Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia

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Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia Page 23

by Jean Sasson

  You may approach them

  in any manner, time, or place

  Ordained for you, by God.


  After a man divorces a woman, he must ensure that she does not carry his child. If the woman is pregnant, she must be cared for by the husband.


  SURA II, 228

  Divorced women shall

  wait, concerning themselves

  For three monthly periods.

  It is not lawful for them

  to hide what God has created

  in their wombs.

  Their husbands have the right

  to take them back, in that time

  of reconciliation.

  And women have the rights

  similar to the rights,

  Against them, according to

  what is equitable;

  But men have more rights

  and power over them,

  For God is most powerful

  and wise.


  After a man divorces a woman, he may remarry her if she has married and divorced another man since. If he divorces her a second time, he is forbidden from marrying her again.


  SURA II, 229

  A divorce is permissible

  two times only. After that, The parties should hold together

  on agreeable terms,

  Or separate with kindness.

  SURA II, 230

  If a husband divorces

  his wife, He cannot,

  after that, remarry her

  until she has married

  another husband, and he

  has divorced her.

  SURA II, 241

  For divorced women

  a reasonable maintenance

  should be provided.

  SURA II, 241

  For divorced women a reasonable maintenance should be provided.


  The number of women that a man may marry and instructions to present them with a dowry are explained in the following verse.



  Marry women of your choice,

  Two, or three, or four;

  But if you fear that you shall not

  be able to deal justly,

  Then take only one woman

  or a captive

  That your right hand possess,

  That will be more suitable

  to prevent you

  from doing injustice.

  Upon marriage, give the women

  their dower, as a free gift;

  but if they of their own good

  pleasure remit any part of it

  back to you,

  Then take it and enjoy it

  with good cheer.


  The inheritance for children is explained below. Male children are to receive twice what female children are given.


  SURA IV, 11

  God directs you as regards to

  your children. The male shall

  receive a portion equal to that

  of two females.


  Specific instructions are given on what to do with women who break the law against sex crimes. A second verse speaks of the action to be taken against men under similar circumstances.


  SURA IV, 15

  If any of your women

  are guilty of lewdness,

  Take the evidence of four

  witnesses from amongst you,

  Against them; and if they testify,

  confine them to houses until

  Death do claim them.

  SURA IV, 16

  If two men among you

  are guilty of lewdness,

  Punish them both.

  If they repent and amend,

  Leave them alone.


  The Koran specifically names women who are forbidden to men for marriage.


  SURA IV, 22

  Marry not women

  whom your fathers married.

  SURA IV, 23

  Prohibited to you are:

  Your mothers; daughters;

  sisters; father’s sisters;

  mother’s sisters; brother’s

  daughters; sister’s daughters;

  step-daughters under you; those

  who have been married to your

  sons; and two sisters in wedlock

  at one and the same time. (If you

  divorce one sister then you may

  marry the other.)

  SURA IV, 24

  Also prohibited are women that

  are already married.


  A Muslim man may not go to God with his prayers if he has touched a woman. There is a special verse advising him what to do if he has touched a woman and there is no water to wash.


  SURA C, 43

  Or if you have been

  in contact with women,

  and you can find no water,

  Then take for yourselves

  sand from the earth,

  And rub therewith

  your face and hands.


  Sex crimes are crimes against God. Serious punishment is reserved for those who commit such acts.



  The woman and the man

  guilty of adultery or fornication,

  flog each of them with a hundred stripes,

  Let not compassion move you

  in their case, in a matter

  prescribed by God.


  No man guilty of adultery or fornication

  marry but a woman similarly guilty, or an

  unbeliever, Nor let a woman marry anyone

  but a man similarly guilty, or an unbeliever.


  The charge of fornication or adultery is of such a serious nature that four witnesses must be produced.



  And those who launch

  a charge against chaste women

  and produce not four witnesses,

  [To support their allegations]

  Flog them [the accuser] with eighty stripes;

  And reject their evidence

  ever after, for such men

  are wicked transgressors.


  If a man accuses his wife of adultery or fornication, and has no witnesses to support his allegations, he must swear by the name of God that he is speaking the truth.



  And for those who launch

  a charge against their spouses

  and have no evidence but their own,

  Their solitary evidence

  [can be received]

  if they bear witness four times

  [With an oath] by God,

  That they are solemnly

  telling the Truth


  And the fifth [oath]

  that they solemnly invoke,

  The curse of God, on themselves

  if they tell a lie.


