The Billionaire's Accidental Bride

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The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Page 8

by Love, Kimmy

  "More than you'd know. Please, Annie. I need you here."

  "Alright. I can come."


  It felt more than surreal to step into the First Class section of a plane on her way to see Jack. Annaya's head hadn't stopped spinning since that morning. The whole thing seemed so bizarre to her and she simply couldn't believe anyone cared that much about who Jack Casali had slept with, but then she thought of all those celebrities in the world who were famous for being famous or famous for being rich. She supposed that Jack wasn't so different from any of them. He was insanely wealthy and insanely attractive -- wasn't that enough to make the world take notice?

  Not to mention the scores of Vegas women who'd been hoping to be the one to tie the playboy down. It was always news when a rich and eligible bachelor was taken. It was a sad day for the elite when that happened.

  The flight went smoothly and by the time that Annaya had collected her case from the carousel and headed into the arrivals lounge, there was already somebody waiting for her with a sign. She headed towards the chauffeur and was taken to a very expensive car.

  Annaya felt the panic growing greater and greater within her as they travelled through Vegas towards some unknown destination. She wasn't just meeting with Jack today, but also with his father and she imagined that he'd have something to say about her causing a scandal. She wondered if he'd try to pay her off to keep quiet or send her abroad to live in some distant villa where nobody would ever find her. The way Jack described him, she was expecting his father to go to some kind of extreme length to hush this up.

  At last, the car pulled up at a set of tall, ornate black gates, which drifted open as if by magic when the car drew near. The driver drove them up a long, expansive driveway towards a mansion, which lay in the distance. Annaya's eyes grew wider and wider as they drove closer and her gaze travelled over the immaculate estate, its perfect roses, marble steps and the incredible statue which topped the glorious fountain in front of the mansion. It was a palace.

  When the car came to a stop in front of the building, a different servant came to open the door and lead her towards the mansion and it was a butler who answered the bell. Annaya had now been in the estate for a good ten minutes and was yet to see anybody who was not a member of staff. She was intimidated by the lack of ordinary people in this place and by the tall ceilings and chandeliers. Everything seemed to be made out of marble or crystal and every surface was topped with some priceless antique.

  The lobby looked like it had jumped straight out of some James Bond movie, when the spy meets the billionaire villain on his home ground. As you entered the door, you were met with the sight of a huge sweeping staircase carpeted in a deep red carpet that was meant for wealthy feet.

  No matter which way Annaya turned her head, she felt in awe and she felt suddenly very self-conscious to be standing there in a pair of denim jeans and a slightly tatty old purple sweater when she was surrounded by servants in immaculate suits and chandeliers. The butler told her that she'd be met shortly and left her in the lobby. Annaya felt like a deer in headlights waiting for someone to meet her. She was hoping that Jack would find her soon, before the pressure got too much. Annaya was sure that she was going to faint soon. This whole thing felt like a dream.

  She was made even more nervous when she found that it was not Jack who came to greet her in the lobby, but some robust and stern-looking gentleman in an expensive pinstripe suit who looked a lot like Jack. Annaya knew at once that this was Jack's father and she felt herself begin to tremble as he stepped closer. Brandon Casali's face wore an expression of perpetual disappointment and he walked with his hands clasped together behind his back, pursing his lips together critically as he looked her over. Annaya felt terrified to be held there under his glare, but she kept her head held high and tried not to look too unnerved.

  She was surprised when the old man's face suddenly broke out into a smile and he reached out to shake her hand warmly in both of his. "Annaya, I presume. Thank you so much for coming. I'm sorry for all the formality. It must seem strange. Please, come with me. A cup of tea will help you relax after that long flight."

  "Oh... thank you," Annaya replied bewilderedly.

  She'd been expecting him to fly into her with a long rant about her promiscuous behavior or to be called a gold-digger, but the man before her seemed nothing like Jack had described. He was calm and hospitable and quick to offer her a cup of tea when they came to rest in a beautiful and ornate tea room towards the back of the mansion.

  Annaya sat down nervously on the edge of a golden chintz sofa with elaborately carved legs and anxiously took a sip from her cup. She wondered where Jack was and felt very uneasy to be left alone with his father, although Brandon was smiling at her reassuringly.

  "No need to look so afraid, my dear."

  "Jack had asked me to keep the whole thing quiet," Annaya confessed. "I thought you'd be unhappy to see me here."

  "Jack has never been the best at confronting his errors. I'm just sorry it took this long for the matter to reach a resolution. I'm grateful, in fact, that you were discreet about the whole matter and that you came so promptly."

  "Of course. I'm sorry that this happened in the first place. I know how important your reputation is. I promise you, I had no idea who Jack was when I met him. This was never my intention."

  "I believe that. If you were after his money, I'm sure we'd have known about it by now."

  "I don't want his money."

  "What do you want from my son?"

  Annaya was taken aback and looked at Brandon with round, surprised eyes. "Nothing."


  "Nothing. It's more about what Jack wants. This is his child, too."

