Pieces (Riverdale #1)

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Pieces (Riverdale #1) Page 9

by Janine Infante Bosco

  “Happy Birthday.” He said softly. She didn’t move right away, instead she simply stared up at him quietly. He walked closer to her and held out his hand. With one hand holding the cupcake, the other fell into his and he helped her stand.

  “Thank you.” She said so low he barely heard her. She gathered her bearings and dropped his hand to dust the dirt from her pants. “What’re you doing here?”

  Jake glanced at her mother’s stone, and the pretty bouquet of flowers that adorned it and smiled slightly before looking back at her. “I came to whisk the birthday girl away.” He said confidently, and stuck his finger into the frosting on the cupcake. He smiled up at her sheepishly as he sucked his finger dry. “Double chocolate, my favorite.”

  Her lips broke into a small smile and she handed him the cupcake. “Here, have it.”

  He glanced down at the cupcake, she hadn’t tasted it. He took it from her hands and peeled down the paper. “Take a bite or your wish won’t come true.” He said as he held it up to her lips.

  Her eyes bored into his and for a moment she considered his words. He grinned widely as her teeth sank into the tiny cake and took a bite, sealing her wish. He brought his fingertip to the corner of her mouth where a spot of chocolate was left. He wiped it with his finger and licked the remnants. She swallowed, as if her mouth was completely dry and it was hard to get the cake down. He smiled and took a bite of her cupcake.

  He finished the cupcake in two bites and crumbled up the paper. He glanced around and saw a trash can on the edge of the aisle and walked over and dumped the garbage in. He strode back towards her wiping his hands on the backs of his jeans. “Are you finished with your visit?”

  “Yes.” She pressed her lips to her fingertips and then ran them across her mother’s name. “Love you.” She whispered and then looked back at Jake. He took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.” He said as he laced their fingers together and helped her down the hill.

  “Jake, where’s your car?” She said as she searched the cars that were lined along the road, none of them were his. He smiled at her and then she noticed a man step out of a black town car. He walked around to the back seat, doors and opened it. She looked back at him and he shrugged his shoulders. “You hired a car?”

  “Didn’t feel like driving. Come on.” He said and pulled her towards the town car. “Thanks George.” He patted the chauffer’s shoulder and waited for Cara to climb in. She looked up at him as if he had lost his marbles, and he laughed before slapping her behind kiddingly. She climbed in and he followed suit. Once they were in the car, she turned to him.

  “Okay, really, what’s with the car? Where are we going?” She asked inquisitively and Jake took her hands in his and pulled her closer to him.

  “We’re going to Manhattan.” He said simply as his fingers played with the ends of her hair. They had been calling for his touch, he told himself.

  “Manhattan.” She let it register and then looked down at her dirt stained pants and her mud covered boots. “Jake I look like I was playing in a mosh pit.”

  “So? When we get there we’ll go shopping.” He looked at his jeans and casual thermal. That had been part of his plan anyway. “I need something to wear too.”

  She smiled at him and grabbed his hand. “Come on. Tell me where we are going.”

  He loved when she smiled and he knew he put that smile on those lips. “I just did.”

  She rolled her eyes, and leaned her head against his shoulder. “You’re not going to get into specifics are you?”

  “Nope.” He said and kissed the top of her head. “Just enjoy the ride. We’ll be there in a few hours.”

  She looked up at him and he smiled at her easily. “What would I do without you?” She asked him so seriously. He wanted to take the negativity away from her life, he wanted her to be carefree and just enjoy herself, and here she was asking him a question with such fear in her eyes. He pressed his lips to the tip of her nose and tickled her sides, letting all the angst in her eyes free.

