The following morning, they got in the Pontiac and once outside the city engaged VIZU to a remote part of the harsh Death Valley desert. There they met a host of Native American women, all nadleehi, from every tribe that ever inhabited the country Greta now called her own. Together, they joined Valia and Greta in a JTIK that was powerful enough to reach everyone and everything it was designed for across the United States and Canada. Within moments, the effects of the JTIK were being felt by every man, woman and child it reached. It was masterfully crafted to be subtle enough not to create suspicion, but strong enough to get the leading creator of the problems the planet faced to finally create a healing change.
The entire group spent the rest of the morning together, exchanging stories and ideas. It was a ‘beautiful communion’ as Greta put it. When it ended, the visitors vanished leaving the twins alone. The Pontiac was once again put into VIZU mode, reappearing on the highway just a few miles west of Las Vegas. “Well, what would you like to do with the rest of this day?” Greta asked, “I am leaving it entirely up to you.”
“Shop,” Valia grinned.
“Good choice,” Greta laughed as they rolled into town.
Greta rang up Clarissa to let her know that she and Valia were going to pick up everything they needed for their departure the next day. She asked her for any last minute request, since they were going to have to be self-sufficient for a few days in the desert. The first thing they did was pick up the Jeep rental. Greta arranged for multiple drivers to use it insured. Valia followed her back to the Mirage parking lot where they left the Jeep parked in a high security JTIK mode before heading out in the Pontiac to finish shopping. They did not purchase anything perishable, so they drove back to the hotel parking lot and loaded up the jeep with all the supplies they needed.
They returned to the hotel and ran into Clarissa and Robyn in the lobby. “Hey, everything ok?” Greta asked.
“Oh sure, we’ve had our visit with my sister and just got back, how was your morning?” Robyn asked.
“Great,” Valia replied, “very productive.”
“Has either of you two ever seen the Pacific Ocean?” Greta asked.
“No,” Clarissa and Robyn chimed.
“Well, I was thinking, I mean since we are so close, that we get a very early start tomorrow and drive to the Ocean, it’s less than eight hours to get to Monterey.” Greta said. “What do you think?”
“I would love to see the Ocean before heading into the hot desert,” Clarissa replied. She looked at Robyn for approval and received it immediately.
“Ok, but only if we can watch the sun set tomorrow over it,” Robyn laughed.
“Fantastic,” Valia replied. “We want to head out at about four a.m., is that ok?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Clarissa replied.
“I think we should spend our last night in Las Vegas, you know, alone,” Greta grinned.
“I could not agree with you more, but we still have a good portion of this day left, what would you like to do?” Robyn asked.
“Tourists, then dinner, than nighty night,” Greta replied. “I feel lucky today.”
The four of them went casino hopping. In each casino they entered, the twins JTIKED the security cameras to make them all appear differently to help avoid arousing suspicion. In Harrah’s Robyn won $75,000.00. In Caesar’s Palace, Greta won $90,000.00, at the MGM Grand Valia was totally unmoved at winning $80,000.00, and finally, the big winner of the day, Clarissa cashed in on $100,000.00 at the Tropicana. “I hope you girls have not been stuffing your mattress with your winnings,” Greta laughed. Clarissa and Robyn could not believe what was happening, so a little JTIK was needed to put their suspicions to rest.
For dinner, Clarissa and Robyn insisted on treating the twins to Thai food, knowing their distaste for meat and fish in a restaurant. Just as dinner was being served, Valia noticed a man walking past their table starting to reach down to grab Robyn’s handbag. The man stumbled over his own feet, and continued to do so until he stumbled his way out the front door of the restaurant, sent crying into the night. Valia made it look like he did it to himself, and added a JTIK of extreme guilt he would be forced to experience before it ended later in the evening, not remembering any reason for it.
After dinner, they walked back to the Mirage and bid each other goodnight. “Four a.m. is going to arrive quickly,” Clarissa said, “and this is our last evening in Vegas this trip.”
“Goodnight ladies, and today I really mean it,” Greta smiled.
