Transcendent (9781311909442)

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Transcendent (9781311909442) Page 1

by Halstead, Jason


  by Jason Halstead

  Published by Novel Concept Publishing LLC at Smashwords

  Copyright 2014

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  For additional information contact:

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  Cover art © 2014 Willsin Rowe

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Chapter 1

  Krys leapt over a root and slid down in the hollow at the base of the tree. A stream rippled a meter in front of him, covering his gasping breaths. He tucked himself into the tree and waited for a count of ten before he pushed himself up and looked over his shoulder.

  “Here I come!” his friend Lily shouted from the edge of their village.

  Krys slid back down and looked to his right. They weren’t allowed to cross the stream but he saw Pita was jumping from one rock to the next and then climbing up and over the bank so she could hide under the fronds of the ferns that grew in thick patches in the forest. Krys expected Pita’s golden hair to give her away but in the shadows of the ferns he could hardly see it.

  “The golden girl thinks the rules don’t apply!”

  Krys turned, startled by the whispered hiss that carried to him. He saw Devon, another friend playing hide-and-seek, slipping under the overhanging roots and dirt of the bank to his left. The stream was low now, less than two meters across. During the spring thaw, it had risen to take up the entire trench and washed out a lot of the dirt along the sides.

  “Did everybody follow me?” Krys whispered back. He’d hoped to find his own hiding spot. Now, with everyone else nearby, he didn’t stand much chance of winning the round.

  Well, not everyone. Anner had run to the west, but there wasn’t much to hide behind there, just the crop fields. The orchards with the handful of fruits that had taken to the terraformed Venerian soil were on the east side of the colony. The fields were safer than the pastures where the unruly vison roamed to the south. The vison were buffalo genetically modified to handle the long Venerian daylight.

  Krys considered leaving his hiding spot behind and trying to find a new one when a new noise swept over him. He cringed at the shrill whistle and stood up to peer around the base of the tree. They were deep enough the forest he could barely make out the tall structure built to capture the invisible beam of energy that went from the solar shield in orbit to provide power to their colony. Other than that, he couldn’t see anything but trees and bushes.

  “What’s going on?” Devon asked as he rushed over to stand beside Krys. “Is it a solar flare or something?”

  “I don’t—”

  A crush of wood breaking was followed by a muffled thump. Krys turned his head to present his ear to the north and started to hear other sounds that didn’t make sense to him. It sounded like trees were falling and sticks being broken. But there was nothing north of them for hundreds of kilometers.

  Pita poked her head up from the ferns and then stood up. The sunlight that filtered through the genetically modified trees reflected off her hair, making her head look like it glowed in the forest. Less than one in twenty thousand people were born with blond hair and kept it past the age of five. Pita was thirteen and her blond hair and blue eyes were holding strong.

  “What is it?” Pita asked.

  “Pita, get back here,” Krys called out. “You’re not supposed to cross the stream.”

  “Oh grow up, already!” she snapped. “We’re not little kids and there’s nothing dangerous out here! They didn’t put any dangerous animals on the planet.”

  “There are bees and stuff,” Devon argued.

  “Ooh, a bee! How scary!” she taunted them. “Grow up.”

  Krys saw Devon look down as his cheeks flared red. He looked back at her, annoyed that she’d hurt his friend. “We don’t know what that is! Come on, don’t be so mean.”

  Pita rolled her eyes and didn’t back down. “I’m going to check it out!” she said.


  “Hey, um, I found you,” Lily said as she jogged up to the edge of the stream bed. “What’s going on?”

  “We don’t know,” Krys told her. “But Pita’s determined to go find out.”

  “Good idea, let’s go!” she said and hopped down to the soft gravel beside the stream’s edge.

  Krys groaned. “Where’s Anner?”

  “Guys!” a new voice shouted over the rising and falling whistle. It came from behind them in the forest. “Hey guys! Where are you? I saw something!”

  “Over here!” Lily shouted back. “By the stream.”

  Several seconds passed before they heard someone crashing through the ferns and underbrush. Anner showed up, gasping, and slid over the edge of the bank when he couldn’t stop in time. Krys caught him but they both ended up falling in the stream.

  “Get off me!” Krys howled as the water soaked his pants and shirt. “My mom’s going to ground me for a week!”

  “Sorry, Krys,” Anner said as he splashed out of the stream. “I was hiding behind the compost piles and—”

  “Gross!” Lily opined. “No way I’d look for you there!”

  “I know,” Anner said with a grin. He shook the grin off and said, “So I looked up and saw the exhaust streaks from ships landing, like when we get supplies or people rotate? Except there was a bunch of them! Some I could barely see—they were too far away.”

  “Were they going to some of the other colonies?” Lily asked. “Our regular ship is like five weeks late. Maybe the others were too?”

  “What? Oh, good question. Maybe!”

  “Any that landed north of us?”

