Emotions on high, it was no use holding them back, so she let the tears fall.

  Mr. Montgomery stopped in front of the minister. So entranced in the moment, she barely heard him ask, “Who gives away this woman?”

  “I do,” June said, showering her with another kiss on the cheek.

  Mr. Montgomery cleared his throat as he placed Ember’s hand in Nash’s. “Well, seeing how I’m standing in for Mr. Walker, I do too.”

  Nash tangled her fingers in his. Their eyes locked sharing a look between them. Love, passion, understanding, all on display.

  Touching his forehead to hers, his eyes drifted shut. “How did I get so lucky?”

  She brushed her nose to his, drowning in bliss.

  Nash opened his eyes. Raising their conjoined hands, he pressed a long kiss to her fingers. “My God, you look stunning.” His words came out in a throaty murmur. His eyes, full of blue heat, drank in every essence of her being. “I love you, my little gypsy woman.”

  “Love you too,” she replied in a whisper. Ember leaned to the side, peering around his backside to inspect the goods. Lip tugged between her teeth, she wiggled her brows. “Love the suit too.”

  Another round of laughter rode through the light breeze. Radiant blue light filled the horizon.


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