Immaculate Fetish

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Immaculate Fetish Page 35

by Jamie Antonia Symonanis

  “Isn’t it a little early to start partying?” Greta asked.

  “No, just let your mind merge with mine, and don’t let go,” Valia replied as she wrapped her arms around Greta, and in a moment they vanished from their apartment reappearing across from the Starbucks on Parnell Street in Auckland New Zealand. “Come on, we have a little time before the festivities begin,” Valia said. She took Greta to a spot with a clear view of the night sky. “That is where you will find my world,” she said pointing to a cluster of stars overhead.

  “I think we are a little overdressed,” Greta smiled before kissing her on the cheek. With their drinks in hand, they headed over to the Sky Tower to ring in the New Year.

  From there, once again they held onto each other and vanished from the midst of the partying, appearing in Sydney Australia. “I have to tinkle,” Greta said. So they headed into a restaurant to use the bathroom before heading over to Harbor Ridge to join a large celebration. Once again, in the middle of someone trying to plant a kiss on them who’d had a bit too much to drink, they held on to each other and vanished, appearing in Tokyo where they joined in the Tokyo Watch Night Bell. Temples around the country would ring their bells 108 times throughout the final hour, in hopes of avoiding 108 sins in the coming year. Valia found this to be her favorite celebration yet. From Tokyo, the spirited off to Singapore’s Times Square where once again, fireworks and revelry were the order of the evening. At each stop they performed very specific JTIKS for the region, raising awareness to the impending doom awaiting humanity if change was not implemented immediately.

  Before the next leg of their New Year’s Eve Odyssey, Valia had to remind Greta about her temper as they spent the next few hours zipping from one part of the Arab World to the other. From New Delhi and Islamabad to Kabul, Tehran, Baghdad and many other stops, they merged to perform intense JTIKS they hoped would eventually bring an end to the violence, hatred and destruction of life inherent to the entire region. We will be back to deal with how they treat their women, Greta thought.

  Valia could sense that after the journey and the time spent visiting most of the Persian Gulf, they needed a break. The twins came to rest in a field near Bethlehem. “I am glad we brought our overcoats now,” Greta smiled as she laid hers out on the grass for them to lie on, pulling Valia down with her. “Where are we exactly?” Greta asked.

  “At the birthplace of your world’s Uppesti,” Valia replied.

  “Where is it exactly?” Greta asked.

  “Beneath us,” Valia smiled, kissing Greta before lying next to her.

  “You are living proof it could indeed have been an Immaculate Conception of a virgin,” Greta said gazing up at the sky full of glistening stars.

  “It was,” a voice spoke from behind them before Valia could answer. Greta sat up and turned to find a short young woman wearing long robes.

  “Do you live near here?” Greta asked.

  “I did not live far from here, but that was a long time ago,” the woman spoke. “I am Mary.” They sat for a while as Mary explained much about her life, her other children, the death of her first born son, the truth about quite a few things that were changed to fit the design of what became Christianity.

  “Have you been to Central Park lately?” Greta asked.

  “Yes, I have,” Mary replied, “I think it is a good likeness this time actually.”

  When their meeting ended and it was time to go, the twins put their coats back on. The three of them embraced before Greta asked, “Has love changed over time?”

  “The length of love is limitless, but love is stronger than ever,” Mary replied.

  “And Mary of Magdalene, was she your sons?” Greta asked.

  Mary laughed softly and vanished without giving an answer.

  “Well that is going to be a very hard act to follow,” Greta said. “Where to now my dear?”

  Valia just grinned as she wrapped her arms around Greta and in what seemed like an instant, they were standing in the midst of a hotel party. “My dear, meet Olga Koladaitis,” she smiled.

  There was so much revelry taking place no one really noticed when the twins appeared in the crowd. “Olga, Olga Koladaitis?” Valia asked moving behind her.

