Pieces (Riverdale #1)

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Pieces (Riverdale #1) Page 12

by Janine Infante Bosco

  Cara awoke dreamily, and it took her a moment to register where she was. She stretched her body, it was sore and ached from their lovemaking. A smile crept on her face as she remembered what was definitely the most amazing night of her life. The sheet fell from her breasts as she stretched her arms over her head, and that’s when she noticed Jake. He was sitting on the bed next to the one they shared, drawing her. She quickly grabbed the sheet that had fallen and tucked it under her arms. “What’re you doing?”

  “Don’t move. In fact lose the sheet a little.” He said softly, not taking his eyes off of her as his hand guided the strokes of the pencil along the page.

  She looked at him as if he lost his mind. She felt ridiculous, did he really expect her to just what? Pose for him? Being as bold as she was last night while they had sex was a stretch for her, she couldn’t just sit there naked and let him draw her. She had exhausted all her boldness for quite a while. “Jake I can’t just sit here.” She admitted.

  His hand paused and he looked into her eyes. “Why? Do you know how beautiful you look right now? You’re every man’s fantasy come true.” She slanted her head and gave him a look, like he was full of shit, but when he set his jaw, she knew he meant every word. “Please?” He asked.

  She sighed and struggled to find her confidence. “What should I do?” She said as she tried to relax.

  “Just lay as you were.” He moved the sketchpad off his lap and stood. He leaned into her and pressed his lips softly to hers. She felt the moan escape her lips as he positioned the sheet to fall a little revealing the roundness of her breast but not exposing it in all its glory. His fingers tweaked her nipple and he shot her a grin before pressing one more kiss to her lips.

  “I feel ridiculous.” She said and pouted slightly as he made himself comfortable on the other bed, resuming his task of bringing her to life on a simple piece of paper.

  She studied him, his face was so, serious as he concentrated. She had always been impressed with the talent he possessed. She’d seen him draw everything from cartoons to trees, there was nothing he couldn’t draw. But there was something to be said about the way he looked right now. Maybe it was the glasses, she had rarely seen him use them, and every time she did, she couldn’t get over how much they changed his appearance. Take away the eyebrow piercing and all the tattoos, he’d look like a scholar, all studious and professional. It was sexy and had her thinking of all the things she wanted to do to him as he wore them.

  “I love when you wear your glasses.” She smiled and he laughed fleetingly.

  “Oh yeah? My specs do it for you?” He asked as he gave her a small smile before glancing down at the drawing.

  “The whole package does it for me.” She fidgeted a bit as he looked back and forth between her and the pad. “How’s it coming out?” She tried to steal a glimpse, but he eyed her and she sunk back into the mattress.

  “Try and relax, baby.” He said and then cocked his head to look at her. “Talk to me, that’ll relax you.” He quipped and then his smile spread. “Tell me one of your favorite memories of us.”

  She knew what he was doing. He had done the same thing to her when she had burnt her calf on the motorcycle. He distracted her with her own thoughts as he tended to her wound. She pondered, how was she, supposed to pick just one.

  “There are so many.” She said and then smiled wistfully. “Do you remember when drove out to New Jersey for the weekend. We wanted to see what all the rage was of the Jersey Shore.” She watched the smile cross his face as he grabbed another pencil, knowing he knew exactly what memory she was about to relive with him. “You were drunk and I was driving home. We stopped for gas, I don’t remember what song was on the radio, but we were singing at the top of our lungs. I didn’t know you weren’t allowed to pump your own gas, and so when the gas station attendant gave me back the debit card, I thought he was done.” She laughed and the sheet moved, so she fixed it. “I drove away while the gas was still pumping. I hadn’t realized it.”

  “You were so nervous that you were going to get arrested. I think you even contemplated driving off with it.” He added.

  “I looked into the side mirror and the man was just standing by the pumps with his hands in the air, and then I saw the pump hanging out of the car.” She smiled and their eyes caught.

  “What happened next?” He asked softly.