  “Yeah, the closest ones. I waited to see then I heard that siren go off. We’re supposed to go back to town and take shelter.”

  “From what?” Lily wondered.

  Anner held up his hands. “I don’t know.”

  Lily turned to see Pita standing amid the ferns and straining to hear them. “What is it?”

  “Hang on, I’m coming with you!” Lily said.

  “Lily!” Krys grabbed her arm. “You don’t know what’s going on!”

  “Neither do you,” she said as she yanked her arm away.

  He stared at her angry expression and said, “Well, whoever it is isn’t going to want a bunch of kids getting in the way!”

  “We won’t get in the way,” Lily said. “You coming or not?”

  “Leave them,” Pita called. “And they call us girls!”

  Lily’s expression softened as she looked at Krys. “You don’t have to. I just want to see what it is.”

  Krys felt his cheeks burning up at her attention. He shook his head. “I’m already going to get in trouble for getting wet and dirty.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Devon said with a puffed-out chest.

  Lily smiled at the preening boy. “Anner?”

  “No, you guys go ahead.”

  Pita snorted.

  “Cover for us, at least? So we don’t get in as much trouble?” Lily asked.

  “Yeah, sure,” Krys promised. He tried to smile but he barely felt his lips twitch.

  Devon splashed through the stream towards Pita, and Anner turned to climb back up the bank. Krys stood there staring at Lily and across the stream where the sounds of falling timber grew louder. “Be careful, okay?”

  Lily bit her lip and smiled at him. She stepped in quick and kissed him on the lips, and then turned and rushed away before Krys could process what she’d done. “Hey!” he called out.

  “We’ll be back!” Lily turned back and said. “And we’ll be careful, too!”

  “Wait, what was that?”

  “That was a kiss, silly,” she said with a laugh.

  “Well, um, yeah! I mean, what does it, um, mean?”

  Lily shrugged. “Duh! What do you think it means?”

  “Am I—are we—”

  She winked at him. “We’ll talk when we get back. I heard our moms talking the other day and I think you and I make the best friends out of everyone our age.”

  Krys’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. She giggled and turned away to run after the others. He watched her catch up and then lost them as they took off at a jog through the ferns. He sighed and reached up to touch his lips. She’d kissed him! And then run off into the unknown.

  Krys shook his head and groaned. He wanted to follow her but he didn’t want to get in trouble. He swore under his breath and then glanced around, making sure no adults heard him. If he went after her, he’d be lucky if he got grounded. More likely his dad would volunteer him for an entire Venerian day of compost duty!

  He grimaced at the thought of more than three Earth months spent shoveling rotting food and poop into the recyclers. Was his first kiss worth that kind of punishment? He grinned and turned back to the stream. Absolutely!

  Chapter 2

  “What took you so long?” Pita asked once the gasping Lily caught up to them.

  “Krys was talking to me,” she mumbled.

  Pita scoffed. “What do you see in him? He worries about everything!”

  “He just cares,” Lily said. “Wants to make sure everyone’s okay.”

  “Like I’m going to be okay hiding in a cellar while something cool is happening? Come on, let’s go!”

  Devon’s head turned back and forth between the two girls like he was watching a ball bounce. When Pita ended the conversation with a flip of her golden mane, he turned and offered Lily a shrug. Lily returned it and started after Pita.

  They walked for over a minute until the sound of the forest being overturned was too loud to make out individual crashes. The ground shuddered under their feet, causing anxious glances. Pita stopped after one particular boom matched a vibration that traveled through the ground and knocked a dead branch free to fall right in front of her.

  “Holy crap!” she hissed.

  “Still want to check it out?” Lily teased.

  “You bet I do!” she said. She glanced at both of them, an excited gleam in her eye. “Come on!”

  Lily laughed and ran after her, leaving Devon scrambling to keep up. Pita’s long legs made it hard to catch her, but not as hard as the bush that seemed to jump right out at her and trip her. She cried out as she fell and slid into another bush.

  Devon stopped beside her and bent over, gasping for breath. “You okay?”

  Lily nodded. “Just tripped.” She twisted to get her hands and feet under her and started to rise up when the sound of timber creaking and breaking jerked both their heads up. A large tree, an oak modified to handle the Venerian climate, tipped forward and to the side and came crashing down.

  “Holy crap!” Devon whispered while Lily stared at the massive vehicle behind it.

  Except it wasn’t a vehicle, or at least not the kind powered by wheels or fans. It stood on two legs and looked, for all intents and purposes, like a heavily armored human being. Sure, a human being that towered over them.

  “What is that thing?” Lily hissed.

  “Pita! Hide!” Devon shouted at the blond who stood in the middle of a patch of sunlight revealed by the crashing tree.

  She turned her head to look back at them, her mouth open in shock. The ground erupted beneath and around her, torn up by the power of the weapon the giant robot held in its hands.