  Olga turned to see who was calling her name. “Yes,” she replied looking up at the twins. “I am afraid you have me at a disadvantage.”

  “We share the same photographer,” Valia said. “Nastya stopped by to show us your photos when she returned from her trip here.”

  “Yes, she is quite talented, she was researching locations for a shoot of two tall gorgeous twins I believe is how she put it.”

  Greta struck a glamour pose and smiled. She is very attractive, should I be jealous? she thought.

  You are going to make me laugh, shhh, Valia replied.

  “I know it is almost the New Year, but we have not eaten since breakfast, can you direct us to a place to eat?” Valia asked. “We are vegetarians by the way.”

  “Oh, I am sure I can have my cooks whip up something delicious for you since I too am a vegan,” Olga smiled. “Come.”

  Olga joined them for a drink as they dined. “You don’t look or act like the typical Americans who visit, no you have a very European look and behavior.”

  “I take that as a compliment,” Greta giggled.

  During their time spent together, Valia was able to fine tune a few JTIKS she sent to Olga that would help her in the work she was about to begin with Alan. “We’d like to thank you for your kind hospitality and our compliments to your chef,” Greta said.

  “Thank you, I will pass the compliment on to them.”

  “Yes, we must be going, we have an appointment to keep with a few friends,” Valia smiled.

  Olga walked with them back out to the party that was now in full swing. “I am looking forward to seeing you again when you return with Nastya.”

  “As are we,” Valia said as they walked out of the hotel, into the street and around a corner where they vanished from sight, reappearing on the Champs Elysee in Paris.

  “Finally, Paris,” Greta said before kissing Valia deeply. “Je t’aime plus que ma vie.”

  “And I love you,” Valia said. “Voulez-vous faire l’amour tout ici?” Valia smiled.

  “I ne saurai y avoir de meilleur moyen de l’anneau de la nouvelle anee ici,” Greta purred wrapping her arms around Valia. In an instant they were nude on a bed in an empty posh hotel room making love to bring in the French New Year. As a matter of fact they were so wrapped up in their love and the heat of the moment, they missed the celebrations in London and Rio de Janeiro as originally planned.

  “Come on, we have a show to make,” Valia said as they got dressed. Once again they wrapped their arms around each other and disappeared from the room, reappearing down the street near the Bowery Ballroom.

  “We are the Angels,” Greta said to the security man.

  “Yes, right through there, he said, directing them to the backstage area where Patti and friends were.

  Patti greeted them and thanked them for coming to the show. She asked their permission to perform a cover of My Misty World, which Valia gladly gave.

  The twins were impressed with the show, especially Patti’s performance. The cover of their song was raw and masterfully done, Patti elaborating on the lyrics with her classic style of poetry and babel, adding a new dimension to the song. They quietly left the show, wanting to make it home to ring in the New Year with all of Valia’s babies.

  At home, the twins kicked their shoes off and danced to what Greta called, “The best music I have ever danced to,” created by both levels of Valia’s babies, pumped up to the maximum volume the structure could support without collapsing. Krystyna was out with friends for the evening so there was no risk of disturbing her.

  When it was time for this part of their New Years Odyssey to end, the twins put their shoes and coats back on, wrapped their arms around each other, vanished from their living room and reappeared outside a house in
Lakeview where most of their friends were gathered. Greta rang the doorbell and was greeted with a loud scream of delight. “Greta, Valia, I am so happy to see you,” Abigail shouted. “Happy New Year,” she said quietly to each of them as she hugged them. “Come in, let me take your coats.”

  Inside they found an assortment of their very best friends, including Esther with Sue who came up to each of them to give them a big hug and kiss. “I could never figure out how to thank you for what you did for Steven,” Sue said.

  They rang in the New Year with the joy and love friends find with each other before getting ready to leave. “We have a few more parties to make, I hope you understand,” Greta said.

  After saying their goodbyes to all for now, they left the party and, while walking down the street hand in hand half a block away, they vanished reappearing in the same place they first met the group of women at Navajo Lake.