  “You were there, you know.”

  He laughed. “Humor me, we’re trying to relax you, remember?”

  “You stumbled out of the car and pulled the pump from my gas tank and trekked back to the attendant.” Her eyebrows furrowed. “What did you say to him when you handed it back to him?”

  “Here, I think this is yours. Have a good night.” He recited and then laughed along with her. “I don’t think I ever saw you speed away like that again.” He paused. “The best part of that story is that four years later you did it again.”

  She cringed, hoping he wouldn’t have remembered that part. “Who seriously does that twice in a lifetime? Don’t answer that.” She laughed, and had to admit she was beginning to relax.

  “What about when we went to Cancun. What was your favorite part of that?” He coaxed.

  She took a moment, they had gone to Mexico for a week, one whole week they shared a hotel room just the two of them, half of the memories were fuzzy. She remembered the motorcycle incident, and she remembered tricking their friends into thinking they had finally come to their senses and became a couple. One night stood out to her, and some might not have categorized it as a good memory, because they had fought, but it was for her, because she realized that night that she had meant just as much to him and that he too was struggling with what he was feeling for her. “Remember when we went to that club, I forget the name of it now, but I left you there?”

  “I said good memories.” He didn’t lift his head to look at her, he continued to draw.

  “Well, it was for me. I left you there when someone had pick-pocketed me. You were on the stage dancing with two girls, and I thought you wouldn’t give a shit. So I left, I went back to the hotel. I was on the balcony smoking a cigar with Gina’s brother and you stormed into the hotel room, so mad, and angry. I don’t think I ever saw you that angry with me before.”

  “I couldn’t believe something had happened to you and you thought I wouldn’t have cared.” He looked up at her. “I was angry and for the record, I did care.”

  “I know that. When you came back to the hotel room, I knew just by looking at your face how much I meant to you.”

  “I don’t know what I was mad at more, the fact that you left and thought I didn’t care, or that when I came back you were smoking a cigar with another guy.” He looked at her. “You drove me crazy that night.”

  “Sorry,” She said simply but sincerely.

  He flashed her a smile. “You’re forgiven.”

  She returned the smile and then let the memories swoosh through her head. “You know we have so many memories, even the bad ones I’d never trade. What about you?”

  “I wouldn’t erase one single second I’ve spent with you, Cara.” He put his pencils down and stared at her. “Not one.”

  She blew him a kiss, and nodded towards his pad. “Are you finished?”

  “Yes.” He stood up and walked over to the bed. She sat up as he sat down on the edge, he handed her the pad and watched her reaction.

  Cara had seen his work before, knew that he was talented but the drawing that she stared at was impeccable. Hard to believe that the beauty he had captured on paper, was hers alone. This drawing was like she was looking at herself through Jake’s eyes. Overwhelmed by the intensity and beauty that he captured, she felt her eyes fill. The woman looking back at her from the paper was beautiful. It was hard for her to admit that. Jake had helped her see beauty through his eyes, in turn, only making her love him more. She looked soft and happy. Her eyes looked full of love and mystery. Her body languid and flushed, the woman that stared back at her was a wom
an in love. She averted her eyes to Jake’s and he smiled at her, tucking a strand of her wild hair behind her ear. “I can’t believe that’s me.” She whispered.

  “You’re beautiful, Cara.” The back of his hand stroked her cheek. “So, beautiful.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in locking her mouth with his. “I love you.” She whispered against his lips. “I’ll always love you.”

  “Ditto.” Was all he said before he leaned them back against the pillows, and showed her how much he meant those words.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cara couldn’t wipe the grin that played upon her face. It was official, Jake and she had broken down the barriers and were officially a couple. It felt surreal and she wouldn’t lie, she was kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop. Surely, she wasn’t entitled to such happiness, and when the powers that be figured it out, her happily ever after would be ripped from under her.

  However, she could enjoy it while it lasted and that’s exactly what she planned to do. Now that they were back in Riverdale, after the most amazing weekend, she was back tending to the bar at Rudy’s.

