Lens of Time - Pray for the Prey (Lens of Time - (Book Three))

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Lens of Time - Pray for the Prey (Lens of Time - (Book Three)) Page 20

by Saxon Andrew

  Gibbs punched in to the Ninja’s com, “What was that about?”

  Phil sent a picture of the giant galaxy to Gibbs just before he sent a copy of the recording back to the Command Center. Gibbs looked at the picture on his main wall display and whistled, “How many ships do you see?”

  Eric was slowly shaking his head, “Millions, Sir; millions.”

  Gibbs smiled, “We should have a lot of fun in the play pen shortly.”

  “We better bring some more children on board.”

  Gibbs looked at his Exec and smiled, “Octuplets would be nice.”

  “How do you name that many?”

  “Well, boom, bang, bong, bash, batter, bump, bend, broke, and Betty.”


  “I like the name.”

  Eric laughed and the bridge crew joined in.

  • • •

  George and Meisa watched the recording and Meisa said, “Can we handle that many?”

  George shrugged, “We have more ships this time.”

  Meisa looked at him with a shocked expression, “We only have three million. According to this scan there are more than fifteen million forming up.”

  “You’re only talking about main battleships. There are a hundred and fifty million Needles and two hundred million Attack Craft.”

  “Will a Needle be effective against those ships?”

  “We really don’t know until we meet them head on but we’re pretty sure they can handle those Yellow Ships.” George looked over at his second display, “Have you started receiving the probe’s signal?”

  Meisa punched a pad and a view appeared. They looked and saw the millions of ships. “Do you think they’ll see it?”

  “I know we couldn’t. That probe is one of the most remarkable creations we’ve ever made; the only part of it that is in normal space is smaller than a wall nut.”

  “How much is in Sierra Space?”

  “It’s about the size of a large hauler.”

  “Won’t it be seen by someone traveling through Sierra Space?”

  “Remember that all things in Sierra Space are greatly reduced in size. In Sierra Space it will be the size of a hydrogen atom.” George looked at the display and turned up the volume. “Meisa, get one of the Moet Watchers up here to listen in on this while our computer learns their language. We can also receive their electromagnetic transmissions with this. We should be able to listen in on their communications.” George pushed his board and RV appeared. “I’ve got something to show you.”

  “Do tell.”

  George sent RV the probe’s frequency and he looked at the video. “Well, I guess our Violet colored friends subscribe to my philosophy.”

  George said, “And that is?”

  “Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.”

  “It appears you’re right. Link Dolly to the frequency. We’re also receiving their communications. We should be able to listen in on their plans.”

  “Do you have it, Dolly?”

  “I’ve narrowed it down to their command frequency. I’ll relay it to your board as soon as I learn the language.”

  RV looked at the millions of gathering ships and smiled.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The Hive Controller watched the center display and saw the largest fleet he had ever witnessed. This was a monumental undertaking and the Horde was actually giving their total support to the undertaking. His Fleet Controller told him that his offer to send a fleet to help defend them made a huge impact on their warriors. Truth be told, his own warriors seemed to be developing a liking of their enemies as well. He tried to remember why they were fighting each other and just couldn’t do it. They had been at war for millions of years and the reason was lost in history.

  The Leader of the Horde appeared on his display and said, “That’s the last line to leave. I wish you success on your mission.”

  Suddenly every display in the panel changed and the messenger from the Majors appeared on all of them. “You will disband this gathering of ships and move back to your former positions. You will comply with this immediately.”

  The Hive Controller said, “We have discovered more than fifty thousand of those White Ships in the other galaxy. We’re going to go and remove them as a threat.

  You may do that upon the time of your choosing; however, you will not be allowed to combine your forces with any other.”

  “We can’t remove enough ships to do that without being destroyed by the Horde. This is the only way to make this happen.”

  “Then send them in your place. You are forbidden from combining your forces. Move back to your lines immediately or face reprisals for your refusal to follow our directives.”

  “But we followed the Major’s orders to go out and attack other galaxies before they could become a threat. This enemy is a result of following your directives.”

  “And you will continue to do that until another takes your place at the edge. You have three of your rotations to comply.”

  The display panels returned to their original views and the Hive Controller took a deep breath. He looked at the Leader of the Horde and said, “I will jump my ships back to their original location in exactly ten minutes. I’ll start with the first line and then wait for your first line to arrive. I’ll then move each one back in the order they were moved. I will also give you three rotations to form up before we begin our hostilities again.”

  The Leader of the Horde stared at the Hive Controller, “I am truly sorry about this.”

  The Hive Controller nodded and said, “Fleet Controller, move the ships back in line as I’ve agreed with the Leader of the Horde.”

  The Fleet Controller looked at the Giant Purple Ship flashing green on his display and felt immense anger. He forced it aside and issued the orders.

  The Horde Leader thought about what his civilization was fighting to achieve. If he was successful against the Bugs, then he would be forced to attack other galaxies when he occupied the edge of the galaxy. Victory could actually be a defeat. He would then have to face those White Ships. The Majors actually wanted them killing each other. His anger slowly grew until his rage almost took him.