  Muslim women in Saudi Arabia cover their faces or subject themselves to great harassment by the men of religion. The segregation of the sexes is absolute in all walks of life.



  And say to the believing women

  that they should lower their

  gaze and guard their modesty;

  that they should not display

  their beauty and ornaments except

  what must ordinarily appear.

  Therefore, they should draw their veils

sp; over their bosoms and not display

  their beauty except to their husbands,

  their fathers, their husbands’ fathers,

  their sons, their husbands’ sons, their

  brothers or their brothers’ sons, or their

  sisters’ sons, or their women, or the

  slaves they possess, or male servants

  who are free of physical needs,

  or small children who have no sense

  of shame of sex.


  The Koran states that a woman who is elderly may lay aside her outer garments (veil, abaaya). In fact, women of Arabia never stop veiling, regardless of their age.



  Such elderly women that are

  past the prospect of marriage,

  there is no blame on them,

  If they lay aside their outer garments,

  Provided they make not a wanton display

  of their beauty; but it is best for

  them to be modest.

  Appendix B—Laws of Saudi Arabia

  The criminal laws of Saudi Arabia adhere to strict Islamic precepts. The word Islam means “Surrender to the will of God.” The most important concept of Islam is the Shari’a, or the “path,” which embraces the total way of life ordained by God. All people of the Islamic religion are expected to conduct their lives by the traditional values set by Mohammed, the Prophet of God, who was born in A.D. 570 and died in A.D. 632.

  It is difficult for most Westerners to understand the complete and total submission of Muslims to the laws of the Koran in every aspect of their daily life. The Koran, along with traditions set by Mohammed, is the law of the land in Saudi Arabia. While living in Saudi Arabia, I once asked a noted scholar of Islam, who made his living as an attorney, to describe the application of justice in Saudi Arabia that stems from the teachings of the Prophet. His explanations helped dispel my misunderstandings of Saudi law. Here is a portion of his written report to me that I thought might appeal to the reader’s interest:

  1. There are four main sources of the Shari’a: the Koran, which is compiled of thousands of religious verses revealed by God through his Prophet, Mohammed; the Sunna, which are the traditions the Prophet addressed that are not recorded in the Koran; the Ijma, which are the perceptions of the Ulema, or religious scholars; and the Qiyas, which is a method whereby known jurists agree upon new legal principles.

  2. The king of Saudi Arabia is not exempt from the regulations set forth by the Shari’a.

  3. The court system itself is complicated, but if a judgment is appealed, it is reviewed by the court of appeals. This court, usually consisting of three members, increases to five members if the sentence imposes death or mutilation. The king is the final arbitrator who serves as a final court of appeal and as a source of pardon.

  4. Crimes are classified into three divisions: Hudud, Tazir, and Qisas. Crimes of Hudud are crimes that are denounced by God; the punishment is made known in the Koran. Crimes of Tazir are given to the appropriate authority to determine punishment. Crimes of Qisas give the victim the right to retaliate.

  Crimes of Hudud

  Crimes of Hudud include theft, drinking of alcohol, defamation of Islam, fornication, and adultery. Persons found guilty of theft are punished by payment of fines, imprisonment, or amputation of the right hand. (The left hand is amputated if the right has already been amputated.)

  Persons found guilty of drinking, selling, or buying alcohol, sniffing drugs, taking injection of drugs, or stirring drugs into dough are punished by a sentence of eighty lashes.

  Persons found guilty of defamation of Islam are sentenced according to the circumstances. The harshness of the sentence varies depending on whether the person is a Muslim or a non-Muslim. Flogging is the general punishment for Muslims.

  Persons found guilty of fornication are flogged. Men are flogged while standing and women while sitting. The faces, heads, and vital organs of the guilty are protected. The usual number is forty lashes, but this number may vary according to the circumstances.

  Adultery is the most serious of crimes. If the guilty party is married, he or she is sentenced to death by stoning, beheading, or shooting. Stoning is the usual method of punishment. Proof of this crime must be established by confession or by four witnesses to the act.

  Crimes of Tazir

  The crimes of Tazir are similar to misdemeanor crimes in America. There is no set punishment, but each person is judged on an individual basis, according to the seriousness of the crime and the sorrow shown by the criminal.