  Her laughter engulfed the back seat of the sedan and her eyes were smiling up at him. Only then did he answer her, “You’ll never have to worry about that.” He promised so sincerely. She looked at him for a moment, letting his words sink in, and believe him, then she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

  Two and half hours later when the driver peered into the rearview mirror and announced they had arrived at their destination, Cara looked down at Jake. He had fallen asleep a half hour after they left the cemetery. To make him more comfortable, she had laid his head on her lap. She brushed her fingertips down the outline of his jaw. She was worried about him, and wondered if all this back and forth between them had anything to do with why he was so tired. Deciding that he had put a lot of heart and soul into making this day perfect for them, she would nag him about that another day. There was always tomorrow. “Jake, wake up. We’re here.” She said as she nudged him slightly.

  He opened one eye and peeked at her as he yawned. “Sorry.” He sat up and worked the cramp in his neck. “A lot of fun, I am. I fell asleep on you for a two hour trip to the city.” He arched his hips and pulled out his money; that was tied up in a rubber band. No matter how many wallets she or his mother bought him, he never used them. Instead, he would only take the little plastic insert and place Ava’s pictures in them. When he pulled out a few bills and handed them to the driver, she smiled, catching a glimpse of the plastic insert that was tucked safely with his money. “Thank you George, see you tomorrow morning.” He climbed out of the car and held his hand out to Cara. She took it and followed him out of the car.

  “Tomorrow morning? We’re staying here overnight?” She watched him dig into the trunk and pulled out a backpack. She knew what was in the backpack he never left home for long periods of time without. Inside the bag was, his sketch book and the set of shading pencils she bought him. That he remembered to bring, clothes, not so much. She laughed slightly. He swung the bag over his shoulder and placed his hand on her lower back. She glanced up at the large building, The Omni Hotel.

  “I spoke to Rudy, he knows all about our little escape. He says Happy Birthday by the way.” He said smoothly before pushing her through the door of the hotel.

  “You really thought of everything didn’t you?” She looked at him, amazed as they approached the check-in counter.

  “Well, except for clothes.” He smiled at the receptionist. “But we’ll fix that. Hi, checking in, Lanza is the name.”

  While Jake dealt with the details of checking into the hotel she took the time to glance around. The hotel was gorgeous. Marble floors accented by the largest crystal chandeliers she ever saw. It had a modern feel though, all sleek lines and white leather couches. She was certain, between the hired car and the sleek hotel, Jake had an expensive day planned. She didn’t like him spending all this money on her, she wasn’t used to it, but she would never act ungrateful. She looked back at Jake, watching as he took the envelope from the receptionist that had the keys to their hotel room. He smiled at her. “Ready?”

  “Lead the way.” She said, and followed him to the bank of elevators. “Jake?”

  He pressed the arrow that pointed up and looked over at her. “Hmm?”

  “Thank you. This is the best birthday I’ve had since, well since I can remember.” She said sincerely and shoved her hands in her back pockets, feeling foolish for admitting that.

  He swung his arm over her shoulder, a casual gesture that he always did, and she didn’t feel so foolish anymore.

  “And to think, we didn’t do anything yet, but take a ride in a clean car.” He laughed at her as they stepped onto the elevator. “Damn Cara, you’re easy to please.” He pressed the button for the floor their room was on and, turned to her. “Do me a favor?” She nodded, her eyes questioning his, hell she’d do just about anything for him. “Don’t say thank you anymore.”

  “But—“She furrow
ed her eyebrows and he placed his finger to her lips, silencing her.

  “No buts.” He took her hand and pulled her out of the elevator once the doors opened. He led her to their room a few doors down and slid the card into the door. When the green light lit up, he pushed open the door and held it for her. She dipped under his arm and walked into their room, flicking the lights on. Not that she needed to, there was one wall of glass windows letting the daylight stream into their room.

  The windows were definitely the focal point of the modest room. Much like the lobby, the room was modern with two double beds centered along the main wall. There was a small glass table centered in front of the windows with two white deco chairs. A nice size flat screen adorned the wall across from the two beds. There was a long sleek black dresser beneath it, with a vase of fresh flowers. She glanced back towards the two double beds, reminding her, this was just a friendly birthday rendezvous. She didn’t realize she frowned until he called her out on it.