  Dirt and shredded vegetation stung Lily’s face and hands and knocked her back to the ground. Devon crashed beside her, covering his head and crying. She lifted her head, swiveling to see the crater where Pita had stood, and then focused on the robot and the other elements of the advancing force behind it.

  She saw tanks and soldiers wearing bulky armor that made them look like miniature versions of the giant robot. A crash from her left alerted her to another of the robots advancing to the side. She stumbled back, falling on her butt, and put her hand down on Devon’s back.

  “Devon!” she gasped. “We have to go! Run!”

  Lily scrambled to her hands and knees and stood up, pulling on him as she rose. He climbed up, pulled by her, and then ran beside her as she leapt through the underbrush. Lily ducked around a tree, turned and then found herself flying through the air and slamming into the ground. She rolled and came up gasping and coughing. She looked around, aware of how quiet everything was. She blinked and shook her head, and then reached up when she felt something wet on her face. Her fingers came away dark and wet.

  Something moved nearby, drawing her eyes and helping her focus. Devon sat up on his knees and looked around. He had dirt and twigs in his hair and scratches on his face and arms. But he was alive. His eyes found hers and he blinked the confusion out of them. His lips moved but Lily couldn’t hear him.

  Devon struggled to his feet and ran over to her. He grabbed her arm and tugged, trying to pull her to her feet. Lily let him and looked down at herself. Her clothes were dirty and torn. Blood dripped onto her shirt and bounced onto her leg. That was funny—why didn’t it stick to her shirt? She laughed without knowing why.

  “Lily! Come on!” Devon shouted, breaking through the silence at last and returning the horrible sounds of the world to her.

  Lily gasped and staggered, thankful that Devin was there to catch her. She turned and looked. The tree they’d run behind had been blown up. Nothing but a smoking stump remained. She nodded; she could see the robot leading the invaders on the other side.

  “Go!” she yelled, in control of herself again. “We have to warn somebody!”

  They turned and ran, ducking into thicker trees to their left. It kept them from heading to their colony as fast, but slow was better than not at all. She followed Devon, not trusting her sense of balance after she’d bounced off two trees and tripped on another bush. He led her around the stand of thinner trees and came to an abrupt stop.

  Lily crashed into his back and sent them both sprawling on the forest floor. She rolled and looked around, confused. She started to stand when she heard someone say in a mechanically distorted voice, “Just a couple of kids. Zap ’em!”

  She turned in time to see a squad of five soldiers. Two of them raised their guns and pointed them. Lily’s world erupted in a blinding white pain that was as short-lived as it was painful. She collapsed in a limp heap on the ground next to Devon.

  Chapter 3

  Krys stopped when he heard the explosion. He stood still, staring into the forest and looking for signs of something. Anything that would explain it. He heard more explosions that reminded him of when their neighbors were building their house and it fell down on them. Except this seemed a lot louder.

  Krys glanced behind him and wondered how far he’d come. He’d just been running after them without paying attention. He wasn’t even sure he was on the right path, but he hadn’t found them yet and couldn’t see a reason for them to go anywhere else.

With his stomach in his throat, he took off again. He could always go back and come up with an excuse. Maybe he wouldn’t get in too much trouble. Maybe.

  Krys ran through a low spot that had the footprints of his friends on the muddy ground. “Yes!” he hissed as he ran on, excited to have found that much. He ran between some bushes and stopped as the forest thinned out from the taller trees to the shorter bushy ones. He could see through them to where the trees shifted and was about to take off again when he saw movement darting between tree trunks ahead.

  Krys raised his arms and almost shouted when he noticed both of the people running from his left to his right. He not only heard the next explosion, he saw it firsthand as a tree shattered into a million pieces. Krys stood there gaping and saw the top of the tree crash to the ground and fall backwards.

  “Lily?” he squeaked. He needed to run up and check on her but his legs wouldn’t move. He’d seen two people. Two people he was pretty sure were kids his age. Well, Lily was a little bit younger but not much. If it was her. He didn’t see Pita’s blond hair but if she’d been in the shade, maybe he wouldn’t.

  “This sucks compost,” he muttered before starting to run ahead. He stopped after a half-dozen strides. Smaller cracks and pops were going off ahead of him. He hid behind a tree and crouched down, wondering and waiting. He shifted to stare around the other side of the trunk, hoping to catch sight of one of his friends. He’d seen two, but maybe the first one had already run past.

  A crash made him jerk and shift so he could see the massive robot painted with brown and green splotches parting trees and knocking them over. Krys fell back from the tree and stared at it, stunned by the size of the metal behemoth that was crushing trees like toothpicks.

  He scrambled to his feet and staggered into a sharp-needled tree before he gathered himself and took off at a run. He went the same way his friends had, running to the east. If he could find them, they could at least know one another were safe and make their way back. Krys heard a crash ahead of him and stopped. Another robot?


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