“Goodnight darlings,” Clarissa and Robyn replied before the elevator door closed.
“I could sure use one of your massages,” Greta said, “are you up to it?”
“Yes,” Valia replied as the door to their room closed behind them.
Chapter 25
Pacific Ocean
Hours later Greta awoke to see Valia staring at her smiling. “I could not agree more,” she said. “VIZU rules.”
“So now you can read my dreams?” Greta smiled back. “Did you read the one of us naked on a cloud at sunrise?”
“Absolutely,” Valia replied.
At three-thirty a.m. Greta called Clarissa’s room to make sure they were all on track with leaving at four a.m. “We’ll meet you in the lobby honey,” Clarissa said, still sounding half asleep.
Valia packed the Navajo dresses they were given. They decided to wear them while at Burning Man, at least until Henri arrived.
They all met in the lobby carrying their bags for the trip. When they got to the parking lot, Clarissa said she would miss her Pontiac, and hoped it would be ok.
“I am sure going to miss my Pontiac too,” Greta smiled, “really.” “I am certain they are going to be just fine my dear.”
Greta let Valia drive, even though the Jeep was a stick shift. “Honey if you cannot figure it out I’d be shocked,” she had told her the night before after a brief description of how to drive a car with a stick shift. She pulled the Jeep out of the parking spot flawlessly, and seemed more excited than ever at driving, shifting so smoothly it was as though she had been driving it since day one.
“First, a stop at Starbucks,” Valia said. They pulled up to one and Robyn and Greta ran in to purchase a round of lattes with extra shots. It was just what each of them needed as Valia headed west for the California border.
The sun came up just as they were reaching the western tip of the Mojave National Preserve. Valia pulled over so they could convert the Jeep into an open-air vehicle. The wind in their hair felt warmer by the mile. They drove for another few hours and stopped in Bakersfield for breakfast at an IHOP restaurant. “Aren’t you going to lock it up?” Robyn asked when they got out of the Jeep in the parking lot.
“Oh, everything will be just fine, don’t worry,” Greta replied.
“Knowing you I’m sure it will,” Clarissa laughed.
Their waitress, they found, was on her way to Burning Man later in the day with a few friends as soon as they got off of work. “I have been to it twice already, and it is a unique experience,” she said.
“Well, perhaps we will see you there,” Robyn said. “Have we missed the main events already?”
“It would sure be hard to miss you,” the waitress replied looking at the twins. “You know some arsonist apparently set the man ablaze early, so they are rebuilding it for its official burn tomorrow night, then Sunday, well there is a temple burn that I will be at, and Monday, well for me it is clean up my mess and leave.”
“Where did you see our schedule,” Greta laughed.
After filling up on pancakes and coffee, the girls all headed to the bathroom for a pit stop and a touch up, and after gassing up in town, were back on the highway heading west. Clarissa offered to drive and the twins agreed, hopping into the back seat. In an area between mountain ranges, Greta checked her phone to see that Teddy had left her two messages since leaving Las Vegas. I wonder what he wants? Greta thought.
He wants to offer us another part in a movie, Vali
a replied in thought.
“I sure am glad the cel reception out here makes it impossible to get or make a call,” Greta laughed.
Clarissa continued to pilot the Jeep westward through small eastern California communities and through the hills. The radio reception was so bad in this area that Greta handed Robyn one of the cd’s from her Pontiac to play, apologizing for not bringing it out sooner. The music seemed to change the mood to an even more positive one as they all found themselves singing along to one song or another. “You’ve certainly got great musical taste,” Clarissa said.
The rest of the drive to the town of Cambria on the coast seemed to fly by. In Cambria Clarissa offered the steering wheel to ‘any volunteers’ and was accepted once again by Valia. “My darling sister had such a sheltered childhood that she is making up for lost time behind the wheel,” Greta laughed. “Come on Clarissa darling, join me back here.” Clarissa did just that hopping in back with Greta. “I think Robyn is going to make a Greta Saluki,” Greta said.
“Oh I know she is,” Clarissa giggled. Robyn could not hear what they said with the wind and the breeze whipping through the wide-open Jeep.