  • • •

  Three days later after the light leaving M-87 reached the probe, RV sat straight up in his chair and hit his board, “George, are you watching this?”

  “I am.”

  “I’m shocked at what I’ve just heard.”

  “It appears our friends out there are as well.”

  “They were forced to attack other galaxies.”

  “It appears that way.”

  “There’s no appears to it. They were forced.”

  “I don’t care, RV; they killed Dolly.”

  RV stared at George on his display and said, “I’ll discuss this with you in the morning.”

  George looked at RV and wanted to scream. However, he nodded and ended the contact. Meisa came in and said, “What’s going on?” George told her.

  • • •

  Cyanna looked at RV, “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m resigning my commission in the morning.”


  “You heard the same thing I did. They can’t be held responsible.”

  “Yes they can. You’re always responsible for your actions.”

  RV stared at Cyanna, “If you had a gun pointed at your parents and sister and you were told they were going to be executed if you didn’t fire on a stranger, what would you do?” Cyanna struggled but couldn’t answer. RV stared at her, “The ones responsible are the ones holding your family hostage. Any other answer is hogwash.”

  Cyanna continued to look at RV and finally nodded. “I’ll be joining you.”

  “That’s why I love you, Cyanna.”

  Cyanna’s heart exploded. Now she knew for sure.

  • • •

  George sent a message in the morning for all Fleet Admirals to report to the command Center by two in the afternoon. RV looked at Cyanna and said,
“I was hoping to keep this private.”

  “It is what it is.”

  “I guess you’re right. Let’s take an Attack Craft.”

  Cyanna said, “Captain Gonzalez, the ship and the Fleet are yours. Contact us if something arises.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  • • •

  Jayne looked at Kate as she looked around the room at all the assembled Admirals, “Why was I told to be here for this meeting?”

  “I have no idea. Just be patient and we’ll find out.”

  RV and the three Vice-Admirals were on the front stage seated at a conference table with Boden again. Bender and the Moet Admiral were also at the front table. Kenny looked at RV and then asked Cyanna, “What’s going on with RV?”

  Cyanna slowly shook her head and said, “We’re resigning our commissions today.”


  “Keep your voice down. I’ll explain after the meeting.”

  “You can’t do that.”

  “We have no choice, Kenny.”

  Cyanna looked straight ahead and Kenny began to feel a sense of panic.

  George entered the room and everyone stood. He said, “Please be seated. Some events have happened that all of you should be made aware of. Meisa?”

  The giant wall display over the front stage came on and the recording of the confrontation between the Purple Ship and the two species planning to attack the Milky Way was played in its entirety. George sat and watched the recording with a stoic expression and at its conclusion he stood up.

  “It appears that the ones that destroyed Earth will not be coming to our Galaxy. That means we will have to go to theirs.”

  RV stood and said, “Mr. President, may I speak for a moment?”

  “You may not. Sit down and you’ll be given a chance later.”

  RV stared at George and George returned his stare. Cyanna pulled RV’s pants’ leg and he looked at her and saw her shaking her head. He slowly returned to his chair.

  George said, “That civilization of the Violet Ships killed my family. Both my sister and mother died with Earth. They must be given a message by our fleet!” The room was stone silent. George stared at the assembled admirals and said, “But we are not going to kill them.”

  RV was stunned at the statement and Cyanna fell back in her chair.

  “I want to destroy them so much that it hurts. But they aren’t the ones that made it happen. The civilizations behind that Purple Ship are to blame and the Violet Civilization was just a tool they used to do it. A gun doesn’t have a choice about who it’s used against. It’s the finger on the trigger that’s responsible. Meisa finally got me to see that my need for vengeance was wrong and misplaced. I didn’t want to see it but she prevailed. I am ordering our Fleet to go to that galaxy and tell the Violet Civilization that if they come near us again we are going to kill every one of them down to the last being. We will burn their worlds and have no sorrow over our actions. If they require a small demonstration to prove it, we will provide it.” George paused and softly said, “Even if they attack us on arrival, we will not destroy their worlds but will only defend ourselves. I want that clearly understood before you leave. I am going to hold all of you responsible for carrying out this order.”

  George turned to RV and said, “If you have something to say, now is the time to say it.”

  RV stood and said, “Humans have often made mistakes in our history.” He paused and looked at George, “However, choosing you to lead us is one of the best decisions we have ever made. I’m proud to serve you, Sir.”

  George took a deep breath and said, “Thank you.” He turned back to the audience and said, “I am ordering a change in our organization. Currently there are three Vice-Admirals commanding our ships. We need more flexibility so I am promoting Admiral Kate Diamond to Vice-Admiral. The Captain of the Scotland will assume her responsibilities and rank. Congratulations Admiral Diamond; your fleet is rated the best in our navy. And congratulations to you Admiral Whitlock; I expect you to hold on to that rating.”

  George turned to RV, “Will you be able to reorganize before we go to M-87?”