  The bar was decently packed for a weekday and she was the only bartender due to a few call outs. She was pouring three fingers of scotch for the man at the end of the bar, Billy. He was a regular that constantly tried to sway Cara to date him. Sam walked in carrying balloons and Cara slid Billy his scotch and treated him with a wink before leaving him to meet Sam.

  “Happy belated birthday,” Sam beamed, placing the balloon weight on the bar.

  Cara laughed and naturally when she looked around the bar, all eyes were on her. The chorus of Happy Birthday began around the bar, and her regulars lifted their glasses to commemorate her. She felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, but graciously thanked everyone before leaning over the bar and smacking Sam’s hand.

  “I could kill you right now, but thank you.” Cara said as she smiled.

  “Well I would’ve loved to have seen you on your actual birthday but my brother seemed to have other plans.” Sam made herself comfortable in the bar stool and then peered at Cara curiously. “I suppose I should ask; how was it?”

  Cara bit her lip contemplating on whether or not she should be the one to let the cat of the bag. “It was great.”

  “I knew it!” Sam exclaimed, slapping her palm against the wooden bar. “You totally got some!”

  “You knew that by three little words?”

  “No it was a hunch, and you just confirmed. Thank you very much!” Sam leaned in. “I’d ask for all the juicy details but its Jake and that would just give me nightmares. So instead I’ll ask, are you finally dating my brother?”

  Cara lifted her gaze and watched as Jake walked through the door. Her heart raced at the sight of him. He was dressed casually, in jeans and fitted hoodie. His sleeves were pushed up to his elbows and his hair was slightly mussed from the wind she figured. He wore the biggest grin, and hers matched it. His eyes locked with hers and she couldn’t help but completely ignore her surroundings.

  Sam swung her head around and caught the exchange between Cara and Jake, before she rolled her eyes. “Oh boy, you two got it bad.” She sang.

  “Hey, Sis,” Jake said, his eyes still on Cara as he placed a quick kiss on his sister’s cheek.

  Cara bit her lip, and wondered how he would greet her. Usually a peck on the cheek like he gave his sister would suffice. Would he kiss her in front of all these people? Did she want him to? Of course she did, she wanted more than anything for him to claim her as his own. Maybe then she wouldn’t be hit on every second she worked.

  Jake leaned over the bar and grabbed her face with both hands, placing his smiling mouth over hers. Well that answered that, she thought for a moment before responding to the kiss. Her hands wrapped around his wrists, and her lips worked his softly. It was quick, but the message was well received. He wanted everyone to know they were together.

  “Hi.” She whispered against his mouth.

  “Hi yourself,” Jake said before releasing her face.

  “Well that answered my question.” Sam said as a matter of fact.

  Jake smirked as he turned his attention towards his sister. “What question would that be?”

  “I asked if you two were a couple, but before she could answer me you did.” Sam said as she studied her brother and after a moment she beamed back at him. “I’m so happy for you guys!” She threw her arms around him and he laughed.

  Cara rubbed her face, wondering if she could rub the rosiness of her cheeks away.

  “I’m happy for us too.” Jake said and looked over his shoulder at Cara. “So what’s with the balloons?”

  “Sam brought them for me. Did I even thank you for them?”

  Sam shrugged. “So how was Mary Poppins? Did Jake sit through the entire show?”

  “Yes Jake sat through the entire show,” He said mockingly as he referred to himself in the third person.

  “It was great, even better than the movie.” Cara added and threw Jake a smile. She still couldn’t believe he remembered how much she had wanted to see that show.

  “Hey sugar, can I get another scotch?” Billy crooned from across the bar. When Cara glanced over at him he sent her a beaming smile, while holding up his empty glass.

  “Sometimes I forget I actually have to work.” Cara thought to herself but said aloud. “Excuse me.” She said to them and puckered her lips towards Jake before fulfilling her customer’s needs.