  The mood was festive with the same women gathered, this time with their lovers. They enjoyed each others company for a while, before the twins pulled the original members aside to lay a few new plans they would participate in before Greta and Valia left for Europe. “Your’s are the life-ways of Roving Angels,” the twins were told before they all embraced and parted company, the twins appearing at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

  Here they were joined by a small group of rock celebrities from the sixties and seventies. This proved to be the wildest of their New Years visits, especially when each of them began singing what they thought was their favorite song they ever recorded. Once again, they took their leave wishing all a Happy New Year wherever it took them, as they headed for what would be their last stop before calling it a night. They reappeared on a palm tree lined street as they headed to the Halekulani Hotel near Honolulu to check in.

  The next day found them on a beach, the waves rolling in on what could be described as nothing less than a gorgeous day in paradise.

  “Was that 179 JTIKS or 177 JTIKS?” Greta asked as they lie on beach loungers drinking their Mai Tai’s.

  “It was 179 darling, how is your beverage?” Valia asked.

  “Delicious,” Greta replied.

  Valia had discovered at breakfast that she loved pineapples. “I may eat nothing but fruit while we are here,” she giggled.

  “No, you will eat all the vegetables you put on your plate,” Greta said, shooting her a stern look sounding like a mother.

  “Would you like to go see a movie later?” Valia asked.

  “I would love to, but you still owe me that makeout session you know,” Greta replied.

  “I will deliver on that promise if that’s what it takes.”

  “I release you from your promise,” Greta smiled. “Tell you what, if we are ever at a movie together and you feel like jumping my bones just go right ahead.”

  “The length of your love is limitless,” Valia said.

  “It is indeed my love, it is indeed.”

  Chapter 34

  The Twelve Lattes

  "You have to move your feet once in a while my dear self-propelling darling twin,” Greta said as Valia glided across the Wolman Skating Rink in Central Park.

  “Oops, sorry, I forgot,” Valia giggled.

  The twins had invited twelve of their best friends to New York for a long weekend, all expenses paid. They had decided that their presence was much needed in other parts of the world, so they JTIKED Teddy to shoot most of the movie in Europe starting the shooting there and ending up back in New York rather than the opposite as he had originally planned. This was a going away party weekend for them and their friends, even though they were all welcome to visit them abroad anytime they liked.

  Jamina and Trish were just returning from visiting Nonotchka. “Ooh, I like this song,” Valia said, “would you like to dance on this ice with me?” The rink was surprisingly not overcrowded for a weekend, perhaps due to the unseasonably warm temperatures for January in New York.

  “Would that be the song coming from that child’s boombox, or the song emanating from the surrounding foliage, or the lovely creatures in the Zoo?” Greta asked.

  “All but the boombox, I blocked that out a while ago,” Valia grinned.

  “Ok, but you lead, I am a lady,” Greta laughed.


  The twins held hands and started moving to the sounds that only they could hear. Robyn noticed them moving gracefully, as if being pushed by the wind. “Oh my, look at the Olympic stars, I had no idea,” Robyn said.

  “They are quite good,” Sloan said, the first to comment and take note of Robyn’s observation.

  As the music intensified, building to an astounding climax, the twins moved through every jump and rotation, at times having to remember to come back and land on the ice. “Your dancing skills are divine,” Greta said as they went into flawless side by side jumps, Valia throwing Greta into a dizzying spin, catching her before leading them to the graceful finish.

  A round of applause could be heard from all their guests. The twins bowed and curtsied gracefully and skated over to their group of friends.

  “I don’t believe I have ever seen anyone move like that on the ice,” Nina said.

  “I think you may have invented a new double jump,” Mya smiled.

  “Ladies, thank you,” Greta replied, “we owe it all to growing up in Chicago and being children at a time when one could freeze their park or back lot and it would stay frozen longer than, oh, say, 48 hours.”