  “What’s wrong? If you don’t like the room, I can ask them to switch us.” He said, studying her face.

  She felt like kicking herself, and forced a smile. “No, it’s perfect. Everything is perfect.”

  “Then what’s up with the frown.” He asked, tilting her head so she looked directly into his eyes, trying his hardest not to allow her to mask her feelings.

  “I just don’t like you spending so much money on something as minuscule as a birthday.” She covered, she wasn’t about to tell him she was beginning to think this was a date.

  “Birthday’s aren’t meant to be called minuscule. They’re meant to be celebrated, and that’s what we’re doing.” He threw his backpack onto one of the beds, claiming it as his, she figured. “Come on.” He grabbed her hand.

  “Now where are we going?” She said as he dragged her back out the door.

  “Shopping, why do I look more excited than you to shop?”

  She bit her lip and eyed him suspiciously. “Can I pick where?”

  He grinned. “Now you’re getting the idea. Of course, where do you want to go?”

  “Macy’s, Herald Square.” Her charge card just went platinum status, and throwing caution to the wind, she decided what better way to celebrate, other than a little retail therapy.

  “You got it.” He said and raced her to the elevators.

  Chapter Nine

  By the time they were finished shopping, they were both starving. They grabbed a quick bite at The Cellar, and Cara secretly wished every Macy’s had a restaurant in the store. Jake told her they had to hurry after lunch, or they’d be late. Late for what, he didn’t say. When they got back to the hotel they took chance a piece showering. Jake was first, giving Cara a chance to marvel over all her new purchases. She had gone a little overboard, but she didn’t care. She had put her foot down. She demanded that, she would pay for own clothes, shoes and accessories. When she threatened to find her own way back to Riverdale, he backed off. He wasn’t happy about it, but she insisted. She was even able to sneak in a present for him, that she planned on giving to him, when they got back to Riverdale, to say ‘Thank You’ since she wasn’t allowed to actually say the words.

  He wouldn’t reveal where they were going, but told her to pick something out that wasn’t dubbed casual. When she saw him pick out a pair of slacks, dress shirt and vest for himself, she had an idea what to wear. She found an emerald green wrap around dress. It wrapped at the waist and the fabric was cinched with a gold pin. She paired it with strappy gold stilettos that made her legs look miles long. She even splurged on few bracelets and tear drop gold earrings. She couldn’t wait to get dressed.

  Jake stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, and one draped around his neck. He had shaved, and was wiping the remnants of shaving cream off his jaw line. Her breath caught as she took him in. Beads of water dripped down his sculpted chest, she had her eye on one in particular, and watched it slide down his tattooed abs, losing sight of it as it disappeared beneath the towel that hung loosely around his waist. She licked her lips, her mouth suddenly parched.

  “Your turn,” he said, his voice full of amusement. She closed her eyes and turned around abruptly gathering her clothes in her arms. There was no way in hell she was walking into the bedroom in just her towel. She heard him chuckle when she slammed the door and dropped all her belongings in the bathroom.

  Jake stared out the window of their hotel room, staring at the lights, the skyscrapers, taking in all the beauty that was Manhattan. He was starting to sweat, waiting for Cara and unbuttoned the top button on his shirt. He was dressed in black slacks and a white button down shirt. He had paired it with a vest and dress shoes. Not his usual choice of clothing, but he was comfortable enough. He unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up to his elbows, the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He blew out a breath and turned the air condition up. He glanced at his watch; she never took this long to get ready. He knocked softly on the bathroom door.

  “Cara, are you okay?” He asked as the door opened and she stood before him. He stared at her; sure his mouth was gaping open.

  She looked beautiful in the emerald green dress, it actually brought out the specs of green in her hazel eyes. She had put on eye shadow or something because her eyes were smoky and sultry as they stared back at him. Her hair was wavy and fell beautifully around her shoulders. She took a step towards him, gnawing on her lower lip that was sleek with a nude color gloss.

  “I’m sorry are we late?” She said softly.

