Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1)

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Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1) Page 1

by Quinn, Vera


  BlackPath MC Series Bk.1


  Vera Quinn

  Text copyright © 2016 Vera Quinn

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronics or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author. The only exception is short excerpts used in reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Cover Art:

  Editor & Formatter: Avril Stepowski


  I am dedicating Never Forever to my younger sister Kay. I am the oldest of six children and she was the one right under myself. This past year she received the diagnosis of cancer and heart failure. My sister fought some addictions but she would give you the shirt off her back. She fought the cancer as long as she could. They couldn’t operate because of her compromised heart and the chemo became too much for her so they turned to radiation for as long as they could. My other sister, Judy, and I sat many hours with her in the hospital and doctor visits. She kept fighting for more time to spend with her children. They were always foremost in her thoughts. She couldn’t talk her last six months of life because she had a trach but the last talk we had she told me to go for my dreams because we are never promised another one. This is me chasing that dream. Thank you Kay for that talk.

  Note: Donna Kay Sullivan

  Age 52

  May 18, 1963 to Feb. 2, 2016

  Rest in peace sister. I will see you one day.

  Thank You!!!!!!


  I would like to give well deserved thanks to some people.

  To my husband Charles, he is my rock. Always my biggest fan.

  My two sons, spouses, and grandchildren now we will have some family time.

  To the rest of my family who is always willing to give a helping hand.

  To Liberty Parker who always encourages me and has an ear ready for listening. My PA Nicole Lloyd she is amazing. Kori Toth-Gray, Andrea Anderson Huseman, and Danena Freeman, at MC Book and Pimps, you ladies are the best. Also Biker Books and More. Mary Orr for spreading the word. Needa Warrant you are a breath of fresh air and so talented. All the authors who have reached out to me and encouraged me or posted my teasers and helped me in finding people I can trust. Monica Langley Holloway for the beautiful cover and teasers. You had a world of patience with a completely lost beginner.

  I know I have missed someone and I apologize. Thank you.

  Thank you for all the encouraging texts, posts and PM’s. For joining my author group. For buying my book and reading it.

  My grandmother always told me, “mind your manners and it’ll take you farther.” I say please and thank you. Thank You!

  Never Forever is purely fictional. Only in my mind were these characters brought to life. I am doing things in my order, so some might think it is disorderly, but I think it is right. I am trying something a little different. I am an avid reader. My favorite part in storylines is always the backstory. I like to know how things began. The unknown is what I always want to know. In the BlackPath series, each book will be a full novel in front and a novella in back for some backstory. You get a little more backstory as it becomes relevant. It’s just a trial and error for me because this is my beginning as a writer. I’d like to make books as interesting as possible so give me feedback to how you like it and yes, you get them both for one price. So it is win, win. At least I hope so. I put a list of the two main MC’s involved so you would have a cast of characters.


  This book is meant for people 18+. Both Never Forever and Never Ever is not suitable for anyone under eighteen. Strong language, violence, and sexual situations. If any of this offends you, please, this book is not for you. If you are triggered by abuse. This book is not for you.

  Never Forever has a cliff hanger of sorts. It stops and will be continued in the next book. Never Ever the novella in back is a two-part backstory. The next part will be in the back of the next book in this series Catching Forever.

  Catching Forever and Never Ever part 2 will be out as fast as I can write it. I’ve started it already. Catching Forever will have Callie finding her HEA. Never Ever will go on to let Callie and Mason’s love story be told.

  I hope you enjoy it.

  Cast Of Characters

  BlackPath MC Members

  Cameron David Black- President

  Road name: Chief

  Age: 38 years old

  Father to: Ty and Callie

  Blood Brother: Trent Black

  Trenton Black- Vice President-(AKA-Trent)

  Road Name-Driller

  Jeff Hernadez-Sergeant at Arms Road Name-ZMan

  Stephen Hammonds Road name-Hambone

  Damien Duffy-Treasurer Road name-Hammer

  Jacob Hightower-Secretary Road name-Cutter

  Intel Man- Brian Lock Road name- Brain

  Patched Members:

  Ryan O’Quinn Roadname-Demon

  Travis Giles Road name-Sinner


  Ty Black-no road name yet

  Michael Martin- Nickname-Woody- no road name yet

  Todd Giles- no road name yet

  2 no names

  Wives or ol’ ladies:

  Laurie-wife of Trenton

  Chelsea-Ol’ lady of –Zman

  Kelsey-Ol’ lady of Hambone


  Feral Steel MC

  William Steel- President

  Road name-Steel

  Age: 55 years old

  Husband of Katherine Steel (Kat)

  Father of: Keifer Steel; Kylar Steel; Kimberly Steel

  Kylar Steel – Vice President

  Road name-Devil

  Age: 32 years old

  Keifer Steel-Treasurer

  Road name-Stone

  Wife-Kizzy Simms Steel

  Heath Bridges- Sergeant At Arms

  Road name- Hacksaw

  Ol’ lady-Mitzi

  Robert Baines- Road Captain, Road Name-Buzz

  Ol’ lady- Skyla

  Greg Pride- Secretary Road Name-Grizzly

  Patched Members:

  Aaron Newton-Road Name-Ax

  Stephen Doss- Road Name- Slick

  Ol’ lady-Gertrude

  Phillip Landry- Rd. Name-Pick

  Billy Adams-Rd. Name- Blunt


  Leo Franks

  Sydney Carson

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

sp; Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Never Ever

  Chapter 1


  “Congratulations, baby girl! I am so proud of you, you did it! You are a high school graduate.” Dad says as he lifts me up and spins me around. He finally sits me back on my feet and Ty puts me in a bear hug and cuts off my oxygen.

  “How does it feel to be all educated? Ready for your party now?” Ty says trying to nudge me towards the door as he always does, in need of a party, but I know he is playing. I heard him yelling the loudest when I walked across that stage. We may not be extremely close at times, but I always know he is my big brother and he has my back.

  “Hold up Ty, she may need to talk to some of her friends before we pull her away.” Dad gives Ty a hard look and looks to me for a clue as to what I may have to do.

  I give Ty a smirky grin and look back at dad with a sweet smile, “Yeah, dad, I need to wait for Felix and Sarah. They have permission to go with us tonight and they are spending the weekend. We aren’t staying at the party very long. When clothes start coming off, we are back at the house. We are going to celebrate the whole weekend up since we graduated, tomorrow is my birthday and Sarah leaves on Monday.” I think Ty wants to disappear right now, because of the look dad is giving him. Yep, I just repaid him for last weekend and his telling I was at a party.

  “Don’t worry, everyone’s clothes will be staying on while your friends and you are there.” My dad gives Ty a glare, “Right, Ty?!” Yep, dad’s still not over the fiasco two weeks ago when Sarah and I got an eye full of Ty buck ass naked with the bitch twins on one of the couches in the middle of the afternoon. I may have been brought up in the club, but dad has always tried to shelter me from the extracurricular sex that goes on. Not the first time I had walked in on such a scene but dad tries to keep that away from me. Now Ty on the other hand thought it was hilarious until he saw Sarah standing beside me.

  I look at Ty and smile at him and let him know that was a little payback, “Don’t worry dad, Ty will be glad to know I only had to bleach my eyes and my brain to get those pictures out of my head.” I say as I scrunch up my nose and let them both know I am only playing and then I break out in laughter.

  Dad lets out a breath and finally looks at us both and gives a little laugh. “What am I going to do with you two? You’re going to send me to an early grave. I worry about Ty corrupting you, and sometimes I think it may be him I should worry about.” He puts his arm around me and pulls me in for another hug.

  I look at him perplexed. Something is up, dad has never been this talkative or showed so much affection and emotion. Cameron David Black is a man of few words and open displays of affection in public hardly ever happen, “Dad, is everything ok? Did something happen?” I grin trying to lighten my questions. I’ve been worrying about dad lately. He has been holding onto me tighter. It’s like he is afraid I am going to disappear. “Did Ty make you worry?”

  Ty gives me a little nudge with his shoulder, “No, Miss Smartass, I didn’t do shit this time.” He looks half insulted and half caught. Oh crap, it’s something and Ty knows. No one else would be able to tell from his reaction but it is a dead giveaway to me.

  I look directly at my dad and I can see the concern in his eyes. Just then Sarah catches my eye and I see her and Felix approach us, right before they are in hearing distance my dad puts his mouth to my ear and says “We’ll talk later, don’t worry and enjoy your night.” Then he kisses my head and gives me a sideways hug and I know then to drop it for tonight.

  “Hey there girlie, you ready to get our party on?” Felix laughs and gives me a hug. Felix is so over top. But I love like a brother. He knows more about me than my brother.

