The Billionaire's Accidental Bride

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The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Page 6

by Love, Kimmy

  Granted, she was known as a bit of a flirt and when she saw a man she was attracted to, Annaya had never been afraid to make the first move, but with Jack it was more than that. He made her so very aware that she was a woman and he was a man and all she wanted to do every time she looked at him was sink into another one of his kisses. She wondered how damaging that magnetism would be when a kid was involved and they had more important things to think about than her place or his.

  "There'll be far fewer surprises soon," she said quickly, getting what was on her mind out of her mouth and turning away from him to distract herself from the smooth gaze of his eyes.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, once there's a kid, life finds a routine, doesn't it? It'll start off with nap schedules and feeding times and then it'll turn into the school run and a homework timetable. It will be eighteen years of predictable."

  Jack smiled at her in a way that was almost fond. "I can't imagine that you'll ever be predictable."

  "I'll be a mom."

  "I'll be a dad."

  Annaya let out a light little laugh. "Well, I know that you'll never be predictable."

  "There you go. Things will just be a little different."

  "Do you think you'll be there in his or her life? Our son's or daughter's?"

  "I hope to be. I hardly ever saw my dad growing up. I was always with a member of staff. He was always at work. I always told myself that if I ever had kids, I'd be involved in their life."

  "The distance will make it difficult."

  "We'll figure it out. You could come to Vegas."

  "Vegas?" Annaya let out a little laugh. "I don't want to raise a kid in Vegas. He'll grow up to be a gambler who hangs out in strip clubs."

  Jack laughed at her assumption and raised his eyebrows in amusement. "Now, I didn't turn out so bad, did I?"

  Annaya realized her stereotypes covered him and she laughed herself. "No. I suppose not."


  The first dance was a magical moment between bride and groom. Natalie's eyes were shining with love for her new husband and Daniel was looking down at her with beg, tender eyes and his arms about her waist.

  A love song came on and they began to sway in the middle of the dance floor as everyone let out little “awws.” Annaya watched them with a little twinge of sadness and tried not to look too upset when all of the other couples began to get up and join them on the dance floor.

  Suddenly, Jack stood up from his chair and held out his hand to her. "Will you dance with me?"

  Annaya was left momentarily speechless by how sweet she found his gesture. After all, who was she to him except for some woman he'd slept with a couple of times and made his life more difficult? Yet, here he was, reaching out to her and making sure she didn't feel alone on a night meant for lovers. She took hold of his hand and followed him in a kind of trance to the dance floor.

  Once there, he threaded his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. Annaya felt that attraction to him coursing through her veins once again and she was left breathless by how amazing it felt to be in his arms, moving in little circles to the sound of a sweet melody.

  She began by dancing with a little space between them, but as the music played on, she let her head rest against his chest and he didn't step back. Rather, he rested his chin against her head and they swayed together closely. It was a bittersweet moment.

  It meant the world to Annaya that he'd stopped her being alone tonight and was having a moment of closeness with her like this, but it also broke her heart that in the morning he'd be flying back out to Vegas and all the reality of what was really happening would come crashing back down onto her shoulders. She had to tell herself that this wasn't romance. This was just the calm before the storm.


  Dancing with Annaya brought back all those calm and tender feelings that Jack had never felt before. Annaya had such grace and when she laid her head against his chest, it had made Jack feel such a surge of affection; something different from lust or sexual desire, something much sweeter. It made him slightly morose to think of what could have been in different circumstances, but unfortunately his status would not allow him to welcome a one-night stand into his life. His father would go berserk if he were to introduce her to him under these circumstances and she lived in California and wanted to stay there for the baby.

  Besides, Jack had to tell himself, that the way he felt around Annaya was not a growing love or anything special, it was just the way any man would feel to be close to someone carrying his child. It was an appreciation for a beautiful woman.

  The wedding would have been a joyous affair if Jack and Annaya hadn't both had other things on their mind, but they had moments of laughter amongst the worry. It had been nice to talk to Annaya over dinner and learn a little more about her upbringing and family and the dance they'd shared had been a few minutes of solace that Jack was sure he'd never forget. Now the night was over and they were left with the same decision that they'd been left with before. Take it to the bedroom, or walk away.

  "I'm staying in the hotel tonight," Jack informed her, as they stood in the lobby of the grand reception as the guests filed out. He looked meaningfully up towards the spiral staircase leading up towards the room. "Would you like to talk a little longer?"


  Jack knew the second she agreed that they would doubtlessly find themselves in each other's arms again and he wasn't sure how he felt about it. Annaya was beautiful, her body was incredible and that one night they'd made love when they hadn't both been drunk out of their minds had been unforgettable, but he was worrying that this would turn into a habit that would create problems down the line. Yet, even though he knew there were reasons to be cautious, he couldn't stop himself from taking hold of Annaya's hand and leading her into his room.

  Once they were in the hotel suite, his jacket came off immediately and he pressed his lips down over hers. At first, Annaya returned his kiss eagerly, but then he felt her hands pressing against his chest to push him away and she stepped back with slightly tearful eyes and brushed back her hair from her face with a weary hand.