  She was beautiful, that he knew, but tonight she looked exceptionally beautiful. And tonight she was his, his to enjoy, his to love, his to hold, even if only he knew it.


  “I’m sorry, what did you say?” He was surprised by the effect she had on his voice, he barely recognized his tone.

  “I asked if we’re late.” She blushed. “Don’t look at me like that.” She pleaded.

  “I can’t help it.” He said honestly, not caring that he was making her blush, in fact he liked it. “God Cara, you look so beautiful.” He smiled at her, gathering his bearings.

  “You look pretty good yourself.” She murmured and forced herself to look up at him. A grin tugged the corners of his mouth and his voice was full of laughter.

  “Glad you approve. Are you ready for your next surprise?”

  Her eyes lit with excitement, and his heart raced at the sight of her. She completely knocked him off his axis.

  “Are you going to give me a hint?”

  “I wouldn’t normally.” And when she stepped into the frigid room, her nipples strained against the silky fabric of her dress. He remembered he turned the room into an arctic blast. “Oh shit, sorry.” He hurried to the thermostat and shut the A.C. off. “I was getting antsy waiting.” He turned back towards her and saw that her cheeks were pink again and her arms crossed in front of her chest. He looked at her thoughtfully before grinning mischievously. “But since I’ve embarrassed you and turned your headlights on I figured I kind of owe you one.”

  Her eyes widened at his boldness, and when his hands snaked around her waist, she tried to shove them off. He loved getting under her skin, and found himself dreaming of getting underneath her, period. He struggled with her wrapped in his arms and began to push the thoughts of unraveling her dress from his mind. “Ready for your hint?”

  Begrudgingly, she answered. “Yes.”

  He leaned into her and tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear, his lips brushed against her lobe as he whispered. “A nanny.” Her eyes were closed when he pulled back. He watched her eyebrows scrunch and he laughed, reaching around her to open the door.

  “We’re going to see Fran Dreschner?” She asked a little disappointed, and he tugged her hand pulling her out the door.

  “That’s all I’m going to say.”

  They hailed a cab and Jake whispered their location to the driver. Cara leaned back against the seat and smoothed down her dress, when Jake leaned against
the seat too, she smiled at him, taking his hand in hers. She looked down at their joined hands and then back at him.

  “You’ve been incredible today, you know that right?” She whispered.

  “Ah shucks, you’re going to make me blush.” He teased and kissed her cheek. Then his expression grew serious as he stared at her. “You know what makes me happy?”

  She watched his lips move and then averted her eyes back to his. “What’s that?”

  “Your smile, and knowing I put it there.” He ran the back of his hand down her cheek. She closed her eyes at his touch and wished he would kiss her. She couldn’t explain why she yearned for his lips on hers, and she didn’t want to read into it. She was two steps away from begging him to kiss her when he leaned his forehead against hers.


  “Jake.” They said at the same time and she smiled. “You first.” She whispered, sharing the same breath as he.

  “I know you probably have a list of reasons why it’s not a good idea, and half of them are probably valid ones. I wouldn’t even ask you, but I don’t want to ruin your night.”

  “Just ask.” She said barely audible.

  “Would you let me kiss you?”

  She didn’t speak, instead she pulled his face towards hers and pressed her lips firmly on his. It started as a whisper of a kiss, brushing her lips back and forth against his mouth. And then she threw her restraints to the wind and took his mouth to hers forcefully. Her tongue slipped past his lips and found his, stroking it, devouring his taste. She felt his hands travel down her back, desperately. She moaned and he swallowed it, his teeth tugging on her lower lip. When his tongue traveled the path of his teeth, soothingly she snapped her legs shut, willing the throbbing between her legs to wither. No such luck, and so she clung to him, her body ready to implode with lust. She heard the driver clear his throat, and that’s when Jake broke the kiss. She glanced at him through hooded eyes, wanting to see if he was just as affected as she. She whimpered when she saw the lust in his eyes, and how difficult it was for him to catch his breath.


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