“Girls, I think we have found a highway that is more beautiful than Highway 3 back in Illinois,” Greta shouted as Valia piloted the jeep northward along the winding gorgeous Pacific Coast Highway.
“I could so live out here,” Clarissa said.
“Yeah, it is gorgeous,” Greta agreed.
The weather was perfect, a bit windy, but perfect. Greta started passing around the sun block since they were out in the open air.
Should I put some sun block on? Valia asked in thought.
Only if I can rub it on you, Greta laughed in thought.
“You know once we get up to Monterey, they do have a few beaches where nude sunbathing is allowed,” Robyn said.
“Really?” Greta asked sounding surprised since she and Valia could turn any beach into a nude beach if they desired. “Nude beaches, Burning Man, no tan lines for us, let’s go.”
As they cruised northward, at one point the twins both started laughing and cringed a bit when a school of dolphins greeted them. The effect was like being tickled inside your head. Come out here and play with us, they said.
Sorry, but you do not know how to treat a lady, Greta replied with a giggle. She could not forget the nature show she saw once on how male dolphins will take a female dolphin and turn her into a virtual sex slave, making it impossible for her to escape, each having their way with her throughout their ocean exploits. Is that something we can work on someday? she asked Valia in thought.
Hmmm? was her only reply.
Now that she could get better phone reception, Greta decided to call Teddy. Back in New York he was talking on the phone to someone when Greta’s call came in. “Uh, what’s that?” he asked hearing a tone on Amelia’s phone he was using that alerted one to an incoming call. “Wait, what, how do you?” he asked, fumbling with the phone before dropping it and shouting for Amelia. On Greta’s end it just rang five times before going to a message machine. “Hello Teddy, received your message, we are in California today enjoying sun and surf with a few friends, hope all is well with you, I know you hate cel phones and all,” Greta giggled. “We will be heading into a remote part of the desert for Burning Man tomorrow and Sunday, so cel service will not be an option. If there has been any change in plans leave us a message or have Amelia spin us off an email and we will get back to you before we head out to the desert.”
“I believe Teddy does not know how to use Amelia’s phone,” Valia laughed. Greta marveled that she could tell what happened on the other end of her call from such a great distance. There are some things on this part of our journey that actually remind me of home when I look out at the ocean, Valia said in thought.
Are you feeling homesick? Greta thought.
Quite the contrary, Valia replied.
A pickup truck with about six men in it passed them on the left, the back of the truck filled with surfboards. They smiled and waved to the girls in the Jeep, obviously attracted to them. “Would you ever consider trying to surf?” Clarissa asked Greta.
“Sure, I don’t see why not, but there are better ways to travel through the water,” she smiled.
Soon they were nearing Monterey where they planned to spend the night and get another early start in the morning. They decided to check into the Monterey Plaza Hotel before heading to the beach. They unloaded all of their personal belongings only, leaving all of the desert necessities stored in the Jeep. The hotel was right on the ocean with a magnificent view of the Bay. Greta paid for both rooms in advance so they could leave bright and early with no delays.
“No lunch ladies until we do some swimming,” Robyn smiled after meeting in the hall outside of their adjoining rooms. Greta drove to the beach area that was a bit further north than Monterey. “How can you be sure which beach allows nude sunbathing?” Clarissa asked.
“Google,” Robyn replied with a giggle.
The twins had already mapped the exact route to it from Robyn’s thoughts. They would insure once they got there, that it was considered a nude beach. Greta pulled the Jeep off Highway 1 to a small off road parking spot. When they were all out of the jeep, towels in hand, Greta placed a security JTIK on the vehicle.
They were at a beautiful strip of beach without a soul to be seen which seemed pretty amazing since it was a beautiful summer day and shortly after noon. Valia broke the ice by shedding her clothes first, followed by Greta an instant after her, then Clarissa and Robyn. “How do you girls do it,” Clarissa asked, “you never seem to gain a pound, even with all the pizza you eat.”
“Well, we do have a secret,” Greta replied.