  “It certainly seems like that would indeed be an impossibility now,” Sloan said. “I am old enough to remember a skating rink remaining frozen for most of the winter.”

  “Ah yes, the times they are a changing that’s for sure,” most of them agreed as they exchanged stories of what the weather used to be like when they were young.

  “Is everybody here?” Greta asked, appearing to count heads, even though she already knew the answer. “Yes, everyone accounted for, come girls, hot lattes on us.”

  They all returned their skates to the rental office. Greta led the happy group through the park to the Starbucks on Columbus. Valia JTIKED the location earlier to leave enough seating for them all.

  The group filed into the store behind the twins who told them to be seated along the windows. They placed an order for fourteen Venti Cinnamon Dolce Lattes with two extra shots, extra hot. The staff gladly agreed to help carry them to the table after seeing the hefty tip Greta gave them.

  As they handed out the drinks, Valia JTIKED each latte specifically designed for whom she handed them to. Once everyone had a latte in hand, Greta offered a toast to the groups loving friendship. As each woman drank their beverage, they were given the power to perform specific JTIKS designed to help the twins control, monitor and continue the work they had performed throughout the country so far.

  “I don’t believe I have ever had such a tasty latte,” Trish said.

  “That is because we filled them with 100% love, you know, just like the delicious food served at Mary Lou’s back in Carbondale,” Greta smiled.

  “So, that is the secret than, to fill your cup with love to experience the best it can offer?” Nina asked.

  “Absolutely,” Greta replied.

  “So, when do you leave for Europe and what is the first country you will be in?” Sue asked.

  “Sunday in Paris, Monday in Berlin, and on and on and on,” Greta laughed. “You’re awfully quiet Clarissa,” Greta said knowing exactly why she was disturbed.

  “I am getting so many modeling offers I may have to make a harsh decision between remaining in school or modeling,” Clarissa said. “That, and the more I come here, the more I fall in love with the place.”

  “Well we won’t have our looks forever, that’s for sure,” Robyn said. “I’ve told her we should move here, I can always finish school anywhere.”

  “You can stay at our place while we are away until you get settled if that is your decision,” Valia said.

  “I might have expected as much from the two of
you,” Clarissa smiled. “You are nothing short of the most loving people I know, and I think I speak for the group when I say that.”

  “You’re going to embarrass us,” Greta said.

  “Honey, I don’t think there is anything on this planet that could embarrass the two of you,” Esther laughed. “Let’s see a show of hands, how many of you have been with these two when they are completely nude, completely free of any sign of human guilt?”

  That got the entire group into a riotous mood, as each began to relate their own personal naked memories with the two. When their stay at Starbucks was over, they hailed a few taxis to take the group to the Chelsea where the twins left them, even Sloan who could not resist a stay at the Chelsea.

  “Are you going to miss having the Pontiac at our disposal while away? Greta asked.

  “Yes, that is why I’ve arranged to have it flown over to be at our disposal as you put it,” Valia smiled.

  “I know,” Greta grinned. “Are you going to miss your babies?” Valia asked.

  “Of course I am, but I will be back to visit them often, besides, when I think of all the new babies I will be meeting and be able to send back here, it offsets somewhat the pain I will be in being so far away from them.”

  “Pain?” Greta asked.

  “Yes, the pain,” Valia replied beginning to weep.

  “You know you are getting so good at being able to turn those waterworks on and off at will, I wonder how I will ever know if they are real tears or not?” Greta asked.

  “Simply taste them, tears of joy, tears of sadness, no two types of tears taste the same,” Valia replied.

  Greta moved close enough to Valia to taste her tears. “Hmm, a bit sweet, tears of joy?”

  “That is correct darling, and the saltier the sadder,” Valia replied.

  “We must work hard to keep all of our tears sweet.” Greta said.

  “Yes,” Valia smiled as the plants began tuning up for their lovemaking session.


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