  "I'm sorry, Jack. I shouldn't have come up here. This was a mistake."

  "No, don't be sorry," Jack conceded, respectfully taking a step away from her and sitting slightly dejected on the edge of his bed. "You're right. This would be a mistake."

  Tentatively, Annaya came to sit at his side on the bed and she bit down on her lip nervously, shooting him sideways glances and her fingers fiddled with the seams on the bedcovers. Eventually she sighed and tried to explain herself.

  "We're going to be in each other's lives from now on and I don't know how that's going to turn out. I don't know if I'm going to see you once a month or once a year. I don't know if we'll end up really good friends or hardly more than we are now. The one thing I do know is that I'm not looking for someone to screw every time he's in town, only to be on my own again as soon as he takes off the next day. I need more security in my life than that."

  Jack put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "You don't have to explain yourself to me. You're right. There's chemistry between us, for sure, but we can't let it take over. There's too much at stake for that."

  "Are you thinking of the press again?" Annaya asked, with a slightly judging tone to her voice.

  Jack half-laughed at her cynicism and shook his head. "More than that, Annaya. We're going to have a kid."

  He fell back onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling as though the sudden realization had overwhelmed him. Annaya followed suit and also fell onto her back at his side to stare up at the white plaster and let reality sink in.

  "We're going to have a kid," she repeated.

  There was a moment's silence between them as all that chemistry which had been fizzing between them came to a standstill and they lay side by side as the future mother and father of their unborn child. Then Jack turned his head towards her and smiled. She smiled back and slipped her hand
into his and they lay for while just like that, side by side and saying nothing, as if waiting for an easy answer, which never came.


  Back in Vegas, Jack couldn't keep his mind on work, on his social life, or on anything else. Night and day, all that was on his mind was Annaya. He felt terrible to be so far from her, although he made an effort to call her at least once a week and check up on her and the baby. She said she was doing fine and Jack was sure that everything was progressing alright with the pregnancy, but he worried far more about how she was coping on her own.

  "You've been moping around for weeks, Jack," Lewis confronted him when they were having dinner one night in a members-only club. "What is going on?"

  Jack looked around the expensive bar furtively and leaned in closer to Lewis. "Can you keep something to yourself?"

  "Is it to do with that woman from the casino?"

  "How did you guess?"

  "You've been different ever since you've met her. I had a feeling you were still in touch with her. What is it? Has she threatened to go to the press with it? Is she blackmailing you? Demanding money?"

  "No! Nothing like that."

  "Then what is it?"

  "She's pregnant."

  "Pregnant? Jack, are you sure? I don't mean to be a cynic, but any girl's got a lot to gain from pretending to be carrying your child."

  "She's not like that."

  "How could you know? You barely know the woman."

  "Trust me, Lewis. She's not after anything."

  "Well, I hope you're right. Jesus, Jack. That's a bit of a problem. What are you going to do?"

  "I'm still trying to figure it out."

  "Is she going to keep it?"


  "Wow. I bet your father's going to have something to say about that. I suppose you haven't told him?"

  "Of course I haven't."

  "He'll find out eventually, one way or another."

  "I know."

  "And you trust this girl to keep quiet?"

  "I told you, Lewis. I trust her."

  Lewis sat back in his chair and gave a casual shrug. "Then it's up to you to make the next move, Jack. You're going to have to come clean to your father and you'll probably have to arrange a public announcement for the press."

  "I don't want the press getting hold of this."

  "You know they will."

  "I don't want to drag Annaya into all of that. It's bad enough that I've got her pregnant and she's a plane ride away. I can't stop thinking about how she's on her own over in California and how she's promised to keep her mouth shut. She won't even tell her parents that I'm the father."

  "It's probably for the best until you've figured out how you're going to frame it."

  "How can I frame it, Lewis? It is what it is. I drank too much and got a girl pregnant."

  "You'll have to spin it differently for the press. Pretend that it's the culmination of a long-term love affair."


  "I don't know what to tell you, Jack. You'll have to face it sometime. People are going to find out."

  Jack knew Lewis was right, but the thought of telling his father that he'd done something reckless again made Jack feel like a child and he'd much rather tell him at a time when he'd figured a few things out and could frame it in a better light.

  After dinner, he said goodbye to Lewis and began to head out of the club. He was just walking towards the valet to hand over his keys when suddenly he heard his name being called and turned around to find a familiar woman waving at him.

  It was Hannah. She was as beautiful as ever, but it had been a while since Jack had seen her in the cold light of day. The slim blonde was wearing a soft pink cashmere sweater and a short black skirt. She looked every bit the Stepford wife, but Jack knew better than to be deceived by appearances. He knew with just a few shots in her, Hannah would be dancing on the tables and telling the press all her dirty secrets. Jack let out a little groan when he realized who was calling him and impatiently waited for her to catch up. She greeted him by throwing her arms around his neck with a little squeal.

  "Jack! Darling! It's been too long! Where have you been?"