  “We will move ships from the three fleets to fill in her ranks, Sir. We can do that in less than two days.”

  “You will need to promote four new Rear Admirals for the newly constituted fourth fleet. I will leave that decision to you and your staff Admiral Arvolo.”

  RV nodded and looked at the ones at the table. The three Vice-Admirals all nodded.

  George looked out at the gathering and the room grew silent. “We are going to war, gentlemen. First we deliver our message and then we plan how to take on those predators in that galaxy. They have trespassed on our territory and we’re going to teach them the error of doing that. I expect all of you to give us your best.” George turned and walked off to a thunderous applause from the audience.

  RV watched him go and heard Cyanna say, “He surprised you.”

  RV smiled, “They don’t say sleep on it for no reason.”

  “We didn’t need much sleep.”

  “Speak for yourself; I’m dragging.”

  Kenny took a deep breath and felt his heart slow down.

  “Congratulations, Kate.”

  “Thanks, Admiral.” Jayne smiled and Kate said, “You are going to have to move to another ship.” Jayne’s expression dropped faster than a bad habit. “I’m going to be forced to move among the five fleets under my command to get them organized and up to speed. Are you willing to leave your fleet to go with me to those others and leave yours?”

  Jayne thought about it and said, “No, I’m not. We’re number one and I intend to keep that rating. I’m just worried that I won’t be as good as you. I depend on you.”

  “You have it wrong, Jayne. It is I that has been made better by your council. You are better than you think and I know I won’t have to worry about your command.”

  “You better get Gonzalez.”

  “I’m ahead of you. I sent in proposals for you and him to be promoted when an opportunity presented itself. The Old Man has notified me that he agrees with my assessment.”

  “Do you think the Old Man will give you Gonzalez back?”

  “He will if I accuse him of just trying to stack the deck in the fleet completion. He loves a challenge.”

  “I hope you’re right. We need three more.”

  “No, just two.”

  “Who is the third?”

  “Captain Gibbons.”

  Jayne started laughing and Kate furrowed her brow, “What’s so funny?”

  “His crew has started naming their strikers. Some of the names are hilarious.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “Get him to introduce you when you tell him.”

  “I’ll be sure to do that.”

  • • •

  Cyanna said, “I’m going to hate to lose those ships.”

  “You need to get out more and get the others trained.”

  “You’re right. Our fleet will not lose the number one rating to another.”

  “I’m counting on you to make that happen.”

  • • •

  Captain Gibbons and the entire crew were gathered in the landing bay of the Nebraska. “Crew, Atennnshun!”

  Kate exited the shuttle and returned Gibbs salute. She said, “Stand at ease.” The entire crew moved simultaneously. Kate was impressed. This was a disciplined crew. “I’ve visited today because it is my understanding that you have named your strikers. I’d like to meet some of them after I handle a formality.”

  Gibbs smiled and said, “It will be my pleasure, Admiral.”

  Kate looked around the landing by and said, “Retroactive to yesterday, Captain Gibbons is promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral and will take command of the third fleet under my command.”

  Gibbs looked stunned and his crew cheered at the top of their voices. Kate waited for them to become silent and said, “Your Executive Officer, Eric Kim has also been promoted to Captain and will
assume the command of the Nebraska.” The roar that followed told Kate all she needed to know about her choices. She looked at Gibbs and saw that him nod. She decided that Eric needed to be watched to see if he was also fleet material. Kate looked around and said, “You are dismissed. Now if you’ll introduce me to your children, Admiral.”

  Gibbs smiled and said, “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you the crib.”

  “The crib?”

  “Some call it the armory. We like to baby our weapons. They work better that way.” Kate smiled and followed Gibbs out of the landing bay.

  • • •

  “You did what!”

  “She said she deserved to get him back. She made a good case.”

  “RV, he’s the best we have.”

  RV shrugged and said, “Certainly you have someone in mind other than Gonzalez?”

  “I know a great candidate, but don’t they have to be a captain before we can promote him?”

  “Well, yes; who do you have in mind?”

  “There is an executive officer on the Nebraska that has aced every test we’ve thrown at him in advance tactical training. His understanding of tactics is incredible.”

  “Wasn’t he just promoted to Captain?”

  “Yes, but he has not flown his ship on a mission. That is also a requirement for promotion.”

  RV started laughing and Cyanna said, “What?”

  “If you are willing to temporally command the fourth fleet, after the visit to M-87 he will have fulfilled that requirement and will then be eligible for promotion.”

  Cyanna started laughing, “Oh, this is too good. Kate will have a duck.”

  “Turnabout is fair play.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  • • •

  The Hive Controller sat in his cell and waited for the White Ships to attack. There was nothing he could do about it and knew his people were probably going to lose their long conflict with the Horde if they attacked with the arrival of the White Ships. He saw no way to escape his coming destiny. He looked up and saw the Leader of the Horde on his display.

  “The armistice will be over shortly.”

  “I know.”

  “I have been meeting with my staff and we have all come to agreement on a few things. I want to see if you can help us see if we’re wrong in our assumptions.”


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