  "Jack thought I'd be angry to hear about what had happened, but I'll confess, that I actually think the situation could end up working out for all of us. Jack has a reputation as a ‘playboy’." The billionaire's expression of disapproval returned to his face at the word and Annaya could tell that he was not a fan of that description. He sighed heavily before continuing his explanation. "I believe that in the past he has enjoyed that reputation and done his best to live up to it.

  I want nothing more than for him to settle down and step up to his responsibilities. This pregnancy could be a blessing in disguise. Jack tells me that nobody knows about how you met and I can soon arrange for casino footage of that night to be destroyed so that it stays that way. Jack has a real chance here to reinvent himself as a family man."

  "A family man?"

  "Yes. A child could be just what is needed to pull him away from all that nonsense and help him focus on what matters. Still, I'm confusing you. I think it's perhaps best that you see Jack now. He'll make it all clear."

  Brandon was right. Annaya was confused. The billionaire was speaking so cryptically, as though he had some trick up his sleeve that he was about to reveal to her. Annaya wondered what it was. What role was the billionaire expecting her to play? What lies were they planning to spin? How were they going to avert this PR disaster?

  The billionaire gestured for her to follow him and he led her out of the tea room to another room on the other side of the mansion. They came to a stop at a grand oak door and Brandon stepped back with a smile on his face. "Jack's waiting for you. Go ahead."

  Uncertainly, Annaya stepped forward and pushed open the door. She gasped at what she saw inside and let the heavy door slam shut behind her, closing off her and Jack in a room that was filled with roses and lit by candles. The scent of so many flowers made Annaya's head spin, as did the sight of Jack in a suit, down on one knee and holding up a little black velvet box which contained the biggest diamond engagement ring that she had ever seen. He was smiling, but looked as nervous and uncertain as she did.

  "Annaya," he began, clearing his throat slightly, "I know this isn't the conventional way to do things and that we don't know each other all that well. I know that you've got a life in California and I've no right to expect you to drop
everything for a man who's hardly more than a stranger. I know that all of this is crazy, but I promised I'd support you and I meant it, so that is why, Annie, I want to ask you if you'll do me the honor of being my wife. Will you marry me?"


  At first, Annaya stared at Jack in complete shock and then a laugh rose up in her throat and she shook her head in disbelief. "Stand up, Jack. Don't be ridiculous."

  Jack frowned and slowly picked himself up from the ground. "I'm trying to do the right thing."

  "The right thing? You're being insane. We hardly know each other. What was this – your father's idea?"

  "He's right, Annaya. I need to start stepping up and settling down. We've got a baby on the way. A marriage makes sense. Why not?"

  "‘Why not’? Because I'm not going to marry someone for appearances, that's why not. Jesus, Jack, are you mad?"

  "I'm sorry. I thought a commitment was what you were looking for."

  "A commitment as a father. That doesn't mean I expect you to drop everything and be my husband. What kind of marriage would that be? Just on paper? This is the craziest thing I've ever heard of. I can't believe you just did that."

  Jack's face reddened slightly at her reaction and he placed the engagement ring back in his pocket and gave a nonchalant shrug. "I thought all women were after marriage."

  "You were wrong."

  Annaya was in complete shock and her head was spinning. She couldn't believe Jack had proposed to her. She knew that he had undoubtedly done it to please his father and ensure he wasn't disowned for stepping out of line for the last time, but all the same, she found the situation absurd and gave him another stern frown and shook her head.

  Did she want to get married? Of course, someday. Did she want to marry Jack? She wanted to marry someone like Jack, certainly. She wanted someone handsome, smart and wealthy, but there was no matter how handsome, smart or wealthy, Annaya had been waiting for love and she wasn't about to settle now for convenience. She had more dignity than that.

  "So, what now?" she asked him, stepping over to one of those beautiful bouquets and taking a deep breath of its sweet scent. "We're not getting married, so does that mean I'm going home? Will I see you again?"

  "Of course you'll see me again. As for the fine print, I just don't know. Perhaps you could stay a while and we'll figure it all out."

  "Stay a while?"

  Annaya raised her eyebrows and looked up at the high ceilings and around at the beautiful decor and she could imagine enjoying being surrounded by this kind of luxury, but she knew that time with Jack here would be no holiday. His proposal had been rejected and now his father was involved and the whole situation was just a bit strange.

  Still, Annaya had just travelled all this way and she didn't want to turn on her heel and leave again so soon. Plus, she wanted to know what happened next. She had so many unanswered questions. Ever since this whole thing had begun, she and Jack had been skipping around the details of their situation, but the time was drawing closer where he and Annaya had to start making plans.

  What would they do in terms of custody? Where would the child go to school? How would they arrange the child support? Annaya didn't want to leave those details to chance or think of them as distant, irrelevant things to worry about when the time came. She was worrying about them now and wanted to know that Jack would be there.

  "Fine," she said at last with a heavy sigh, "but only because we have things to discuss."

  "I'll take you to my place across town. You don't want to stay here with my father."

  "No. He seems to have his own ideas for how this whole thing should go."

  "That's my father."

  "I'll grab my bags."