  Jake knew his sister was rattling off questions aimed at him, but he ignored her. He didn’t like the fact that the jerkoff at the end of the bar was blatantly flirting with Cara. He knew it happened all the time, he wasn’t ignorant. What ticked him off most was that Jake was pretty sure the guy was only doing it to test Jake. The whole time Cara served him, he would shoot Jake a glance. Obviously this prick, didn’t know how short of a leash he had.

  Jake ground his teeth, trying his best not to stalk over there and beat the living shit out of the guy. Sam must’ve realized that he was ignoring her because she turned her attention in the same direction as Jake’s.

  Sam snapped her fingers in front of Jake’s face, forcing him to meet her scrutiny.

  “What?” He growled. She cocked one eyebrow and he rolled his eyes. “Oh please, he’s deliberately fucking with me.”

  “Maybe but you’re going to have to get used to that. She works in a bar for God’s sake, not a convent.”

  He hated when his sister was right, probably as much as she hated him endlessly teasing her.

  “I know.” He sighed heavily. “I just don’t like it. Half these people are used to her being fair game. How many times have I sat here and watch while someone slipped her their number?”

  Sam nodded understanding. “All the while you slipped a few girls your number.”

  “Well shit’s different now.” He grumbled.

  “But it doesn’t change that she works here. Cara knows how to handle herself, so you need to trust that.” She said while Jake stared back at Cara. Sam chuckled amused and he snapped his gaze back towards her.

  “I trust her, not them.” He said bluntly as he crossed his arms against his chest. He looked down at his watch. He had just stopped by because he missed her and wanted to see her before his next client. Now as he watched a guy get all cozy with his girlfriend he wanted to park his ass at the bar all night and guard her like a watchdog, to hell with his work. Not to mention, his sister was getting her kicks in at his expense.

  “Got room for one more?” Nick said as he stood between Sam and Jake.

  “No. Go away.” Sam said miserably.

  Jake tore his eyes from Cara and acknowledged Nick. “Hey man. What are you doing here?”

  He wondered if he could slip him a few bucks and beg him to stand guard over Cara as he went to work.

  “I live upstairs, what the hells with the face?” Nick said half sarcastically the other half questioning.

  “Jake got himself a
girlfriend.” Sam said sweetly, turning the tables on her brother.

  Nick looked over at Cara then back at Jake. “Oh yeah? Looks like, he picked the wrong girl, and is still pining for his best friend.”

  “Cara is my girlfriend, dickhead.” Jake blew out a breath and watched Nick’s eyes widen and a naughty grin take over his mouth.

  “Well it’s about time.” He said and slapped him on the shoulder, as if he just announced he won the Noble Peace Prize. Nick looked over at Sam. “So why is he sulking?”

  Sam shrugged as she tried to contain her amusement. “He’s jealous.”

  Nick laughed out loud only pissing Jake off more.

  “Are you two done?” Jake asked.

  “Oh come on, you can dish it but you can’t take it?” Sam taunted.

  “Nick shouldn’t you be wooing her or something?” Jake looked as his sister warningly, only for her to roll her eyes in exchange.

  “Oh please, it’s hilarious to think of you brooding over a girl, and that girl being Cara. For years you played it off as if she was just your best friend in the whole wide world.” She emphasized her sarcasm. “Now in the blink of an eye I’m supposed to play it off like you acting like the jealous boyfriend to Cara, is not completely new to me? Hell I’m all for it, but you had to know we’d tease you mercilessly.”

  Jake opened his mouth to speak, not sure if he should go with the harshest thing that sat on the edge of his tongue or to engage in the ridiculousness of this conversation. Happy he didn’t have to decide, because Cara made her way over to him and made him completely forget his antagonist of sister. Jake took her hand in his and watched as she smiled up at Nick.

  “Hey Nick, what’s up?”

  “Hey sweetheart.” Nick said as he winked at Cara. Jake kicked him in the shin, just for the hell of it.

  “Sorry, I have a twitching problem.” Jake said sheepishly as Nick grunted.


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