  Crimes of Qisas

  If a person is found guilty of crimes against a victim or his family, the aggrieved family has the right to retaliate. The sentence is decided in private by the family and the actual punishment is carried out in private.

  If murder has been committed, the family has the right to kill the murderer in the same method their loved one was murdered, or in any method they choose.

  If a member of the family was accidentally killed (such as in an automobile accident), the family of the deceased may collect “blood money.” In the past, camels were used as pay for blood money; today the rate of exchange is in currency. There are set damages according to the various circumstances: The payment can be anywhere from SR 120,000 to SR 300,000 ($45,000 to $80,000). If a woman is killed, the payment is one half that of a man.

  If a person cuts off another person’s body part, the family or the victim may commit the same act upon the guilty party.

  Who May Testify in Criminal Proceedings

  The witness must be deemed sane, the age of an adult, and a Muslim. Non-Muslims may not testify in criminal court. Women may not testify unless it is a personal matter that did not occur in the sight of men. Actually, the testimony of a woman is not regarded as fact but rather as presumption. The court may decide whether the testimony is valid according to the circumstances.

  Why Women Are Forbidden to Testify in Criminal Proceedings

  There are four reasons given why women’s testimony is not valid in a Saudi court:

  1. Women are much more emotional than men and will, as a result of their emotions, distort their testimony.

  2. Women do not participate in public life, so they will not be capable of understanding what they observe.

  3. Women are dominated completely by men, who by the grace of God are deemed superior; therefore, women will give testimony according to what the last man told them.

  4. Women are forgetful and their testimony cannot be considered reliable.

  Appendix C—Glossary

  The meaning of these Arabic words, expressions, and places is usually explained as they occur in the text.

  Abaaya: A long, black cloak worn over the clothing of Saudi Arabian women

  Abu Dhabi: A city located in the United Arab Emirates

  Al Sa’ud: The family that rules the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  Asir :The traditional name for the southwest region of Saudi Arabia

  Baath: A political movement that began in Syria and spread to Iraq. Arab unity is at the center of its doctrine.

  Bahrain: An island nation that is linked to Saudi Arabia by a causeway

  Bedouin: The original Arabs, a nomadic desert people

  Buddha: The Indian philosopher who was the founder of Buddhism

  Constantinople: The former capital of Turkey and the Ottoman Empire, now named Istanbul

  Dammam: The city in Saudi Arabia where oil was first struck in 1938

  Dar’iyah: The old city of Riyadh

  Dubai: A city located in the United Arab Emirates

  Empty Quarter: The great desert occupying the southeast corner of Saudi Arabia. Its Arabic name is Rub al Khali.

  Ghutra: The Arabian cloth headdress worn by men

  Haj: The pilgrimage, one of the five pillars of Islam. The journey to Makkah is the lifetime ambition of most Muslims. All Muslims are required to make this journey, if they can affo
rd it.

  Halawa: The ceremony of removing body hair

  Haram: An expression that means “pity” or “sympathy”

  Harrods: A large department store in London frequented by many wealthy Arabs

  Hijaz: The traditional name for the area of western Arabia. Jeddah, located on the Red Sea, is in the Hijaz area.

  Hommous: An Arabic dish made of chick-peas, usually scooped up with a piece of pita bread

  Hudud: Crimes of a serious nature which are denounced by God in the Koran

  Ibn: Means “son of” (Khalid ibn Faisal, son of Faisal)

  Igaal: The black cord worn on top of the Arabian headdress

  Ijma: Perceptions of the Koran by the religious scholars of Islam

  Jeddah: A beautiful city in Saudi Arabia located on the Red Sea. Jeddah is popular with the expatriate population who swim and dive in the pristine waters.

  Jerusalem: The third holiest city of Islam, now under the control of the Israelis

  Koran: The Holy Book of the Islamic faith containing the words of God as they were given to Prophet Mohammed

  Kurds: A transnational ethnic and linguistic group numbering 18 percent of Iraq’s population. Nationalistic, with aims to form their own country, this group of people continues to fight for Kurdish autonomy.

  Kutab: A common group method of teaching girls in Saudi Arabia prior to the days of education for females

  Laban: A refreshing buttermilk-like drink common in the Middle East

  Madinah: The second holiest city of Islam, called “the city of the Prophet,” and burial place of Prophet Mohammed


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