  "Oh, you know, around."

  "I've been trying to get a hold of you for weeks. In fact, I was telling Sophie just the other day about how I needed to have a good old catch up with Jack. When are you free, darling? We should get some drinks."

  "I'm not really into all that anymore, Hannah."

  "Nonsense! We used to have such fun! Do you remember?"

  Jack pulled a face. The last night out he'd had with Hannah had ended in disaster when one of the young men they'd been driving with had been pulled over for drunk driving and the papers had broadcast the dangerous activities of Vegas' young and wealthy. His father had been furious at him for having been involved in the scandal. Things had only been made worse by Hannah's eagerness to provide a quote for the paper and all because she loved being at the center of attention of a group of journalists.

  It was her big mouth that had tied Jack's name to the incident and he'd made an effort to stay away from both her and the others since that night in an effort to clear up his act and prove to his father that he was worthy of inheriting the family business.

  "Don't be a bore, Jack. Let's meet up sometime."

  "Really, Hannah, I don't think it's a good idea. I'm working towards taking over the casinos. I really need to focus on my work right now."

  Hannah's eyes lit up at the mention of his inheritance and she moved her body closer to him suggestively. "What a big responsibility that must be. I'd love to hear all about it sometime. I'll call you."

  A valet appeared at that moment with Hannah's car and the manipulative blonde drove away. Jack rolled his eyes. He knew just why Hannah was so interested in talking to him again. It had been all over the business reports that her father's own company had suffered a monumental loss in recent months after a huge contract fell through and that her family's funds were in danger.

  She was looking to latch onto a wealthy partner to keep her in the lifestyle to which she was accustomed and, as a former flame, Jack was naturally her first choice. In his younger days, Jack might have fallen for her charms, but he'd had enough women attaching themselves to him for his bank account; by now that he'd learned to sense a gold-digger and Hannah was more than that. She was a gold-digger and an attention seeker – a lethal mix to a young billionaire in the public eye. Hannah was one thing: trouble.


  It seemed crazy to Annaya that she could miss Jack after having spent so little time with him, but she certainly missed the way he made her feel. As she went about her daily life in his absence, her thoughts kept drifting back to that dance they'd shared. For some reason, that moment of sweet intimacy between them stuck out in her mind far more than the night they'd made love.

  She'd felt safe with him then, and special, like a princess when everyone saw her in the arms of the most handsome man in the world. Every time that she looked at Jack, Annaya felt her heart lift and without him around, nothing else seemed quite as exciting. She looked forward with great anticipation to Friday nights when he would call her and ask her how she was doing and if everything was alright with the baby.

  At first, the calls had been short and formal, with him simply asking whether there was anything she needed and asking for reminders for the next important date in the pregnancy. But as the weeks passed, the phone calls became friendlier, and Annaya began to ask how he was.

  At first, he'd chuckled at her attempts to engage him in chit-chat, but slowly, he began to call prepared for her onslaught of questions and enjoyed the chance to offload on somebody who seemed to enjoy listening to him talk about his work and what he'd been up to with Lewis.

  Annaya could feel him relaxing during their conversations and started to feel like they were really getting to know each other, which made her glad, because her worst fear was that he'd leave her alone to raise their child at a time when every
one around her already had enough on their plates with starting their own lives.

  It was a little easier when one day, Annaya had Natalie over for coffee and her best friend had some great news.

  “Daniel and I have been trying since the wedding, and I'm pregnant!"

  "Really?" Annaya gasped. "Natalie, that's fantastic news!"

  Annaya threw her arms around her friend and felt a huge wave of relief well up within her. Natalie wasn't a boyfriend or husband, but she would be someone who knew what she was going through and Annaya found her advice invaluable in the weeks that followed.

  Where Annaya had kind of just let the pregnancy go along in its own manner, Natalie was forever reading books and doing internet research on how to keep the baby healthy and what kinds of diet to eat. Natalie knew week by week how big the baby would be by hen and at what stage the baby would develop fingers and toes or a smile.

  Annaya was glad to have someone around her who knew what she was doing, but she always felt that familiar pang of longing whenever Daniel joined in the conversation.Annaya wished that she had a partner with her too. It was great to talk to Jack on the phone, but really, she longed for him to be with her in person, on-call when she needed him.

  She knew that he was just on the other end of the line, but she didn't quite feel like they were close enough yet for her to feel it was OK to just call him out-of-the-blue. They had their Friday night chats and she had to be content with that.

  The next time she saw him in person was four weeks after Natalie's wedding, for the first scan. She went to pick him up at the airport, after insisting that he didn't have to waste money on a company car when she was able to drive him. He'd laughed at that, reminding her that money was not really an issue, but Annaya had told him that their child was going to learn the value of money and that budgeting was an important part of real life.

  "Real life, huh?" Jack had laughed. "What does that make this?"

  "It still feels like a dream to me."

  The third time Annaya had seen Jack on her home ground in Bakersfield felt different to the two times before, due to the conversations they'd had on the phone and the feeling that they knew each other just a little better now.


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