  I turn to look at Sarah and see the smoldering eyes she is giving my brother. This girl has been in lust with Ty forever. The feelings are very mutual, only problem is Ty wants only sex from my friend and she wants him forever. I have let them both know I will kill either one of them for trying to get what they want. Ty has hooked up with friends of mine before, but not one of my best friends. I won’t lose either one of them. Ty isn’t much older than us but he has only dated my older friends. Sarah is only four months older than me and much too innocent for Ty. To call him a slut is an understatement. I pull myself out of my thoughts and pull my friends attention to me.

  “Hey you two, let’s get this night started.” I pull Sarah into a hug and her attention off of Ty. “Is everyone ready to go?” I look from my friends to my dad and Ty. Both dad and Ty are aware of my ploy to get Sarah’s mind off Ty and back to the party at the clubhouse. Dad grins his knowing grin and Ty has a full smile on his face that shows his dimple and even I have to agree he is kind of sexy in a really gross way. My brother looks just like dad only younger. He’s over six foot and solid muscle. Dark black hair and deep brown eyes. I can see how my friends can be attracted to him but I won’t chance losing one of my best friends over it.

  We start to make our way to the parking lot and it feels strange that this will be the last time I make this walk. I have done it so many times in the last four years but tonight will be the last. It’s sad in a way, but then again, I feel like I really accomplished something, graduating at the top of my class. Now I will walk out of here and on to the next part of my life. The only thing that would have made it better is if Tommy and Mason would have been here to see it. I know I need to steer clear of those thoughts, so I try to get back to now and think of our plans tonight.

  We make it to dad’s SUV and we all pile in for the short trip to the clubhouse. This is going to be a night to remember.

  Chapter 2


  The parking lot to the clubhouse is fuller than it usually is on a Friday night. Big difference tonight is it is full of family vehicles along with the usual bikes. I know when we walk through those doors all my family will be there along with extended family from other chapters who have come to wish me well. It’s always this way in our life when something major happens and it warms me inside.

  This is the way my life has been for years. Then a thought runs through my head as to what Tommy would have thought about our lives now. How they might have been different if only… I tear myself away from that thought and try to bring myself back to tonight. I can’t dwell on what could have been so I don’t get all teary eyed before we go in. Then my mind wanders to the other man I miss terribly not being here. I know Mason wanted to be here, but couldn’t get leave. I just miss him so much, and tomorrow I will be eighteen and I just miss he is not going to be here. He’s been gone for over a year now so he thought he might get to make it, but all leaves were cancelled. He only has a little under a year left of this tour and I hope he is home for good then. He said next time he sees me he has something important to ask me so I’m hoping it’s a good sign.

  My mind should be on having a good time tonight but my heart is heavy for the two men I miss. One I have to visit in a cemetery and the other I only see once or twice a year. I miss them both so much but I know they would want me to have this night. I can’t keep my mind from wandering back to them both.

  “Callie did you hear me? Wake up over there!” Sarah is being her usual exuberant self. “That guy over there who is it? I’ve never seen him around before.” I look over but it is not a guy I know. We park and I open my door and my dad turns to me and gives me a look that chills me.

Take your friends inside Callie and keep them with you and you stay close to Ty, Trent, or me until you leave. When you decide to leave, two prospects will be following you. Do you understand Callie?” He’s giving me a stern look and his tone lets me know there’s no room for arguments. I know something is going on because he is never this way with me unless there is trouble.

  “Yes sir, I understand, but we are staying in at home. Are you sure we need prospects?” I keep digging but I know by the way he is looking at me that he is not telling me anything.

  “No questions girl, just do it and don’t give them any shit. They will keep their distance, but they will be there.” He seems on edge and the happy dad from graduation is gone. No in between. I know when not to press my luck.

  “Ok dad, whatever you say,” I lean over and grab his hand and give it a tug to let him know I will do as he asked. Now our plan for tonight just got harder.

  “Mr. Black, do you think you could let Woody be on guard tonight?” Sarah ask coyly and gives my dad a mischievous grin.

  “Oh, that would be good. He is one hot man.” Felix chimes in and we all grin. We all know Felix has been crushing on Woody. Felix is openly gay and proud of it, and we all love him, but Woody is a little put off by the infatuation and he is always turning red when it is mentioned. Woody is the shyest man I have ever met.


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