“Oh, and what is that?” Clarissa asked.
“We are seventy six inches tall,” Greta and Valia answered together.
They passed around the sunscreen and took turns covering each other in delicious smelling oil. “Ooooh baby,” Greta said when spreading oil over Valia’s breasts.
You are going to embarrass our guests, Valia thought.
“Do you think you will ever meet another pair of identical twin sister lesbian lovers?” Greta asked.
“If I do I will certainly pick some lottery numbers the day it happens,” Clarissa laughed.
It was a windy day and the waves were crashing in at times. Valia, would we be able to take them for an underwater cruise and make them believe they saw it all on their own? Greta asked in thought.
Of course, Valia replied wearing a smile.
“Come on girls, let’s be brave,” Greta said coaxing Clarissa and Robyn off their towels and into the water. When the four of them were in the water, waves splashing against them, the twins froze them in their tracks. Greta wrapped her arms around Clarissa and Valia around Robyn, dove into the next incoming wave and off they were on a brief underwater tour of the Pacific Ocean. In no time they were zipping through the water along with Sea Lions and Sea Otters. They were greeted by a leopard shark who welcomed Valia to her world. Clarissa and Robyn looked on in awe, at times reacting to the abundance of life they were seeing. The greetings offered by sea otters had Robyn and Clarissa laughing. At one point Clarissa wondered how she could be laughing underwater, but that thought was quickly quelled when they came across a few large jellyfish. The sound they emitted had the effect of an electrical shock that even caught Valia off guard. They swam along with a gray whale for a while before being surrounded by a group of dolphins.
So you couldn’t resist and decided to join us after all, the apparent leader of the group asked.
Don’t flatter yourself, and play nice, Greta replied.
Play nice? a few of them asked.
We are not a female version of your species, Valia offered. It is a pleasure to meet you.
Well at least one of you has manners, they shouted before zipping back out to sea flying over them and up and out of the water. They made their way back to the beach where their towels and clothes
were to find a small group of people laying near their things. They seemed surprised to see the four of them emerging from the water. Greta and Valia had separated from Clarissa and Robyn before surfacing and were standing about ten yards from them when they JTIKED them back to the moment.
“I did not know you were such a good swimmer,” Clarissa said to Robyn.
“Same here, that was awesome,” Robyn replied.
The girls sitting on the beach were just getting undressed as the twins made their way back to their things. Clarissa and Robyn were still at the waters edge talking about what they saw.
“Hello,” one of the girls said. She had a heavy accent that sounded Russian.
“Hello,” Greta replied. “Beautiful day huh?”
“Yes, very beautiful indeed,” she said turning an eyebrow up as she gazed at the now lying down twins. “I love your tattoos,” she continued. “I am Nadia, and these are my sister, my daughter and her friend.”
“It’s a pleasure,” Greta replied introducing herself, Valia and the still giggly Clarissa and Robyn.
She is not telling the truth, Valia thought.
Thank you for confirming what I felt, Greta replied.
“So, are you girls from around here, do you have family nearby,” the older woman asked without giving her name.
“We’re from France,” the twins replied.
Clarissa and Robyn were still frolicking at the water’s edge when four men got out of a blue van and started walking towards them.
“My sons,” the woman said before speaking in Russian to the approaching men. “Yuri, the two by the water will fetch a great price, but these Amazon twins will make us rich,” she said trying to speak in an innocent tone.
Valia darling, let’s make this all seem like Clarissa and Robyn save the day, Greta said while gazing into Valia’s eyes, trying to hide her rage.
Two of the men said hello and walked towards Clarissa and Robyn. The other two stood between the twins and the other two men. They pulled out handguns and told them not to utter a word. Greta did just the opposite, shouting a warning to Clarissa. The two men standing above the twins ordered them to shut up before pointing the guns at each others feet and firing. They fell to the ground writhing in pain, dropping their firearms as they did. The sound of the shots alerted Robyn who did not hear Greta’s warning. The two men approaching them pulled out their pistols and threw them far out into the water.
Immaculate Fetish Page 23