  Jack knew he'd made a huge mistake in proposing to Annaya and now things would probably be incredibly awkward for them both, but the surprising woman had seemed to have taken his moment of insanity in stride and quickly brushed it aside. But now it was back to the real matters at hand.

  Why had he done it? His father's influence, certainly, but also because when he was around Annaya, the thought of settling down didn't seem nearly so oppressive. Annaya surprised him constantly. She was beautiful, strong, and level-headed. Perhaps the love of a good woman was exactly what he needed in his life.

  The billionaire shook his head at his own foolishness and sighed. If he'd ever had a chance with her he was sure he'd blown it now. He'd thrown her life off course by getting her pregnant in the first place and had then tried to solve the problem by throwing more insanity his way. He was sure there was no way she'd be able to think of him now as anything other than an impulsive and reckless playboy who'd do anything to stay in his father's good books.

  There were a hundred things he wished he'd done differently at this point and he was starting to realize Annaya meant more to him that just a one-night stand. She was the only woman who'd ever held his attention and now she was to be the mother of his child. And already he'd screwed it all up. There was nothing left to do than to step up to the mark in whatever way Annaya needed and hope that she'd forgive him for panicking.


  Jack's own property was huge, although not quite as large as where his father lived. It was slightly on the outskirts of the city in grounds of its own and was only one-story high, although that one story covered a huge expanse of space. Unlike his father's mansion, which was manor-like and old-fashioned, Jack's home was filled with modern technology, and black, white and chrome decor.

  He lead her into his living room, which had a pristine white carpet, black leather sofas and a huge ornamental electric fireplace and he told her to put her bags down wherever she wanted.

  "Your place is beautiful."


  There was a moment of silence. Since they'd met, there'd been surprisingly few awkward silences, considering the circumstances, but since Jack's proposal that morning, they'd had almost nothing to say to one another, despite Annaya's attempts to pretend it had never happened.

  After a short while of uncomfortable lingering, Jack sighed deeply and stepped across the room to stand in front of Annaya. Even though he'd done something mad that morning and Annaya had no idea what to expect of him next, she still couldn't stop herself feeling the way she did around him -- weak-kneed and breathless.

  She'd seen him look embarrassed for the first time today and it had been like seeing Caesar fall, but it humanized him also, and let Annaya know that she wasn't the only one who had no idea what she was doing. Jack took hold of her hands and looked in her eyes with a mixture of regret and apology in his own.

  "I'm sorry for what I did this morning, Annaya," he said sincerely. "It was a moment of panic. I was trying to step up and thought it was the right thing to do. I realize now that a woman like you doesn't want a quick fix. A woman like you would rather do it right, in her own time. You're incredibly strong, Annaya, and I should have known better than to think you needed a man to propose to you for you to be alright. I know you're plenty strong enough on your own."

  Annaya's smiled softened and she gave his hands a grateful little squeeze. "Thank you for saying that, Jack. Let's just forget about the whole thing, shall we? I can't blame you for having a moment of madness. God knows I've had no idea what I've been doing since this whole thing began. Your heart was in the right place... I think."

  "It was. I know you imagine that I was simply steam-rolled by my father, but I promise you, Annaya, he's tried to get me to settle down many times before and I've only ever laughed at the idea. I've always considered myself something of a lone wolf, a free spirit – I don't know – but when I'm with you, I could imagine being the kind of family man my father wants me to be. Perhaps one day."


  The way he spoke made Annaya's heart start fluttering again and he was looking at her with such tenderness in his eyes, as though there were feelings beneath the words, although Annaya refused to believe that he could feel anything for her under the ci
rcumstances. But, then again, didn't she feel weak at the knees every time she saw him and didn't she long for her Thursday nights when they could speak and she felt like everything would be alright?

  It wasn't love – not yet – but something was growing between them, something building from that spark that had ignited the moment they'd met. Annaya prayed that it would be smooth sailing from here on out and that they'd find their way somehow. She wanted Jack to stick around, whatever happened, but she hoped that his proposal would be his last moment of madness and that now they could move forward in their own way and in good time.


  Jack held Annaya's hand as they walked through the mall. It wasn't as glamorous as that glitzy night they'd first met, but Annaya still felt that same feeling of privilege and excitement to be holding his hand in public, knowing that every woman must be looking at him with hungry eyes, wishing they were in her place.

  It made her feel like she was still wearing that clingy dress with her perfect figure in a luxurious place. Jack had suggested getting out for a while and they'd ended up agreeing to go to the mall to look at some baby items together for the first time.

  "I've got no idea what the baby will need," Jack confessed, "so you'll have to make a list."

  "The basics will do."

  "No. I want my child to have the best."

  "He or she won't know any different. They'll be a baby."

  "That's not the point."

  "I didn't grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth and I survived."

  Jack threw her a smile and Annaya smiled back. Every now and then, their difference in status would come up in one way or another and Annaya would always try and make a point of her independence and non-reliance on the material things. She was proud of the fact that she'd done so much on her own, and she wanted her child to have the same grit and determination.

  "There's nothing wrong with an upper-class upbringing," Jack chastised gently. "I went to private school and had holidays in Europe and it did me no harm, either."


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